MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 258 vigil

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Chapter 258 Vigil

Having seen Liu Ji and others who want to make friends and cling to others, Qi Xianguan was still a little uncomfortable when he met Qin Yao who treated him normally.

 After a pause, he continued to put his head in the child's face and said in a mature tone:

"Madam, we have met three times, but we have never known her name. Can you tell me? This time, it was only through Madam's intervention that we were able to get out of trouble. After we returned home and repaired, Jingxuan came to the door with a generous gift and paid attention to the etiquette."

“My name is Qin Yao.” She smiled at him, “Jingxuan is your nickname?”

 Qi Xianguan shook his head and explained: "It was the word that Mr. gave me."

 Qi Xianguan had completely different attitudes towards real benefactors and nominal benefactors such as Ding Shi and Liu Ji. He answered Qin Yao's questions much more politely.

Qin Yao looked at the little boy in front of her who was about the same height as her husband. His clothes were messy, his hair was flying, and there were unknown gray stains on his face. All he had was a pair of eyes, which looked clear and bright.

“I asked you to keep watch at night and you let me sleep?” Qin Yao asked in a low voice.

Because the courtyard is not spacious, after giving up the place to Qi Xianguan and his party, they can only sleep under the corridor of the temple gate.

Ding Shi generously pointed to the place occupied by his own bodyguard and coachman, indicating that it could be given to Qi Xianguan and his husband.

Liu Ji also wanted to see the great scholar, but he didn't expect that the door of the carriage had not been opened. Qin Yao was shouting again in front of him. He looked around, so he had no choice but to bow to the carriage with the door closed and retreat first.

 It's a pity that Ding Shi is here and it's not his turn.

After finishing speaking, he waved to Liu Ji and Liu Li, and his tone became impatient: "Come in and cook!"

 The weather is simply hot, but I’m not afraid of getting cold from the cold.

  After all, this person looks much more pleasing to the eye than Liu Ji, and he is not as utilitarian as him. He made unreasonable demands to see his husband as soon as he came up.

As for Ding Shi, she can't control what he wants to do. Anyway, her family won't give up the position occupied by her family.

 Liu Ji and Liu Li took a breath of cold air when they saw it. Liu Ji couldn't even imagine how painful it was.

 Fortunately, Ding Shi gave him half a bag of rice, and Shitou organized his guards to go to the mountain to get some meat, so that the dinner was finally available.

It’s expensive, and they don’t take this money seriously.

 The Qi family suffered little loss, only food was lost, and the remaining important books and belongings were not lost.

 Qi Xianguan stood respectfully under the chariot and accompanied him all the way. When the chariot was put down and the guards stepped forward to carry the old man on their backs, Qin Yao and others suddenly understood why Qi Xianguan was reluctant to order the guards to abandon the chariot and break out of the encirclement.

 She was called Liu Li because she was entrusted by Liu Dafu.

Liu Ji was bored and flicked the fire, leaned on the carriage next to him, and fell asleep.

However, Qi Xianguan is not in a hurry. At dawn tomorrow, he can ask his guards to take money to buy food in nearby villages.

Qin Yao shook her head in disgust, "Get in!"

The summer nights are not cold, but there are many mosquitoes. Fortunately, Liu Ji bought a few sticks of mugwort from the inn in advance and took them with him. He lit them on the rocks next to the tent and smoked them. The mosquitoes were reduced a lot.

Liu Li also turned back every step of the way, hoping to see the great Confucianism.

Four guards were carrying a chariot with a curved backrest, and a thin old man with white hair in white Confucian robes was sitting on it.

Liu Ji also wanted to see who disturbed his sweet dream. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar fierce face. His heart trembled and he wanted to explain, "Madam, I, I"

Since he would not be able to react to what happened at night, Qin Yao asked Liu Ji to stay up until half of the night, and he would stay up for the rest of the night.

The first to come in were the four guards, followed by Qi Xianguan.

"This Taoist temple courtyard is not spacious, but it is surrounded by walls. You don't have to worry about wild beasts suddenly invading at night. It is a rare and good place. If you don't mind it, you can rest here tonight and set off again at dawn tomorrow."

Qin Yao turned back curiously. The old man's gaze had been withdrawn and he was being carried by the guards towards the tent that had just been set up.

With her back to the door, Qin Yao was arranging sleeping positions in the tent for her four children when she saw Liu Ji, who was kneeling next to him, stood up excitedly and whispered, "It's Gong Liangxiao!"

 Because Gongliangxiao has no legs.

It's a pity that Gong Liangliao entered the tent and never came out again. After staring at it for two quarters of an hour, the opposite side became completely quiet. The guards were divided into three waves to guard. There were guards at the gate, in the courtyard, and by the wall. They were guaranteed to be someone with evil intentions. It is impossible for any refugees to be let in.

Qi Xianguan looked at the Qin Yao and Liu Li families who had spread their tents at the corner of the two walls on the east side of the courtyard. Those places were the only two intact walls in the entire Taoist temple, and the rest had collapsed.

But it’s getting late, so let’s take a shower and go to bed first.

The temple gradually became quiet, with only the faint footsteps of the Qi family guards walking around and the burning sound of the fire.

Liu Li is still reliable, "It should be sixty-three."

It wasn’t too much, but it made him sweat. So he sat further forward and listened to the movement on the other side.

Ding Shi also returned to the small room temporarily partitioned off by a sheet by the driver on the corridor to rest.

Liu Ji did not dare to object, so he kept the fire burning brightly and secretly observed every move on the other side.

Liu Ji counted on his fingers and answered uncertainly: "Fifty or sixty?"

Liu Ji looked at the moon above his head and saw that it was already midnight. He got up and smiled at Qin Yao twice before getting into the tent.

Entering the courtyard, the old man raised his eyes and looked over. His dark brown eyes were sharp and bright, not at all cloudy like other old men of the same age.

Thinking of the gentleman in the car, Qi Xianguan thanked him, turned around and asked Shitou to let the guards set up the tent first, and then pick him up from the car.

Under the Confucian shirt, there was nothing, everything below the middle of the thigh was gone.

At the moment when I was dreaming about the glory of being a great minister, a slap on my face instantly shattered my dream, and I woke up in pain.

Ding Shi offered to help. Qi Xianguan glanced at him, nodded, and accepted his offer.

But just now I saw Gong Liangxiao, his eyes were sharp and his back was straight. He also urged his disciple Qi Xianguan to go to his tent to check his homework before going to bed.

Liu Li thought of the days when his legs were broken by horse bandits and he could only stay in bed and rely on a wooden wheelchair to move slowly. If he hadn't just been newly married and had the **** of his wife, he would have thought it would be better to die.

Qin Yao said while looking at the carriage whose door had never been opened, "There is a mountain spring nearby. You can boil some hot water and wash yourself first."

 Liu Ji suddenly felt that it was unnecessary for Qin Yao to arrange a night watch for him.

Qin Yao looked at the tent opposite in surprise. In a Sheng country where the average life expectancy was less than forty years old, this was a long life.

 “How old is he?” Qin Yao asked in a low voice.

 When Qin Yao and Liu Li had finished their dinner and were about to lie down in the tent to rest, Ding Shi led Qi Xianguan and his entourage into the temple.

But in this situation, not having food is life-threatening.

 After a while, his sweet snoring could be heard inside.

Qin Yao rubbed her brows and sat down. For the hundred and first time, she suppressed the idea of ​​strangling him to death and stayed on guard for the rest of the night.

 (End of this chapter)