MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 547 Where have all those people gone?

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 Outside, the ship suddenly stopped on the shore of an island.

There are many men in black coming to meet them on the pier. The leader is a sturdy middle-aged man with a ferocious old scar on his face, and his fierceness is palpable.

 And he is the captain of the secret guard beside the city lord, Mo Lang.

Seeing Lin Wu, Ren Ke and Ling Xiu appear on the bow of the boat, he moved his body that had been standing there for a long time. He moved forward and watched the three of them get off the deck of the boat, followed by many people. Staring at Lin Wu warily and defensively.

 When their eyes met, Ren Ke's face became darker.

Lin Wu smiled instead and said with unclear meaning: "Master Mo Lang is always busy with everything and doesn't even have time to rest. Now he came to pick me up in person, which really flatters me. It turns out that the city lord values ​​me so much. Woolen cloth."

Ren Ke couldn't help but whispered: "Shut up, do you think this is a good thing?!"

 She immediately stepped forward and faced Mo Lang head on.

"You should obey the city lord's orders. But I also have the order of the deputy city lord to take this traitor back and deal with it. Don't violate it. In this case, I will go with you. After the city lord has finished seeing Ansheng, I will bring him back. She went back to resume her life."

"Everyone knows that the city lord is always kind to the deputy city lord. Even if he thinks about it, he will never bear to see the deputy city lord tossing and turning because of the traitor. The deputy city lord will definitely feel at ease after seeing it with his own eyes."

However, Mo Lang didn't even look at Ren Ke, and said quietly: "The city lord has his life, and the deputy city lord's people don't have to go. In the past, Ansheng caused serious losses to Killer City, and the city lord will handle this matter."

Ren Ke's heart skipped a beat, "Does the city want to leave An Sheng at his place? That's not good. An Sheng's original residence is at the deputy city lord's place. If he stays, he might disturb the city lord too much..."

Mo Lang suddenly turned to Ren Ke.

“When will it be the next person’s turn to question the city lord?”

Ren Ke’s heart tightened, he lowered his head and said, “I don’t dare.”

Mo Lang then looked at Lin Wu and stepped aside, "Let's go."

Lin Wu glanced at Ren Ke and stepped forward.

Mo Lang turned around and followed.

Ling Xiu also raised his heels, but when he passed by Ren Ke, he suddenly heard Ren Ke whisper: "Don't forget, you are the former deputy city lord. You should know what the city lord has done."

 Ling Xiu paused, followed without looking at Ren Ke, expressionless.

Lin Wu in front of him turned his head slightly, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said nothing, so he could follow Mo Lang in his free time.

Today's night is unusually dark and depressing.

Mo Lang took them to a black lake. On the other side, several castles with a strong ancient atmosphere could be seen standing, full of the European mystery of the last century. The dim lights poured down from the windows of the castle, reflecting on the calm lake. The vague veil that hangs on the upper layer without any reason is hidden among the clumps of strange mountains and dry forests, making it majestic and majestic.

There is a long bridge made of dead branches and vines on the east side of the Black Lake.

 Everyone crossed the bridge and walked through the forest. At the end was the gate of the castle.

 After arriving, Mo Lang and Ling Xiu both stopped and asked the men in black who were following them to guard the outside. They only brought Lin Wu inside.

 Pushing open the door, you will see a huge Zheng Ting. Opposite there is a long staircase that leads to the second floor.

Lin Wu was led up the steps on the right by them, went up to the second floor, followed the corridor to the end, and then went straight up the stairs to the fifth floor, stopping in front of a wall.

Hung on the wall is a supple and thick black-red ancient carpet, with reliefs supported by columns on both sides.

Mo Lang went to the relief on the left and turned the lifelike jade Pit on it.

There were a few muffled "clicks", and the ancient carpet on the wall sank into the ground. The exposed stone bricks moved quickly and turned into a secret door. Inside was a dark corridor with no end in sight.

"The city lord is inside." Mo Lang said calmly, standing with his hands on one side, showing no intention of going in.

Lin Wu turned to look at Ling Xiu, but she didn't move and just nodded towards Lin Wu.

Lin Wu suppressed his thoughts and entered calmly.

The moment she stepped forward, a dim yellow light suddenly lit up in the corridor. It turned out to be bronze chandeliers with four corners placed every two meters on the walls on both sides.

Lin Wu also discovered that the passage behind him had also closed.

 She looked back and saw only the wall.

This made Lin Wu stand there for a long time.

To be honest, she has been dealing with Killer City for thirteen of the eighteen years she has lived. But she has never seen the city lord himself, and has never been to the city lord's residence before.

 This is the first time. Thinking about it carefully, the tallest person she came into contact with before was just the former deputy city lord.

Even among the eighteen Rakshasa, she had only come into contact with five people.

 Because the first eight are directly under the command of the city lord. Normally, he would hardly show up unless ordered by the city lord. The affairs of each ghost camp should be handled by his subordinates, and he would not interact with other Rakshasa ghost camps, keeping a very low profile.

In addition, the first eight Rakshasa and its ghost camp are not stationed in the main city of Killer City. Only a small number of forces are stationed on the southern outskirts of the city. The rest are missing and only the city lord knows about them.

 The outskirts of the city are usually forbidden areas, and wanderers cannot go there without a warrant from the city lord.

 There is no direct contact, so other people in the killer city never know what they are doing for the city lord.

Of the remaining ten Rakshasa, three more lead people to perform tasks outside. Two people are lurking outside to select suitable manpower for Killer City. The remaining five and the deputy city lord are the main force to maintain the operation of Killer City. Most matters.

Thinking of this, Lin Wu suddenly realized something—

According to her estimate, there are nearly a hundred people in the ghost camp under the name of a Rakshasa, and the number of people varies. Some even have four or five hundred people because of the complex affairs they are responsible for! So if the eighteen people were added together, there would be at least four thousand people!

 But in her memory, she had never seen the number of people in Killer City exceed seven or eight hundred.

Not to mention that over the years, the Ten Rakshasas and the Thirteen Rakshasas have been sending people to the Killer City. After she took over as the Nine Rakshasa, she secretly checked the roster. They sent at least several hundred people to Killer City every year!

She also took a few glances at the list of killers dispatched by Killer City when Fan took over as deputy city lord to check it, but there were only close to a hundred people.

So where did most of the power of Killer City go? ?

Lin Wu raised his head and looked forward. Could it be related to the disappearance of the first eight Rakshasa sent by the city lord?

 If this is the case, who is the city lord? What are so many people doing?

But it is also very strange. If the city lord really has so many people who can tribe, it means that his power and status are unquestionable. Then why do you need to use her and Fan to get rid of the former deputy city lord?

 The light on the wall became weaker and weaker, seeming to urge Lin Wu to move forward.

Lin Wu calmed down slightly and stepped forward.

The corridor was very long, and there was a turn at the end. Lin Wu turned several times, and the path he walked was faintly upward.

This made Lin Wu feel that this seemed to be a circular staircase that kept climbing. She should have gone up to three floors before finally reaching the end and stopping in front of a black and gold door with low and luxurious carvings.

Lin Wu hesitated for a moment, and just as he was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened!

With a creaking sound, a simple and luxurious hall appeared in front of Lin Wu, like a reception room.

Lin Wu was stunned for a moment, feeling wary.

 At this moment, my shoulder suddenly felt burning pain!

Lin Wu subconsciously touched her left shoulder, and her heart skipped a beat—her tattoo actually came out!


 The city lord wants to kill her here?

Just when Lin Wu was hesitant, a hoarse and muffled voice that was hard to distinguish between male and female suddenly sounded inside, as if it was coming from behind something.

 “Now that you’re here, why don’t you come in?”

 “Are you afraid that the Lord of this city will attack you?”

   is the city lord.

Lin Wu took a breath and stepped in.

 “Bang—”, the door closed by itself again.

Lin Wu paused slightly, suppressed the idea of ​​going to see, and turned to the source of the sound first.

The room was relatively dark, with only a bronze chandelier burning candle oil on the wall, barely allowing for vision.

Lin Wu saw a thick black curtain falling to the ground not far away, blocking the scene inside.

 The lord of the city is inside.

Lin Wu also felt that his tattoo was getting hotter and hotter.

 She squeezed her palms and moved forward.

However, when she reached out to lift the curtain, the previous voice sounded again.

 “Come in and take a look after you think about it.”

"Otherwise...this city lord will not give you a chance to regret."

 (End of this chapter)