MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 55

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I don't know how long the black silence passed, and Tsujimoto Shito finally spoke slowly.

His fingers grabbed the opponent's wrist and forcibly pulled Gin's hand down.

The strange, almost devouring pain finally began to subside, and the cold rain fell on his skin, which also slightly reduced the originally uncomfortable feeling.

It was like having an ethereal dream.

"I'm all right."

Tsujimoto looked at Jinjiu, and there was no longer the blankness in his eyes.

"You know, it's impossible for a person to adapt so easily after a complete loss of memory."

"What do you want to express?" Gin frowned.

"I think the boss is still wary of me. He wants to control me, or... let me be his puppet." Tsujimoto said,

"I don't like it, and I don't want it."

The remote alleys were empty, and even if there had been a shooting just now, the police would not necessarily come to deal with it.

After all, this is the norm in the United States, and their security system has always been reassuring.


Faced with Tsujimoto's sudden answer, Gin didn't know what to say for a while.

"I'm disturbed, Gin."

Those azure blue eyes stared at him quietly, as if not intending to let go of any of his subtle expressions,

"I know deep down I trust you, and that trust won't be broken...but I don't know if the trust I give will get the same trust."

"Gin Jiu, you are a member of the Black Organization, I know you will not betray the organization."

"But if I would… then what would you do?"

"You want to betray the organization?" Jin Jiu's tone suddenly sharpened,

"Do you know what you're talking about? Gimlet, even if you betray the organization, where else can you go?"

"I don't know." Tsujimoto Shito gently shook his head,

"If I really don't have a place to go, just kill me. I can't live in this world for nothing."

"No one can force me, Gin. But I'm willing to give you this opportunity."

"Are you threatening me?!"

"If you don't care about me at all, then this matter is not difficult for you, right?" Tsujimoto smiled.

"If you really care about me, then my purpose has been achieved. What do you think? Gin? Has your heart been touched?"


Aware that his shoulders were being forced back, Tsujimoto Shitou still had a light expression on his face. He seemed to be ignorant of the anger on Jinjiu's face, and even smiled even happier.

"Look, you can't just kill me. Admit it, brother. I'm really important to you, so you can't do it."

"Shut up." Gin said coldly.

"Let me guess, before I lost my memory, I'm afraid I resisted you like this, right? The boss may not be able to subdue my character, so he wants me to forget everything and completely submit to the organization." Tsujimoto's fingers pressed against his heart. superior,

"You can change a person's memory, but you can't change a person's soul. There is always something that stays the same."

The faint sound of rain fell in my ears, and white rain mist gradually appeared in the air, gradually blurring the vision.

For a moment, Tsujimoto seemed to be unable to see Gin's expression, but he could probably guess that the other party was struggling in some way.

Of course he can make his own choices, there is no option [choose one between me and the organization], and Tsujimoto Shiren never does anything that wrongs him.

Since Jin Jiu can't leave the organization, he should find a way to let him leave.

Isn't the organization the most intolerant of traitors? It's that simple, wouldn't it be over to make Gin a traitor?

"Don't challenge my patience, Gimlet. Don't think I dare not kill you."

Gin pulled up Tsujimoto Shiren's collar and tightened his fingers slightly, although the expression on the man's face in front of him remained unmoved.

"Then do it." Tsujimoto Shiren handed the Bo/Lai/Ta in his hand to the other party,

"I have confessed to you. I don't like BOSS, and I hate him very much. There is also the possibility of defecting in the future. Because you are the person I trust, I will tell you all this."

"I've already got your gun ready for you. Since you think the organization is more important than me, just kill me."

Speaking of which, the silver-haired man's tone was still gentle,

"If doing so strengthens your position in the organization, maybe that's a good thing for me as well."

"This way, we won't be in pain, will we?"

Death poses no threat at all to people who are not afraid of death, or who don't care about their lives at all.

Damn, this guy...


Finally, Gin loosened Tsujimoto's collar. He lowered his head slightly, the shadow from the edge of the hat covered his eyes, and Tsujimoto couldn't even see his expression for a while.

The two pulled a little distance away, and Tsujimoto took care of his collar with ease, while looking at him puzzled.

"So Gin means, are you willing to tolerate my infidelity to the organization?"

"…Of course I know."

The green eyes under the hat stared at him,

"I've always known that you don't like the Black Organization, why do you think you can survive until now?"

If he could really kill him, he would have done it long ago.

Anyone is fine...why is it him?

"I see. Then I see."

Tsujimoto, who roughly knew where he was in Gin's heart, was instantly excited.

Very good, it is hopeful to pry the corner!

How can the organization let you work overtime like this? In short, the black organization eats jujube pills! He won't stay in this organization that amnesiacs will frantically squeeze!

"So where are we going next? The traitor's matter has been resolved, and the next thing to do is the recovery of the gem [calamity]?"

Sensing that the atmosphere had eased, Tsujimoto quickly changed the subject and resumed the task of recovering the [disaster].

"Go to the reserved place to stay first."

Gin simply went down the other side's steps,

All senior VIP auction staff will have their own VIP room. The host of the underground auction is named Loren. Cooper, every auction he presides has been smooth. Because he has a good reputation in the upper-class world, the bigwigs are consciously covering him, and no one feels that they are making trouble on his territory.

As a member of the black organization, Tsujimoto and Gin of course also have the qualifications of high-level VIP. After all, the Black Organization is indeed a big boss, and Loren's auction will not forget the VIP privileges given to the other party.

It's a pity that Gin's car was blown up. Although the wreckage has been recovered, it is better to buy another one if you want to fix it...

However, Gin really loves his car, and even if the price of the Porsche repaired was enough to buy a new car, Gin still chose to have it repaired.

Looking at the other party's unhesitating action when he swiped the card, Tsujimoto was still thoughtful,

"By the way, when you spend money, do you usually spend your own money or your organization's money?"

"...Why are you asking this?"

Gin, who was still having a headache because of the communication-related matter with Tsujimoto just now, glanced at him with a naturally impatient tone.

"Since you are my elder brother, can't I know your property status? Or how about the welfare of the organization?" Tsujimoto said confidently,

"Or you can't even tell me such a thing?"

"The organization will reimburse."

After a long time, Gin slowly opened his mouth.

The organization will reimburse! !

Tsujimoto's eyes lit up all of a sudden, but Jinjiu's next sentence knocked him back instantly.

"But you can't."

"Am I so low in the organization?" Tsujimoto was not happy.

"Because the boss doesn't trust you, isn't it normal?"

"Okay, you're right."

I heard that the boss of the black organization has been in office for many years, but the man was still young when we met last time, it seems that he should have used some drugs.

... After all, the base of the Black Organization itself is a pharmaceutical company, so it should not be very strange that there are strange drugs.

The underground auction happened to be right below a hotel, and all the underground parts of that area were sold by Loren. Cooper locks are covered, and the only access to the destination is the elevator of this hotel.

Those who have the invitation letter can have special room treatment, and there will be an independent elevator in the room they are in, and they will go directly to the destination of the underground auction and go to the auction location.

There are a lot of things that need to be auctioned in this auction, of which [Disaster] naturally exists as the finale. However, Gin obviously did not intend to obtain gems by conventional means, so their purpose of this trip was only one—

"A bomb?" Tsujimoto pondered for a while,

"It's okay...but it just doesn't feel right."

"Do you have a better idea?" Gin looked at him.

"Of course, it's just an idea."

Tsujimoto Shitoto pulled out a map from his arms,

"Look at this? Maybe you can find some good inspiration."

"...Where did you find the map?"

"The door downstairs, the Los Angeles travel guide, don't you know it?" Tsujimoto looked at the other person in confusion.

Gin: "…"

Gin: "Speak your plan."

"My thinking is this, if you use a bomb, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of part of the underground structure. If the underground pipe is accidentally bombed, we may be blown up together." Tsujimoto said,

"Compared to using bombs directly, I think this can be used to complete this mission."

As he said that, the position of his fingers pointed to the aquarium beside him.

"The underground auction has a large area, but there is a bigger aquarium nearby. If we find a way to introduce water into the underground auction and lock some of the entrances and exits in advance, we can accurately catch the target. characters, and took advantage of the chaos to take away gems."

"How are you going to blow up the aquarium?" Gin seems to be a little interested. Indeed, if Tsujimoto's plan to involve people is followed, at least the casualties will not be serious - but he doesn't care how many people die, mainly because there is too much noise. big, it can cause a lot of trouble.

"The auction will be three days away. Before that, we can go to the aquarium and put the bombs in advance." Tsujimoto took out another map from his pocket, this time it was a map of the distribution of underground pipes.

"I have already studied the specific location of the bomb, and the concealment is very high. We do not need to prepare a large number of bombs, and it is not easy to be discovered."

"...Where did you get this map from??"

"It's on the first floor of the tourist hall." Tsujimoto said,

"The gentleman who designed the underground auction seems to be a well-known architect who has published his manuscript and published it in a magazine for viewing."

"If that's the case, then why didn't anyone blow up the underground auction market first?"

"Because no one can offend so many people." Tsujimoto was concerned with humanity,

"The most important thing is that it doesn't make sense. After all, not every member of the organization will choose to destroy this place by forcibly blasting it, but it just so happens that the black organization is not. Our Mr. Boss is a guy with a slightly abnormal brain. So I don't think it's surprising that he would issue such an order."

Tsujimoto never thought that guy would be a normal person, but judging from his orders, the gem called [Calamity] was definitely worth the risk.

And...X organization.

Tsujimoto had inquired about some information about the X organization before, and he was even more confused after learning that the X organization had long since perished, leaving only a few scattered members of the organization.

Since the X organization itself no longer exists, why does the BOSS rush to exterminate them, or...then a few scattered people will pose a threat to the black organization?

This is really interesting.

According to further speculation by members of the organization's intelligence department, the host of the underground auction, Loren S. Cooper is probably one of the former members of the X organization, but because of this, it is more difficult for him to complete the assassination plan.

No one has seen his face except the members of the auction. In other words, they were only convinced by Loren. Cooper's identity is easy to do.

However, the predetermined escape route must be well thought out, after all, the trapper can't trap himself to death.

After making the plan, Toto Tsujimoto and Gin planned to go to the aquarium to see the situation, but considering that the next action is relatively secretive, Toto Tsujimoto also plans to reveal his identity at any time.

In addition, Tsujimoto Shito has also made a handover with the intelligence support members this time. The intelligence officer who handed over to him was named Bourbon, and he seemed to be very trusted by the BOSS. Therefore, Tsujimoto's impression of him is not very good.

[Bourbon: Gimlet, I have received the report of this mission, we have dispatched staff to hand over to you in advance, and the secret code and the content of the handover have been sent to you. ]

[Bourbon: The code name of the handover member is [Gibson], and you can trust him completely. ]

Trust is impossible to trust, and it is impossible to trust the lackeys of BOSS in this life.

However, Bourbon's logistics work was really good. Tsujimoto was very fond of people who worked neatly, so he also expressed his gratitude seriously.

[Gimlet: Thank you, hard work. ]

On the other side, Bourbon also fell into a brief contemplation after receiving the news of Tsujimoto's involvement.

His impression of Tsujimoto's involvement has always been good, but when he saw the other party's plan this time, he still fell into contemplation.

In fact, the FBI and the public security department are basically familiar with the mission of the Black Organization. If they can, they can even arrest Gin during this operation.

But in fact they can't do that.

The reason why Tsujimoto is willing to infiltrate the black organization is to investigate matters related to the X organization. If they made a move at this time, Tsujimoto Shito would definitely not be able to continue lurking.

About the gem [calamity], it probably has a certain relationship with the gem [Tamir's Heart] in another lesson. They can't make a move until they get the information behind it.

After arriving at the aquarium, after the case was settled according to the original clues, the black-haired staff member also handed over to Tsujimoto.

Of course - Gibson, the original handover member, has long been dealt with, and this time the handover is a member of the organization that Zhu Fu Jingguang pretended to be.

Originally, Tsujimoto Yuzhen planned to participate in this mission, but Gibson had to complete several other difficult missions. Judging from Yuzhen's physical condition, he was simply not suitable to sneak in under such circumstances.

So the final negotiated result was that Tsujimoto Yuma sneaked in as a member of the underground auction, while Zhu Fu Jingguang pretended to be Gibson for the handover.

The reason why Zhu Fujing acted as a member of the black organization is that he is very familiar with the internal operation of the black organization and even the process of information exchange, so he is less prone to mistakes.

This time, the members of the FBI also indicated that they could investigate, but as a participant, Yuma Tsujimoto must also help the FBI to help the other party after this operation.

"Have you done the investigation according to my request?" Tsujimoto asked.

"Yes, Mr. Gimlet. I'll detonate the bomb, you just need to get the gem before my signal goes."

"Okay, then it's hard work."

The bomb used this time is plastic/glue/bomb/bomb. Once it explodes, there will be a lot of cracks in the lower part of the aquarium, which will not break directly, but will also leave no small traces.

Just under the pressure of water, the cracks will get bigger and bigger. According to calculations, the water will completely break through the cracks in about 20 minutes after the explosion. Countless water bursts out of the cracks in an instant and pours into the underground auction through pipes. The spare pipe, then the pipe will burst due to the excessive flow of water, and the water of the aquarium will gradually flood the underground auction.

According to calculations, it would take two hours to irrigate all the underground water, and Tsujimoto and his party only needed to block other escape routes in advance, and everything would become simpler.

As for who to throw this pot to...

According to Tsujimoto's further investigation, he plans to throw it directly to the aquarium. "

Zhu Fu Jingguang naturally took over this mission. In addition, in order to ensure the safety of the public, the FBI will temporarily hide in the surrounding area. people to find out.

As for Tsujimoto Yuma...

Originally, Zhufu Jingguang hoped that he would go instead of Tsujimoto Yuma, but he was categorically rejected by Tsujimoto Yuma.

"My brother's affairs will be resolved by myself. Akai Shuichi will come with me." Tsujimoto Yuma looked at Zhufu Jingguang,

"It's enough for you to stay outside. Playing as a member of the black organization and handing over information with Bourbon should be the best for you. Aren't you two at the same time?"

However, this mission does have certain risks, but Yuma Tsujimoto is reluctant to let him participate.

In fact, Zhufu Jingguang could subtly feel Tsujimoto Yuzhen's partiality towards him, but neither of them said anything about it.

Regarding Tsujimoto's involvement, Zhufu Jingguang didn't intend to intervene. He really didn't say much about the things between their brothers, not to mention... The meaning of Tsujimoto's involvement to Tsujimoto Yuzhen must be different.

This pair of brothers has a tacit understanding from the soul, and it is this tacit understanding and support that is the driving force for them to go on.

"Intuition tells me that you are thinking of something strange again, Zhu Fu Jingguang."

Tsujimoto Yuzhen's voice sounded from his ears, Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the gaze of the silver-haired youth.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about the plan this time." Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled.


Tsujimoto Yuzhen didn't bother to argue with him - after all, he was very familiar with Zhu Fu Jingguang after getting along for so long. Basically, you can tell what's going on in his mind just by looking at his reaction.

As for Shuichi Akai...

When seeing that man appearing in front of him with black hair and green eyes, Tsujimoto Yuma always felt that it was not pleasing to the eye.

Sure enough, Okiya Subaru's appearance was more pleasing to the eye.

Tsujimoto Yuma thought silently.

It may be the sequelae of the drug. After sobering up, Tsujimoto Yuma unexpectedly didn't hate Shuichi Akai, which also made the relationship between the two more delicate.

"Is there a problem?"

Noticing the cat's strange eyes, Akai Shuichi was confused.

"I still need to check with you about this plan - in short, you must be the one who leads the gin. You should know what to do, right?"

Forgery is also a specialty for Tsujimoto Yuma, but too many people will reveal their secrets, so the main personnel of this operation are Akai Shuichi and Tsujimoto Yuma.

Tsujimoto Yuma is responsible for disguise and forgery, while Akai Shuichi is responsible for diverting the gin, and Tsujimoto Yuma and Tsujimoto are involved in reconciliation and hand over relevant information.

The plan doesn't sound like a problem, after all, the main point is still on Shuichi Akai's side, and attracting Gin is much more difficult than meeting brothers.

"Of course. But do you know how to disguise yourself?" Akai Shuichi was still very interested in the general scope of Tsujimoto Yujin's techniques.

"Yes, is it strange?"

"No, it's just a pity that you don't go to the FBI."

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "..."

Zhu Fu Jingguang was frantically alert.

Even if you help, you still want to dig people?

no! This must never happen!

"Sorry, Tsujimoto Yu really belongs to the public security department." Zhu Fu Jingguang finally spoke up.

"He won't go to the FBI, let me know."

Although it was still a gentle tone, Akai Shuichi still noticed a trace of conflict in Zhufu Jingguang's tone.

Huh, it seems that the police are planning to bite the bullet...

This is really a pity.

"Join the FBI?" Tsujimoto Yuma glanced at him and suddenly smiled.

"Okay, if you can bring your brother into the FBI, I'll consider it."

Akai Shuichi: "???"

Can your brother control attribute be a little more restrained at this time? ? Are you making it difficult for him? ?

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