MTL - Across A Millennium to Love You-Chapter 86

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A pool of warm water, Bai Min soaked in it lazily, and was at home alone, soaked in a comfortable hot bath. The cold two days have always taken me away. I almost made mistakes at work, so I have to take a good rest It happens to be Saturday tomorrow. You must sleep beautifully, but first remember to switch off the phone and unplug the phone, otherwise Dong Weiwei must "harass" her, that energetic guy, sometimes her enthusiasm really makes her suffer Nope.

Vaguely, a cool wind was blowing outside the window, as if the window was not closed tightly, followed by a strong wind, whirring, as if it was raining.

Bai Min felt dizziness for a while, it was a bumpy sensation, undulating, uncontrollable, fast running speed, wind around her ears, her hair hurting on her face, she wanted to grab, but she could n’t catch anything. live. Then, then-it seemed like suddenly hanging, falling, falling, falling for a long time, and then the cold water, pushing her forward, the body and water seemed to be completely entangled, involuntarily coma And fear.

It was a heartbreaking voice, "Fenger!"

Bai Min suddenly woke up, the water in the bathtub was still hot, the bubbles were free to wander on the water, the doors and windows of the bathroom were closed well, and there was moonlight outside, no wind and no rain. Bai Min looked around a little uneasily. Was she uncomfortable, so she was particularly prone to having nightmares? Or something else?

Out of the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe, Bai Min lazily took a drink and lay on the sofa watching TV. The ringing of the phone rang suddenly, which frightened her and was about to reach for the phone , But suddenly felt a little pain on the neck, stretched out a hand, stained with a hand of blood, Bai Min immediately jumped from the sofa, ran to the mirror, and found a shallow scratch on the neck, some blood stains. How did it break?

Looking down, I took a tissue to prepare for wiping, but widened my eyes, looking at the mirror, in the mirror, a strange and familiar woman, plain clothes, clean appearance, beautiful, elegant, slightly frowning between the eyebrows, worrying on the lips, but also correcting Looking at her quietly, the same astonished expression. The woman's neck had the same shallow scratches as her, except that it was definitely not a modern woman. She was wearing beautiful costumes and ancient jade coats.

Bai Min's breathing was almost stopped, she was afraid, she turned her head and turned her head. There was no one behind her, only herself, then she turned her head and looked at the mirror.

In the mirror is her own face, with a panic in her face and a silly expression on her face, looking at the mirror with a tissue, what is she doing with the tissue? ——After thinking about it for a long time, I just faintly remembered that I had scratched a light bloodstain on my neck, and wiped it. The paper towel was as clean as before, and there was nothing. Look again, in the mirror, my skin on the neck is smooth and delicate. Not even a bitch.

The telephone rang again, and Bai Min walked to the phone almost in one step. The phone number was familiar, Dong Weiwei's. She picked up the phone and said, "Vivi, come and accompany me. I've seen a ghost for the past two days and scared me to death."

"No! I'm out of town now, I'm in trouble to help you pay my cell phone bill. My donkey and I are watching the beautiful mountains and rivers." Dong Weiwei's voice was loud and happy, "I'm already on the road now, can't I return? Go, what the hell, maybe you have a ghost in your heart, haha, remember to pay me for my mobile phone bill, and I'll invite you to dinner when I come back! "

Bai Min sighed, put down the phone, rushed to each room, turned on all the lights at the fastest speed, opened all the cabinets, and once again confirmed that all the doors and windows were closed properly, and there was no questionable place anywhere. Go to the living room, sit on the sofa, tune up a table that you would never watch on TV, and smile silly with the people above.

It was over, it was over, Bai Min lamented, as soon as she closed her eyes, she would somehow appear in a strange environment and look at some strangers.

But I can't help but sleep.

The man in the clothes was still sleeping in a dream. In a yard where he could not tell whether he was familiar or unfamiliar, he drunk in the autumn breeze. It was a good drink. A glass of glass seemed to be drinking plain water with a lonely face.

He was on his side, but he couldn't see himself, and really wanted to say to him, "Drinking too much wine hurts the body. I can't think of anything, and it will be fine for a long time." But he can neither see himself nor hear him. Speaking, she could only stand and watch anxiously. Although I do n’t know this person, I feel inexplicable in my heart. For a person named “Fenger”, it is sad and sad to be like this. It must be an infatuation. Today, such a person is difficult to find in the society, just not I know what happened to the princess named Fenger.

A woman dressed like a maid came over and said in a sad voice, "Prince, please don't do this again. Drinking it like this will hurt your body. If the princess comes back to see it, it will be very sad. "

Strange, Bai Min thought, why can't they see me and hear me, but I can see them and hear them?

"If she is afraid of being sad, she should not hide from me." Suyi Gong's tired tone, with sadness and sorrow, "It has been a few days, and there is no news at all. She doesn't care if I am sad. In fact, she didn't really care about me at first. Marrying me at that time was a last resort, but it was for the benefit of the family and parents' arrangements that she had to marry. She could only say that she had to be my wife Sima Rui! "

Sima Rui, three words, like a knife, crossed Bai Min's heart, do not understand why, Bai Min stood there, even tears.

The son of Suyi smiled bitterly, drinking a glass of wine, sipting it down, and sighing to the sky: "Yes, Sima Rui loves her deeply. She went as if I had gone. What else can I cherish now? If you can tell Where is she now, so she gave up her life to accompany her, I wonder if she is cold or hungry, hungry or not, the cliff is so high, the river is so cold, how can Fenger be patient? "

Bai Min closed her eyes, her heart was sore, and then she opened her eyes again. The loneliness in the room, the TV flashed various pictures, and the bright lights made her eyes uncomfortable.

Quietly returned to his bedroom, sitting on his bed, with a stunned expression, who was the man named Sima Rui? Why is it so heartbreaking to hear his name?

Nestled into the quilt, Bai Min suddenly burst into tears, his heart full of trembling.

Close your eyes and be at a loss.

Still in that environment, she stood quietly like the wind, standing next to the prime minister, knowing that his name was Sima Rui, knowing that he was sad and desperate for his concubine 'Fenger', knowing that as long as he closed The eyes can see him.

Another person came in hastily from the outside, looking anxiously, looking at Sima Rui, and whispering, "Four princes, the water level has continued to rise along the river in recent days, and it is impossible to access the news of the four princes. You can only wait until the water is behind before continuing. "