MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 255 evil of man

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Chapter 255: Human Evil

It was easy to get out. The official made a gap for the carriage to pass without asking any questions.

Anyone who wanted to come in was about to squeeze through a crack. The officer pulled out his knife and shouted to stop. After Qin Yao and his party passed by, he immediately closed the fence and stabilized the situation.

 There were sounds of confrontation between the two sides behind him. There were curses, threats, and it was a mess.

But this has nothing to do with Qin Yao and others.

 After leaving the checkpoint, the scenery on the road is obviously different. Only the green of the ground can be seen, and all the wild vegetables and fruits growing on the roadside are only bare poles.

Every thirty-four meters, you can see a small group of people sitting or lying on the roadside. They are men and women, mostly young adults with children. They are carrying backpacks or large luggage, and their clothes are dirty. , complexion is sallow, body shape is also very thin.

 Because there is still food for sale in Zijing Mansion, money has become the number one target of these people.

The coachman's heart softened and he completely forgot about Qin Yao's instructions just now and stopped the carriage.

 Most of the time they will stay near a village or town and beg for food from local villagers.

Erlang climbed to the front door and reported to Qin Yao in a low voice: "Auntie, the looks of these people on the roadside are so scary. Sanlang and Si Niang were just frightened, but the eldest brother has already closed the back door."

Liu Li, who was walking in the middle, was also shocked. He didn't expect that after stopping for just a moment, there were so many homeless people gathered around the roadside.

"What's going on!" Qin Yao climbed to the top of the carriage to check. It turned out that several people were kneeling in front of the Ding family's carriage, kowtowing and begging for food.

"Whoops!" A sharp arrow shot down from the roof of the car and pierced the hand that was touching the back of the car.

Qin Yao shouted angrily: "Ding Shi!" Seeing that the stalled carriage in front finally started to move, the guards stepped forward to drive away the people blocking the road. Then they jumped off the carriage, picked up the caught suitcase and tied it to the back compartment again. He got up and patted the carriage door, urging Liu Ji to drive.

 A horse-drawn carriage walking on the road can easily be stopped and forced to ask for money.

 “Aniang!” Siniang’s scream came from the carriage: “They stole our book box!”

Seeing that Qin Yao actually took out a sharp weapon, the rest quickly stepped back several steps.

Especially those young and middle-aged men who act alone are more generous than taking care of children and the elderly. If you see a refugee team full of men, you should be even more vigilant.

There is no problem for two cars to run parallel on the official road, but since we are in a group, it is not easy to overtake and cross Ding's house.

"You can eat whatever you don't want, or you can eat the leftovers. The main thing is that the child can't starve. If he doesn't eat anymore, he will die. Have mercy on us, Mr. Xianggong!"

 But as we get further away from the capital, more and more refugees appear on the road.

In order to protect their property and food, each village organized many people to guard the only way into the village to guard against these refugees.

"Just turn it off, don't look around." Qin Yao instructed.

Liu Ji watched the whole journey and no longer dared to question the authenticity of the information Qin Yao had obtained. Instead, he became worried about the situation in the village.

"Ah!" A painful scream rang out, and several men who had already reached for the suitcases at the back of the carriage looked up in horror, met Qin Yao's cold eyes, and hurriedly turned around and ran away.

"What's wrong? Why don't you leave?" Liu Ji asked loudly and unhappily.

 When the fight gets fierce, the two sides will fight. These poor refugees are no worse than bandits when they act violently. They are very scary.

Ding Shi broke out in a cold sweat after hearing this. The person who had just begged him pitifully turned out to have such a terrifying face in the blink of an eye. It was the first time for the young man to encounter such a situation, and he was completely shocked.

Knowing that he had made a mistake, the driver lowered his head and drove the carriage through the kneeling people.

Da Zhuang poked his head out from the side of the carriage, pointed to the front and said, "Someone is kneeling on the road, Master Ding's carriage has stopped!"

Saburo and Si Niang were still lying in the carriage, looking at the scenery outside through the open back door. When they suddenly met such a pair of eyes, the brother and sister took a deep breath.

With the government's attitude, the people became more and more cruel. Sometimes the refugees fought among themselves for food resources, and it was not uncommon for many people to die.

 What kind of rich people have no conscience, no morals, no intention, just like shit, they know how to bully ordinary people, and they have a strong hatred of the rich.

Ding Shi, who was taking the lead, was half squatting by the car door and giving the driver a **** lecture.

Once these refugees came, the vegetables grown in the fields and the fruits grown in the mountains were almost all stolen.

At this moment, he understood why Qin Yao had given such instructions just now.

His entire body was covered in gray, except for his pair of eyes that saw someone, and suddenly they lit up, with a faint green light visible, which was very frightening.

 You can have good intentions, but the prerequisite is that you do not threaten your own safety.

Erlang nodded to express his understanding. When he met villagers begging in the town, Aniang had given them instructions.

 Seeing that they had guards again and Qin Yao was a ruthless person, those people did not catch up again.

“Our village will not be surrounded by refugees like this, right?” Liu Ji looked at Qin Yao worriedly.

Qin Yao and his party drove for more than ten miles, and then the speed slowed down.

These people on the roadside have such scary looks, don’t dare let them get close!

 However, just as the conversation between mother and son ended, the carriage in front suddenly stopped.

As the carriage moved, Qin Yao also sat on the shaft again, holding a bow and arrow in her hand, and drove away the refugees who wanted to surround her.

The government does not have that many manpower to deal with these refugees from other provinces who come to the country rashly, so they can only let it go and let the local governments handle the situation according to their own circumstances.

Liu Ji was so frightened that he quickly waved away the outstretched hands and shouted: "Go away! Get away! I don't even have enough to eat!"

There are ten thousand kilograms of wheat in the granary at home. There is no one to look after the house. If the wheat he worked so hard to transport was stolen, he would be heartbroken!

With the guards on both sides driving away, the refugees on the roadside saw that they were not easy to mess with at all, so they yelled and cursed, no matter how unpleasant they were.

Dalang found out in time and closed the back door tightly with a bang.

Qin Yao pursed her lips, speechless and choked.

Liu Ji looked back and saw that the man who was lying on the side of the road suddenly turned over and sat up and gathered around them tentatively. Then without any reaction, dirty hands stretched out and almost poked him in the heart. .

 Because you can’t even imagine how evil people can be.

It turned out that he was also afraid of death. When he saw the carriage approaching, he immediately dodged and got out of the way.

“Mr. Xianggong, please do me a favor and reward me with something to eat. We have been escaping from the disaster all the way. When we arrived at this place, we had no food in our hands and the children were screaming with hunger. Please take pity on us.”

 That’s why he couldn’t get through.

Qin Yao said calmly: "Our village should be fine. Even if something happens, I believe the young people in our village can handle it."

“Dad and eldest brother are both at home, and they will definitely help us take care of our food.”

 (End of this chapter)