MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 483 Meet the archaeological team again

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Lin Wu asked: "Are you sure?"

Zheng Yuan nodded heavily: "When I carried Miss Gu before, I would leave a mark in case I got lost. There are none here."

Guan Chen, who went to the other side, also said: "There are no signs on my side, and there are no traces of anyone walking there. It seems that there are many roads under the ground. Every time the new tomb is moved, it will also be moved to a new road. square."

Lin Wu said: "It's unrealistic to wait for the new tomb to be moved back to its original position. In this way, there are roads on both sides, so just pick one and walk around, and don't come back again."

She can remember the way and is not afraid of getting lost all the time.

No one had any objections, so they went to the right first.

The place was unfamiliar and they didn’t know what to expect, so they walked very carefully.

However, after walking for a long time, I found that except for the twists and turns and many forks in the road, there is nothing special and there are no traps.

So a few people concentrated on memorizing the route and leaving marks at intervals.

Having walked like this for almost an hour, the road ahead is still not over.

"It's strange, why do I feel that the paths we take are exactly the same? Are we really not going in circles?" Ren Ke asked Lin Wu.

Lin Wu shook his head.

Not once did she see the marks she left behind, proving that they were always taking new paths.

 “Then it’s too big here.” Ren Ke said.

Gu Siyin thought of her experience before going to the land of meteorites, "This should be a huge maze with many roads and leading to many different places. The place full of poisonous snakes I went to before should be It’s one of them. Because the passage I saw when I woke up looked similar to this place.”

"Furthermore, the place of meteorites may be in the center of this maze, or one of the several exits." She took out the meteorite pendant around her neck, "If you get close, this pendant will have an abnormal reaction. But look This place is so big, I don’t know how long it will take to walk.”

Looking at it this way, she was able to reach the land of meteorites before, it was really an accident, God blessed her.

Zheng Yuan walked beside Lin Wu and heard the words: "Master, Mr. Lu and the archaeological team are all looking for meteorites. If the place of meteorites is here, counting the time, they should have entered this maze by now."

 The implication is: Maybe you can meet it if you turn around.

Guan Chen immediately turned to look at them, thinking of something, his eyes dimmed slightly, "Maybe he will meet the archaeological team, but not Lu Guichi. He is not interested in meteorites. It is more likely to meet the Huo family."

Gu Siyin looked at Guan Chen unkindly: "Judging from your tone, you are very familiar with the Huo family?"

 “Not familiar.” Guan Chen said lightly.

Gu Siyin looked at him and said nothing.

 “Hey, there’s a mark!” Ren Ke in front suddenly shouted.

Upon hearing this, several people quickly followed. On the wall at the end corner, there was a pattern carved with a knife.

"This is not what we left behind." Ren Ke said, "Tsk, are the archaeological team and the Huo family really here?"

“It’s not a sign that Han Yuesong and the others would use,” Gu Siyin said.

 Guan Chen also shook his head in disappointment, "It's not something Lu Guichi would use."

Lin Wu's expression condensed slightly: "Of course not, because this is the mark of the stone line, it must be Zheng Mingxian, he is really in this maze."

This reminded Lin Wu, and she turned her head and asked Gu Siyin: "On the 49th, people from Shixing were also sent to look for meteorites?"

Gu Siyin was surprised for a few seconds and said: "Yes. This archaeological team and I have a lot of inconveniences and there are many unknown risks. To ensure everything is safe, the superiors sent someone from Shi Xing here. But I didn't expect that those who would come would It’s Shi Xing’s young master’s family.”

"Not only that. He also had an accident and lost contact with your people. The remaining people applied for rescue. That's how Han Yuesong and Gao Zhouwen came." Lin Wudao.

Gu Siyin suddenly realized: "No wonder those two old men are with the archaeological team."

“Let’s go, follow this to find Zheng Mingxian first.” Lin Wu said, recognizing the direction indicated by the mark, following the search, and found four or five more similar marks one after another.

When they saw the last one, just as they were about to pass the corner, Ren Ke suddenly stopped and said: "I heard some movement in front of me, there seemed to be six people. Didn't you say that there may only be a few of Zheng Shixing's young masters, and 80% of them are in front of them. not him."

Lin Wu also listened carefully and could vaguely hear it.

"The six-person team... was either from the archaeological team, or from Lu Guichi. But I remember that Lu Guichi and the others seemed to have only five... but there were a lot of idiots in the archaeological team, and they were able to survive many dangers and still survive here. It was a bit strange. It's very possible..." Lin Wu paused. Guan Chen immediately drew his gun and loaded it just in case. He deliberately stepped forward and stepped forward, raising his voice: "I wonder who are in front of you?"

Ren Ke and Lin Wu heard an extremely quiet moment over there.

 “Two people are approaching.” Ren Ke heard and said.

 After a while, a familiar male voice sounded.

 “Who is your Excellency?”

“It’s Han Yuesong.” Gu Siyin recognized it.

After hearing this, several people grabbed their guns and walked out.

"It's us. Stay safe, Team Han." Lin Wu was the first to speak. When he looked forward, he frowned.

There were really six people there. The ones who were close were Han Yuesong and Gao Zhouwen. Professor Zhang hid aside in fear, and Bai Jing and Bai Ning were watching with their guns raised vigilantly. Behind him there was a man lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

 At first glance, they were all covered in wounds and looked quite embarrassed.

Berning's head was still wrapped in gauze, with one hand hanging on his chest.

Bai Jing is much better than him.

Han Yuesong and Gao Zhouwen also injured their arms and legs, and were limping when they walked.

This injury was really beyond Lin Wu's expectation.

Not only Lin Wu was surprised, but also the group of people on the opposite side were surprised and they all breathed a sigh of relief. But seeing two strangers in her team, Han Yuesong and Gao Zhouwen frowned again.

Looking carefully again, Han Yuesong was stunned: "Gu Siyin! Why are you with them??"

Gu Siyin put away her gun and moved forward. She briefly explained that she was rescued by Lin Wu and others, and then asked them how they ended up like this.

This is what Lin Wu and the others wanted to know, so they followed closer.

Bai Jing and Bai Ning were calmed down, and they also put away their guns and quickly approached Lin Wu.

 “How are you?” Bai Jing asked.

Lin Wu shook his head to express that it was okay, then frowned and asked back.

  Han Yuesong and Gao Zhouwen who were behind him did not say anything, and Professor Zhang also shrank.

Bai Ning answered on his behalf: "It's Wang Lin and Qiu Mei from the archaeological team. They are timid, greedy for life and afraid of death, and reckless and ignorant, which has brought us a lot of dangers. The most dangerous time, we were killed by five mummies They were all attacked by fake corpses. They had been dead for at least hundreds of years. They were strong and had corpse poison, which was very powerful. Wang Lin, Qiu Mei and our people were all folded there. Han Yuesong and Gao Zhouwen were about to Protecting Professor Zhang, Bai Jing and I were also injured."

Lin Wu's face turned cold, "Captain Han, Captain Gao, I didn't ask them to follow you just to be dragged down like this by you."

Gao Zhouwen said: "We had no intention of doing this, and we didn't expect to encounter those people. I'm sorry. However, we tried our best to remedy the situation and did not let them get involved if we were in danger again."

Lin Wu looked at Bai Jing and Bai Ning.

Bai Jing said: "That's true. The Korean team saved me once, and his arm was broken because of it."

Lin Wu's expression softened a lot.

Han Yuesong said: "We have finished talking, what about you? How did you get here?" He looked at Gu Siyin, "How did you meet?"

Bai Jing took the opportunity to ask Lin Wu in a low voice: "Your surname is Gu, who is your sister?"

Lin Wu hummed and gave Zheng Yuan a look.

Zheng Yuan stepped forward and told the story of his encounter with Gu Siyin.

After hearing this, the person on the other side looked delighted and asked Gu Siyin: "Did you really find the place where the meteorites came from?"

Professor Zhang behind him immediately stood up and took a few steps over, saying excitedly: "Where is the land of meteorites? Captain Gu, can you still lead the way there?"

"I was seriously injured and unconscious at the time, so I didn't remember the route." Gu Siyin said lightly, her sharp eyes falling on Professor Zhang, "But rather than this, Professor Zhang should explain that you and I came in together that day, Why did you disappear suddenly? And you didn’t tell me that the lotus cane can save your life?”

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