MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 508 will conduct DNA testing on you and Lu Guichi

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Hearing this, Bo Liu on the opposite side shivered inexplicably.

Zheng Yuan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, also silently lit a candle for Miyano in his mind.

Lin Wu asked Zheng Yuan to bring her charged mobile phone, clicked on Miyano's chat box, and sent him a message.

  【The island under my name to be developed, haven't you always wanted it? give you. 】

 Miyano replied instantly.

                                                        ? 】

【real or fake? ? 】

  【Xiaosi, weren't you always unhappy before? 】

  【Don't regret it if you give it. Third brother will never spit out what comes into his mouth! 】

Lin Wu glanced at You Yuan who was also sending messages on his tablet. After replying "No," he simply turned off his phone.

But not long after, Zheng Yuan's cell phone in the passenger seat rang like crazy. He turned around and looked at Lin Wu helplessly.

Lin Wu looked around.

Zheng Yuan sighed, put on his Bluetooth headphones and faced the violent storm coming from Miyano.

Not long after, the helicopter landed on a flat land a hundred meters outside Zhangjiacun.

Lin Wu called Bo Liu and saw You Yuan also getting up. She said, "Second brother, please don't go. I won't spend the night in Zhangjiacun and will leave soon. You stay here and Zheng Yuan help me prepare what I need to go to the northwest." Things, and then find a good car. I’ll probably have to drive myself there.”

Hearing this, You Yuan sat back and said, "Let Zheng Yuan lead the people to follow. I don't need him."

 Zheng Yuan stood up obediently.

 The three of them went down, followed by two more fully armed followers.

Lin Wu remembered the way and took them to the village clinic. Only then did he turn on the phone, and 99+ calls and messages suddenly poured out.

Before the bell rang again, she quickly dragged Miyano into the blacklist, and then calmly sent a message to Bai Jing.

Bai Jing returned soon, and they were still in the infirmary at the moment.

 There was an unexpected surprise, Zheng Mingxian woke up.

Lin Wu quickened his pace.

Bo Liu glanced at her from time to time, and after looking at her for the forty-third time, he finally couldn't help it anymore: "Miss Lin, Master You Er said that our Master Jiu almost killed you before... What happened? I swear, Jiu I have absolutely no dissatisfaction with you. Speaking of the past, Master Jiu and you probably didn’t know each other at that time..."

 “It’s in the past, no need to mention it again.” Lin Wu didn’t want to say more.

Bo Liu nodded blankly.

Zheng Yuan next to him shook his head.

Soon, the group of people arrived at the infirmary. From a distance, they saw people waiting at the entrance of the courtyard on the first floor. It was Bai Jing, Bai Ning, and Mo Chuan!

Mochuan noticed it immediately and turned around to look.

Bai Jing and Bai Ning also noticed immediately.

 Bai Jing breathed a subtle sigh of relief when he saw that Lin Wu was still fine.

At the same time, Mo Chuan glanced at Lin Wu for a few times and said, "Has everything over there been settled?"

“…So be it.” Lin Wu said.

Bai Jing stepped forward, "When we came back, Bo Liu disappeared. The doctor said he woke up early and left, and was about to send someone to look for him. You brought him back just in time. But why are you together?"

 She looked at Bo Liu.

Bo Liudao: "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Lin Wu explained briefly: "He found out that something happened to Bo Yuting in the northwest and told me anxiously. Zheng Mingxian is awake, right? I have something to ask him, and I will go to the northwest after that."

Bai Jing frowned when he heard this, but stopped talking. But when she met Lin Wu's gaze, she finally just sighed and said, "I'll take you there, Guan Chen is with him at the moment."

 She turned around and led the way, and Bai Ning followed.

Lin Wu turned to Mo Chuan, "Master, this is Bo Liu. Please help him get rid of the foreign body smell on his body. I have something to ask you before I leave."

Mochuan glanced at Bo Liu and nodded slightly.

Lin Wu followed.

Zheng Mingxian was placed in a ward on the second floor.

 When the three of them entered, Guan Chen was feeding Zheng Mingxian water.

Seeing them, Guan Chen put down his cup and stood up, not wanting to get involved too much, "You guys can chat, I'll go next door to rest."

Lin Wu looked at him, and finally nodded without saying anything.

 As for what Lu Guichi may be doing, it is better for Guan Chen not to know about it, lest he be unable to escape in the end.

But when passing through the forest fog, Guan Chen suddenly stopped again and said, "Give me a few of your hairs." "?"

“Previously, I suspected that you might be related to Lu Guichi, so I kept some DNA samples from him without telling him.” Guan Chen spoke concisely and to the point.

Hearing this, Bai Jing and Bai Ning both looked at Lin Wu in shock.

 Zheng Mingxian, who was recovering in the hospital bed, was also shocked.

Lin Wu was silent for a moment, and finally pulled his hair to Guan Chen.

ˆ Guan Chen put it away carefully, "I will do it a few more times to ensure the correctness of the result."

"Well, after today, you can go back to the international organization." Lin Wu said.

Guan Chen asked back: "Aren't you going to continue to trick me? My brother won't let me do any work for the time being. I'm quite free."

Lin Wu laughed: "Are you sick? Are you addicted to me? Are you afraid that I will sell you someday?"

Guan Chen glanced at her: "You don't know how."

Lin Wu calmed down his emotions and said, "I'll just wait for your DNA results."

 Guan Chen nodded and stepped out.

The room was extremely silent. Lin Wu then said to Bai Jing and Bai Ning: "I want to ask Zheng Mingxian some questions about the Five Elements. You can go out too."

   Bai Ning looked at Bai Jing’s meaning.

Bai Jing looked at Lin Wu steadily and said hello for a moment.

 The two of them went out and closed the door.

Lin Wu went over and sat down on the stool beside the bed and said, "I have limited time, so let's get straight to the point."

Zheng Mingxian looked pale and coughed a few times, "Daosheng, what do you want to know?"

 “Speak everything you know?”


 “That’s okay, start from the beginning.”

Lin Wu said: "I asked you to do the blood vine thing earlier. What did you talk about with Master Zheng after you returned? Why not only did you not take pictures of me afterwards, but you secretly came to Lingnan to look for meteorites?"

Zheng Mingxian smiled bitterly.

“If I could, I would rather not have made that call to you that day. In this way, I wouldn’t know so many things that I shouldn’t know now.”

"for example?"

 “Do you know No. 49? My father has been working on it more than ten years ago.”

"I know. About this, Han Yuesong from the archaeological team and my sister Gu Siyin are both from No. 49. They have already told me."

Lin Wu looked at him, "At first, your father was recommended by Cheng Wenwei to join No. 49. Later, the exact news that No. 49 got about the meteorite also came from your stone shop. Because three years ago, when you were looking for stones here, you encountered The Huo family, who had been collecting meteorites, discovered something was wrong with them.”

Zheng Mingxian was surprised that Lin Wu knew this, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was not that surprising.

He pursed his lips and said: "The latter part is correct. Over the years, my father has always paid attention to Lingnan because of the funeral industry. He would come to Lingnan every once in a while to visit and secretly help the funeral industry. Three years ago, I I had already taken over Shi Xing and asked my father why he often came to Lingnan, and he told me about the past events of the funeral industry."

"My father intended to train me, so that year, I became the one who came to Lingnan to explore. I naturally like good stones, and I wanted to look for them in Lingnan by the way. But I didn't expect that I met a strange person that night. After returning home, I immediately met Father said it."

"My father left immediately after hearing this, and suddenly took people away to Lingnan. After he came back, he became extremely busy. I asked him anxiously, and my father said that they have been contending with an unknown force over the years. That was the first time I had Know the news about the Huo family."

After that, Zheng Mingxian started to investigate spontaneously, and discovered many thrilling secrets, and gradually realized how powerful and terrifying this secret power was.

But Zheng Jingmin did not allow him to get involved too much.

“Now I know why my father didn’t want me to participate. Because he already knew who they were dealing with from No. 49.”

Zheng Mingxian looked at Lin Wu, "When I asked him about dried blood vine, he didn't expect that I already knew and experienced so much. After repeated questioning, he finally told me everything."

"It turns out that after I brought the news about the Huo family back three years ago, he reported it to No. 49 and went to investigate with their people. But they didn't find anything at that time. The news about the meteorite was not given by our Shihang It came out. Before my father took people back to Beijing, on the 49th, he had already determined that it was a meteorite."

Lin Wu suddenly raised his eyes: "Are you serious?"

Zheng Mingxian nodded, "My father didn't know it at the time, so he passively helped them find it and listened to their arrangements. It's the same now."

Lin Wu was surprised.

Where did the news about the meteorite come from?

 It can’t be...the spy who cooperated with the Huo family in No. 49!

Meteorites were too hard to find back then. The people behind this not only counted on the Huo family, but also hoped that more powerful people would participate in order to find a safe way!

 That is Jian Chonghe and Lu Guichi!

In order to get the things in the meteorite land safely now, they secretly arranged a plan for both parties to go to death one after another to explore the path, which lasted for three years!

This guess shocked Lin Wu.

Zheng Mingxian added at this time: "Actually, my father has always wondered how No. 49 knew about the meteorite in the first place. He also had doubts about the appearance of Master Xing's brother in Lingnan before the funeral, and thought it might be true. So he has been there all these years That’s why I didn’t give up coming here to investigate.”

 (End of this chapter)