MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 491 vanity

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"I'm coming!"

Little Laifu took Sanlang, and the two of them ran all the way back from the mountain pass at the entrance of the village, shouting excitedly while running.

When Dalang and Erlang who were waiting in front of the stationery factory heard this, they were shocked and immediately ran back to the entrance of the village.

 I only heard Erlang shouting loudly: "Uncle Awang, my mother, father, and the others are back!"

Awang and Yin Le, who were sitting under the copper bell in the village studying, immediately stopped and stood up.

Awang rings the bell to remind the villagers to gather.

Yin Le immediately picked up the banner placed on the stone table, took one side himself, and threw the other side to Awang.

 The two people stepped forward respectively, and with a snap, a banner made of red cloth slowly unfolded.

Seeing everyone in the village quickly gathering with drums and gongs, the two looked at each other, raised banners and stepped forward to greet them.

“Madam, did you hear anything?”

At the mountain col, Liu Ji, who was sitting on the shaft of the carriage, moved his ears slightly and asked behind him suspiciously.

Qin Yao was sitting in the car with her eyes closed and concentrating. After hearing the words, she opened her eyes and listened carefully. The gongs and drums were loud and getting closer and closer.

A moment later, the carriage drove out of the mountain col. Suddenly, two firecrackers fell from the sky. The crackling sound of firecrackers startled the three people on the horse and the horse.

Qin Yao leaned out of the carriage and looked up at the place where the noisy gongs and drums were happening. Her eyes widened instantly.

I saw a lot of people in front of me, and with that posture, it was estimated that all the people in Liujia Village, old and young, were here.

The first thing that caught your eye was a bright red banner that read: Welcome scholar Liu Ji back home!

Under the banner, there was a big drum that Qin Yao had never seen before. Dalang stood behind it, and when he saw her looking over, the wooden hammer in his hand fell "dong dong", and the sound of the drum was loud.

 After the drum, there are people from the Liu family’s old house holding colorful cloths and waving them vigorously.

 The remaining fellow villagers all gathered around him and shouted the content on the banner: "Welcome the scholar Liu Ji to return home!"

That loud voice first stunned Liu Ji for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the corners of his mouth couldn't be restrained and began to rise crazily. He almost didn't need to think, and instinctively stood up from the carriage, waving his arms and responded enthusiastically: "Folks, I, Liu Laosan, am back!"

 After receiving the response, everyone was even more excited, and the colored cloth in their hands wanted to dance to pieces.

Song Yu speeded up the carriage and came in front of everyone. Siniang rushed out with a handful of wild flowers in her arms, handed them to her father with a smile, and then without looking at her father's open arms, she jumped on the carriage and threw herself into her arms. .

Qin Yao patted her little head, looked at Awang and Yin Le who were holding banners high, twitched the corners of her mouth fiercely, forced a smile to cope with the enthusiasm of the villagers, gritted her teeth and asked in a low voice:

 “Whose idea was this?”

Si Niang Fu Er told A Niang: "We all came up with the idea together, but it was my grandfather who took the lead."

“Mom, the banquet has been set at home. We all had a meal yesterday before you came. The eldest aunt, the second aunt, and my grandmother’s relatives are all here!”

As he spoke, he pointed to the big drum that his eldest brother could beat on his head, and said, "This big drum was borrowed from the second uncle's mother's village."

“Aniang, is my father really a scholar?” Siniang asked in surprise with her eyes wide open in anticipation.

Qin Yao nodded, and the smile on her lips became a little thicker, "Yes, the last one."

Si Niang doesn’t care what rank it is, anyway, if A Niang says yes, it means that Dad is a real scholar now!

The little girl leaned in her grandma's arms and smiled as she looked at the tall figure who was already surrounded by villagers heading towards the village. Suddenly she felt that today's grandma looked like her daddy. “Village Chief, congratulations! You are now a scholar’s ​​wife!”

 Liu Dafu walked out of the crowd and came to the carriage, smiling and congratulating.

Many villagers who were familiar with Qin Yao also followed closely to congratulate Qin Yao. Soon, the carriage was surrounded by water.

Different from Liu Ji who was like a fish in water, Qin Yao was simply scared to death of such a crowded situation, so she barely managed a few words, signaled Song Yu to drive, and fled home.

However, when we arrived at the door of the house, we realized what was going on. Just now, Siniang said that a banquet had been prepared at home.

The backyard of my home has been expanded, the courtyard wall has been fenced, most of the house has been built, and the rest is a spacious open space.

At this time, a long flowing water mat was placed in the front yard. The backyard was even more exaggerated, with three running water mats, which shocked Qin Yao.

“Ah! It’s the head of Liujia Village who is here!”

I don’t know who shouted this. Qin Yao, who had just escaped from the village entrance, was immediately surrounded by relatives from other villages who stayed in the courtyard.

Si Niang looked at A Niang’s stiff smile, covered her mouth and snickered, slipped out of the carriage and went to move the reinforcements.

Because Qin Yao drove the carriage faster than Liu Ji and his party on foot. At this time, Liu Ji and other Liujiacun troops were still behind.

 According to the rules, Old Man Liu dragged him to the ancestral hall and knelt down to worship his ancestors. After completing the ceremony, everyone went to Qin Yao's house.

 “Daddy!” Si Niang took advantage of her small size and wormed her way into the crowd like a loach, and came to the proud daddy. She tugged on his sleeve, and then the old father lowered his head and looked at her.

Si Niang didn’t say anything, she just said: “My mother is calling you!”

The old father suddenly woke up and repeatedly waved his hands to reject the villagers' invitations to have a drink with him. While reaching out to push away the brothers who were blocking the way, he ran towards home, shouting:

“Let’s go, come to my house. I’ll bring out the good wine in the house. You won’t come home until you’re drunk tonight!”

 Everyone laughed and followed in great numbers.

The children were the happiest. Dalang Jinbao took the lead, followed by a long string of little tails, running around the yard, not letting go of any delicious food.

 The banquet has been prepared and everyone has arrived. He and Li waved their big spoons to start the banquet!

The half fan of pork bought by Qin Yao was not used at all. Old Liu spent all his personal money to buy a whole fat pig, which was enough for the meat and vegetables.

Although Mr. Zhang is going crazy when he complains about others, Liu Ji has really given everyone a favor this time, so he will let them go crazy for a few days.

The night when Qin Yao was elected as the village chief was not as lively as today. Even though she didn't have to worry about the whole banquet, she was still in a daze.

It wasn't until midnight that everyone dispersed and the courtyard became quiet. Looking at the mess all over the courtyard, I felt a little awake.

  Liu Ji was already drunk and unconscious. Awang carried him to the study room, where he had difficulty dressing up his handsome old man, and then exited.

 There was a pile of pots and pans left after the banquet. Awang cleaned up the front yard, Li took charge of the backyard, Song Yu and Xiao Laifu also helped, otherwise they would not be able to collect them all.

Dalang, the four brothers and his sister, played like crazy with the children in the village, and they didn’t even have time to meet my mother-in-law when she got home. At this time, the battery was exhausted, and he lay in the room and fell asleep.

  After all, this is the first time in their lives that they feel the positive care from their father.

The villagers who looked down upon them with great disdain in the past now simply praise them to the sky.

Suddenly faced with so much care and kindness, even a mature adult may inevitably develop a bit of vanity, let alone children who have been marginalized before.

Qin Yao looked at the bright crescent moon outside the window, smiled lightly, placed the preserved fruits she bought on the bedside of the children, and kissed their foreheads one by one: "Good night."