MTL - Across A Millennium to Love You-Chapter 65

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"Prince, early." Hongyu stabilized her mind and opened her mouth. After seeing Yuejiao that day, she knew clearly that she still had an irreplaceable position in Sima Zhe's mind, which made her mind Vaguely a little hilarious, although he betrayed Sima Zhe that day, he did not expect that Sima Zhe turned out to be an infatuated person and married the beautiful Murong Yu, but he still remembered himself.

Sima Zhe sighed and looked around. This is a garden path. He just came back from the administrative office, thinking about something, and walked away casually. He accidentally got here, that is, here for many years. Earlier, he saw the harmony between Hongyu and Sima Qiang. Although he hated this place, he often returned here when he was distracted. This place is very secret, and people don't come here very often, so there seems to be no one except them.

Looking at Ruby, she still looks like her. Except for a bit more sorrow between the eyebrows and a bit more mature taste, the others have not changed much. Although she has been at the border, her appearance has not changed much.

"Hello." He said two words, omitting the title, and his tone was light. He paused, and continued to say coldly, "It's a coincidence, I met today."

"You still hate me?" Hongyu asked sadly, with a few apologies in her eyes, watching quietly, she knew that she was wrong, but Sima Zhe would never care about her. If Sima Rui guessed, Sima Zhe must have the same idea.

"It's an old thing, why bother mentioning it again." Sima Zhe said quietly, in fact, there is still pain in her heart, but it is already the case, what can it do, just a little pause, "Just ask you not to hurt Yue Jiao again, she is only after all An outsider, why-- ''

Ruby lowered her eyelids and lowered her eyelids. There was a grievance that said, "Ruby knows, but Ruby has the idea of ​​ruby. After all, that Yuejiao is a woman in a blue house. As the eldest prince of the Daxing dynasty, how can she deal with this? This kind of woman is related. Ruby just wants to be good for you. Ruby was sorry for you before, but now, Ruby wants to do something for you to compensate for the mistakes made when Ruby was young. Even if you call me vicious today And Ruby does not regret it. "

Sima Zhe sighed, still thinking about this woman, and now looking at her again, there was a bit of intolerance in her heart. Now when she says it, she feels a little sorry for her.

"Do you still get used to it at the border?" Sima Zhe changed her breath and said gently.

Hongyu smiled at Sima Zhe, "It's okay, but it's not as convenient as everything here, but after a long stay, I'm used to it."

Sima Zhe nodded and was speechless for a moment.

Perhaps they were both too attentive, and no one noticed that someone was hiding in the nearby trees. There were many trees here, clustered together, and someone was hiding in it, they couldn't even detect it, let alone this person intentionally hid.

Hongyu faintly felt that she had a cold gaze looking at herself, couldn't help fighting a chill, and looked around subconsciously, except for the trees and flowers, there was no one's shadow, but she was disturbed.

Then I suddenly remembered: Many years ago, I was here with Sima Qiang as a husband and wife. At that time, the two were drunk and deeply affectionate, and they were confused. The returned queen mother and Sima Zhe saw it. The situation is embarrassing. I still feel palpitated when I think about it. How bad was the queen mother's face at that time, how could Sima Zhe's shock cannot be concealed, and how could she be in this place? This made her uneasy.

"If it's okay, Ruby will say goodbye." After that, Ruby hurried away, but always felt that her eyes followed her coldly.

Sima Zhe sighed slightly and left slowly.

After a while, Sima Qiang came out from behind the bushes, his face was strange and ambiguous, and seemed a little disappointed and a little angry.

I met Murong Rong on the way, with a quiet smile on his face, and greeted him kindly. This woman has always been stable. Sima Zhe married her and is blessed. As the future emperor of the Daxing Dynasty, all she needs is A steadfast and restrained queen sits in the harem. Otherwise, if you mess with the harem, you may be chaotic. Just like now, if there is no queen sitting today, the emperor's temperament would have caused many things.

The matter between Sima Qiang and Sima Zhe should have nothing to do with this woman, so the two usually met and said a few words. This time, it is the same.

"Sister-in-law, how is it?" Sima Qiang still followed the proper courtesy in front of Murong Hui, and she had a lovely sister Murong Feng, smart, quiet and gentle. He thought that he could think of everything Beautiful adjectives can be used on Murong Feng, but it is a pity that he married Sima Rui, who was his deepest hatred.

Murong Yan smiled and said quietly, "Okay, thank you for your second brother's concern. Alas, is Ruby not with you? I just watched her come out from Liu Niangniang and went to Yuluoyuan."

Lush Garden? Sima Qiang is too sensitive to this garden. Where does she go?

Sima Qiang is thinking, Murong Yu seems to say unintentionally, "Oh, right, second brother, I just heard the guard said that your elder brother came out of the administrative room, and also went to Yuluoyuan. If you go to find Ruby, when you meet your elder brother, let him go to visit your grandmother. It may be that the uncle is gone. The grandmother has something to look for your elder brother. "

Sima Qiang nodded reluctantly, his heart was awkward.

I didn't expect to see the two people who were talking in Yuluoyuan. The appearance of Hongyu's shame, and the true words, Sima Zhe's lingering sorrow, and the Yuejiao they mentioned annoyed him. He Hiding intentionally behind the tree, watching them quietly.

A word that my mother once rang suddenly: Qiang, since we married her, we must take a good look at her. Since she can betray Sima Zhe for you, she will also betray you for others!

can you? He was not without doubt. At the border, she kept her duty until she was very relieved, but-back in the palace, why did she and Sima Zhe secretly meet again?

He did not show up, but his gaze conveyed the message, angry and vicious. At that time, he always suspected that Ruby was not the first taste of Yunyu, but Ruby Yaguo denied it, and also sought death to prove his innocence, because it was chaotic. , And was hit by the queen queen and Sima Zhe, so there was no way to verify it, so it had to be stopped, but this has always been his heart disease.

Murong Ye didn't know the reason, she could face herself calmly, but she couldn't face Sima Zhe calmly, no matter what the reason was, his brother and wife could not be deceived, but what he married was Sima Zhe already talked about marriage The woman who was married was supposed to be a woman of his uncle. Even though the queen mother had already completed him and Hongyu in order to avoid family ugliness, how could he be worthy of Sima Zhe? Despite this, Sima Zhe has never had the following confrontation with him.

At that time, the queen mother decided her own marriage with Hongyu in the shortest time. From the discovery of the incident to the marriage, it took less than three days in the middle, which was a little hasty, but also avoided many things. Then they went to the border, and sometimes they would Back, but Ruby has basically not been back, so everything seems to be normal until now.

Is it? ——Ruby and Sima Zhe still break the wire?