MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 498 Create something out of nothing

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 Liu Ji was mentally prepared to set off alone, miserable and miserable.

Unexpectedly, a moment before the walk, the lady actually arranged a Awang follower for him.

Liu Ji was so flattered that he felt that the fish bones he had picked in the previous two days were not in vain.

Traveling far away is the most difficult thing to save money. Qin Yao not only gave half of the last burial cost, fifteen taels of silver, to Liu Ji as promised, but also took another fifty taels of silver notes for Awang to keep in case of emergencies. needs.

Coupled with the dry food and meat sticks that Awang packed up last night, the two of them can eat all the way to Yingtian Mansion without any problem.

 “Master, let’s go!” Awang shouted outside the door.

Liu Ji then reluctantly looked away from Qin Yao who was eating a lot of food, and waved to the four children, "Dad is gone, don't make grandma angry, you know?"

Dalang was doing morning exercises. He held up a heavy wooden stick and danced vigorously twice to show that he was aware of it.

Erlang took a few bites of his breakfast and then went back to his room to read. At this moment, he barely raised half of his eyes from the window to watch.

 Sanlang and Siniang were mixing rice bran and chopped vegetable leaves in the yard to feed the chickens. Grandma was no better than Dad. They did whatever they wanted, as long as they washed their own clothes. The two of them had a great time.

By the time they remembered to see their father off, Liu Ji had already been dragged into the carriage by Ngawang who couldn't wait.

The wheels whizzed forward. Qin Yao stood up and walked to the dam in front of the yard to watch the carriage all the way. Seeing the carriage driving into the mountain col and disappearing, she turned back towards the river bank and saw two rough men dressed in workers' short shirts collided with each other. into her sharp black eyes.

The two men were shocked for a moment, but soon recovered and nodded politely towards her, no different from the workers from the village.

Just when the two of them turned to leave, they realized that the sharp gaze behind them had not gone away.

A murderous intention that was not too strong but could not be ignored was lingering behind them. A chill shot up from the soles of their feet, and both of them shivered.

Has it been discovered?

The two of them looked at each other. One of them pretended to be casual and turned back to look at the mountainside. The woman was still looking at them.

But when she saw him looking back, she showed a hearty smile and waved to them generously, with a friendly gesture of welcoming them to Liujia Village for development and construction.

This is what Qin Yao is used to. In the past few days, when she was patrolling the village, she would do this when she met workers from other villages. It was very popular and very popular.

The two of them had been watching her for several days, so they knew her tricks very well.

 At this moment, she felt relieved again. She must have noticed their prying eyes, but did not suspect that their identity was abnormal. She just didn't like to be so curiously prying.

The two men secretly exchanged glances. One of the targets had left, and they still had to report it.

The two of them were originally keeping an eye on the other, but now that the man is gone, whether the two of them stay, one of them leaves, or they leave together, or they all stay at the same time, they all need to follow the instructions from the superior.

Therefore, the two of them were busy passing on the news, and they did not realize that Qin Yao left the village alone.

 Qin Yao wore an indigo and white floral skirt by Li, her hair was wrapped in a cloth of the same color, and she came to the water mill at the entrance of the village carrying a load of rice that had not yet been shelled.

Once the rice was planted, it didn’t come out for two hours.

 Lao Huang of the family was taken away by Awang. Qin Yao found a horse from the stationery factory and followed Liu Bai's delivery team out of the village.

 When he turned to the official road, he left the team and went straight into the county seat of Kaiyang County alone.

In just a few days, the news of the arrival of the censor has spread throughout the city.

Qin Yao doesn't care whether this is Wang Jin's own information to break the news, or whether his opponent deliberately leaked it. She just wants to see Wang Jin himself now.

From the news, he is still in the city. Qin Yao **** the horse and went straight to Song Mansion.

 She and Song Zhang now have a cooperative relationship. It will be easier to meet Wang Jin through his help, and it will also save her time in searching.

It was Qin Yao who was received by Mrs. Song. Song Zhang was not at home or at the county government office.

When asked where he had gone, Mrs. Song shook her head, "He didn't tell me."

Seeing that the worry in Mrs. Song's eyes did not seem to be fake, Qin Yao calculated the time of the mill in her mind, took a deep breath of depression, and asked again: "When will the master come back?"

Mrs. Song said uncertainly: "Perhaps we can come back before dinner. Madam Qin, if you have something urgent, why don't you stay overnight at my house?"

Qin Yao waved her hand, "No, as long as you can come back today. Since I'm not here, how about I write a letter and ask Madam to help me deliver it to you?"

Mrs. Song nodded and hurriedly asked her confidant to fetch paper and pen.

Qin Yao used two pieces of paper and wrote a few simple strokes.

 A letter was written to Song Zhang, asking him to help convey his words to Wang Jin.

One piece of text is what I want to tell Wang Jin. The content is: Trouble is everywhere, and I hope my employer will remember the promise made that day.

Qin Yao didn't write a word about anything else.

 Those who can get things done will get it done without writing too much.

 For people who don’t want to get things done, no matter how many threats they write, it will have no effect.

 For Song Zhang’s sake, Qin Yao decided to give Wang Jin another chance.

 After sealing the envelope and handing it to Mrs. Song with both hands, Qin Yao smiled slightly, turned around and left.

Mrs. Song wanted to send her off, but she couldn't catch up.

Looking down at the thin letter in her hand, Mrs. Song's eyes became more worried. Ever since she called the patrol censor, not only had her husband left early in the morning and returned late every day, but the atmosphere in the city had also become strange.

Mrs. Qin never came to the house on her own initiative, but she came today. So many things happened at the same time, and Mrs. Song suddenly felt a surge of Xiao Su coming from the house.

Qin Yao rushed back to Liujiacun just before the millstone stopped, and returned home carrying the white rice with the shells removed.

 In the evening of that day, after the stationery factory workers and the migrant workers left, they immediately rang the gong and summoned the villagers to the ancestral hall for discussion.

There were many workers whose families were far away from home and still stayed in Liujia Village. However, because they were outsiders, they could not get close to the ancestral hall, so the two spies could only watch from a distance.

Qin Yao is never the kind of person who passively waits for others to save her. She will only take the initiative to save herself first.

Since she is now the village chief, she naturally has to make good use of her status as the village chief.

During the discussion at the ancestral hall, Qin Yao made up something out of thin air, saying that she had received a report from the villagers that her home had been stolen, and she suspected that it was done by workers from outside recently.

She didn’t say who reported it, nor did she specify which worker it was. Anyway, the villagers would figure it out on their own.

“I know that everyone does not want this to happen again, so starting from tomorrow, I hope that everyone will check the identity of the workers they invite. If you find anything abnormal, please report it to me immediately and **** it to the government!”

Qin Yao made arrangements with a serious face: "The village has sold five abandoned homesteads. You, Liu Yang, will be responsible for the identity verification of the workers there."

Liu Yang was stunned for a moment when he was called, and then stepped forward to answer at the call of his father, the patriarch. (End of chapter)