MTL - Across A Millennium to Love You-Chapter 56

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Back in the house, Murong Feng was planting flowers in the court. It was a pot of osmanthus and fine flowers blooming. Seeing him return, he smiled and said, "It was sent by the uncle Huang, saying that it was originally planted. The new branch from Osmanthus fragrans was deliberately dug out and sent over. I chose a pot and planted it. Would you like to see it? "

"Uncle Huang is so biased. I refused to ask for it several times. This time it was generous. The first was to send flowers. This sent another pot. If my grandmother knew it, she must be" broken ". She asked for it several times. Uncle Huang refused to agree, and he could n’t even pick a flower. ”Sima Rui laughed and laughed.“ It ’s rare that Uncle Huang likes you so much. He used to rarely interact with juniors. It ’s just that these juniors This generation is more arrogant and boring. "

Murong Feng smiled slightly, "I'm afraid it's your four princes' reputation, and he's afraid of you. What's wrong with Yueyue girl?"

"Aren't you angry?" Sima Rui froze, and Murong Feng mentioned Yuejiao actively, and his tone was so peaceful that he surprised him and asked.

Murong Feng smiled, "Angry? What kind of anger is I getting? It's strange."

Sima Rui was a little embarrassed, "It's weird. I want you to be angry, but I'm afraid you're angry. The former thinks that if you are angry, it means that you still care about me; if you are angry, if you are angry, ignore me Now, how can I remedy. "

Murong Feng couldn't help but smile and said, "Sima Rui, not only are you thick-skinned, but the effort on this mouth is also not thin. The girl Yuejiao hurt her leg. If she rests in bed, she should still be recovering, I hope she will still You can do what she likes, and she dances really well. "

Sima Rui sighed and said helplessly: "I was just worried about this. Her condition was repeated. The Taiyi sent someone to inform me that she had a special poison in Umeng. She was afraid that she wanted to. Dancing is no longer possible. "

"The poison of Umeng? Is it related to ruby?" Murong Feng blurted out.

Sima Rui shuddered, "How did you know?"

Murong Feng secretly blame her mouth, and immediately smiled and said, "Guess. This poison of Umong country, you say it is special, of course, it is not available to ordinary people. Yali is now a concubine Li, she did not It is necessary to cure qi with a woman in Qinglou, but in addition to her, the only person who can get this special Umeng poison is Sima Qiang and Hongyu couple. The cure for my disease is not the ruby ​​from Umeng. The country brought it back. But how did she get angry with Yueyue girl? Then Yueyue girl doesn't seem to be a swagger, and besides, your fourth prince's name is there, why? Maybe with She has nothing to do with it, it's a medicine for others. "

Sima Rui didn't think much about it. Murong Feng's cleverness has long been known, only when she really guessed, and said, "This palace is the land of right and wrong, but this month is unlucky. If it is really ruby, I must not Will spare her, Yue Jiao is just a quiet dancer, she has a lot of things to do. "

Murong Feng quietly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she really guessed, but if she had n’t heard of Sima Minglang before saying that Yuejiao was actually Sima Zhe, she would n’t think of it as ruby. But, look at that ruby, good lady How does Virtue look so vicious? I wonder what kind of poison is in Yuejiao, so that she can't dance in the future? But how did Hongyu know that Yuejiao was from Sima Zhe? Moreover, she is now Sima Qiang's concubine, and her two feelings are good. Why should she have anything to do with Sima Zhe? I really don't understand.

No way, everyone in this palace has a mask on, right?

Maybe it has nothing to do with ruby.

"How can I cure her?" Murong Feng asked worriedly, and then smiled suddenly, "You might as well ask Madam Li Fei to help, as her princess Wu Mengguo, what kind of special poison can make her difficult."

"I just asked her for help, and I realized that Yuejiao was poisoned by Wu Mengguo, and I also know that this poison is not available to ordinary people, so I also suspect that it is ruby. After all, this month Jiao and- Sima Rui paused, turning to the topic and saying, "Have you ever had lunch?"

Murong Feng no longer asked, nodded, "I have already eaten it, and I took a short break. If you haven't eaten yet, go eat something. I'll plant the flowers here and pour some more The water is fine. My grandmother just let the little German come to call us to Xiangfu Palace. I have agreed. "

"Okay." Sima Rui agreed, "Be careful not to hurt your hands, or let the slaves do it, you just look at it."

"That's really boring." Murong Feng smiled, lowered her head, and cultivated the soil for osmanthus. "It's really interesting to plant it yourself."

The queen mother is chatting with Sima Minglang. Tomorrow is August 15th. I will see this son once a year. I will not talk enough every time. Listen to the little emperor saying, "The queen mother-in-law, the fourth prince and the fourth prince are here."

Murong Feng wore a water-blue dress, simply holding her hair and inserting a jade of the same color. After wearing a phoenix crown all day on her wedding day, she has become immune to the decorative items on her head, and she doesn't like it at all. I can't wait for it like Bai Min's era. Tie, simple and easy, but also comfortable, but after all, it is ancient here. If she really **** her tail, it is estimated that everyone will think that her brain is faulty. The men here have long hair, and the top of her head is tied with jade. She It can't be the same, and I have to make a compromise, and give up those who are 钗 簪 簪 ,, just choose the same.

"Fenger doesn't seem to like decorative items too much, every time it's so clean and refreshing, so it looks comfortable." The queen mother said with a smile.

Murong Feng smiled slightly. "Grandma really praised her. Actually, Feng Er was lazy. Since then, she has been wearing a phoenix for a whole day and pressed Feng Er's forehead out of the bruises. Feng Er is just scared. There is nothing left in the hair. "

The queen mother smiled happily, "Grandma had thought of it this way, but her grandmother didn't have such a state of mind. At that time, no matter how much she didn't like it, she had to insert a pinch, a pinch of gold, a pinion Yeah walking around, Fenger is still so good, it's both beautiful and comfortable. "

Everyone smiled.

Sima Minglang smiled slightly and asked, "Do you like sweet-scented osmanthus? When you pick it in the morning, you still have dew. It smells really good, it is sweet and fragrant."

"Thank you Uncle Huang." Murong Feng said gently, "The one I sent was also very good, and there were some flowers, just planted."

Sima Rui, laughing, said, "Grandmother, I'm going to sue the uncle. Grandma, don't you know how the uncle is the treasure of his old house, especially the two osmanthus plants he played in the small race? It is even more like a treasure, even his grandmother smells the scent and wants to pick it up. He is unwilling to send it to Ruier's flower basket in the early morning. Then he also sent a pot of osmanthus. Oh, you can It ’s important to teach him well. "

"Really?" The queen mother looked at her son and asked with a smile, "If it is true, I would double it."

Sima Minglang smiled slightly. "Ruier's mouth is becoming more and more unkind. I gave something and was blamed. I am really wronged."

"Are you going to stay longer this time?" Asked the Queen Mother.

"I plan to stay for a few days before I go." Sima Minglang said lightly, his eyes gliding gently and quickly through Murong Feng, Murong Feng smiled slightly, without any trace, but Sima Minglang's heart was both warm and lost. Such a woman can only hate when she meets and never marries.