MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 269 The hope of the whole village

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Chapter 269 Hope of the whole village

According to Qin Yao’s idea, the best team mode is half fixed and half guerrilla.

 Liu Fei raised his hand, "What is guerrilla?"

Qin Yao explained: “It’s just not fixed.”

 Everyone nodded and understood.

Liu Zhong asked: "Does the fixed one refer to the long-term lease in our factory?"

"It's not renting." Qin Yao shook her head, "It's buying."

And they all buy horse-drawn carriages. Horses have good endurance and are fast. They are more convenient than ox-carts for long-distance transportation.

Chin Yao owns an ox cart at home, which can be rented to a stationery factory for use. For daily purchases at close range, an ox cart is enough.

“Then how many carriages do we have to buy?” Liu Bai asked a little excitedly. After all, he was in charge of transportation now. Listening to the wishes of his three siblings, they would have to deliver the goods to the guests’ doorsteps in the future.

 Places outside Kaiyang County are unimaginable to the villagers. They are not only excited but also worried.

However, Qin Yao told them that she would personally lead the team to complete the transportation task of this order. With her taking the lead, Liu Bai and Liu Fei immediately felt at ease, and their buttocks slightly left the bench and instantly sat down.

Qin Yao said: "The Shenli Bookbox takes up a lot of space. We definitely can't use conventional carriages or carriages. We need to switch to a vehicle with a trailer so that it can hold more."

“Based on the carrying capacity of one tractor-trailer, the transportation team needs to maintain the transport capacity of ten to fifteen carriages all year round, but purchasing fifteen carriages at once is a bit costly for us who are just starting out.”

“So, our factory will buy seven carriages ourselves, and choose to sign long-term lease contracts with coachmen who have carriages nearby for the rest.”

“There are many cooperation methods to choose from. It can be yearly or monthly. It can also be settled according to the number of times. It is relatively free and flexible.”

 Liu Bai and Liu Fei nodded repeatedly and thought Qin Yao's method was quite good.

The village chief asked Qin Yao curiously: "Can my carriage also come to our factory to help transport things?"

Qin Yao smiled and nodded, "Of course you can. People from the village can also sign these lease contracts."

The village chief was overjoyed and asked hurriedly: "How much is the annual rent and monthly rent?"

Qin Yao said: "According to the market price, I have sent Liu Ji out to inquire today. Then I will write a price tag and hang it up, so it will be clear at a glance."

The village chief said happily: "Okay, okay, I believe you. Can you leave a portion for my father Liu Qi first?"

Qin Yao nodded and immediately motioned to Liu Bai to mark down the village chief's carriage and give him a spot first.

However, Qin Yao also said the ugly thing up front. Since he joins her team, he must abide by the rules of her team and implement them according to the standards she set.

For example, when the convoy is assembled later, she will give the drivers training in field escorts in advance.

The village chief was even more surprised when he heard this. Who doesn't know that Qin Yao is well-informed and she is willing to teach, so they must learn hard!

“If his father can’t learn well, just tell me and I’ll take care of him!” The village chief slapped his chest and told Qin Yao angrily.

 Liu Qi scratched his head and secretly wiped away the cold sweat for his biological father.

The matter of the motorcade was unanimously approved. Qin Yao asked everyone if they had any other questions.

Everyone shook their heads. This was enough for them now, but they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"Since everyone has no problem, let's end our short meeting here today." Qin Yao stood up, raised her hand to signal everyone to get up, and said seriously: "The meeting is dismissed!"

  When everyone who was standing upright heard the word "dismissed", they suddenly felt relaxed, and everyone became sluggish.

  Just as someone from the front called for lunch, everyone dispersed.

 Qin Yao asked Liu Zhong to come and pay for the carriage purchase with her after dinner. Liu Zhong happily agreed and quickly grabbed Liu Qi who was in a hurry to go to dinner and asked the boy to help him calculate how much it would cost to buy so many carriages.

 After all, my family has bought a carriage before, so I have experience.

Qin Yao invited the village chief and clan chief to have a light meal in the open space in front of them. The two elders waved their hands and said that they only ate in the middle of the morning and they were still holding on.

Qin Yao walked slowly back to the village with the two elders, and asked about the registration and filing with the government.

This is a top priority. If it is not done well, the government will have 10,000 reasons to close her stationery factory, or charge sky-high miscellaneous taxes.

Although Qin Yao feels that the magistrate of Kaiyang County will not do this now, the people who do these things are often the most inconspicuous officials in the yamen.

 The old people in the village always say: "The king of **** is easy to meet, but the devil is difficult to deal with."

 For the people at the bottom, the little power held by petty officials, such as collecting taxes and making arrests, just puts ordinary farmers under pressure.

The village chief told Qin Yao not to be nervous and just keep running the stationery factory. He had already informed Li Zheng in advance.

As for the matter of filing with the government, it is not urgent because we cannot enter the city now.

“After the refugees have dispersed, just go to the government and report to the government.” The village chief smiled and said, “I will go with you then.”

Qin Yao did not expect that the village chief actually helped greet Li Zhengna in advance. She was surprised and a little touched.

At this moment, she knew that the village chief did not treat the beautiful vision they had made together as a joke, but had really been getting closer to it.

When they arrived at the fork in the road, the village chief and the clan chief signaled Qin Yao not to see her off and go about her own business. Before leaving, the two old men happily told Qin Yao: "Do it well."

If the two elders were in modern times, they would definitely add another sentence at this time - you are the hope of our whole village!

Qin Yao nodded heavily, watched the two elders go away, turned around and walked back home.

 Liu Ji was not at home, and the four children at home were playing wildly outside. The yard was empty.

Qin Yao opened the lock of the warehouse, took out two boxes of tea, and some dry goods brought back from Fucheng, and sent them to the village chief and clan chief's home.

After a while, the two elders went to the fields again. Qin Yao handed the things to their family members and said something to the two elders when passing by the field. The two elders were so happy that the corners of their mouths never dropped.

Knowing that Qin Yao was thanking them for greeting Li Zhengna, he was not polite to her either.

The patriarch even jokingly said: "I am getting old and my teeth are not in good condition. Remember to bring some soft snacks next time!"

 “You, Yao Niang, you are so polite and you are so polite!” the village chief sneered.

The patriarch laughed heartily. Most of his teeth had fallen out. He was not angry at all. When he saw Qin Yao still standing on the roadside looking at the two elders laughing, he quickly stopped laughing, waved his hand, and chased her away.

Qin Yao nodded in a funny manner, carrying the tribesmen on their backs. The two old men looked like children, without their usual majesty.

When Qin Yao returned to the factory, everyone had already finished lunch and were sitting in the open space to rest.

He left half a jar of food for her, and Qin Yao sat down to eat while holding it. Yun Niang hurriedly came to her to discuss the things that had been missed in the meeting—the bookcase straps were not yet in place!

 (End of this chapter)