MTL - Adorable Baby from the Sky: Mysterious Husband-Chapter 653 Leng Yihan's anomaly (1)

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♂nbsp; Chapter 653 Leng Yihan's Abnormality (1)

When Gu Qiqi and Mu Xu woke up, they were actually tied to the place where Gu Qiqi was tied last time.

Still those two people.

Gu Qiqi looked at the two of them speechlessly, frowned and said in a low voice, "Is your eldest lady asking you to arrest again?"

Those two people looked at Gu Qiqi and Mu Xu with a proud look: "This time, we caught it ourselves! The last time we caught a man, we have to make up for it!"

This is what Xiaohu said.

Big Tiger's IQ is bigger than this younger brother, and he speaks a lot less than Little Tiger.

Gu Qiqi looked at these two people, and a sentence suddenly popped into his mind: The villains all die from talking too much!

He stared at Gu Qiqi, grinned and smiled at her: "Mu Xu is the one we want to explain to the eldest young lady. We arrested you because I like you and want to chat with you for a while."

Gu Qiqi: "...Then when are you going to let me go! Since you like me, why are you tying me up!"

Xiaohu frowned slightly and said to her in a low voice, "If you don't tie you, you will run away. I haven't spoken to you yet! I brought you here to talk to you about the future and life."

Mu Xu looked at these two idiots, and asked them speechlessly: "No wonder your eldest lady is so stupid!"

When the two heard this, their expressions were serious and their brows were furrowed: "Who asked you to insult my eldest lady?"

Then he directly gagged Mu Xu's mouth.

Da Hu also wanted to gag Gu Qiqi's mouth, but Xiao Hu stopped him, and said anxiously, "Brother, I want to talk to Gu Qiqi! Don't gag, everyone is tied up. If you can't run away, haven't you already called the eldest miss? She will be here in a while. I will take this opportunity to have a few words with her! Anyway, the person the eldest miss wants to arrest is not Gu Qiqi!"

Dahu glanced at his brother in disgust.

In his opinion, being called stupid and despised by others is all the hindrance of his younger brother.

"Brother, I haven't married a daughter-in-law yet! If I talk to her, stay and be my daughter-in-law!" Xiaohu can be said to be quite serious.

Gu Qiqi: "…"

She turned her head and looked at Mu Xu, whose mouth was gagged.

They seem to see two mentally retarded.

Xiaohu felt Gu Qiqi staring at him, a little shy: "Gu Qiqi, last time I thought you were quite similar, I read all your news on X Bo, and "Shh, don't be afraid. , I'm here!" I also watched the police flower you played. I also watched the movie "The Legend of Concubine Yuan" dozens of times, and I will go after the TV series when it comes out. Don't worry, I only like you One, I won't like anyone else anymore."

I don't know why, although Gu Qiqi was arrested for the second time by these two people, he couldn't hate them except for being speechless.

"The news says you have three children." He looked at Gu Qiqi and said hesitantly, "You don't look like that! Not all celebrities refuse to have children, I used to like that one. Lin Zhizhi is the goddess Lin Zhizhi, you know her! She is forty years old, and she has never married and had children. In my online information, you are only twenty-six years old. Why do you have three children? If you have so many children, then we may not be able to be together, and I will not raise three children for others." He actually said it seriously, as if he was really still thinking about whether he could Accept the matter of Gu Qiqi's three children.

Gu Qiqi looked at the man in front of him at this moment and felt a little stupid.

"Then it's impossible for us, I really have three children!" Gu Qiqi said lightly.

There was anger on Xiaohu's stupid face, and he said angrily: "How can you do this! You have only one child, but there are still three children, who is the father of the child, I will send the child back, I won't despise you having a child, as long as you send the child back to the child's father!"

Mu Xu looked at the mentally retarded little tiger and rolled his eyes.

Originally, she was really angry, but when she heard this idiot's words, she could not laugh or cry.

These guys are really mentally retarded!

"I'm already married!" Gu Qiqi broke it mercilessly when he was still imagining the future of the two of them.

The expression on Xiaohu's face suddenly froze.

Hearing Gu Qiqi's words, he asked incredulously, "You are married! Why are you getting married, why didn't you wait for me!"

Gu Qiqi was really speechless now.

It's really impossible to communicate with the mentally handicapped.

"Then what about the scandal between you and the original author, what about Pei Xingchen's scandal, and the fact that you're being fostered? I'm a fan of you, I always believed that you were framed, but you're right What I said is true. You hurt me too much! Gu Qiqi, are you saying these things are true!" Xiaohu, like a beaten child, questioned Gu Qiqi with red eyes.

Gu Qiqi adhered to the idea of ​​not having the same knowledge as IQ, and ignored this mental retardation.

"It's all true, Gu Qiqi, you've really disappointed me so much, it's my fault for believing in you!" Xiaohu looked at Gu Qiqi and didn't speak, he had already acquiesced that Gu Qiqi was the acquiescence.

Mu Xu was gagged and said something.

Xiaohu looked at Gu Qiqi and still ignored him, grabbed her by the collar, and shouted angrily, "Tell me, are those things true or not, tell me or not!"

Just then, a furious voice came from the door.

"You two idiots, who asked you to arrest someone." Mingling still hadn't arrived, and her voice had arrived.

Xiaohu was still holding on to Gu Qiqi's collar, but when he heard the sound, he quickly let go of Gu Qiqi.

Ming Ling has come in.

Seeing that they actually arrested two people this time, their faces were even more ugly.

"You two idiots." She came in and saw that the two had actually caught Gu Qiqi this time. The face was really ugly. One kicked directly on Xiaohu and the other on Dahu: "Because of your stupid things last time, I was almost kicked out by my dad, and you actually came to do this for me again."

Ming Ling didn't know that his father had been taken away for investigation at this time.

Big Hu said in a hurry, "Miss, we caught the wrong person last time, and we want to make up for it. You see, we live in Mu Xu, and this Gu Qiqi was caught because he happened to be with her. !"

When Ming Ling heard this, his scalp became even more numb with anger.

When she ran away from home, her father had warned her.

Let her stop for a while.

"Send me back, or I will tear apart your bones." Mingling gave Mingling and Gu Qiqi an irritable look.

If it wasn't for her father saying that she was not allowed to mess around, she would not have let Mu Xu go easily.

Da Hu and Xiao Hu looked at each other and asked suspiciously, "Miss, do you really want to send it back?"

Mingling said to them impatiently: "Come here!"

Big Tiger and Little Tiger bowed their heads and approached silently.

Mingling slapped everyone: "Go and apologize!"

Da Hu and Xiao Hu were obviously used to being beaten, so they took a deep breath and walked up to Gu Qiqi and Mu Xu: "I'm sorry!"

"Send the people back!" she and the two ordered.

Big Hu and Xiao Hu could only look at each other, and then untied the rope that helped Gu Qiqi and Mu Xu.

When the two were released, Da Hu and Xiao Hu bowed to them again and apologized: "I'm sorry!"

Mu Xu and Gu Qiqi glanced at Ming Ling, and then said to her: "Ming Ling, I advise you, if you want to live a good life, quickly drive these two mentally retarded away."

After that, the two left together.

Mingling turned his head and looked at the big tiger and the little tiger with a dignified expression.

She frowned.

Although she felt that sometimes these two people were not very reliable, she didn't think they were so stupid!

These two people have been following her since she was a child, and she thinks they are quite useful.

"Let's go!" Mingling said coldly to the two of them.

When the two heard Ming Ling's words, they said happily, "Miss, aren't you angry?"

Mingling glared at them: "Don't do things on your own in the future."

The two responded in unison.

Xiaohu looked at Gu Qiqi's back with disappointment.

Seeing Gu Qiqi walking farther and farther, he said to her back: "Gu Qiqi, I didn't expect you to be such a disrespectful woman. I will never fan you again in the future."

When Gu Qiqi and Mu Xu heard this, they almost couldn't help turning their heads back to him: "Come on, stop being a fan, it's really a bit low-key to have an IQ like yours in the fan base!"

However, the two who just escaped from the tiger's mouth will naturally not seek death.

After Gu Qiqi and Mu Xu left, Mingling received a call.

It was her father's phone number.

She took a deep breath and told herself to talk to him properly. After all, she grew up so much and had always been dependent on her father.

After so many years, this old man has been doting on her too, and he can't wait to hold her in his hand.

She should have said sorry to the old man.

After answering the call, before the old man Ming could speak on the phone, Ming Ling said to the phone: "Old man, don't be angry, it was my fault for arresting people this time, I thought I would not cause you trouble! I listen. The second uncle said that there was something wrong with the company at home, so..."

Before she could finish speaking, old man Ming's voice came over the phone: "Girl, bring a lawyer to the police station!"
