MTL - After Being Sold Out By The Empire, I Decide To Assist The Demon King-Chapter 399 Bliss and Dragon Realm

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   "Wow! Harpy!"

   "Really...I've seen it on the battlefield before, it's such a ferocious monster."

   "It is indeed very rare, and it can only be seen in the Demon Kingdom."


  It was super noisy early in the has been going on for several days.

The harpies watched those humans interacting with each other boredly, and looked at those humans... There seemed to be a few of them who were strong and good-looking, and they were all the harpies' food. I really wanted to "eat them up" ' and then eat them.

  However, since the kingdoms are now open, it is not possible to do that...

  Although there is no resistance to this monster, the harpies and some other races are somewhat troubled... In this case, if you want to reproduce, you can only wait for the rare male harpies (male) to be born.

  Or find other monsters... However, in fact, it may not be suitable for Harpy's appetite.

   Just like Tekap, who is not "popular" in the succubus community at all...Tikap, even a male succubus, is like a younger brother to the succubus.

   Either go to another country and find some people to attack... It's just that you can only pat your **** and leave after the attack, and you can't eat on the spot to supplement nutrition, but it doesn't make any difference to go back to the devil to eat mushrooms.

  It’s just that it’s hard to find a good man...a good man (handsome, strong) who can match the Harpy’s appetite is even harder to find.

   "Hey, if I can find a chance, I will **** make Lord Ira strong! Give him wormwood!"

  The unqualified leader of the harpies spoke so viciously, straightened her body, and her ready-to-come-out body was restrained by a small amount of fabric, causing an uproar from time to time.

  "Ah yes yes yes~"

   "Good good good..."

  The other harpies echoed casually. They have no interest in Ira. It's not because Ira is not strong or handsome...but they don't particularly like people who look young.

  Although Ira's bizarre strength is really suitable for... Ahem.

  But the difference in status is there, and only the leader can have delusions like this... They also figured out when to go to the orcs and find some strong orcs to continue the race.

  Anyway, it’s peaceful now, and it’s agreed in advance that they won’t be harmed (excluding the damage to the kidneys, the harpy is not responsible), maybe those orcs are still enjoying it...

   "Those harpies are looking at us... kinda scary."

   "Yeah, look at their wings and claws, it's scary."

   "I think it's very beautiful, the furry feeling, it must be very comfortable to touch, and the figure is really good..."



  Adventurers, shocked!

   "You kid, haven't you married a wife yet?"

   "Yes, I want to marry a furry monster in the future, a harpy or a werewolf or something, or an orc from a furry tribe... It must feel great to hug!"


  Adventurer: Brother, your XP is really strange.


The harpies looked at each other, looked at the young man with a good figure who published the theory of [Long Live Furry], and then flew down one after another... It seems that there is a guy who likes monsters, so he can't let it go .

   "My mine, don't grab it from me!"

   "What's yours, that's mine, I'll go first!"

   "What's yours and mine is ours! Let's use it together!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"That `s a deal!"


   "The extra body... Raphael wants to come out to help solve the disaster?"

Ira communicates with Tekap in her body like this... For him, this is naturally a good thing among good things. After all, the so-called "want to help solve the disaster" is almost equivalent to "want to be your thug" .

  If it were an ordinary fantasy novel, it would be a very classic one—the younger brother accepts his head and worships.

  In this case, there is no need for Iraq to refuse.

  【Tikap: Well, and... I want to come out too, that's...】

   "What is it?"

  Ira asked, he also kept a lot of extra bodies, the best one was given to the snake slough, and he kept the Vera's room.

  If you put it in your own room, it will be bad if people see it, but if it's Vera's room... In addition to explaining the use of these bodies to Vera, at least you won't misunderstand the ghost maids who are responsible for cleaning.

   But Vera doesn't care, let alone the body, even if she finds some weirder things in her room, whether it is a succubus maid or a ghost maid, she is already used to it.

   (Vera: What kind of impression did I... leave on everyone...)

  Tekap also quickly answered Ira's question—

  【Tikap: If I come out, Lord Ira's overhead wing column... I don't know if it can still be used. 】

  Obviously, Tekap is worried about this... After all, Ira has already used [Aerial Wing Pillar Tekap] very skillfully now, if it becomes a situation where Tekap is required to convey messages, she may not be able to adapt.

   "It doesn't matter, whether it can be used or not, it doesn't make much difference to me now..."

Ira said so, and what he said was true. Although he had adapted to the convenience of traveling in the virtual world, the convenience was just convenience. He stayed in the whiteness and said simply: "What do you think? the most important."

  【Tikap: Lord Ira...】

Tekapu looked very touched. After hesitating for a while, he made his decision—[Tikapu: Then, I will go back to the Demon King to get it later. There are others... please, Mrs. Ira. 】

  It sounds like Tekap doesn't want to stay on the main plane for a long time, but just comes back to meet everyone.

   "No trouble, when I return to the main plane from the dragon world, I will ask how to get you out."

Saying that, Yila watched the white outer wall formed by the surrounding teleportation array collapse, and what appeared in front of him instantly... was an endless prairie with a comfortable wind. The dense grass on the prairie was blown by the comfortable wind side.

  Countless cows, sheep, chickens, and ducks are looking for food on the grassland; they are looking for food and playing in the reeds in the grassland, and they turn a blind eye to the giant dragon that flies down from the sky from time to time to **** their companions.

And farther away, you can see the endless, turbulent sea... From time to time, a giant dragon skips across the sky, grabs some big fish from the sea, and returns to the towering tree standing in the center of the Dragon Realm superior.

  Some small dragons that were only about the size of Ira were playing and playing not far away. They seemed to have noticed Ira's arrival, gradually stopped their movements, and looked in Ira's direction curiously.


   Is it Dragon Realm?