MTL - Across A Millennium to Love You-Chapter 60

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Leaving Xiangfu Palace, it was found that it began to rain outside, and there was still wind and a sudden drop in temperature. I felt chill through my clothes while walking on the road, and I couldn't help it. Sima Rui supported an umbrella and accompanied Murong Feng to walk slowly in the wind and rain.

The autumn rain is quiet, cold, and very calm, but it has a sense of elegance and deep folds.

"I'm afraid there is no moon to watch tonight." Murong Feng said softly.

"It's actually very boring." Sima Rui said lightly, "People in this palace usually don't see faces very much. Now when it comes to the Mid-Autumn Festival, you always have to catch the grandmother's liveliness. Only those unfamiliar faces are enough to make you dizzy. Also, the concubines are jealous. Some concubines can only see the emperor during this second holiday season, so they have exhausted all their powers to discuss the emperor's favor and attract the emperor's attention. I always go to the middle Sneak out. "

Murong Feng didn't speak, her expression was a little embarrassed, and she suddenly remembered Bai Min ’s August 15th. Before August 15th, she had spent time with her parents. The mother made a delicious table. When eating, the parents kept Zai, urged her to find a suitable person to marry. If they saw her like this, what would they do?

Worried about them, but nothing helped, I had to think that Bai Min is still asleep now. This is just a dream of Bai Min, and Murong Feng is just a character in Bai Min's dream. When Bai Min wakes up, everything disappears. .

After lunch, Sima Rui was called away by Sima Zhe.

Murong Feng felt a little tired. In such weather, it is most suitable for sleeping. Anyway, it is also idle, it is better to sleep, lest the physical strength at night. Hold the quilt and feel very comfortable, let it be, whatever it is, it is already like this, what can she do, it is better to enjoy now.

It ’s not bad now, it ’s a princess, there is someone to go in and out, there is no worry about food and clothing, my husband is handsome, or a prince, huh, think about it, I have to comfort myself, just thinking about it, but I ca n’t help crying If you press it down, you will make a comeback if you don't pay attention. She misses her afterlife. All the family and friends of Bai Min can only think, but cannot see, this is not a city, a country, but a dynasty and a thousand-year distance.

When Sima Rui came back, Murong Feng was sleeping soundly, so he didn't wake her up. He didn't sleep last night.

The faint osmanthus fragrance, if there is none, seems true and false. I can only hear the sound of wind and rain outside the window. There is a kind of contentment in my heart. It is fortunate to be so. The vast crowds can meet Murong Feng. His Sima Rui really wants nothing!

The rain continued until the evening. Of course, there was no moon to see on August 15th, and the temperature was very low.

Murong Feng deliberately chose a thicker pale golden cloak. No matter how simple and best weekdays are, it is necessary to pay attention to this festival. It also has a dress of the same color. A green phoenix is ​​inserted obliquely on the green silk, hiding a few osmanthus flowers. It has a slight aroma but no flower marks. It is elegant and fresh, and it looks good on its own.

"How?" Turned around and asked Sima Rui coming in from outside.

When she woke up, Sima Rui had already awoken. When Chunliu served her to freshen up, he also changed his clothes. In fact, Sima Rui was really a handsome man. At this time, he wore a light-colored coat and waist. Wearing a piece of black jade, simple but noble, Sima Rui can't help but be an outstanding figure no matter how fame it is.

"Very good," Sima Rui praised, and heard that it was sincere.

Murong Feng smiled slightly and said mischievously, "You are also very good."

It was raining heavily, so I took a sedan chair and stopped outside Xiangfu Palace. I could hear some noise inside, and the usually quiet Xiangfu Palace was just now.

The queen queen sits in the middle, accompanied by the emperor and the queen, and Liu Fei and Wu Fei are also seated next to it. The other concubines are arranged by the high father-in-law of the emperor, and they sit down in order. Far away, some other concubines did not have such good luck, and most of them were arranged in relatively remote locations.

The four princes also sat down with their family members in turn. If the princes are cowardly, they cannot appear today, only the prince can show up.

Sima Rui led Murong Feng to sit in their place. Some melon and snacks were placed on the front of the case. There were cushions on the chair and it was comfortable to sit.

Murong Feng saw Murong Xue. Her dress is particularly eye-catching today. She wore a big red Luo skirt. Although the temperature was very cold, her bare shoulders were exposed. The red color lined the skin like snow, as thin as cream and green silk. Holding it loose, inserting a beautiful hibiscus flower, lazy and feminine, looking at her, Murong Feng thought of Yang Guifei. Murong Xue's dress today must be purposeful. The only possibility is to attract the emperor's attention.

Murong Xue looked very confident. Before Chunliu went to Liyuan that night, Murong asked his slave to write a letter to Murong Xue. There was only one line on the letterhead, and he wrote it calmly and clearly-"Serving the King with color", yes The elder sister's words she knew.

It was Israel who served the prince, and it took him a night to figure it out.

At first, the emperor liked her because of her beautiful appearance and fresh body. If she wanted to stay in the palace without being neglected by the emperor, she could only do so. This is the only way that works.

So tonight she has dressed up intentionally and is ready to express herself.

Murong Xu only glanced at Murong Xue and never looked at it again. How difficult was the letter when she wrote it, and she was no longer willing to think about it, persuading her own sister to seduce the emperor with hue. It was her own mind, but her father's affairs stimulated her.

Murong Xue, just as Murong Feng said, is a sister anyway, how can you not help if something happens? Murong Feng helped her deal with Princess Li, and she had to help her deal with Princess Liu, too. Princess Li was just a tender character, and it was Princess Liu who was very powerful. When she met Zhao Gang, Murong had an idea in her heart.

Zhao Gang was definitely not sent by Liu Fei just to take care of Murong Xue's completeness. He must have a darker reason for his existence.

In particular, she asked about the sudden disappearance of Zhao Gang's family.

Murong Yao knew in her heart that Liu Fei arranged Zhao Gang's purpose to let the windy holes appear. This palace is so dark and chilling. Therefore, Murong Xue can only live safely in the palace only by holding on to the emperor.

Everyone is sitting, but there is a dull and pedantic atmosphere for everyone who has no origin. Everyone is sitting in a serious position, with a peaceful smile on their faces, showing joy and sincerity to everyone around them, but it makes them feel uncomfortable. .

"In fact, it's boring and boring. I don't know why my grandmother spends this Mid-Autumn Festival every year. It's better to just sit around with the family of three or five and eat and talk, which is also interesting." Sima Rui said lazily, his expression was a bit dull "Now it ’s okay. Hello, everyone. I ’m sitting together. Everyone is speculating about other people ’s thoughts. If they ca n’t eat well, they wo n’t be able to sit still. They will have to do everything they can to please the emperor. When these concubines started performing, we sneaked out quietly and returned to our own house, okay? "

"For the time being, it's not good!" Murong Feng said indiscriminately. "You feel bored, but I find it interesting. I also want to see how Murong Xue will compete with Li Fei and Liu Fei today. It's just sitting there, reading books, chatting, and there's nothing like a lively place here. "

Sima Rui shrugged and said with a smile, "Forgetting that you are in the palace for the first time on August 15th, and maybe you still find it interesting, then I will sacrifice my gentleman and sit with you."