MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 17 Killing old ink

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Mo Yunqi's eyes fell on Mo Zeyang's butt, and he looked inquiringly. Mo Zeyang was wearing cotton tank tops and shorts. The clothes could not have that furry touch, but just ...

It was found that his father's eyes had been staring at his buttocks, and Mo Zeyang was so scared that he quickly covered them with both hands, feeling that there was no bulging, and then he was relieved. He looked at Gu Jiayu with the small eyes of invitation: Look, I said I won't be found so easily!

Gu Jiayu shaved him with a cool look, stupid little cub, sooner or later exposed to you, quickly coax him!

Mo Zeyang shook his neck in shock, hid in Mo Yunqi's arms cleverly, and pinched Mo Yunqi's neck. He called milkily, "Daddy ~" or something, but his **** is tight. This It's the rhythm to be captivated.

As soon as Mr. Mo's pupils shrank, he suddenly felt that the heart was hit hard by the mortar. What was furry and what touched him was not important. What was important was the baby in his arms. Holding Mo Zeyang, Mo Yunqi's fingertips trembled slightly, then the corners of his mouth hooked, and he touched Mo Zeyang's head with a smile, and said with relief: "Good."

Originally, Mo Zeyang wanted to coquettishly take away Mo Yunqi's attention, so as not to miss being spanked by Gu Jiayu, now he was touched by Mo Yunqi's hand, and he quietly obediently, unable to change between father and son His bloodline made him feel solid and warm.

This alien human two-footed beast didn't seem to make him so annoying.

Gu Jia's face was cold, and his heart was covering his mouth, it couldn't be better. The cub was not his own cub, and the vinegar tank was unstable!

Xiao Mo, who wants to find a cheap place, never got anything cheap at Gu Jiayu. Instead, his father and his father gave three tickets to the children's amusement park with great eyesight. Mo's identity at home was finally approved. Become a child control, what to give.

Mo Zeyang suddenly lay on the stall, and in the case that Mo always had no precautions, he hit eight in a row and was happy ~~~

Mo Yunqi pumped at the corners of his mouth, quickly picked up his son from the ground, and patted the dust that did not exist on his body. Is such a big doll rolling and dirty?

Mo Zeyang stretched out his little paw to his father, and his milky voice was very serious: "Five! If you say yes, you must go to the playground, and the man must talk."

Mr. Mo smiled and printed his palm on his son's little hand. The two grandfathers agreed that when Gu Jiayu had time, the family of three would go out and have a good time.

The child Mo Zeyang happily ran to the sofa and rolled eighteen consecutively, all forgetting Gu Jiayu's warning to him.

President Mo frowned slightly, his son's hobbies seemed different from normal children.


The shooting of "Big Wing Dynasty" continued. The weather was getting warmer in late spring and early summer, and it was already over twenty degrees at noon. After eating at noon, Gu Jiayu and Bai Yu squatted on the wall roots and drank popsicles in the sun. The two fairies naturally didn't consider diarrhea, and they kept eating all day long without seeing long meat. This made Pei Peng, who was thinking about fitness, very envious, and decided not to play with them today.

Gu Jiayu sighed: "The sun, it's really warm!"

Bai Yu also nodded, no matter what Gu Jiayu said, the little fan brother agreed, "Yeah, the sun is really warm." After becoming a fairy, he no longer needs to walk away from the sun like a kid, he can It's nice to live in the sun under the sun.

Gu Jia squinted his eyes at the sun and continued: "I really want to become a tanner."

"Yeah, I really want to become the original body ......?" Bai Yu's eyes widened in shock and couldn't believe his ears, "Well, brother, what do you say?"

"I said, I really want to become a tanner, and I feel that fleas are almost growing on him." When Mo Yunqi didn't come before, he could also become his maiden body with his son and lie on the balcony to bask , Now, oh! Gu Jiayi raised an eyebrow at Bai Yu, and suddenly realized, "Oh, I think of it, you guys don't really like sunbathing."

Bai Yu: "..." God! O earth! Mom and Dad Big Brother Two Brother Three Brother Four Brother Five Brother Six Brother Seven Brother My Idol He is not human !! !!

Little mouse was holding his face and screaming silently. The white hairs on his excited forehead were almost exposed. Gu Jiazhen raised his hand and knocked on the other's forehead, instantly squeezing the opponent's agitation. Calm down, it's not just me in this circle. You will definitely encounter other demons in the future. Just do your thing, and other demons will be able to see what your body is at a glance. "

Little hamster still in shock: Oh (⊙⊙)

Gu Jiayu stood up and patted his buttocks, and fanned the long hair hanging from his shoulders behind him. Waist-shaped black hair hung down obediently, Xueyi's hair fluttered in the wind, and Junmei's face was a bit shallow laugh.

Sure enough, the fox is smarter than the mouse, and Bai Yu's IQ is not as good as his little one.

Mysterious superiority!

Jing Jiaojiao took a few girls while screaming and was busy digging out her cell phone to take pictures. Even if she couldn't send it out, it was good to keep the screen licking. We're long and straight with long legs, we're round and crooked with our little buttocks, we are with this small waist, 腰 ~

Bai Yu also stared at Gu Jiayu's back. Somehow he felt that his idol was really suitable for wearing this white brocade, as if he should have been like this. Gu Jiazheng looked back and acted like a person possessed by Zhong Lishao, who is standing here now, just like someone who came out in that time and space.

The empty spirit is beautiful and handsome!

Could this be acting?

My idol is really amazing!

Bai Yu hurriedly took out his mother to buy a new mobile phone, and also took a picture! Look at mom, my idol is handsome again!

They scrambled to shoot Gu Jiayu took a brisk pace to find Deng Xing who was hiding in the corner of the script by himself. He smiled and asked: "Senior, there will be several plays between us in a while, would you like to practice in advance?"

Deng Xing was stiff, looked up with a cold face, and snorted angrily. It's almost like hitting him with acting!

He has fully realized Gu Jiayu's acting skills, and it feels uncomfortable to be dragged by the other side every time. Self-described as an old man in the circle, at least longer than Gu Jiayu debut, Deng Xing refused to lose, and used the rest time to figure out how to film the next scene. Thanks to Jia Jiayu, in this crew, Deng Xing is the fastest acting improver.

Deng Xing's young master's temper and pride were all tossed away by Gu Jiayu, and he would pull his face to ask for help if he didn't understand, as long as he was not bullied by his junior, let him ask anyone. His agents all said: Thank you Gu Jiayu, if there were a few people like Gu Jiayu early, Deng Xing might already be able to take the film emperor!

Wang Dao came out to take a look after a break. Gu Jiayu was still walking around Deng Xing. Everyone was tired. Only Gu Jiayu could not see a little tiredness. Wang Dao also had to sigh, really young it is good.

"Jiayi, come! Let's talk about how to take pictures this afternoon!"

He heard Wang Dao shouting himself all the time, Gu Jiayu looked at him with a smile, made a k gesture, and just as soon as he wanted to go there, he heard a bang, followed by Bai Yu's heartbreaking scream, "茗Brother! Save me! "

As soon as Gu Jiayu turned around, Bai Yu with a pale face rushed in like crazy, and saw Gu Jiayu as if he saw a life-saving straw. He jumped up to three meters away and rushed to Gu Jiayu, like a little Hanging on Gu Jiayu's body like a monkey, "Brother, there are cats! Cats!"

"Meow ~" The little cat that chased Bai Yu and squatted on the ground, meowing milkily.

Gu Jiayu drew his lips silently, "Well, you are so good, are you so big a man afraid of it?"

Not only is the intelligence quotient not as high as his little cub, even the courage is not as big as his little cub!

Huh! This overwhelming sense of superiority!

Gu Jiayu waved his hand and drove the little cat away, and Bai Yu dared to get down from Gu Jiayu, making his face pale and trembling.

The moving crew later asked, and they all laughed after knowing the original committee member. Pei Peng patted Bai Yu's shoulder. "Why is Bai Yu afraid of this, his face is all white, go and drink some water slowly."

Wang Dao frowned, "I see that the little cat is not big, and there is no one nearby. Why is there such a small kitten?"

"Maybe a stray cat?"

"Will the stray cat come here? The box lunch is not enough for us to eat ourselves."

"Hahahaha ..."

Wang Tao's face sank: "Shut up! Go work!"

In such a small accident, everyone did not take it seriously. I did not expect the scene where Bai Yu flew onto Gu Jiayu. I did n’t know who was taken. The picture was posted on the Internet overnight. Get fired into the headlines.


Gu Jiayu and Bai Yu's Weibo have both been captured by fans. They are crazy like brushing: Why are you holding each other? Has it developed a relationship that exceeds ordinary friends? You have the ability to fall in love, you have the ability to announce!

At five o'clock in the morning, when Zheng Xueshao saw the news, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he was counted!

At this point it is not known which of these two people was counted, but the other must have a backseat.

In his opinion, it is obviously irrational to use this kind of hand to attack Gu Jiayu. This is not a real hammer at all. Gu Jiayu's fans are loyal fans and will not buy it.

Is it against Bai Yu?

Recently, Bai Yu did find it good. Since joining the crew of the "Big Wing Dynasty", Bai Yu has gone smoothly, and recently signed a protagonist of a campus idol drama. No accident, after six months, he can become an idol nanny, but Bai Yu is also a new person, who can offend?

"Bai Yu, do you know about cats? Who knows?" With this in mind, Zheng Xue and Shao Lima called, which is crucial.

Bai Yu thought about it seriously, "My dad, my mom, my elder brother, two brothers, three brothers, four brothers, five brothers, six brothers ..."

Zheng Xueshao's headache, "except for your family!" A Gu Jiayu is enough to make him tired, this is also silly!

Apart from his family, Bai Yu couldn't remember who knew he was afraid of cats.

"Think hard! Someone wants to harm you and you don't know who it is, stupid!" Zheng Xueshao hung up the phone, and asked Gu Jiayu to let him clarify.

As a result, Gu Jiayu's phone was shutting down.

Gu Jiayu had a habit of shutting down Mo Zeyang in order to prevent work from getting noisy.

Zheng Xueshao reluctantly looked at the Internet himself. The fans had originally questioned whether the two were in love. Now the wind has suddenly changed, and many people went to Bai Yu Weibo to make trouble: Our tea brother takes you as a brother, you pull us Tea tea hype, do you want to shame?

Conscience is gone, want to be red and crazy! Get off!

Bitch! Look at yourself without looking in the mirror.

The little newcomer's heart is really big enough, pull who is not good hype, pull us tea brother! When our tea bags are dead? !!

Because Gu Jiayu pushed you, we thought you were cute. Without pushing you, you are nothing, okay? !!


Zheng Xueshao looked at the messages that were continuously brushed out, his face was dignified, and it really came to Bai Yu, this is someone with rhythm! Gu Jiayu's fans are notorious in the circle, there are many people, and the combat effectiveness is very powerful. If used by a caring person, to tear up a newcomer like Bai Yu, Bai Yu has no chance to repay.

Zheng Xueshao quickly posted a Weibo clarification: This is just a coincidence, the crew of the crew can testify, Bai Yu was frightened, and the people around him happened to be Gu Jiayu. This was the scene. The two are ordinary friends. Don't get me wrong.

I just eat a melon: What kind of scare can this make me hold? Dad Zheng, don't take us as a fool, unless you let Gu Jiayu admit that he is not in love!

When this reply came out, many people followed it: yes! Let Gu Jiayu admit that he is not in love! Come on, he's still single!

Zheng Xueshao frowned and felt not right. Why did he shift his focus to Gu Jiayu's love?


I noticed that Bai Yu's heart whimpered, and she managed to choke millions of fans, but she was not a devout diehard fan. So, she went back to liberation all of a sudden.

He doesn't care what will happen to him in the future. What makes him even more concerned is that he has burdened his idols!

The fans have said so, what would his idol think?

He didn't pull the idol hype!

He did not have no conscience!

He really only adores idols, and doesn't have indiscriminate thoughts!

Bai Yu cried and called Gu Jiayu, but the other party was still shutting down. Bai Yu didn't know Gu Jiayu's habit. He thought the idol was mad at him. Must explain to the idol!

Finding out the address that Gu Jiayu had given him before, Bai Yu rushed from the crew to Gu Jiayu's home in half an hour, worried that he would be recognized by the paparazzi, and he turned into his original body a few miles away-a slap The big white hamster flew into Gu Jiayu's house.

Idol's home is really big!

Idols have other people's taste!

Little rat lay on the door in an anxious manner, two claws digging at the door, hesitant to get in. He didn't even have clothes, so he couldn't knock on the door naked.

At this time, Bai Yu felt a gust of wind behind his head!

Little Mouse looked back in horror, and drew a sole on his face—slap!


Bai Yu was immediately fainted.

After returning from running, Mr. Mo threw his slippers in disgust, took the broom and dustpan standing on the root of the wall, and threw the "dead" mouse in a hurry.

Jiayu and her son should wake up. When they see such a big dead mouse, they will be afraid.

It is his responsibility to protect his lover and young children.

Bai Yu: _ (□ `∠) _