MTL - Across A Millennium to Love You-Chapter 24

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Sima Qiang sneered, and said loudly: "Children and Sima Qiang see Father Emperor!"

When he said this, the emperor and Murong Xue were taken aback, and the father-in-law Gao, who was waiting by the side, was taken aback, and when he looked back at Sima Qiang's anger, he bowed his head and did not dare to say anything.

This Sima Qiang is the most irritable of all the princes. He has always guarded the border and complemented each other with Sima Zhe. It is the emperor's most powerful and trusted left arm and right arm. He was born to the emperor's pet concubine Liu Fei. Liu Fei and Wu Fei were both daughters of the military commander in the dynasty. This Sima Qiang also had a true biography of the grandfather. The dangerous frontier was handed to him. Wu Meng was the general under his command, and the two were also friends of life and death.

Just because of some old things, the relationship with the two princes born by the queen, that is, the eldest prince Sima Zhe and the fourth prince Sima Rui, has not been very good.

"It's a strong child, when will you come back?" The emperor was very happy to see the second son. This son really saved him a lot by guarding the border, and because of his outstanding achievements, he had the right to freely travel between the border and Beijing. In other words, he can come and go at any time, without being restricted by his own emperor.

Sima Qiang glanced at Murong Xue coldly. Under the autumn sun, he was dressed up, decorated with gold, and gentle and gentle. He was indeed a rare beauty.

He has seen all four of Murong's four girls. The young lady Murong Ye married Sima Zhe as the consort; the second lady Murong Yu was the wife of his own general Wu Meng; the third lady Murong Feng, who has seen today, has been married to Sima Rui as a consort, giving him the impression The deepest; as for Miss Four, Murong Xue is now standing in front of her, standing next to her father, who is deliberately accepting it as her own concubine.

Each of them is a phoenix and a crown of flowers. Murong Qingliang really had four good daughters.

"I just came back today," Sima Qiang said in a deep voice. "The former Liangguan Great Victory, Umeng State has handed down the surrender book, and sent Princess Ugli, Princess Yali, to the Daxing Dynasty to dedicate to the Father."

"Okay," the emperor was indifferent. While listening to his son's report on the battle, he gently looked at Murong Xue beside him. "Qiang Er has done great work, then Princess Yali will give it to you."

Sima Qiang suppressed the anger and said coldly, "This is originally the duty of the son-in-law. If the father and the emperor want to reward the son, the son-in-law really wants to ask the emperor for someone."

"Who?" The emperor looked up at Sima Qiang.

"Murong Xue!" Sima Qiang stood at a distance not far from him, with a frosty expression, like words, "I heard the rumors of the world that Murong Prime Minister had four daughters and Murong Xue who was not married It is a beautiful and unparalleled woman. It deserves to be the first beauty of my Daxing dynasty. The father and the emperor also know that the son and the son have never been satisfied except for the ruby, but the ruby ​​has never been able to add a son and a daughter to the son and daughter, so I would like to ask The emperor gave Mu Rongxue to his sons and ministers, and went to the border with the sons and daughters, so that the sons and daughters would have no worries. Hope the father emperor sees the only common idea that the sons and daughters can be fulfilled when the sons and daughters have been trying to protect the borders. "

Murong Xue looked at Sima Qiang, who was tall and mighty under the sun, and expressed fear in her heart.

The emperor suffocated, I don't know what to say, this Sima Qiang's words are soft and hard, and they are slightly threatening. If he doesn't agree, he may be able to keep the border off safe and secure, and the emperor will have to be distracted and spend money to keep the border off worry-free. If he agrees, the emperor will be reluctant to accept Murong Xue.

He groaned for a while and said, "Let ’s go down and let the father think about it. Murong Xue was the prime minister's daughter. I am afraid that the prime minister would not be willing to let her daughter marry the border, or let the father choose another beautiful woman for you. Right. "

"The son-in-law did not choose him. He asked the emperor to think twice and decide for the son-in-chief. As for the prime minister, I would personally go to the door and ask for the same consent. In a few days, the son-in-law will return to the border and hope to be taken away. Murong Xue. The son-in-law still has something to do, so don't bother the father and the beauty with the beauty of the chrysanthemum, let's leave first. "Then, Sima Qiang stepped back, without looking back.

The emperor looked at Murong Xue, who was a little disturbed under the sun, and thought: This girl is really beautiful. First of all, her four sons had to marry her as a wife, and then her second son had to ask her to go, but she wanted to register her as a concubine.

How is it good?

"The emperor, please make a decision for Cher." Murong Xue trembled slightly on the ground, staring at the emperor with tears in her eyes. "Xer is absolutely not interested in the second prince, and does not want to provoke the fourth prince. Xue only wants to be stable The Emperor must be relieved of Cher's life. "

The emperor looked down at Murong Xue kneeling on the ground, a pair of apricot eyes filled with tears, long eyelashes trembled slightly, little cherry lips opened slightly, jade teeth like shells, gently bite, and the helpless expression was like a burst The warm wind usually tickled the emperor's heart, it was really uncomfortable, the emperor immediately wanted to take her to the uninhabited place at once, and hesitated a little, he held up Murong Xue in his arms, The soft words comfort: "Xue Er is not afraid, there is no one here to dare to take you. Besides, Ruier has married your sister, as for Qiang, I won't be willing to let you run around with him, that is really bad Beauties. Oh, do n’t be afraid, do n’t be afraid, I ’ll accompany you to continue watching chrysanthemums. ”

Murong Xue ambush in the emperor's arms, her face blushed like red clouds, her hands and feet were soft, it was difficult to stand firm, and the emperor's arms were so solid and thick that it seemed to give her an unparalleled world .

"Emperor." Murong Xue murmured, his voice so low that she couldn't even hear herself. "Xueer Xie Xie."

The emperor led Murong Xue to walk slowly among the flowers with half a hug, Murong Xue didn't know what he was doing, but just felt that the whole person was dizzy.

Gao Father-in-law followed behind the two silently, the atmosphere did not dare to pant, and his heart was uncomfortable. The emperor is getting up. He is not leaving or staying. He was a slave, naturally he was waiting for the emperor, but seeing that the situation between the emperor and Murong Xue is getting more and more ambiguous, but he would rather be blind. The girl is really a troublemaker. The matter of the fourth prince has not been resolved, and another second prince has been provoked, and there is such an emperor mixed in. Ugh! ——

This stroll is a long time, the eunuchs and slaves have been following far away.

"Emperor," Gao Father-in-law whispered softly, "Master Wei of the Ministry of Justice said that there was something to come."

The emperor looked back at Father Gao, and in the distance, saw Wei Aiqing of the Ministry of Justice standing and looking to the side. Rest, wait till you finish your affairs, and then come to you. "

Murong Xue nodded nicely, and left with several slaves.

The emperor restored her indifferent expression, sat down in the nearby pavilion, and signaled to the father-in-law to let Master Wei talk.