MTL - After Breaking Off the Engagement, She Went To the Countryside and Was Pinched By a Rough Man and Pampered-Chapter 431 marry

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 Two serious and vicious cases occurred one after another, and three people died in tragic circumstances.

 From the examination of the corpses, it was concluded that the wounds on the three people were caused by the same murder weapon.

And the method of death is almost exactly the same, except that the two Dings in the back were tied and killed, while the first Ding Jiannan was tied to a chair and killed.

 Slightly different.

 But the manner of death and the tragic circumstances of death are almost the same.

The other party has anti-investigation capabilities and did not leave any fingerprints or footprints at the scene.

 It can be said to be clean and neat. The most surprising thing is that Ding Jiannan was killed immediately after he was captured.

According to the traces left at the scene, the Ding family lived **** in this room for a day and a night.

  I don’t know what the other party’s intention was, but in short, the death of the three people was tragic.

 There were no clues, no witnesses, and no traces that would allow them to look for any clues.

The other party is a very smart person, even a very intelligent person, and the two cases were handled impeccably.

Zhou Zhengan and all the staff are having a meeting. The city and provincial leaders have given orders that they must solve the case as soon as possible.

 Because these two cases have been in the newspapers.

 Major homicides have made citizens somewhat panicked.

 A little bit of clarification, but there are no witnesses to these two cases.

 The first case happened in the middle of the night, and the second case actually happened at the same time.

They have visited the surrounding people repeatedly and have no clue at all. The only clue is that the neighbors downstairs once heard a brief scream from upstairs.

 But the scream was too quiet and short.

If it was sent by the victim, the neighbors downstairs would not pay attention at all, because to them, the noise upstairs has been very noisy recently.

Either crying or fussing, or scolding incessantly.

Even if he beat something, his neighbors came to the door, but in the end it was just a quarrel.

Such a short scream, but the neighbors downstairs didn’t take it seriously at all. They thought they were quarreling again, or because her son was crying there.

In sorting out the interpersonal relationship between the two, the biggest conflict so far is Xia Zhi.

 But after visiting Xia Zhi, the evidence is conclusive. All the waiters and staff can prove that Xia Zhi was in restaurants and hotels from day to night.

It just so happens that both cases are related to Xia Zhi, but there is no evidence at all in Xia Zhi.

Zhou Zhengan was sitting in the office looking at these things, his head hurt a little.

 I always feel that there is something fishy about these two cases and they are related to the Summer Solstice. This is an intuition.

 But I can't find any relationship, if it is related to the summer solstice.

 The only people around her who could relate to these two people.

 There is no evidence found. Gu's parents and Gu's brothers are very innocent.

However, all the evidence shows that after these two cases occurred, the only beneficiary was Xia Zhi.

This person is either hiding in the dark, or even Xia Zhi himself doesn’t know about it.

 Half a month later, there was still no clue about the case, and Zhou Zhengan returned to his normal routine.

 Zhou Zhengan came to Xia Zhi's hotel after work, and happened to bump into Ke Zhengjie when he appeared in the corridor.

“Captain Zhou, come to see our Manager Xia. Manager Xia is in the office. She hasn’t been out in the past two days.”

The 18-year-old boy's voice is actually a bit shrill, but the warmth he brings when talking about the summer solstice can be seen in his brows.

“Okay, I’m going to see your manager Xia.”

Ke Zhengjie suddenly turned around and said,

“Captain Zhou, you must be nice to our Manager Xia.

 Our manager Xia is a good person, please take good care of her. "

Zhou Zhengan nodded, turned and walked towards the office.

Xia Zhi has been living in the office for almost a month. The case has not been concluded and she has not been notified, so naturally she cannot go back to her own home. There was a smile on Zhou Zhengan's face when he saw him.

“How is Captain Zhou? Has the case been solved?”

Until the case is over, Xia Zhi is no different from being in jail. The main thing is that no one knows where the man in the darkness is.

Now even his two brothers come to his place every now and then.

"not yet!"

 Zhou Zhengan and Xia Zhi did not continue to discuss the case. They were not suitable to discuss the case.

 Zhou Zhengan and Xia Zhi went for a walk.

The two of them stayed outside for more than three hours before they came back. When they came back, they were holding hands.

  In the following days, Zhou Zhengan’s work seemed to have come to an end, and he basically became inseparable from the summer solstice.

  In the morning before going to work, I would come over to have dinner with Xia Zhi. In the evening after get off work, I would also come over and go out to watch movies, eat and walk with Xia Zhi.

 Two people are getting closer and closer.

 The waiter couldn't help but asked when he saw Xia Zhi packing his suitcase.

“Manager Xia, what are you doing? Where are you going?”

“Although the case has not been solved yet, I can’t live in the office all the time. No one can bear it after a long time.

  Anyway, Captain Zhou is here, so I decided to move back to the yard. Captain Zhou is getting married to me. "

 All the waiters cheered immediately when they heard it.

Everyone knows Zhou Zhengan and admires Zhou Zhengan very much. To be honest, they all think that Zhou Zhengan and Xia Zhi are a talented man and a beautiful woman together.

If these two people really get married, everyone will yearn for it.

Amidst the cheers, Zhou Zhengan appeared, holding his luggage and waving to everyone with a smile on his face.

As expected, Zhou Zhengan and Xia Zhi got their marriage certificates the next day. When they returned to the hotel with the two little red books, everyone couldn't help but cheered when they saw their marriage certificates.

“Manager Xia, when will your wedding be held?”

“The wedding will be held in our hotel. We will all do our best to ensure that the manager has an unforgettable wedding.”

 “We are not having a wedding.

 It is enough for relatives from both families to have a meal, there is no need to bother. "

Xia Zhi smiled and waved her hands.

Everyone was a little disappointed, Zhou Zhengan said,

“We are not holding a wedding. Both of us are too busy at work. My work unit is indeed very busy, so there is no time for a wedding or a banquet.

Your manager Xia understands me very well and thanks me for meeting such a gentle and considerate daughter-in-law. "

Hold Xia Zhi’s hand tightly, her eyes filled with happiness.

 Although the waiters felt a little unfair for Xia Zhi when they saw all this, they could only accept Xia Zhi's arrangement.

 After all, they were the two getting married. Although they longed to hold a wedding for the manager, they had to agree to it.

 A bunch of waiters were sitting together chatting.

“I really didn’t expect that our manager would marry himself off like this. Actually, we need to be serious about it.

Captain Zhou is good-looking and capable.

 But compared with our manager, it is still a little worse. After all, Captain Zhou is ten years older than our manager. "

“Well, I heard that Captain Zhou’s family situation is not very good, and his father does not agree with him marrying our manager.”

“Every family has its own problems. Manager Xia is not very lucky to have a husband like Captain Zhou. We, Manager Xia, could have found someone better.”

“Yes, Captain Zhou is so busy at work that he must often neglect his family.”

“Anyway, it’s Manager Xia who will do the hard work in the future.”