MTL - After Being Sold Out By The Empire, I Decide To Assist The Demon King-Chapter 413 Ira is ready to shake

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  Chapter 413 Ira prepares to shake people

   It is worth mentioning that Ira and Mephisto seem somewhat similar... especially when there are really many thick-lined idiots around the two, their [reason] is surprisingly similar.

  The rationality of these two people is often suppressed above the sensibility, so the communication between the two seems to be extraordinarily easy... Yes, just like it is now.

Mephisto roughly expressed the meaning of [in this situation, it would be better for the consul to go up], and although she did not explicitly state the danger, she also gave a reminder in a cautious manner-that low attitude.

  In fact, the current situation is not difficult for many consuls... Mana is Mana after all, even if the owner of Mana is a certain god.

  But Mephisto did not show a casual attitude because of this, because she realized that it was easy for Ira, but it didn't mean she could [let] Ira help at will.

  The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?

No, this has nothing to do with ability. Being strong is not a reason to be kidnapped by morality, and being weak is not the capital to do nothing... So Mephisto is very open. Bad theory is bad.

  Even if she worked hard herself.


And now presented to her very distant sister who skated with two others, for the first time... Ira who received the power of the **** Mana, the **** named [Nefthys], in an era After the silence, it reappeared on Ira's body.

  Although outsiders have almost expected it...Ira's power can almost come from the [Chaos] related to the World Tree, and even the power of disaster can be included in the body for a short time.

   Then the power of the gods may also be treated equally.

  However, there are expectations and expectations, but it is another matter to really see and witness with your own eyes... No matter how you have this concept in advance, when you really see this moment, you will always be shocked.


  Ira was silent. He reached out and brushed his long blue-purple gradient hair. After realizing something, he tried his best to restrain the uncontrollable mana storm around him...then looked in the direction of Mephisto.

   "Is there a mirror? No...I'll do it myself."

While Ira was talking and using mana to make a mirror, Mephisto looked at Ira whose hair had become very long and turned into such a gorgeous color, and said simply: "Only the color and length of the hair change. It's just changed...Is this the influence of the gods?"

   It's really lucky, at least not turning into a female.

  Ira thought so, looking at herself in the mirror of Mana... Yes, there is no change, the shape of the face has not changed, and the eyes have not changed, the only thing that has changed is the hair itself.

   "It has become a cyber male publicist... It's amazing."

Ira murmured something incomprehensible to himself, and he looked at himself with some doubts: "The mana of calamity affects the color of [eyes], and the mana of God affects the color of [hair] ], is there any symbolic meaning in this?"

I still remember that when Ira absorbed the extremely cold mana before, Ira's eyes turned blue and white like ice and snow, but now they are the blue purple of [Nefthys]...or in other words, the ever-changing blue Violet color.

   Really good Mary Sue hair.

   "Among them, is there any difference between it and ordinary people's Mana...or even the extra-specialist Mana like us?"

  Mephisto asked this. She looked at Ira, who was vaguely different from before except for the color of her hair, and said, "Now you feel... like a high-ranking predator."

   In other words, there is a sense of oppression on the racial class.

   "The most obvious difference is whether I am qualified or not."

Ira explained, already aware of why he was being rejoiced by him, and pointed to his neck...the world spells there were being consumed at a not slow speed, and he said: "I'm not enough to bear […] Wings of the level of the gods."

Obviously, such words are difficult for Mephisto to understand. She only started watching Ira's live broadcast very late... Keke, for her who started to pay attention to Ira very late, she didn't even have the World Curse. Wen doesn't know anything.

   "This is the world mantra that I will consume when I display [Wing Pillar], which is equivalent to a restriction."

Ira said, looking at Mephisto, who was still confused, and he knew why, before the other party asked, he explained: "I really rarely encounter the situation where the world's spells are exhausted, so you will feel that there is no reason for you to use it. no limit."

"Of course, it is indeed equivalent to nothing now, because since my soul slowly began to include each soul, and after the alienation became more frequent, the total amount of spells in the world has increased to an outrageous level. to an extent."

Explaining this, Ira pointed to the half-consumed world mantra, and then said: "However, even at this level, it is still difficult to stabilize the mana of [God] and [Calamity]. "

  Different from the [Consumption] used normally, the mana that carries gods and calamities consumes an unusual amount of world spells...Ira didn't pay much attention to it because the calamity mana was too noisy.

   But now, when using the well-behaved and obedient [Gods] Mana, such disadvantages become obvious, and just loading Mana itself leads to the current level of consumption.

  It doesn’t really have much to do with 【Appearance】… As long as there is God’s mana in the body, the mantra of the world will be constantly consumed.

  If possible, Ira would like to use game terms such as [Leadership] to describe her current state...or something like [Insufficient badge level, Pokémon may not obey orders].

   But it was obviously impossible for Mephisto to understand.

  About half of the people in the world will die, and Ira will be able to use the power of the gods at will...

   "Before my world spells are exhausted, let me see what's going on with the seal."

   Didn't care about Mephisto who was in deep thought, Ira said that bluntly, he looked at the purple Mana beam of light that was affected by the previous mana storm and was constantly twisting like a yangko, tearing everything around him.

  It was very simple. In that direction, Ira swung her right arm...from the left side of her body to the right side.

   It seems that there is no Mana involved in the process.


  Compared to the terrifying mana beam of light, Ira's body is very small. In the comparison, he seems to be just a small black spot, but it's just such a movement.


Both the storm and the beam of light collapsed in an instant, turning into a more terrifying short-term burst, scraping off a layer of land outside the [Sealed City]... and after the beam of light dissipated, the gray cubes below were revealed come out.

  Although it was only for a moment, the beam of light that returned to calm erupted from the gap again, shooting high into the sky.

  But such a moment is enough for a few people to see the whole picture.


   Diablo and Barr, who looked a bit embarrassed, were silent, and then one of them asked Ira and the elder sister who were also silent, and said, "Isn't this already broken...Can you repair it?"

   Mana, who has already been released from the gods, and Ira who has regained the power of Satan Leaf... simply shook her head.

  Yes, just as one of the idiot demon gods said, the gray tetrahedron in that large area has been completely shattered... It's not even what I guessed before [the lines of some seals were leaked].

   "Get ready for disaster... I'll go back to the main plane to find reinforcements."

  Ira just said so.

  (end of this chapter)