MTL - Adorable Baby from the Sky: Mysterious Husband-Chapter 591 Yan Haocheng's special hobby (4)

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Chapter 591 Yan Haocheng's Special Hobbies (4)

Attorney Wang and Zhang Guodong quickly settled the contract.

After the contract was finalized, she simply read it once and signed it.

After signing, she saw that the door of Yan Haocheng's office was still closed, and said to Zhang Guodong, "I'm going back, and there is a night show at night. I won't go in and disturb him. Please tell him for me."

Zhang Guodong hesitated and wanted to stop Gu Qiqi, but he left before he could speak.

Gu Qiqi left with the lawyer.

As soon as the two walked out of the Yan family, a group of reporters surrounded Gu Qiqi, and then the overwhelming questions were thrown at Gu Qiqi.

"Ms. Gu, is it true that Mr. Yan said that you are now the largest shareholder of Yan's?"

"Gu Qiqi, is it because Yan Haocheng transferred the shares in her name to you now that you are the one with the most shares in the Yan family?"

"The police took Ni Yiyi and said that she not only spread rumors, but even slandered and attacked you. Is this true?"

"Miss Gu, is it a gimmick that you signed up for Yan's endorsement?"


All kinds of problems abound.

Gu Qiqi frowned and looked at the reporters around, but did not answer, and was guarded by the lawyer and left.

Back in Yu Shanshan's studio, the video of Ni Yiyi slandering Gu Qiqi in Yan Shi has been released on the Internet.

The video starts from Ni Yiyi coming in, and then accuses Ni Yiyi until Ni Yiyi is taken away. The plot turns like a god, and you are still inspiring in a tight counter-attack drama.

Gu Qiqi looked at the comments of the netizens below and really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Amazing my Qiqi..."

"We thought it was bronze, but we didn't expect it to be the king!"

"No matter how Gu Qiqi got these hair, anyway, the old lady wants her to be regarded as an idol in life. Even if she comes to sleep with her, it is also a skill. You guys have the kind of sleep to try out a company!"

"It's obvious that you can rely on your body to eat, but it depends on money!"

"I originally wanted to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it..."

"Ni Yiyi, what kind of cowardice is this! I used to like her quite a bit. Why did the cold life in the past become like this now?"

"Ni Yiyi is afraid that it is completely cold!"


There are all kinds of speeches.

Some are still mocking Gu Qiqi, but most of the remarks are exaggerated.

In the past, it was said that Gu Qiqi was fostered and was a mistress, but now that she knows that she holds so many shares in the Yan family, she can't say anything.

With such a high value, why do you need to serve those who are full of fat intestines.

Some netizens said under the video: She can support the little white face with this money. Unless it is true love, who will tell you to serve those coal bosses in Guangmingding.

Gu Qiqi has always known that comments are talented since ancient times. When she helped Su Xiao read the comments before, she was amused by netizens. Now, when she looks at her own comments, she thinks that netizens are talents.

In her spare time, she also commented on some comments herself.


Mrs. Yan was just surfing the Internet, and then jumped out of the news about Gu Qiqi.

Now she has secretly become a diehard fan of Gu Qiqi.

Neither Yan Haocheng nor Gu Qiqi knew that the netizen who had extreme remarks and who was especially good at protecting the calf was actually Mrs. Yan.

When she sees whoever says that Gu Qiqi is bad, she will go into battle in person and fight for it without slack.

She is now well-known in Gu Qiqi's fan base, and is nicknamed: Guerrilla.

That is, on every platform, there will be her figure everywhere.

Guan Jian, the name she took is particularly rustic: Qiqi is my granddaughter-in-law.

She stared at this name everywhere to find people's theories, and even questioned why people said bad things about her family.

When she saw Gu Qiqi's news, she clicked it instinctively.


; Then after watching the video, she was immediately happy.

Her grandson finally knew how to declare sovereignty.

The relationship between Gu Qiqi and the Yan family was announced, and she would be inseparable from the Yan family in the future.

Thinking of this, the physical ability of her grandson, which she was worried about in the bottom of her heart, was much less.

Then start browsing the messages one by one.

Finally, seeing Gu Qiqi's reply, she also replied under Gu Qiqi's message.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qiqi also replied to her: I am your grandson-in-law, you asked your grandson, did he agree?

Gu Qiqi over there replied because he saw this name.

She finds it funny.

She never thought that this person was Mrs. Yan.

She just thought it was a young fan.

Madam Yan frowned slightly when she saw Gu Qiqi's reply to her comment, and quickly replied: You are destined to belong to my family, and you can't run away.

Seeing this reply, Gu Qiqi couldn't help laughing.

Then I clicked on the message sent by this account, and found that she is completely her own die-hard fan. She is very active every day, and she swears the air every day for herself.

Gu Qiqi was very relieved to see that all the content she posted was his own, and then followed her.

I also sent her a message: Thank you for your unconditional trust in me and your support! I'm really happy to see you argue for me before! I never thought that someone would always trust me so unconditionally.

When Mrs. Yan saw this message from Gu Qiqi, her eyes were red, as if a little fan girl was praised by an idol.

After Gu Qiqi watched the video, he casually flipped through other news.

In the afternoon, the news about her was overwhelming, with mixed reviews.

Gu Qiqi didn't look at it again after that.

We media on the Internet will follow suit. When you are good, your brother praises you, and when you are bad, everyone scolds you.

Gu Qiqi is now acting as if she was being performed, and then began to portray her. Various stories came out and some stories that did not exist were also written by them.

After Yu Shanshan saw the news, she immediately contacted some familiar magazines, and then commented on Yan Shi's endorsement change with a neutral attitude.

Yu Shanshan is used to seeing the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, and understands the truth that the higher the praise, the more painful the fall. Gu Qiqi now needs to be down-to-earth in filming. rather than this spiced up rendering.

In the evening, Mu Xu had already returned. Gu Qiqi actually wanted to ask her how her chat with Yang Xiao was, but seeing Mu Xu's appearance, she held back.

Later, the two got into the car, and Mu Xu took the initiative to say, "Don't ask me how Yang Xiao and I were talking!"

Gu Qiqi had an ominous premonition in her heart when she heard her say that.

She hesitated for a moment, then asked in a low voice, "Are you and Yang Xiao reconciled?"

She avoided asking how they were talking.

Mu Xu was silent for Pinak, and then said faintly: "Maybe we were too hasty in getting married, we were not from the same world, but now we insist on being together, I don't want to give up my pride for him. And self-esteem, he wanted a wife who would be a husband and a child. We couldn't make life together."

Mu Xu was very tired.

She really wanted to explain her relationship with Leng Yihan to Yang Xiao just now.

But before she spoke, the other party had already made a sarcastic statement.

Gu Qiqi was accustomed to Yang Xiao's patience and obedience towards her, but when he was suddenly scolded by him, some of the things she identified gradually faded away.

In fact, if only one of the two would fall in love, then maybe things wouldn't be like this.

Although Mu Xu also had a crush on Leng Yihan, she didn't really fall in love. She was with Cheng Tianyu before because he was the same as Leng Yihan in some aspects, and he didn't get along well.

The latter two people who have never really been in love meet and become sensitive and suspicious.

"So we decided to divorce!" Mu Xu said quietly after a moment of silence.

Hearing this, Gu Qiqi raised his head and stared at Mu Xu in disbelief: "What?"