MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 264 Enough greens

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Chapter 264: Enough vegetables

Si Niang was not interested in the boys’ bird-hunting activities, so she pulled Jinhua and got behind the carriage.

  Pointing to the bags in the car, he looked at his sister expectantly and said, "Sister Jinhua, I brought you a lantern. It looks great when placed on the bedside at night, and you don't have to be afraid of getting up at night."

 Jinhua turned out to be as she expected, with a look of surprise on her face, "Si Niang, you are my best sister!"

The fourth mother smiled with her little white teeth, and the two sisters immediately hugged each other, very sticky.

 Liu Fei patted Liu Ji's arm. Liu Ji, who was bragging to Liu Bo and Liu Zhong, smiled and turned back, "What's the matter?"

Liu Fei said seriously: "Third brother, don't be too sad."

Liu Ji grinned: Look at my big smiling face, does it look sad?

Liu Fei didn't realize it at all, and was still telling his third brother not to think too much. High school is their business, and if we don't pass the exam, we have to work harder.

Qin Yao was responsible for unloading the carriage and feeding the horses, while Liu Ji and the four children moved the luggage into the house, picked out the gifts for others and put them aside for later when they went to the old house for dinner.

Liu Fei felt that he was forcing a smile, and tried hard to make his expression look less sympathetic, and added: "I didn't pass the exam this year, but I will definitely do it next year. Liu Li has been studying for more than ten years, and you have only been studying for a while. Not as good as normal.”

“Sister-in-law, your cooking skills are more than enough to serve as a chef in a big restaurant.” Qin Yao praised with a smile.

I am also glad that I have stocked up on enough food at home early. Even if I eat it with all my heart, there is still a lot leftover.

“Let’s go, let’s go home and put our luggage away before coming back.” Qin Yao shouted at the right time, otherwise she was afraid that the resentful brothers would fight on the spot.

How can hard, dry scones compare to hot, fresh meals?

 The smile gradually disappeared on Liu Ji's face. This time, he was really sad. He was so sad that he wanted to tear Liu Fei's mouth apart. There was really no need to open the bottle!

Finding that the smile on Liu Ji's face had disappeared, Liu Fei immediately pointed at his slumped face, "Look, you still say you're not sad. Third brother, you have the toughest mouth in the whole body."

The wooden barrel was placed by the door of the old house. Qin Yao glanced at the five father and son who were already giving out gifts to everyone in the main room. She walked toward the kitchen with a faint smile, washed her hands, and went directly to the stove.

The stomachs of the father and son were growling with hunger. When she went to the hut, Liu Ji had already taken out the remaining scones on the way, and the father and son each shared a small piece to fill their stomachs.

By the time Qin Yao came back from the hut, the five people in the house had already dusted off the ashes in the house, and finally it looked a little tidy.

Liu Ji took a deep breath, then took another deep breath, and tapped Liu Fei's forehead hard, then responded with "Hey".

 Subsequently, the lights in the house were lit, and a family of six ran around inside and outside the house. The small courtyard that had been quiet for a long time quickly came to life.

 It has been nearly a month since I left, and nothing at home seems to have changed.

 Fortunately, she had the foresight to bring a **** and arrived at the hut smoothly. The ox cart is parked at the old house, and Liu Bai has always been in charge of it. He is used for sending his children to school, pulling goods from the stationery factory and so on.

“We’re finally here!” Qin Yao crossed the high threshold and walked in. She took a deep breath of the familiar air and sighed comfortably, “This is when I’m really home.”

Qin Yao sighed while washing vegetables quickly: "Sister-in-law, you didn't know until you went out. All the edible grass outside was harvested. We didn't eat a single vegetable leaf on the way back."

Liu Ji held a lantern and chased after him while shouting: "You little bastards, stop here! If I fall, you will cry!"

"What are you looking at? Fucheng is so big and it's not big enough for you to see. Come and see my egg noodle soup." He joked.

The yard has been unoccupied for so long and has accumulated a layer of dust. The tables, chairs and benches in the house are also covered with dust. Liu Ji wants to tidy up, so he comes to the large water tank next to the kitchen to look at it. He forgot to put a lid on the water tank before going out. , now it is full of rotten grass flying from outside the yard, and it is completely useless.

The vitality of the weeds is extremely strong. It has only been a month since we have managed it, and the back **** has been completely covered by weeds.

Hurryly nodding, the four Dalang brothers and sisters took the gifts they wanted to give to everyone in the old house and rushed out of the house screaming.

"Let's go." Qin Yao clapped her hands, not being particular about washing her hands without water, "Go to the old house to eat first, then come back and clean up slowly."

It’s cool in the yard and bright in the house, each has its own advantages.

Dalang and Erlang stood aside and pushed open the closed door. The wooden door opened with a "squeak" sound.

Qin Yao leaned close to the pot and took a deep breath. She hadn't had a normal hot meal for several days in a row. It was so delicious that she wanted to dive in and eat it all.

With a smile on her face, Qin Yao calmly picked up the oversized bucket at home, locked the door, and followed slowly.

 It’s just a handful of green vegetables, why do you look like a starving ghost reincarnated?

Qin Yao's ears twitched slightly, as if she heard the sound of grinding teeth. She turned around suspiciously and saw Liu Ji clenching his teeth and widening his eyes, staring at Liu Fei with blazing anger.

"Go, go, go!" Mr. He thought she was in the way and pushed it aside. "You take out the bowls and chopsticks. It's almost ready. Do you want to take them to the house to eat or eat in the courtyard?"

I had no choice but to roll up my sleeves, find a feather duster and sweep away the dust in the room.

Wandering to the kitchen chopping board, she saw green vegetables in the basket. Qin Yao's eyes lit up and she hurriedly asked her sister-in-law to wait before taking the pot out of the pot and wait for her to get the vegetables first.

However, Qin Yao decisively chose the courtyard. It was almost June, and the wind in the mountains was getting dry. The hot soup noodles would make her sweat profusely.

 The granary was intact and the grain inside was dry. Qin Yao's hanging heart finally dropped.

 The familiar courtyard came into view, and a family of six stood in front of the door, smiling.

Mrs. Qiu carried Da Mao, who had woken up, with a cloth belt and came to the kitchen to help. When he heard Qin Yao's words, he and Mrs. He looked at each other and said "tsk tsk" twice. This is too miserable.

"What did you eat all the way back?" He asked suspiciously.

 After checking the utility room, he closed the house again, picked up the **** and went out to go to the latrine.

 Qin Yao sat on the carriage shaft and looked back. It was dark at night and she couldn't see the person's appearance clearly, but the familiar sounds of care and greetings made people feel warm in their hearts, and even the fatigue of the journey disappeared.

 Bringing a bucket with her, she went to fetch water when she came back. After running all the way, she was not in the mood to take a shower. If she didn't take a shower, Qin Yao felt that the wind she brought out from walking would be bad.

Qin Yao parked the carriage, fed the horses, and while checking the granary, opened all the doors and windows of each house for ventilation.

  Not a word was mentioned about failing the exam, but every word pierced Liu Ji's heart.

 The thousand kilograms of wheat bought earlier have not been touched until now and have been stored in the granary.

He said pitifully to Qin Yao: "Then you can wash a few more vegetable leaves. We have enough vegetables in the vegetable patch at home, so we don't have to save them."

 (End of this chapter)