MTL - After Being Forced To Marry a Rough Man In the Mountains, She Was Spoiled By the Group-Chapter 16 we didn't steal

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   Chapter 16 We didn't grab it

   Such a result is equivalent to making a wedding dress for someone else.

  Thinking of this, everyone's excitement disappeared.

   Xi Yao scratched her head, expressing that she was helpless, she couldn't think of a suitable solution.

   "If we don't sell it all the time and use it alone, I'm afraid the villagers will be unhappy," Zhou Yougen said with a frown.

   Everyone looked at each other, no one knew how to open the knot.

   "I'll find a way," Zhou Rong thought for a while and said, "I'll take this Quyuan plow out tomorrow morning,"

   "Then I'll catch another one tonight," Zhou Qing said confidently.

   "Okay," Zhou Rong nodded.

   There is a way to do this. The Zhou family is in a little better mood, but it’s just not good.

   Xi Yao was relieved to see that Zhou Ru had not misunderstood him.

   People are good to her, and she wants to be good to others.

   Zhou Ru finished lunch, packed up, and went back in a hurry, not bringing anything...

  Zhou Rong kept this in mind, and said to his family: "I will go out in the afternoon, lest the villagers come to buy it, thinking that we are stingy and unwilling to solve it."

   Zhou's family thought about it and thought so, so they urged him to go out quickly, but they didn't even ask what he was going to do.

   Xi Yao looked at Zhou Rong and felt that he was thinking of doing a one-shot deal, so he wouldn't be afraid of being pitted by the villagers.

   If you sell it to someone else, then you can't do it yourself, and you have an excuse to reject others, killing two birds with one stone.

   She's just a pity...

   Zhou Rong left in a hurry after eating, without taking the only Quyuan plow with him.

   As expected by Zhou Rong, after lunch, many people deliberately came to their house, all with flattering smiles, and some even touched the cleaned Quyuan plow, which was not polite at all.

"Brother Yougen, this is really a good thing, look, there are few cattle in the village," Wang Laoshi looked at Quyuanli, rubbed his hands and begged: "You can save your life, you can ask your boss to help, give We also make one at home,"

   "My family wants one too,"

Those on the    side are not to be outdone.

Everyone who comes    wants it.

   However, everyone mentioned their own goals, but no one thought about giving money.

   Even if he didn't think about doing it for them, the natural expression on his face made people look very uncomfortable.

   Xi Yao felt that Zhou Rong had just guessed and left in a hurry.

  Thinking of people saying that it was her dowry, if they asked her before, she refused not, promised not, so she quietly escaped while others had no idea.

  The door was blocked and she couldn't go inside the house, so she winked with Zhou Yi, made a gesture, and went to the backyard.

   can't be provoked, she can hide.

   indicated to Zhou Yi that they were afraid that they would not be able to find themselves. They thought they were carrying a debt and escaped, causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

   This man asked too much, but Chen Shi couldn't just refuse.

When    was in a dilemma, Zhou Yi stepped forward to look at them and said curiously, "That's my fourth sister-in-law's dowry. Do you beg my parents, is it useful?"

Just as Chen Shi wanted to scold her daughter for being Hu Lielie, she found that the fourth daughter-in-law was gone, and the younger daughter was always well-behaved and would not talk nonsense, so she understood something, and immediately put on an embarrassed expression and said, "You know, that's my house. The dowry of the fourth daughter-in-law, as a mother-in-law, I can’t rob my daughter-in-law’s dowry!”

   "We didn't rob it, we just wanted the same one." The cheeky one didn't think it was embarrassing others, but felt that he was right.

  Chen shi endured, so he didn't shoot anyone out.

   (end of this chapter)