MTL - Adorable Twins: A Hunter’s Wife Has Space-Chapter 22 Save some money before winter

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  Chapter 22 Save more money before winter

  It was slightly bright, and there was no other sound in the yard except for the crickets.

  Su Li was still sound asleep on the bed, a tall figure walked towards their house carrying a load of water.


   It was the sound of He Yufeng pouring water into the water tank.

  Su Li opened her sleepy eyes, she glanced out the window, turned over and continued to sleep.

  The sound of crackling and chopping firewood began to be heard in the yard.

  Su Li scratched her head irritably, this early in the morning is still not letting people sleep?

  She has a bad temper when she doesn't get enough sleep, commonly known as "getting angry!"

Su Li opened the door, and said to He Yufeng angrily, "Can you do something else first? You can make such a big commotion early in the morning, so you can't sleep peacefully? "

  He Yufeng looked at Su Li's disheveled hair, almond eyes glaring at him angrily, since he thought it was cute.

   No, how could he find this woman cute?

  He Yufeng's face turned dark when he realized it.


  Su Li looked at He Yufeng's dark face and didn't take it to heart. After all, it wasn't a day or two since He Yufeng didn't want to see her, and it wasn't once or twice that he showed her face.

   After speaking, Su Li turned around and went back to the room to continue sleeping and fell asleep.

   When there was movement in the yard again, Su Li also got up from the bed.

  Su Li still cooks breakfast, mainly because He Yufeng's cooking skills are too bad, so in order not to be abused, it's better to do it yourself.

  Su Li boiled miscellaneous grain porridge, baked some wild vegetable cakes, and wrapped some buns with oil residue.

  A scent wafted from the kitchen.

   "Smells so good!" He Erhu swallowed.

  He Dahu couldn't help looking at the kitchen.

   "Wash your hands and eat." Su Li put the things on the table.

  He Dahu and He Erhu ran to wash their hands as soon as they heard that they had eaten.

  The two looked at the buns on the table and salivated, but Su Li didn't speak, and they didn't dare to do anything.

   "Let's eat." Su Li brought them a bun by himself.

  He Yufeng only ate wild vegetable cakes, but he didn't move the buns.

   "Father, you eat buns." He Dahu took a bun for He Yufeng.

  He Yufeng patted his head, smiled and divided the steamed stuffed bun into two halves, like the two brothers.

   "Father doesn't like steamed stuffed buns, so eat them!"

  Su Li glanced at He Yufeng, this man has nothing to say to the child, it's no wonder why the original owner can control him to death.

  The soap is ready to be unmoulded. Su Li plans to unmould all the soap and pack it up. Tomorrow is the day to go to the market. She wants to exchange the soap for money.

  He Dahu and He Erhu saw that she was busy, so they ran over to help.

   With their help, the speed was obviously much faster. Su Li looked at the two little guys who were taking off the mold seriously, and sighed in her heart. Among other things, these two kids are really obedient.

  He Yufeng was making chairs in the yard. Su Li went over to take a look and found that the chairs were well made, the details were handled very well, and there was no burr at all.

  Su Li praised without hesitation: "Your craftsmanship is good, you can consider making chairs and selling them."

   It is too dangerous to go hunting in the mountains. There are some small prey that are not worth much on the periphery of the mountain, so every time He Yufeng will go deep into the mountains, and it will take several days to go there.

  If he has that skill, he might as well make tables and chairs at home and sell them, so the risk is not so great, and he can still watch the children.

  He Yufeng kept moving his hands, and explained: "I know how to make simple tables and chairs, but I don't know how to make furniture. Now many people have to make furniture when they get married."

   "Even if you sell chairs, you can't make much money. It's a problem for us to eat with that little money, let alone give it to my mother..."

  He Yufeng didn't finish the following words, but Su Li understood.

  Selling chairs did not earn money from hunting, and they had to pay seven taels of silver to the old house every month. If they didn’t go hunting, they couldn’t afford it at all.

  Su Li rubbed her temples. It's a bit tricky to get seven taels a month. The mess left by the original owner is really worrying.

  He Yufeng looked at He Dahu and He Erhu who were playing in the yard, and said.

   "I plan to go hunting in the mountains tomorrow, and save up some silver before winter, or there will be fewer prey when winter comes."

He has to save some money quickly before winter, so that even if winter comes, he won’t be afraid of running out of money for the old house. The child doesn’t even have two decent cotton coats, and it’s too cold every winter. This year he wants to give the child Make a cotton coat.

  Su Li nodded: "Understood, I'm going to the market tomorrow, and let Chen Xiang's sister-in-law look after the child for us."

  He Yufeng looked up at Su Li unexpectedly. In the past, Su Li would never tell him these things. If he goes out, Su Li would like to let him go out immediately.

   She won't tell him about her own arrangements, and won't care about the children. These days, Su Li is like a ghost, completely changed.

   "What's wrong? Is there something dirty on my face?"

  Seeing He Yufeng staring at her, Su Li couldn't help touching her face.

  He Yufeng shook his head: "No."

  After the soap was ready, Su Li kept one for herself, one for each of the father and son, but He Yufeng rejected Su Li's kindness on the grounds that he, a big man, didn't need these things.

  Su Li is not reluctant, He Yufeng doesn't need it, she can still sell it for an extra bar of soap.

  He Yufeng was at home to help the two children take a bath, Su Li was happy and relaxed, and the two little ones also breathed a sigh of relief.

   "This thing smells really good." He Erhu said excitedly.

  He Yufeng didn't expect that Su Li could make such a thing, he didn't believe it at first, but now he bathed He Erhu with soap, he obviously felt that He Erhu's skin became much smoother.

  Su Li walked around the village several times, no matter how busy she was, she couldn't give up on losing weight.

  After taking a shower, Su Li latched the door, and after confirming that there was no problem, she stepped into the space.

  The peppers on the black soil are growing well, and they should have a good harvest in a few days.

  She discovered that space has an advantage, that is, she can use her mind to manipulate the crops on the black soil, and she doesn't need to do things like planting peppers, weeding, plowing, and harvesting by herself.

  Su Li is very satisfied with this, she is already busy enough during the day, if she is allowed to enter the space at night to do farm work, then she will not be exhausted?

  She took a sip of the spring water, and a sweet taste entered her mouth. The fatigue on her body was swept away. She took another sip and found that her spirit had recovered a lot.

  Su Li's eyes lit up. She didn't expect the spring water to have this effect. She always thought that this spring water was just an ordinary spring water, and she was busy recently so she didn't have time to study it.

  Looking at this Wang Qingquan, Su Li had an idea in his heart.

  (end of this chapter)