MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1050 Hao Shuai: Godzilla, I want to introduce Mothra to

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  Chapter 1050 Hao Shuai: Godzilla, I want to introduce Mothra to King Kong.

   Hao Shuai ignored Godzilla’s dissatisfaction, and continued to speak slowly: "Why not? Anyway, you are not a younger brother, and you won’t survive today. You can’t let Mothra be your widow?!"


   "Anyway, after you die, King Kong will become the new king of monsters. It's not a good fit for the king of monsters to match the queen of monsters."


   "Besides, Mothra also has the right to pursue happiness."



  Every time Hao Shuai said something, Godzilla roared in dissatisfaction, but as Hao Shuai persuaded him with facts and reason, Godzilla's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally fell completely silent.

  It knows what Hao Shuai said is true, if the beast dies, everything will be fine, so what love and freedom will it be talking about then!

Hao Shuai also knew that Godzilla's heart was shaken, and immediately said: "Being my little brother doesn't mean that you have no freedom. Usually, you sleep when you want to sleep, and fight when you have to fight. Whenever I need you, come out and fight for me." , It’s enough to support the scene.”

   "Hey~~ (That's it, then I agree

  Godzilla finally nodded to show his surrender, and now he has figured it out, anyway, he can't fight, and he can't escape. The person in front of him has made it so clear, and the steps are given, so just surrender!

  Thinking of his impending loss of freedom, Godzilla could not help but shed tears of humiliation.

  I, Godzilla, nicknamed Fat Boy, King of Monsters, Deep Sea Fat House, and because my personality is similar to that of Pingtou, I always fight or fight when I appear on the stage. If I can’t win, I still fight. If you lose, go home and rest for a while and continue playing.

  So people in the rivers and lakes call him Brother Pingtou.

I am a huge creature that inhabited the Permian period. I am the descendant of the "atomic dinosaur" race that was at the top of the ecosystem at that time. I have organs like an atomic furnace in my body, which can generate huge heat energy by myself. The energy then turns into a flame form similar to Crimson Godzilla.

  This is why I have a soft spot for Mothra.

  As a deep-sea fat house, my daily routine is to find a place with strong natural radiation in the deep sea, and then treat it as my own home, and often sleep on it.

   Only when other titans come out to make trouble, I will rarely go out and go to settle it.

  Originally, this kind of life is day after day, year after year, and I don’t know how many years have passed, but I am used to it.

  But in recent decades, I don’t know why there are many radiation sources on the surface that attract me, but I don’t take it to heart.

   But what is more uncomfortable is that there are always a group of little ones, creatures called human beings, who wake me up when I am sleeping, and sometimes even blow up the beast house!

  This makes me unbearable~~

  If it weren’t for the fact that the little one would send me delicious radiant energy after each wake-up, this beast would have taught them how to be human with an atomic breath.

  A few days ago, I didn’t wake up from my deep sleep again.

  This time, I was not woken up by Little One, but by a smell that I really hate.

  It was a breath that originated in the blood, which made me particularly disgusted, and I wanted to kill it quickly.

  So I followed the breath all the way, and finally stopped it on a small island.

  It is Muto, the feud of our atomic dinosaur family, the kind of feud that has me without it, and has it without me.

   On the spot, we two beasts fought.

  It can't beat me, after all, my body shape is more than doubled.

   Just when I asked an atomic breath to end it, it flew away.


   It's a male Muto with wings and can fly!

  Looking at the distant male Muto, I became even more angry. If it wasn't for his fast flying, I would have sprayed over with an atomic breath.

  In my heart, except for Mothra, all other flying creatures should not exist and should be completely destroyed!

  Unwillingly, I followed its breath, and I knew where it was going, because I smelled another breath that disgusted me.

   Sure enough, every time Muto played, both male and female beasts appeared together.

  I swim, swim~ swim, swim~~

   Finally caught up with them on a piece of land.

  When I saw the two beasts were breeding and laying eggs, I was anxious~~

  Two mutos are enough to destroy the balance of nature. If those eggs are allowed to hatch successfully, then it will be the end of their home planet Earth.

  As an environmental protection ambassador of nature, my brother will never allow such a thing to happen.

  So I rushed up with high spirits and fought them one-on-two.


  I forgot that I was not yet at my peak, and mistakenly overestimated my combat power, and I couldn't beat them.

   Instead of fighting other behemoths, I would have retreated strategically if I couldn't beat them, which is commonly known as running away.

  There is nothing to be ashamed of~~

  In the long years, I don't know how many times I have retreated, just get used to it.

  But it doesn’t work if the target is Muto, even if I have already been hammered by a mixed doubles of male and female Muto, I will fight to the death.

  This is my principle as an atomic dinosaur.

   Just when I was about to fight back desperately, I noticed a person appeared in the air, a person who could fly in the air.

  For some reason, I feel a strong threat from this person.

  It’s just that the person disappeared after a while, and then I sensed that the Muto’s egg not far away had disappeared.

  Actually, I was not the only one who sensed it. The female Muto, who is the mother, also noticed it, and saw it running back to the nest like crazy.

  After a while, Emuto rushed towards me like crazy again, and beat me up if he didn't want to die.

   Regarding this~ I am speechless besides being speechless.

   It’s not that I stole your eggs, why are you looking for me! If you have the ability to find the person who stole your eggs, go all out!

  Female creatures are indeed an unreasonable thing.

   Fortunately, my Mothra will not be like this.

   Just as the fight between the male and female Muto became more intense and the wounds were getting more and more, an outrageous thing happened: a King Kong suddenly ran out from behind me!

  King Kong with a height of 100 meters~~

   Appeared behind me so suddenly and silently. If it weren't for my brother, he would still be a little knowledgeable. I'm afraid I was scared to pee by this weird scene on the spot.

  In addition to King Kong, behind Muto, there is also a giant snake-shaped beast with a length of 200 meters.

I don't know that giant beast, and I have never seen it. From the appearance, it looks a bit like Tiamat, a dormant Titan. The difference is that Tiamat has large and small fins on its body. The beast did not, but instead had a single horn on its head.

  I know it doesn't belong to a giant titan, because it doesn't have the aura of a titan on its body, but judging from its appearance and the aura it emits, it is not a good stubble.

   Just as I was thinking about whether it was a creature that came to earth from an alien planet to domineeringly like Ghidorah, King Kong behind him shamelessly launched a sneak attack on me.

  Already furious, I abandoned Muto on the spot, turned around and fought King Kong who was attacking me.

  Anyway, it’s all a blood feud, it’s the same to kill this shameful sneak attacker first and then Muto.

   It’s just a matter of sequence and time~~


  (end of this chapter)