MTL - Across A Millennium to Love You-Chapter 42

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Sima Rui didn't speak. Looking out the window, she could hear the wind whispering outside. The autumn day was deep like day, and the weather was getting colder.

"I'm not a passionate person. I have never remembered anyone, Yuejiao and me, not just a day-to-day relationship. It was because I knew that she regarded her legs as more important than her life. In a few days, I survived the first few days. At this time, I was afraid that it would be two people who could just sit still and couldn't say a word. When I went, it just made her sad, let alone. "

Murong Feng is very strange, "Although you are still young, you are already an adult in terms of the laws of the Daxing Dynasty. How could you have never experienced love? Without love, how could you have stayed so with the girl Yuejiao? How many years? "

Sima Rui smiled, "I am a ruthless person and never live for love. Yuejiao is just one of the women I know and the only one you have ever seen. Love? For people in this palace, it is really It ’s too rare to ask for it. Today you also listen to my grandmother and me talking about Sima Qiang ’s concubine ruby. Imagine that she and Sima Zhe were also in peace, but because of an unexpected hero To save the beauty, marry another person and become Sima Qiang's concubine. Now it looks like your elder sister and Sima Zhe respect each other as guests, seemingly affectionate, but they are chilling, and they are more friends than friends, but they are boring. "

Murong Feng was speechless, and Sima Rui softly stabbed her for being horned, and said softly, "Okay, we won't talk about these boring things. Why don't I pick and read an interesting book for you?"

Murong Feng no longer talked about it. After recovering from a long illness, her physical strength was still unsupported. After speaking for a long time, she was slightly asthmatic, but nodded slightly, closed her eyes, and Sima Rui was in charge.

The Second Prince's Mansion is always empty. Only some eunuchs and slaves live and clean. Sima Qiang does not return often, but when he returns, Su Xi is clean. He can always see the mansion as he left.

There are more trees in the house and less flowers, which is more bleak than other Princes' Houses.

The weather has gradually cooled, and Nuoyuge has been given to Murong Xue. Mothers who have always been unhappy can only stay in the house where the chill is getting heavier, which makes Sima Qiang angry, sitting there reading a book, but a word also Can't get in.

What's more terrible is that Princess Yali, who was locked in the room, did not know where she had gone, but she just ignored her to pick up the ruby, but I expected that this Princess Yali was hiding somewhere in the palace now, too. Anyway, her guards should be found soon. No matter how pampering she is, she will not completely ignore the interests of Umeng.

Ruby walked in gently and gave me the medicine yesterday. I went to Xiangfu Palace to see the queen mother this morning. After listening to the queen mother ’s words to thank her, I know that Murong Feng ’s illness is much better, and I ’ll take a rest for a day or two. It should be able to heal.

Secretly in my heart, how did Murong Feng win so much love from the queen mother? Vaguely remembered that Murong's four sisters belonged to Murong Feng's most inconspicuous and Murong Xue was the best, so she still feels normal for Murong Xue to become the emperor's Snow Concubine, but Murong Feng's favor has puzzled her.

"Fu Jun." Hongyu sat down beside Sima Qiang, looking at her husband's thoughtful face, and whispered, "Why is this so annoying?"

"Have you ever seen your grandmother?" Sima Qiang turned back, looked at his wife, and asked with a smile.

"Yes." Hongyu said with a smile, "I also heard my grandmother repeatedly mention the four younger sister-in-law, it seems that the grandmother really hurts this granddaughter. Right, the grandmother told me that the girl Murong is much better, I think, take a rest It should be all right in a day or two. "

Sima Qiang nodded, "The medicinal materials in Umeng are much better than our Daxing dynasty. In the future, Umeng can be used to supply medicinal materials all year round. The only thing that disappoints me is that the emperor did not accept Princess Yali. The princess is in the palace, and Umong should be more secure. "

"Then how do you plan to dispose of Princess Yali?" Hongyu saw her husband no longer mention Murong Feng, and also smartly no longer mention it. If the husband really likes Murong Feng, it is better not to mention this person frequently. Otherwise, it will only make him miss more. She smiled and joked with her husband, "Since the emperor has already given it to you, you might as well take it away. Ruby married to her husband and has never given birth. Then Princess Yali may or may not have given you a man and a half. Female."

"That kind of woman must be given away in vain. If you really want to be accepted, you must also have a demure lady, like your wife and your sister, and your sisters are also good." Sima Qiang smiled, "Moreover that Princess Yali is not a trivial woman. The more the emperor does not want her, the more she will not give up .-- Yes, I suddenly remembered that this place where Princess Yali might go! She was so fond of Sima Rui Interested, if I guessed right, the first place she left the second prince's house was the fourth prince's house. If, at this time, she was not in the fourth prince's house, it must be in Murongxue-that is, she Be sure to hide in Nuanyu Pavilion at this time. "

Sima Qiang smiled at the corner of her lips, and she was very happy. If she guessed well, let her go and anger the emperor. As her princess Umeng, the emperor would also let her make a three-pointer, so that no more fighting would happen. Maybe he can punish Murong Xue.

Hongyu looked at the smile on her husband's face, a little puzzled, "Wang Jun, why are you so happy?"

"I'm thinking--forget it, nothing, have you seen your mother?" Sima Qiang turned to the topic, "The weather is getting colder and colder, and my mother can't help but chill. Now Nuanyuge has given Murong Snow, I don't know how my mother can spend the long cold night? "

Hongyu said melancholy: "I went to see it yesterday. The look of my mother-in-law was okay, and the bedding had been replaced with a thick one. It is just that the mother-in-law is the emperor's beloved concubine. Otherwise, you can take us to Bianguan with us Live, although it is far from the palace, there is a stove in winter and it is as warm as spring. "

Sima Qiang nodded, thinking secretly in his heart: mother is not a weak person, otherwise it would not be possible to stand in the palace. If she wanted to come, she would not let Murong Xue do it, she would not do it for her. opponent!

Mrs. Murong's funeral was extremely simple to deal with, and did not even alarm anyone. Murong Qingliang took a few days off without going to the court. She closed the door to the palace of Murong and hung a closed door thank you sign. No one was even seen. None of his children was alarmed. He just took his old slave and buried his wife quietly with his own hands. He really didn't have the heart to let his wife face the world's arguments, and only hoped that she could leave quietly.

Kneeling in front of the new grave, Murong Qingliang burst into tears, crying silently. Humanity is a man who doesn't cry easily, but when he is not sad, the little daughter he loves the most, the little daughter who sacrifices the life of another daughter to protect him, She became the emperor's Xuefei, and her wife was ashamed of herself because she was ashamed of Murong's family.

How much courage it takes to kill yourself and end your own life.

Murong Xue! Murong Xue! I knew this before, and I shouldn't have given up Murong Feng to protect her. Maybe she really married Sima Rui. With her beauty and intelligence, she should be able to keep Sima Rui's heart. Since she can attract the emperor, it makes the emperor so eager to wait. After her, Sima Rui should be even more concerned, but-oh, where can I have regret medicine to eat!