MTL - After Cheating, I Became the Strongest Beast Master-Chapter 49 canned squid seafood

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Chapter 49 Canned Squid and Seafood

 “Yo, good performance, Brother Crocodile.”

As soon as Chen Xing returned home, she heard Chen Lingya looking at him with a half-smile.

"You came to see me? Then why didn't you come to me?" Chen Xing put down his schoolbag, which was not surprising. He also heard some rumors. The affairs between him and Zheng Weixin were getting worse. It was not surprising that his sister heard the news outside the school.

 “There were too many people at that time, sorry.”

Chen Xing took a moment and looked at the empty living room, "Where are my parents?"

“I took my dad to the hospital for treatment. Mom called and said there were cold dishes in the refrigerator. If you don’t want to eat, you can cook something else.”

 “I’m going to cook a bowl of noodles, do you want to eat it?”

“No green onions, less salt, no pepper oil, more chili, and a fried egg.”

 “There are a lot of requirements.” Chen Xing rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen.

 The noodles were cooked quickly and brought to the living room table. The steaming noodles exuded a delicate fragrance.

 After finishing the noodles in a few mouthfuls, Chen Xing took out a piece of paper and wiped his mouth, "You wash the dishes."

 Go back to your room, close the door and open the stone book.

 There are currently 8 skill points remaining in the upper right corner.

There are four skills that can be activated, including primary vegetarian pet rice, primary polishing technology, primary waxing technology, and large cans of pet meat freeze-drying.

  There is no need for primary vegetarian pet rice at this stage. From the skill introduction, polishing and waxing are like stacking buffs for yourself to control the beast. One increases elemental resistance, and the other makes the body of the beast lighter and faster.

 Finally, the introduction of large cans of pet meat freeze-drying is to help pets focus more and better cooperate with their owners in small games.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Xing decided to activate the freeze-drying skill of large cans of pet meat.

 Mainly behind the Pet Nutritionist career tree are the two overbearing skills of Spicy Dried Fish and Ultimate Overlord Volcano Grilled Butter Steak.

 He ​​expects that new highly cost-effective capabilities will emerge behind the freeze-drying of large cans of pet meat.

 Because as far as he feels from the current three career trees, the pet nutritionist career is the most cost-effective, which solves his problem of difficulty in starting funds.

The next one is the pet trainer profession, and the last pet caregiver seems to be ordinary.

 Activate the large can of pet meat freeze-drying!

A lot of knowledge came to mind, and Chen Xing closed his eyes and slowly digested it.

 After a while it was finally completely digested, that’s it

 He learned about the effect of freeze-drying pet meat in a large can.

 It can increase the animal's interest in mini-games, including but not limited to mini-games. It can also greatly increase the pet's enthusiasm through its temptation in daily ordinary training.

 This is a small snack that is very attractive to pets.

Since the temptation to control the beasts is so great, Chen Xing thought of some other uses for the large cans of freeze-dried meat, which seemed to be able to quickly build relationships with other beasts.

But I’m going to the secret realm tomorrow, so I’d better wait until I get back before buying it, otherwise the machine will be useless if I leave it there.

 Because the whole process must be made by himself, freeze-drying cannot be completed in a few hours. There is no one to supervise the machine after he leaves.

  After activating the freeze-drying of a large can of pet meat, a new skill to be unlocked—canned seafood squid appears.

[Canned Squid and Seafood] You have learned how to make delicious canned food full of rich seafood flavor. Although it has a strong fishy smell, it is the greatest delicacy for aquatic animals, but it requires a little overcoming for non-aquatic animals. There was a strange smell. After taking canned food, the beast can quickly recover its physical strength. (0/10)

 Looking at the introduction, it should be a skill similar to Spicy Dried Fish.

 Spicy dried fish restores magic power, and canned squid and seafood restore physical strength.

This is a good ability. You are not a master at controlling beasts, and you will get tired. When you are tired, just eat a can to regain your strength and continue training hard.

 Would this be too capitalistic?


Taotie, who was lying by the window, wanted to get on the bed. He stood up from the ground, knocked his huge crocodile head on the bed, and looked at his owner innocently with his small eyes.

Looking at this big head that was nearly one meter long, Chen Xing sighed deeply, "It's not that I won't let you go to bed, but your body shape doesn't allow you to come up."

Every night when he went to bed, Chen Xing felt that his living space was being squeezed. He had nightmares and woke up several times in the middle of the night. When he woke up, he found a huge crocodile head pressing heavily on his chest, and a thick tail pressing on him. On the legs, fortunately, the bed now is a little bigger than the previous bed at home, otherwise Taotie would not be able to accommodate it even if it curled up into a ball.

It all ended last night. The bed suddenly creaked in the middle of the night. When Chen Xing woke up in the morning, he found a slender crack on the edge of the bed.

"You can't come up, the bed will collapse if you come up again."

Taotie made a dissatisfied wailing sound from his throat. When he saw his master lying down to sleep, he couldn't help but wailed, "Ouch. ow."

  The last sound was not caught, and Taotie felt awkwardly visible to the naked eye.

The crocodile's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and its head swayed from side to side unconsciously, and finally it slowly retracted, lying on the floor helplessly again.

Only one pair of eyes is still staring at the outline of the owner. It is a bit unaccustomed to sleeping on the floor on the first day. After packing his luggage, Chen Xing brought a large can of spicy dried fish and ten bags of intermediate meat pet rice in vacuum bags.

One bag weighs three kilograms, and ten bags are almost enough for a gluttonous meal.

As Taotie grows bigger and bigger, his appetite also increases. Now he needs to eat thirty kilograms of meat in one meal to be full. The weekly daily salary of the school team is no longer enough for Taotie to eat. Fortunately, Chen Xing found an opportunity to sell the previous Skill Orb and Skill Forgotten Crystal, and sold them for a total of 600,000. Now the money he has is still enough for Taotie to eat. .

Of course, a gluttonous person in a normal period will convert all the meat he eats into nutrients for his body to grow.

  If it is during a special period, Taotie can also choose to store nutrients, so that after one meal, it can go without eating or drinking for a long time to preserve its energy.

 Put Taotie into the beast control space, then go out and take the bus to school.

  After the morning class, the students in the classroom went to the cafeteria at noon. Chen Xing went to the cafeteria at night some time ago. Now there was no need to hide the information, so he went with his classmates at noon.

“Brother Chen, how did you raise your beast to be so big?” Gao Jianqiang approached Chen Xing to talk to him.

“Because it is edible, and the more it eats, the bigger it will grow.” Chen Xing chuckled.

“So that’s it! Then I’ll let my beast eat more every day.”

Not far away, Wang Qiming was speechless. Only a fool like Gao Jianqiang could believe this.

“Then do we want to compete in appetite? Let’s see who has a greater appetite for controlling beasts?” Chen Xing asked.

“Okay!” Wang Qiming suddenly said, “But my beast control is definitely not as good as yours. How about we gather a few more people to compete together?”

Chen Xing readily agreed, "Okay, let's compare it to ten minutes. Let's see which side eats more in ten minutes."

It would be better if there are more people. He is trying to accept the challenge of multiple beasts at the same time. If the challenge is successful, the proficiency will be regarded as one beast or a group of beasts.

  Sometimes the "games" between boys always start out of nowhere.

Like the brilliant morning sun, passionate, vigorous, bright and warm.

After the decisive victory in the battle yesterday, the boys in the first grade, especially the boys in Class 4 who also raised saltwater crocodiles, regarded Chen Xing as their idol. A group of boys crowded over and actively participated with their hands raised.

As for the significance of this impromptu competition, it doesn't matter, and no one cares, just have fun.

The aunts and uncles in the cafeteria saw it interestingly, and they also helped to put the minced meat into a huge iron basin.

 Then they are weighed separately and act as referees.

I don't know who shouted, Taotie opened his **** mouth and buried his head directly into the iron bathtub that was piled with meat.

"come on!"

"come on!"

 Outside the field, a group of boys and girls gathered together and raised their arms.

 Ten minutes later, the canteen man in charge of timing pressed pause. "Okay, time's up."

Taotie pulled his head out of the mountain of meat. His nose, eyes, and face were all covered with sticky minced meat.

 He turned his head and looked at the master with an innocent face.

 Chen Xing was amused by this scene, "I'll take you to wash your face."

 The crocodile's tongue is very short and cannot be extended from its mouth, so it cannot clean the meat on its face.

 Its tongue is tightly connected to the lower jaw, and is usually close to the lower jaw. This is also related to the fact that it does not need to evolve a tongue during its evolution.

 The functions of the tongue are generally to dissipate heat, collect odors, comb hair, and drink water.

  But these functions are almost completely useless to crocodiles.

First of all, the crocodile does not lack heat. It stays in the water all year round but needs to bask in the sun to replenish heat. It has many olfactory nerves near its nose, and its skin is also very sensitive to vibrations in the water. It also has good eyesight, and there are many ways to sense prey. ;Final grooming and drinking are even less necessary for crocodiles.

Go to the sink, turn on the faucet, pick up the water pipe, and rinse Taotie's face.

 While rinsing, Chen Xing felt the stone book react, and a transparent shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

 Open the stone book.

“Complete the Big Eater Challenge (multiplayer), water-devouring proficiency +19.”

 The word "mastery" behind the "water-devouring" skill gradually blurred, and finally turned into a clear "mastery".

 Elementary skill: Water Devouring (Mastery) (6/100)

 (End of this chapter)