MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 407 Dimensional Fragments and Ancient 1 Mage

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On the outskirts of London, in Stonehenge, because a perverted old man ran naked here this morning, so many tourists at Stonehenge ran away.

Although the authorities have repeatedly insisted that the pervert has been arrested and sent to a mental hospital, considering that this is the UK, men are all paired, and if one perverted old man is arrested, there may not be another same perverted old man.

When I think that I might see a perverted old man streaking twice today... Who wants to watch this?

Therefore, in order to protect their eyes, tourists resolutely resisted Stonehenge and went to other places. Stonehenge, a very popular attraction in the past, suddenly became deserted.

Cao Gui sat cross-legged in the center of Stonehenge, the blue light in his eyes flickered, and the space around his body began to slowly twist. Looking at it from a distance, Cao Gui seemed to be a noodle man, constantly shaking and shaking.

He is comprehending the space gem in his hand. There is a saying that time is not enough, space is king. Although in the original Marvel world, space gems were not used for many battles, and dying is Thanos in Titan. Used once on the star.

However, if the power of space can be controlled and used in battle, it can definitely exert a powerful combat power.

Cao Gui had been thinking about space gems before, but...the progress was quite slow, and the reason was very simple. The space on the earth was extremely solid. Except for a few space cracks, the rest of the place was like an impregnable wall.

Cao Gui can use space gems to achieve fixed-point teleportation, but he cannot distort space or change a certain space.

For this, Cao Gui has discovered since he got the space gem. After many studies, it can be concluded that it is caused by the three-dimensional array of Kama Taj.

It's not that Cao Gui never thought of leaving the earth to go to extraterrestrial space. He is now an elemental body and has the ability to survive in space very early, but even the moon, the strength of space is not much worse than that of the earth.

After a tossing, Cao Gui found that the world of black robes was fine, but... ahem, I'm ashamed to say that as soon as I entered the world of black robes, I couldn't get out. Cao Gui's daily practice time was relatively...a little bit.

Therefore, although Cao Gui knows how to use space gems, he is not proficient, and can barely achieve the level of mirror magic.

But it is different now. Together with the nine worlds, the entire space has become disordered. Even Kama Taj's dimensional array cannot change this astronomical phenomenon, so this timing is a good learning opportunity for Cao Gui. .

A once-in-a-millennium opportunity to study the power of space.


Cao Gui raised his hand, and the distorted space around him instantly solidified, and then he flicked his fingers, only to hear a sound from Kacha, as if glass shattered, and a faint black hole appeared in the space in front of him.

"The space to suppress ether particles..." Cao Gui touched his chin, got up and walked in.

And the blue light of the broken space slowly appeared around, preventing the space from repairing itself.

The space here is chaotic and dark, with a huge square stone pillar in front, and an abyss below, but the gravity here is very weak, even if it falls, it will not be a big problem.

Cao Gui patted the stone pillar. Due to the long-term suppression of ether particles, the stone pillar has been impregnated with the power of ether particles. It would be a good thing if he could use it for himself. Unfortunately, Cao Gui couldn't refine tools.

Just as Cao Gui was observing here, a spark of sparks flickered in the Stonehenge outside the space gap, breaking a circular portal, and a bald-headed, yellow-clothed female mage walked out slowly, and then came into this space.

"Master Gu Yi?" Cao Gui said in surprise. He wasn't ready to meet the elder, but he didn't expect that the other party came directly to the door.

With a wave of Master Gu Yi's sleeve robe, a golden light flashed, the blue light of the organization's space repair was wiped out, and the hole slowly disappeared.

"Mr. Cao Gui, your behavior has caused a lot of confusion in Kama Taj." Gu Yi pointed at the space gap that was being repaired.

"Uh... I'm sorry." Cao Gui immediately apologized: "I didn't know about this, and I would like to express my greatest apologies for the confusion caused by my actions."

"Please don't do this kind of thing next time." Master Gu Yi said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Of course." Cao Gui nodded immediately, he was just practicing his skills, if you don't allow it, then forget it.

After looking around the place, Cao Gui asked, "Master Gu Yi, what is this place?"

Master Gu Yi looked at it and chuckled: "A dimensional fragment belonging to Asgard."

"Is there a master?" Cao Gui said with a pity that if he didn't, he would be his own.

"Of course, this is the thing of God King Odin." Master Gu Yi said: "Everything that happens here, God King Odin can see."

When Cao Gui heard the words, the corner of Cao Gui's mouth twitched, and sure enough, there was indeed the work of that old man behind the matter of ether particles.

"Master Gu Yi, can I ask another question?" Cao Gui said.

"Of course." Master Gu Yi smiled and nodded, and said, "Knowledge always needs to be shared, and doubts always need to be answered."

Cao Gui was immediately awe-inspiring, as expected of the ancient master, this kind of realm is not something he can achieve.

"If the owner of the dimensional fragment dies, will the dimensional fragment become an ownerless thing?" Cao Gui asked.

"It will naturally become." Master Gu Yi nodded: "But there is a premise that the dimension master will not actively destroy it."

"If the dimension master takes the initiative to destroy ... then there is no way anyone can do it."

"So that's how it is..." Cao Gui nodded, it seems that this thing has no relationship with him, not to mention that only when the nine worlds are together, this dimension will appear traces, and if you enter here, you will be stuck. Martaj This is too much trouble.

And...the space doesn't look too good.

"Thank you for clarifying your doubts, Master Gu Yi." Cao Gui bowed slightly and saluted.

"You're welcome, Cao." Master Gu Yi said with a smile: "If you can, you should leave here. The flow of time here is different from our world."


"What about you? Entering other people's dimensions is a very unwise thing for you, right?" Cao Gui asked while opening the space door.

He just remembered that Master Gu Yi couldn't leave the earth.

"About this..." Master Gu Yi smiled: "What you see now is actually a phantom."

The corner of Cao Gui's mouth twitched, as expected of a mage.


"If you want, you can come and sit at Kama Taj, I'm very welcome."

"Definitely, I'll definitely go when I get a chance." Cao Gui stepped into the space door quickly, but found that the original day had turned into night.

Cao Gui hurriedly asked someone to ask the time. Fortunately, only ten hours had passed, so it was not troublesome.

"Damn it, dimensions are too dangerous." Cao Gui broke out in a cold sweat.

But at this time, the bright stars suddenly lit up in the sky, Cao Gui frowned, and he felt a little sad inexplicably.

"It seems that the queen of Asgard has really passed away..." Cao Gui shrugged, Odin played off, and it was time for Thor to play.

"Forget it, get some merit and experience tomorrow, and then continue to ponder the space gems." Cao Gui grunted, opened the space door and returned to his villa.