MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 559 The Diary of Three Rakshasa

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Chapter 559 559. The Diary of the Three Rakshasa

Hearing this, Fan's mouth curved up with a hint of sarcasm.

He asked: "You have been in Killer City for thirteen years, but have you seen the first eight Rakshasa?"

Lin Wu shook his head.

Fan said: "I have been in Killer City for many years, but I haven't seen them at all. I can't even find any trace of them. In the past, I tried to find the places where the first eight Rakshasa were stationed. Are they there? But it’s a ruin and there’s no one there.”

Lin Wu was slightly stunned: "Are you looking for the wrong one? I also went to look for them, but the place where they are is surrounded by agencies and divination, and outsiders cannot enter. They will just keep spinning, and they may be trapped to death. See None of them are true. Only the city lord knows how to enter."

Fan said calmly: "Not only the city lord knows, the former deputy city lord also knows."

  When mentioning his biological father, Fan looked indifferent.

"Before he died, I went to see him. At that time he gave me a stick of incense and said that if I light it and take it with me, I can enter the camp of the first eight Rakshasas."

“I was not interested at the time, and was then sent to the Ice Prison, where I met the Three Rakshasas.”

“Actually, strictly speaking, what I saw is not necessarily the Three Rakshasa himself.”

Lin Wu frowned: "What do you mean?"

Vatican said: "That is a stone man covered in thick ice, with only the token of the Three Rakshasa on his body."

 Stone man?

Lin Wu suddenly thought of something and his face was slightly dull.

Fan continued: "The stone man faced one direction. I followed it and found the passage leading to the seventeenth floor of the Ice Prison. It was open. I was outside at the time and heard a voice inside. It was the city lord's. sound."

"He seemed to be telling someone that he was about to die, and was so weak that he could barely control the city of Killer. He needed to find someone to help him continue to do anything."

 Seventeenth floor?

Lin Wu was slightly surprised: "Then you were on the sixteenth floor at that time. Did you go in?"

Fan shook his head: "When I was about to go in, the city lord inside found out. He wanted to kill me, so I could only leave before he came out."

"I'm sure he didn't see who I was at that time. But he opened the mechanism on the sixteenth floor, and I almost died there. Fortunately, I was relatively lucky and returned to the thirteenth floor where I was tortured, pretending to be He looked seriously injured there, but was taken out by Mo Lang Renke and the others."

Lin Wu said: "The city lord should know the ice prison very well. You can deceive other people, but you can't deceive the city lord. As long as the city lord makes a little investigation or sees your injuries, he will find that you have left the thirteenth floor, and he will know that you have left the thirteenth floor." You are the one eavesdropping."

"That's right, but for some reason, the city lord came back three days later." Vatican said, "In order to prevent the city lord from really killing me when he comes back, I must find a guarantee that can guarantee my safety as soon as possible. At this time, I thought of the former deputy city lord Something given to me. He wants me to see the first eight Rakshasa, so he won’t do it without any purpose.”

“So I went with the incense. The incense really allowed me to enter their garrison smoothly, and I also found that the place was in ruins. No one had lived there for I don’t know how many years.”

 Speaking of this, Fan tilted his head and looked to one side.

Lin Wu then noticed that there was a black notebook in his hand, which was obviously not hers.

Fan threw it to Lin Wu.

“I saw the Three Rakshasa in the Ice Prison, and I went to the Three Rakshasa’s castle when I was stationed there. After searching for it all night, I finally found it under the floor tiles of the master bedroom of the castle.”

Lin Wu caught it.

This book is bound in leather and is so old that it has turned yellow. It is very old.

  She turned it over and saw the signatures of the three Rakshasa on the first page.

 Further, there are some work logs.

Lin Wu was startled by the date.

 The target turned out to be more than thirty years ago!

 She turned the page further, and in front were some daily chores and experiences, as well as the feelings of the three Rakshasa himself. He said that he, like other Rakshasa, had been asked by the city lord to stay in the garrison since he succeeded and was not allowed to leave, which made him feel very bored.

Besides working, all they do on a daily basis is to train people themselves. Their manpower requirements are completely different from those of the Ten Rakshasa outside, and they are outrageously strict.

Furthermore, at the request of the city lord, they will select elites every once in a while. He was sent outside the ice prison!

 What they were sent to do, they didn’t know. Because they are only responsible for sending people there and then leaving.

 But after those people were sent away, they just disappeared from the world and never appeared again.

The eight Rakshasas sent more and more people to them. Even if Killer City would regularly replenish the number of newcomers to them, it was extremely difficult to train them to the quality required by the city lord. It would take a huge amount of time, material resources, manpower, etc., so There were obviously fewer and fewer people in their ghost camp, and the final place where they were stationed became a little desolate.

The third Rakshasa was very confused about this. He was the latest among the eight Rakshasas to take over at the time and knew very little about it, so he asked the senior Rakshasa and others about what happened to the Rakshasa and others who were said to have established the Killer City together with the city lord.

They warned him not to be curious.

Due to city regulations, Sanraksha didn't ask any more questions.

 But one day, even several Rakshasa were asked to go to the Ice Prison and never came back.

There were even fewer people in the garrison. In the end, only a few people led by the three Rakshasa were left. But not long after, they received the order from the city lord and headed to the Ice Prison.

  【There must be an unknown place in the ice prison, where everyone else is missing. Now I have to go too, I want to find out what happened to the Great Rakshasa and the others. 】

 The last page says this.

 Further on, there is no more.

Lin Wu was a little stunned after reading it.

Seeing that she had finished reading, Fan said, "I'll take it out. As soon as the city lord came back, he called me to his residence, so I took it there."

"When we arrived, the city lord didn't say anything, and he really wanted to kill me directly. That was the first time I experienced the feeling of being controlled. The city lord didn't do anything, but I felt like I was falling into the abyss, suppressed by nightmares, and my mind It was so chaotic that only the thought of death remained."

"But I threw the black book out at the last moment and struggled to say something. It was the former deputy city owner who asked me to go. The city leader stopped at this time and asked what the former deputy city owner told me."

Lin Wu came back to his senses, looked up at him, and asked, "What did you say?"

Vatican said: "I did not admit that I was the one who bumped into the city lord in the ice prison. I only said that the former deputy city lord told me that there was a problem in the last few floors of the ice prison, and that the first eight Rakshasas were inside, and he wanted me to go to the camp to see See, seeing is believing.”

"Actually, I know that the city lord only believed half of it. But he was smart and didn't point it out, so that the fact that he was so weak that he was about to die would not be brought to light. Otherwise, once exposed, Killer City would Loss of balance and order and something goes wrong.”

He spoke calmly, "So the city lord let me go. As a show of sincerity, I swallowed what I saw and heard in the Ice Prison and didn't tell anyone."

Lin Wu stared at him and asked, "Did you ask the city lord why the first eight Rakshasa disappeared into the Ice Prison, and what they did there?"

"I asked. But the city lord warned me not to be curious. That is not something I can control." Fan said.

Lin Wu frowned slightly.

Fan added: "However, I did not give up secretly and began to pay attention to the situation of the city lord."

"He did weaken. After that, he rarely showed up, and his presence was so low that it seemed like he didn't exist. Most of the time, Mo Lang did things for him, and Ling Xiu was promoted."

"A lot of people still come into Killer City regularly every year, but only a small part of them are left to be trained in Killer City, and most of them are missing. I guess they are like the first eight Rakshasa people, who were trained and then transferred to the Ice Prison. But. I don’t know where he trained those people. The former deputy city lord left me only a little incense, just enough for me to use it again. I have been to the garrison, but it is still in ruins and no one has lived there. "

Fan looked at Lin Wu, who had an unclear expression on his face, and continued calmly: "For this reason, I thought about going to the Ice Prison again. But the three floors behind the Ice Prison are heavily guarded, and I can't get in. Even if I make a deliberate mistake, the city lord will I won’t be sent to ice prison again.”

“After checking, I found that every year on this day, the city lord disappears and will not come back until three days later. During this period, he should also stay in the ice prison. As for what he is doing, I don’t know yet.”

Lin Wu was silent for a moment, put down the diary of the Three Rakshasa, and asked: "What else? What you said is indeed important, but it doesn't seem to have much to do with what I really want to know, the secret of control. "

 She raised her eyes and looked at the man.

“I want to know how this control was implanted in my body, what is it, and how to solve it?”

"Also, you said that the city lord is so weak that he is about to die. Then will this control still exist after his death? If it ceases to exist after his death, then there seems to be no need for me to continue chatting with you here. "

 (End of this chapter)