MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 249 unique taste

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Chapter 249 Unique Taste

 Others are doing the questions seriously in the scientific examination.

Liu Ji took the test, looked at the ceiling, at the invigilator, then looked down at the test questions, wondering when this difficult moment would be over.

But the scientific examination is a very serious matter. It must be maintained solemnly and solemnly. No noise can be made, and you cannot sleep lying down, because your words and deeds will also be included in the scope of the examiner's inspection.

Liu Ji discovered that the child prodigy was in the same examination room as him. The examiner had been standing in front of the child prodigy for a long time, staring at him as he answered.

 So, the child prodigy is worthy of being a child prodigy. If he were stared at like this, he would have gone crazy.

There is no break at noon. Candidates in the room can either continue to do the questions, or take out the water they brought and take a few sips, rub their eyes and continue to do the questions.

However, this suffocation is mixed with some seemingly unrealistic expectations. I hope that one day I can stand in this examination room and become an important official in selecting talents for the imperial court.

“The young master of the Ding family should be here too.”

Qin Yao nodded and looked at the sun. The sun was already in the west, it should be around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Examination papers can only be submitted on the same day. Theoretically, as long as the day is not over, papers can still be submitted at night.

 You can answer poorly, but you can’t fail to answer.

 Then he packed up his things, picked up the heavy book box, and was the first to walk out of the examination room.

 Attitude is very important. Liu Ji knows that these academic and political examiners value this most.

Qin Yao yawned and stood up from the bookcase. She felt that the function of her bookcase was really good. It could be used for writing, pulling and sitting on.

Just when Liu Li hesitated to speak, wondering whether to tell Qin Yao about Liu Ji's peacock behavior this morning, Liu Ji finally appeared at the entrance of the examination room.

 “Dad!” Erlang shouted loudly, and the remaining three brothers and sisters immediately ran over.

Qin Yao looked at the four children and suggested, "How about we go back to the inn and have dinner first?"

"Oh." Qin Yao responded lazily, not caring who it was, since it couldn't be Liu Ji, a scumbag.

 “Aniang, someone is coming out!” Siniang excitedly shook the hand of the adult next to her.

The original color should be a pure black book box with four small wooden wheels on the bottom. Now it is filled with colorful flowers.

 Liu Ji happily thought to himself that the golden mean turned out to be so wonderful.

"What's going on?" Qin Yao felt something was wrong. Isn't this the level that Liu Laosan can achieve? Can he write so many words?

Liu Li thought Liu Ji had handed in his papers early. The two were not in the same examination room, so he didn't know Liu Ji's situation. He hadn't come out yet. It was so unusual that several people couldn't help but feel worried.

Qin Yao opened her eyes a little, glanced at the door of the examination room, patted the excited little girl, "It's not your father."

 Qi Xianguan went from being puzzled and confused at the beginning, to being speechless, to now smiling.

“It’s a long story, let’s talk about it when we get back, first find me a hut, I’m going to be suffocated to death!”

 Furthermore, it is normal for someone to be a child prodigy and to be the first to walk out of the examination room.

 “He is so awesome!” Dalang admired him.

 “Have you seen the young master of the Ding family?”

 I was busy until noon, and the sun was scorching outside, so I wanted to take a nap and rest for a while.

 So, a person with a family background like Ding Shi cannot pass the exam, let alone someone like Liu Ji who fishes in troubled waters.

Qin Yao couldn't say anything when she saw them like this. She couldn't tell the children that your father's place as a boy came through the back door, right?

Hearing Qin Yao ask about the young master of the Ding family, Dalang shook his head and said, "There are too many people. I didn't see him in the morning. Maybe the young master Ding came early and went in early."

 Can't tell whether he is envious or what, in short, he feels that he will never have any interaction with such a person in the future.

 Liu Ji was drinking water, and his buttocks felt like needles pricking him. He really wanted to stand up and walk around.

 But even so, the four Dalang brothers and sisters still have expectations for their father.

 After all, Dad passed the preliminary examination in no time!

Qin Yao looked at the door of the examination room. Ding Shi came to take the government examination last year, and he was accompanied by Ding Yuanwai.

 The corners of Qi Xianguan's mouth twitched slightly, what a unique taste.

 The dragon and the phoenix shook their heads and squatted down, wanting to wait.

Qin Yao was sitting on Erlang's bookcase with her eyes closed and dozing off. After sending Liu Ji into the examination room in the morning, they returned to the inn.

 So those who came out as early as Qi Xianguan are among the very few.

On the cover of the black bookcase, there is also a line of cursive characters that reads "Possessed by Wenquxing".

Dalang smiled shyly, and his younger brother accepted it kindly.

The main examination was completely different. Liu Ji, who was used to being idle, felt as if he was in jail.

At this moment, I went to sit under the small tree in the square in front of the entrance of the examination room, my mind was empty, and I fell asleep.

 Liu Ji spent the whole morning in random thoughts, and in the afternoon he picked up a pen to work on the questions.

Qin Yao greeted Liu Li, and the two of them followed, "Why so late? Nothing happened?"

 Leaving the four children in the guest room to do their homework, she went out alone to find Jiang Wen to inquire about the timber merchant.

 So, she squinted a little longer. “Isn’t it?” Siniang ran a few steps forward, saw the person coming out clearly, and ran back excitedly, “Aniang, it’s the little prodigy, the Immortal Official.”

He originally thought that this exam would be boring, but he didn't expect that he would get an unexpected pleasure.

Dalang and Erlang kept chasing Qi Xianguan until he sat on the sedan sent by the He family, and then they looked away.

 At the time of the first test, I was surrounded by familiar people, even the examiners I had seen regularly. I could stand up during the lunch break without being in the way, and no one would stare at me.

  Liu Ji found fun for himself, but he didn't know that his various behaviors after entering the examination room were noticed by others.

So the mother and son, five people, were cracking melon seeds and waiting until it got dark. Liu Li came out, but Liu Ji hadn't come out yet.

After finishing the last word, Qi Xianguan put down his pen without checking it. He stood up and handed in the examination paper.

Erlang was very considerate to his elder brother. He patted his shoulder and said proudly: "Brother, you are not bad either."

Dalang didn’t care, but Erlang also felt bored waiting, so he generously took out his wallet and went to a nearby store to buy half a pack of pumpkin seeds.

 But this is just a small government examination. There will be college examinations and general examinations next. The officials who will invigilate the examinations will all be high-ranking court officials above the fifth rank. Tsk, tut, tsk, tsk, tsk, Liu Ji already felt suffocated just thinking about it.

Before leaving, his eyes fell on the pastel book box in the rightmost corner of the row in front of his seat.

 But the four little ones were in a hurry to go to the entrance of the examination room and wait for their father to come out, so they couldn't sleep.

The handwriting must be written neatly. The handwriting does not have to be ugly, but it cannot be too bad. The examiner will remember your "bad handwriting" and put it on the blacklist.

But I didn’t pass the scholar exam last year, and I don’t know what the result will be if I try again this year.

Suddenly hearing Qin Yao's clear question, Siniang immediately turned her head and said, "Aniang, you're awake."

Liu Ji waved his hands, with a flustered look on his face. His eyes were darting around, not knowing what he was looking for. He answered hurriedly:

 Chin Yao: "."

 Liu Li and others: "."

 (End of this chapter)