MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1028 It's professional to be an emperor when you are funny~~

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  Chapter 1028 Doubichao is a professional emperor~~

  Thinking of this, Hao Shuai decided in his heart that he must go to the world of Naruto, get the shadow clone technique, and see if the dirt reincarnation technique can revive Bi Xiuxin and Shang Qingya.

   Promising to Qingxuan and Xiuxun has been procrastinating like this, and it's not a problem. You have to find ways and try more.

  Hao Shuai with a big head felt that he had to go back to the Hundred Flowers Picture to find Shaoyao and the others to relax at night, otherwise he would die young sooner or later if he used his brain too much.

  Hao Shuai is very good at finding excuses for his enjoyment.

  Just thinking of Shaoyao, Hao Shuai suddenly had an inspiration, and he suddenly said: "No~~ In fact, there are still children of the royal family living outside!"


  Fu Tianchou and the others looked at Hao Shuai in bewilderment.

Hao Shuai said righteously: "It is said that more than 20 years ago, when the emperor was visiting Jiangxi on his southern tour, he once stayed in a family named Zhu, and even became a Cao thief once. A beautiful new wife."

   "Shortly after the emperor left, the wife of the family named Zhu conceived and gave birth to a son in October."

  “No one knew about it at the time, even the wife thought the son belonged to her husband.”

   "Twenty years have passed in such a flash, and this incident has gradually been forgotten, even the emperor has forgotten..."


  As Hao Shuai eloquently narrated the romantic affairs of a romantic emperor who went to the south of the Yangtze River to prostitute himself, everyone present was fascinated.

  No way~~

  What Hao Shuai said was too true, so true that he even revealed the process of hooking up with others, they couldn't help but not believe it.

  If it wasn’t for Zuo Qianhu who had been working in the capital all the time, knowing that the emperor didn’t make a southern tour at all~~

  If it wasn’t for Fu Tianchou being the former minister of the Ministry of Rites, he would never have seen this matter in the emperor’s daily life~~

  If Zhuge Wolong is not good at telling stories~~

  The people present probably believed Hao Shuai's words 100%.

   After all, Hao Shuai is based on the story of Qianlong going to the south of the Yangtze River. Except for the names, everything else is true.

  Just as Hao Shuai was talking vigorously, a crisp voice suddenly interrupted him, "Brother Hao, you said that no one knows about this, so how did you know?"

Sometimes, when a person is telling a story, what he is most afraid of is that someone suddenly interrupts the topic, so that the atmosphere freezes for a moment, just like now, everyone is looking at the speaker quietly, that is, For Fu Yuechi, no one spoke for a long time, and Fu Qingfeng on the side held his forehead even more, looking like his head was hurting.

  Only the person involved, Fu Yuechi, was still ignorant, staring blankly at everyone, not understanding why they suddenly looked at her and what she was doing.

"Ah~~ An ignorant little girl like Fu Yuechi is easy to learn and has a lot of shit." Hao Shuai silently complained in his heart, but he still opened his mouth and said: "Yuechi asked a good question, so more than 20 years ago How did I know about it!"

   "It started some time ago." Hao Shuai recalled: "Before I met Qingfeng and you, I met a Juren in Jiangxi who was going to Beijing for the exam. His surname was Zhu."

   "When I saw him at the time, I was shocked, because I actually saw the dragon spirit of the emperor in him."

   "This matter immediately aroused my curiosity, so I chatted with him all the way to learn about his affairs. At the same time, I calculated the causal connection between the emperor and that person through divination."

   "So~ I'm sure that the friend surnamed Zhu is the emperor's dragon son who has been living abroad for more than 20 years, and now he just stands up to inherit the great treasure."

   Speaking of this, Hao Shuai looked at Fu Tianchou and the others with both eyes, and asked, "What do you think?!"

  Fu Tianchou and the others were speechless for a long time, and after a while, Fu Tianchou met Hao Shuai's gaze and said worriedly: "It's just like this, will people in the world believe it?"

  It’s not Fu Tianchou, they like to sing the opposite tune~~

   It’s really what Hao Shuai said, it’s outrageous that his mother opened the door for the outrageous—outrageous home.

  It’s okay to listen to the story, but if it’s really publicized, isn’t it an insult to the IQ of the world? ! Especially those ambitious people, I am afraid that they will jump out and oppose immediately.

  Hao Shuai also knew Fu Tianchou's worries, but Hao Shuai didn't care at all. He waved his hand domineeringly and said forcefully, "I said he is, he is, and anyone who opposes it is useless!!"

  Fu Tianchou and the others were choked by Hao Shuai's words for a moment, not knowing what to say.

  In fact, they don’t understand at all~~

Ordinary people don't care who is the emperor, as long as they can live a good life, he is a good emperor. As for other people, they are ambitious people. Even if they really find the prince, they should jump out and rebel They will still jump out and rebel.

  As long as you have mastered the power of the Jedi, even if you say that a pig is the emperor, no one will dare to say anything wrong!


  Hao Shuai is the one who has mastered this kind of absolute power, so if he says the story is true, then it is true. Even if the emperor comes back from the dead, he has to admit that he has done it!

   Just like that, amidst Hao Shuai's powerful story, Zhu Xiaolian, who was still on his way to Beijing, became a prince inexplicably, and was about to be crowned a great treasure.

  Yes~~It is Zhu Xiaolian!

  The exiled prince that Hao Shuai mentioned is Zhu Xiaolian!

  When Hao Shuai thought of Shao Yao just now, he inexplicably thought of Dou Bi Chao, that is, Zhu Xiaolian.

  I don’t know why, but every time Hao Shuai talks about poetry, poetry, life ideals and sweating profusely at Shaoyao, he always unconsciously thinks of funny than super, which gives him an inexplicable sense of excitement.

And when I think of Zhu Xiaolian, I think that Dou Bichao seems to be a professional emperor. In "The Young Son of Heaven", Dou Bichao played the role of the emperor Aixinjue Luo Fulin, and in "No. 1 in the World" played the role of Princess Yunluo The emperor's brother, Emperor Zhengde, once again played the role of Emperor Chongzhen in "The Late Ming Dynasty".

   It can be seen that Doubichao is very experienced in being the emperor, and he is very familiar with it.

  Before Hao Shuai talked with him all the way, he also knew that he was insightful and ambitious, and he wanted to make a career. He would not mind climbing to the top one step at a time, so as to benefit the people.

  Of course, Hao Shuai also has a little bit of thought in his heart to supplement the funny, after all, Shaoyao’s side~~

  Ah~~ This **** Cao thief idea!

   Actually, it’s not that Hao Shuai never thought about letting Ning Caichen sit on the throne, it’s just that after thinking about it, he didn’t remember that his brother played the role of emperor!

  I always felt that Ning Caichen was a little awkward sitting in that position, so I had to give up this idea.

  Fu Tianchou and the others saw that Hao Shuai had made up his mind, and they could only pinch their noses to recognize Hao Shuai whose arms were not twisted to his thighs.

   Just before when Hao Shuai and Zhu Xiaolian separated, he left a mark on him, and finding him was just a matter of going back and forth.

  The problem of the heir to the throne is solved, and the next thing is the problem of manpower.

In fact, after the situation was stabilized, Fu Tianchou and Zuo Qianhu also approached their old acquaintances and colleagues. Unfortunately, most of them were fed centipede essence, and the remaining few with low official positions survived by luck. question…


  (end of this chapter)