MTL - After Cheating, I Became the Strongest Beast Master-Chapter 129 Longshang Desert

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Chapter 129 Longshang Desert

 Almost within one day, a total of thirteen players participating in the competition suffered different types of assassinations at the same time.

 Some are disguised as waiters, some are attacked on the roadside, and some even pretend to be passers-by.

These sudden attacks plunged the entire game into chaos and panic.

 The players are all in danger, fearing that they will be the next target.

 The organizing committee also quickly strengthened security measures in an attempt to find out the identity and purpose of these killers.

 In this assassination incident, two players suffered serious injuries.

 They were rushed to hospital for treatment, but the situation was not optimistic.

One of the contestants was lucky enough to be rescued because there was an alert guard nearby, but the other contestant died on the spot because the rescue was not timely.

After being attacked, Chen Xing learned that a beast master sent by the competition officials was secretly protecting him.

This beast master twisted the killer's blow at the critical moment and blocked his life.

 The mentor sent him a message, telling him not to go to crowded places recently to avoid being attacked again.

“Tutor, has the identity of the killer been confirmed?” Chen Xing asked.

"There is no direct evidence to confirm the killer's identity. We can only say that he is the biggest suspect." Han Yuning replied: "The Dark Fire Organization of Fentian Giant City is highly suspected."

“Don’t worry, I’ve also asked someone to protect your family.”

 Chen Xing felt a warm current in his heart, and he gratefully said to his mentor: "Sorry for your trouble, mentor!"

“Actually, assassinations are common in history.” Han Yuning said.

“You may not notice it on the surface, but in fact, assassinations were almost commonplace a few decades ago.

 The situation at that time was much more turbulent than it is now. The various forces were complicated and various conflicts and assassinations often occurred in order to compete for interests and territory. "

“However, the relationship between us and foreign lands has eased a lot in recent years, so assassinations have become much less frequent.”

Han Yuning’s words made Chen Xing think deeply.

 The political landscape of this world is far more complex than he imagined.

 The intrigues and interest disputes between major forces may lead to the occurrence of such extreme events.

“But recently, as the relationship between us and Burning Sky Giant City has become tense again, things in this regard may cause waves again.” Han Yuning’s tone became solemn,

“It is even possible that the real culprit behind the scenes is not necessarily Burning Sky Giant City, but may also be other forces that want to sow discord.

At this sensitive moment, any slight disturbance may trigger a chain reaction. "

 Chen Xing nodded to express his understanding.

This incident is also a reminder that we must always remain vigilant in the future and not take it lightly.

 Chen Xing said: "Teacher, I will be careful."

 Chen Xing called his sister and after asking, he learned that her sister was in the lounge of the arena at the moment.

 Because she was not outside, she was spared the attack.

 He reminded his sister to be careful as many players have been attacked by illegal organizations.

"Well, I understand." Chen Lingya replied, "You too, please pay attention to safety."

 Due to the attack, although the afternoon game was held as normal, on-site viewing was temporarily canceled and the official paid double compensation for the tickets.

 Back at Longtingju, Chen Xing continued to cultivate beasts.

 The pet meat food he brought has been eaten, and the beast has begun to eat ordinary food.

 Because they can be massaged, both Taming Beasts appear here normally.

 At this moment, Chen Xing’s cell phone placed aside suddenly rang.

 He glanced at the screen, and the note showed "Qiu Senior".

 Chen Xing gently pressed the Taotie beside him with one hand to prevent it from making any sudden movements. At the same time, he picked up the mobile phone on the table with his other hand and answered the call.

 “Hey, Senior Qiu!” Chen Xing said politely.

"Xiao Chen! I watched your game, and your performance has been very impressive recently!" Qiu Shangqing's slightly excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

 “Thank you, Senior Qiu, for the compliment, and thank you for your help.” Chen Xing said quickly.

 “Without your guidance, my beast control would not be what it is today.”

Taotie’s rare evolution plays a crucial role in improving its strength.

Although its huge size itself occupies certain advantages, the increase in strength brought by rare evolution makes it even more suitable in the competition.

“Hahaha, you are too modest. In fact, it mainly depends on your own talent and hard work in controlling the beast.”

  A hearty laugh came from Qiu Shangqing on the other end of the phone, "I just gave you a little push at the critical moment."

 “I received news that you were attacked.”

"That's true." Chen Xing replied, Qiu Lao's information was indeed well-informed.

"Is he okay?" Qiu Lao asked with concern.

"Thank you for your concern, there is no big problem." "That's good, as long as the person is fine." At this point, Qiu Shangqing changed the topic. "As your performance becomes more and more outstanding, some foreign forces will definitely regard you as a thorn in their side. Is your parents' safety guaranteed now?"

 “The instructor said he would ask someone to protect them.” Chen Xing replied.

"Well, Girl Han is still careful, but there is a saying that goes, 'No one can guard against thieves for a thousand days.' No matter how protected they are, they are not their own beasts to control, and there will always be oversights."

Qiu Shangqing said earnestly: "I have an idea here, you can consider it."

 “Old senior, please tell me.”

 “After the competition is over, you and your parents will come to live with me for a while.”

Qiu Shangqing said slowly,

"Of course, the point is not to live for a period of time, but to let them each train a beast master. We don't expect them to do anything. They can at least become intermediate beast masters. Mastering a life-saving secret technique will also provide more protection. What do you think? "

 Chen Xing was thoughtful after hearing what Senior Qiu said.

  He knows that the advice of the elders is very pertinent, and it is indeed a good choice for parents to raise and control animals.

 In this way, parents’ safety is more guaranteed, and they also have more companionship at home.

 Thinking that after the college entrance examination this year, my sister and I will leave home to study in a foreign country. The environment there will be more dangerous and complicated than here.

 It is obviously not appropriate for parents to follow the past. It is better to let them raise two beasts for companionship and protection.

At the same time, it is easy for young beast masters to develop feelings, and they can also have two new sources of skill point fragments.

So Chen Xing made a decision in his mind: "Senior Qiu, your suggestion is very good. I will discuss it with my parents. If they agree, we will go to your place to bother you for a while after the game."

 Hang up the phone after exchanging pleasantries with Mr. Qiu.

At the same time, on the other side, Qiu Shangqing hung up the phone and watched the replay on the TV with emotion.

 Chen Xing's beast master's size has increased dramatically after evolution.

Perhaps when his beast master evolves into the Canghai Emperor Crocodile, its body length should exceed 100 meters.

 According to the age of the beast master, he is actually still in his "prime".

 Can protect the family for a long time.

“Qiu Yu, let’s go pick one. Are there any suitable saltwater crocodiles in the family to lay eggs recently?” Qiu Shangqing said to his son beside him.

Qiu Qiuyu thought for a while, "It seems so. I remember that there was a batch of high-quality eggs on Island No. 1 recently."

“Well, let’s select a group of suitable ones and wait until Xiao Chen’s parents come.”

“Understood.” Qiu Qiuyu nodded. He understood what his father meant and wanted to further increase his investment in Chen Xing.

Now as Chen Xing becomes more and more outstanding, more and more people will want to invest in him.

Just like a stock that is rising rapidly, investors will definitely buy it with money.

 At this time, ordinary people may not even be able to squeeze in and rush to buy.

 They have a first-mover advantage and can be regarded as investing in advance.

A genius who is just a freshman in high school and can lead three sluggish teammates to defeat the Longdu Xingchen University team head-on is worth the investment.

I am afraid that except for those "eldest sons" secretly cultivated by big families, there are probably no peers who can compare with him.

As far as he knew, there were a very small number of geniuses in some great families who were secretly hidden from childhood and cultivated secretly. It was said that they were related to the three paths to the gods.

 After hanging up the phone, Chen Xing continued to turn on the live broadcast and leaned his cell phone against the wall. What was playing on his cell phone was the match between Wanhai Middle School and Tieshi No. 3 Middle School.

 Twenty minutes later, the snowy battle came to an end.

 Only the scarred Chiyu was left standing proudly in the snow.

 Chen Xing had a smile on his face.

He patted Taotie, who was so comfortable that he had closed his eyes, and said, "Go back to sleep."

 Then take it back to the beast control space.

Taotie, who was taken into the beast control space, continued to close his eyes, twisted his body, and fell into a deep sleep.

After a while, the phone vibrated and my sister sent a message, "I won (OK gesture

 Chen Xing replied: "I saw it. You should take Chiyu to heal first."

 All the games in the afternoon ended one after another, and the results were announced soon.

Coach Kuang called everyone to his room and announced the opponent for the next game.

"The game just ended in the afternoon. The battle between Longshang Damo Middle School and Magic City Yunlong Middle School was very fierce, but in the end Longshang Damo Middle School stood out and won." Coach Kuang's tone was a little serious, "So, our next game The opponent will be the previous champion Longshang Damo Middle School.”

 Hearing the news, Chen Xing and his teammates were not too surprised.

 They know that as the game progresses, they will face increasingly stronger opponents.

 And these opponents were all names they could only hear from afar, but now they have become their competitors one by one, meeting each other on the field!

“Coach, I really didn’t expect that one day our opponent would be the last championship team.” Tong Xuhua looked at Chen Xing, “Junior, tell me, how do you want to fight, we will cooperate with you.”

 (End of this chapter)