MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 251 own fleet

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As soon as the government exam was over, the atmosphere in the city was obviously different.

Candidates gathering together can be seen everywhere in restaurants and tea shops. Some have a pair of answers, some are happy and some are sad.

Liu Li thought about it again and again, but couldn't help it anymore. He came to Liu Ji and wanted to ask him to go to other candidates to estimate his scores.

 Unfortunately, he found the wrong person.

Qin Yao went out to do business early in the morning. There were no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey was the king.

 Liu Ji slept until he woke up naturally. The four Dalang brothers and sisters finished their morning reading and asked him to have breakfast, and then he got up.

At this moment, a disheveled man came to open the door for Liu Li. Before Liu Li could speak, he grabbed him in and arranged:

 But the other party’s condition of full payment in advance really gave Qin Yao a headache.

 But they have forgotten that today's Shengguo is a unified and complete country, and it is no longer the previous situation of being fragmented and divided by local warlords.

“It’s only more than three hundred miles from Fucheng to Kaiyang County, so why is there a shopkeeper in such a difficult situation as you said?”

But the government must have known about it for a long time. However, the imperial examination is a major national event, so it is natural to give priority to the imperial examination first.

Shopkeeper Fang knew that she would be annoyed, but he also had his own difficulties.

“Alas~” Shopkeeper Fang sighed, “After hearing what you said, Mrs. Qin, my hanging heart finally dropped.”

Liu Li opened his mouth several times but never found an opportunity.

Liu Li studied in the county academy all year round and rarely stayed in the village. He had never taken care of any children at home. He had never experienced such a scene before and was stunned for a moment.

Qin Yao saw that she was not in the mood to negotiate the price, so she moved on to the next one.

"Uncle Li, do you know who the Dragon King is? Have you seen the Dragon King?" Sanlang came up, his little mouth buzzing, as if he had ten thousand questions to ask.

I have told you to go here and ask Dalang Erlang to prepare the gourd and kettle that you will take with you on your trip. The whole thing will be arranged clearly for you.

Si Niang followed closely behind and kept asking him why the Dragon King Temple was called the Dragon King Temple and whether there was a real Dragon King in the Dragon King Temple. She kept chattering in her ears.

The road will be uneven, transportation costs will increase, and the risks will be high. If he doesn’t collect the full payment, he won’t be able to handle it.

Originally, she only wanted to pay 30% in advance, but considering that the situation outside is really not peaceful now, in order not to affect production, she only increased it to 50%.

“Besides, the green rice has grown outside the city wall, and the autumn harvest will definitely not be delayed. The food shortage for just one month can be overcome quickly, and everything will be fine by July.”

"Zijing Mansion is now full of people begging for food. The neighboring province to the north has just been hit by a locust plague. The road is not going to be good this year. If I don't give more money to my brothers, who is willing to risk going out?" "Neighboring Province There was a locust plague?" Qin Yao was shocked, "When did it happen? Why didn't the city hear any news?"

“How about this, how about 70%?” Shopkeeper Fang took the initiative to give up part of the advance payment.

“Fifty percent is not enough.” Shopkeeper Fang lost his smile. “Since Mrs. Qin is so worried about us, why not find someone to transport the wood yourself? We will pay the money and deliver the goods in one hand, which will save trouble!”

However, the height of this beam was beyond his reach, and even if he could see it, he couldn't reach it.

The adults above must also have a headache at the moment. The lack of wheat harvest in the spring at home is no longer optimistic and they have too much time to take care of themselves.

Qin Yao shook her head, "50%!"

With that said, he waved to Sanlang and Siniang, and pushed Liu Li towards the two brothers and sisters, "You will follow Uncle Li and Uncle Da Zhuang in a moment. There are many people in the temple, so don't get separated."

 At the same time, Qin Yao had already met two timber merchants this morning.

Shopkeeper Fang was a little surprised when he heard Qin Yao's analysis.

"You haven't been to the Dragon King Temple, right? Let's go there together later. You can ask Da Zhuang to come with you."

Fortunately, this company did not want to treat her like a soft persimmon. The price was negotiated very well, and they could guarantee that the wood she needed would be delivered to Liujiacun within a month.

But if Liu Ji looked up at the roof carefully, he should be able to see a little bit of the edge of the money box.

It is difficult for Qin Yao to believe him, but is it really that difficult?

“Shopkeeper Fang, in this business, how can you collect all the money before the goods arrive?” Qin Yao looked into the other person’s eyes and asked in displeasure.

"I'm not afraid of sinking the most." Qin Yao suddenly laughed, "Shopkeeper Fang, you are right. This method is very good and can save a lot of transportation costs."

Before leaving, Liu Ji went into the guest room again and searched for a while beside the bed. He was surprised that he clearly saw Qin Yao putting the money box on the bed, but why couldn't he find it?

Of course he won't find it. The inn is not safe. How could Qin Yao put the cash box in such an obvious place?

It’s also the last one today.

Even the government offices are like this, let alone a small commoner like him?

In Qin Yao's eyes, as long as normal plants can grow in the ground, there won't be any problem.

This was obviously an angry comment, but seeing Qin Yao really stop and think, shopkeeper Fang suddenly felt a headache.

Liu Ji gave him a wry smile as usual. Seeing that Dalang Erlang had packed up, he waved for them to go out first and go directly to the Dragon King Temple to find delicious food for breakfast.

There are only three lumber shops in Fucheng. Due to the unpleasant experience of the first two, Qin Yao does not dare to have high hopes for this third shop.

Thinking of Jiang Wen's face, he was very polite to her, but when it came to money, he wanted to treat her like a soft persimmon.

Qin Yao glanced at shopkeeper Fang helplessly and said, "Don't exaggerate. Our Zijin Mansion has plenty of surplus food. Although food prices are high now, they have not continued to soar. It can be seen that the government has taken action behind the scenes to release food."

Shopkeeper Fang showed a helpless expression as if you were still too young, "It's what happened just two days ago. My brothers only told me about it when they came back yesterday. I'm afraid it will take a day or two for the people here in Fucheng to know."

He has been doing business for so many years, and he has naturally experienced troubled times in the past, but when he heard about the locust plague in neighboring provinces, he still subconsciously felt panicked and uneasy.

“You don’t really want to transport the wood back by yourself, do you?” Shopkeeper Fang kindly reminded, “This wood is heavy.”

There is such a big thing happening in the neighboring province now. The two provinces are so close and it is impossible not to be affected.

 In the end, Liu Ji found nothing, so he had to lock the door with regret, and with Liu Li and Da Zhuang, two young men with children, they embarked on a one-day trip to Fucheng.

"As for the affairs of neighboring provinces, the imperial court is naturally concerned about it. Not all of the many provinces in Shengguo have suffered from locust plagues. Last year, I heard that there were three rice harvests in the south. There has been no war recently, and there are sufficient reserves. The disaster will soon be over. It will pass."

Shopkeeper Fang: "Ah?"

Qin Yao continued: "In this way, the first batch of wood will be transported by you. The advance payment will be 30% according to the rules on the road. After that, I will go back to the village to organize the personnel to transport the remaining batches."

There are five horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts in the village, and if we hire five more from Xiahe Village, we can organize our own fleet to take care of transportation. It would be great.