MTL - After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible-Chapter 498 , fight to the death

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【Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world】【】

As the national teacher of the barbarians, Morensara is naturally well-informed, but he is not clear about what happened recently in the Gorefiend Sect, Zhenwu Sect and other places.

"King Mengerlei was also taken away by these Daqin people?" Morensara asked.

"Yes. They attacked the royal yurt and took your majesty away," said the guard leader.

Moren Sala had a stern expression. This time, the people from Daqin came fully prepared to attack their rear to affect the battle situation in Kuizhou City.

"Send a group of people to guard the temple and wait for me to return." Morensara instructed.

"Yes!" the guard leader said respectfully.

With a swoosh, Morensara broke through the air and disappeared here.

A quarter of an hour later, his figure had appeared in Kuizhou City, and he instructed the army commander to lead the barbarians out of the city to face Daqin.

The sound of Dongdong's war drums resounded in the city of Kuizhou, and countless soldiers poured out of the city and set off towards Daqin's military camp.

In the big tent of the central army, many generals saw that the barbarian king Mengerlei was brought in. Although they had already prepared in their hearts, they couldn't help but be shocked. The other party was a third-rank master, and the barbarian royal court was also heavily guarded. Captured and captured here.

"With the barbarian king in our hands, how dare barbarian soldiers fight again? Unless they don't want their barbarian king's life."

"Haha! We Daqin will definitely win this time, and the barbarians will definitely retreat."

"Yeah! Even if they have a rank strong, it is useless. The king of the barbarians is in our hands, and a rank 1 strong will definitely not dare to act rashly."

Everyone was extremely excited. After fighting for so long, they finally saw some light and some hope.

Originally, everyone felt that there was no chance of winning against a Rank 1 powerhouse.

Cai Han looked at Mengerley and said, "Barbarian King, what do you want to say when you fall into our hands?"

"If you want to kill or cut it, do what you want!" Mengerlei said in a deep voice.

"Yo! This guy is still stubborn, so let's cut him with a knife and cut a piece of meat to make an appetizer." A general said angrily.

"It's too cheap to cut him. You should cut multiple cuts on him first, marinate him with salt, and then cut the meat to make snacks when it tastes good."

"Isn't that what I said?"

"It's different, don't cut him, just cut the meat, the meat will grow back, just like leeks, cut one after another, you can supply unlimited."

Mengerlei's face was ugly with anger. He was a third-rank powerhouse and the king of the barbarians, and he had to be insulted by these despicable people.

At this moment, the drums of war sounded, and the sound spread to the four fields.

A soldier came in in a hurry, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the barbarians and demons are coming."

"Okay! Take the barbarian king out together and see how the barbarian army will face their barbarian king." Cai Han said.

Everyone went out of the central army tent together, and Meng Xing was escorted by Zhou Jingyun, Xu Linfeng, Jiang Yiting and others, with Meng Xing following behind.

Meng Xing didn't expect that the barbarian army came so fast. It seems that the barbarians and the first-rank powerhouses also have a faster transmission speed, and can tell the national teacher within two or three hours.

On the open land, the two armies confronted each other.

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【Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world】【】

The horses galloped, the swords and guns flickered, and the powerful momentum condensed between the two armies, like a stormy sea.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The allied army of barbarians and demons roared together, forming a torrent of sound, charging towards Da Qin's army.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The same is true of Daqin's army. Not to be outdone, they roared furiously, and their powerful momentum also charged towards the allied army of barbarians and demons.

Originally, the morale of Daqin's army was greatly affected, and many people were almost desperate, but the last time Meng Xing led the army and won a great victory, the morale of the army was greatly encouraged, and everyone seemed to be alive.


A powerful figure descended from the sky and landed in front of the barbarians and demons, with a strong aura, staring at the soldiers of Daqin.

The commander-in-chief of the army also hurriedly came behind him, guarding by his side.

The first-rank powerhouse of the barbarians, the national teacher Morensara, finally appeared.

Da Qin's army separated, Cai Han led many masters and many generals, and also appeared in front of the army.

Seeing the aura of a rank-one strong man who was not angry and mighty, everyone was secretive in their hearts and felt his power.

Moren Sala looked at Mengerlei, who was being escorted by Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng, from a distance, bent over to Mengerlei, and said, "Your Majesty!"

"National teacher, please save this king!" Monelley said.

Morensara nodded and said, "Your Majesty, who caught you?"

"It's him! Daqin's gold-level soul angel, Meng Xing." Mengerley pointed at Meng Xing and said.

Morensara's sharp eyes immediately stared at Meng Xing, and said, "A few days ago, you also killed the general of my barbarian tribe?"

"Yes." Meng Xing nodded, but he was on guard in his heart. Although he was in the second-grade Daoist realm, he might not be able to resist a few tricks in the hands of a first-grade powerhouse.

"The thunder python, the guardian sacred beast of my barbarian temple, was also beheaded by you?" Morensara said with a cold expression.

Now, he is trying his best to control his anger, as a first-rank powerhouse, he can naturally control his emotions well.

"Yes. The Lei Python meat is not bad, would you like some?" Meng Xing said.

"You also plucked out the lotus seeds of the gods and the nine-color lotus seeds in my barbarian temple?" Morensara's face twitched, and she asked again coldly.

What? The lotus seeds of the gods and the nine-color lotus seeds were also plucked out by Meng Xing? What the **** happened to this barbarian?

The barbarian king was captured, the guardian beast Thunder Python was slaughtered, roasted and eaten, and even the goddess lotus seeds and nine-color lotus seeds of the temple were smashed up like wool.

Cai Han and the other generals looked at each other in dismay. Cai Han is even more aware that these nine-color lotus seeds are many times more valuable than those of the gods, and they are the legendary magic medicine.

Jiang Yiting, Zhou Jingyun, Yao Jianyu, Mo Xiuyuan and others who followed Meng Xing to the barbarian tribe also looked at each other in dismay. The rays of light that arrived, I think it was the miraculousness of the nine-color lotus seeds. At that time, they were ripe and they were picked by him. UU Reading

The lotus seeds of the gods are already extraordinary, and the nine-color lotus seeds are even more extraordinary.

Daoist Wuchen, who was standing at the back, stumbled and almost fell to the ground. He was a little fortunate that this Meng Xing did not go to Lei Zong's site. If he did, Lei Zong would be robbed.

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【Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world】【】

It is also fortunate that Meng Xing and Saintess Zhuo Lingyan are on good terms. For her face, she should not shave wool against Lei Zong in the future... No, he has already stabbed Saintess. What kind of magic weapon does he use on his body, isn't he? Made by a saint? However, the saintess was willing to take care of him, and she did not object to him at all, and she did what she wanted.

One day he stabbed the Saintess's person, and it was almost the same as stalking Lei Zong.

Daoist Wuchen felt that the next time he met the Holy Maiden, it was necessary to remind her that she would not even be aware of being plucked.

"I pulled it all out! I borrowed the magic medicine from your barbarian temple first, and I'll give it back to you next time." Meng Xing said with a blushing face and a heartbeat.

Said to be the next time, it is definitely impossible.

"As long as you release the barbarian king and return the nine-color lotus seeds to me, I can withdraw from the army and withdraw from the city of Kuizhou, and return the city of Kuizhou to you." Morensala said.

"I won't release the barbarian king, and I won't return the nine-color lotus seeds. You must retreat and hand over the city of Kuizhou." Meng Xing said slowly, the divine sword appeared in his hand, and the sword was light and cold. Erley's neck.

"Otherwise, I will kill him with one sword and fight with you all!"

"My Daqin army will fight you to the end!"

Meng Xing's sonorous words resounded through the two armies.