MTL - Across A Millennium to Love You-Chapter 19

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Mrs. Murong was very sad.

Several of the children were the flesh that fell from their bodies. Although Murong Feng was the most inconspicuous of several children, she was also born by herself. Although she was not raised in person at that time, she was also cared for and loved by her mother. Raise. However, it seems that Murong Qingliang has not always liked the most unpromising three daughters in his eyes, so he deliberately let Murong Feng replace Murong Xue to marry.

Seeing Sima Rui yelling at Murong Feng in the garden, Murong Feng was just patient, and did not even make any expression of anger and grievance, which really made her feel bad.

The thought of this made Madam Murong angry at her husband's origin. She was a dignified prime minister and couldn't even protect her daughter. She knew what Sima Rui was like, and couldn't bear to make her the one she loved the most. It is unreasonable for a daughter to sacrifice the life happiness of another daughter.

Seeing everyone taking care of her, the young daughter who has taken up the scenery, and the other two daughters who are married and have a happy life, really feel that Murong Feng is very pathetic.

Of course, Murong Qingliang didn't know what his wife was thinking. He approached his wife and said softly, "Ma'am, did you feel that Sanya's temperament is different from that of the previous one? I can get the queen's love. I listen. Yuner said that it seems that the Empress Dowager loves Sanya very much, and often asks her father-in-law to announce that she will go to Xiangfu Palace. She also said that it was Sanya who got Xueer from Sima Rui. Is that one? Did the disease really change the girl completely? "

"What three girls," Mrs. Murong frowned, and said unhappy, "Master, the third girl also has a name, how can you be called a slave, and now she is also the concubine of the fourth prince, if she is the queen mother Hearing, I'm afraid to be angry. "

Murong Qingliang froze and asked, "Ma'am, how angry are you?"

"It's okay." Mrs. Murong sighed. Maybe Murongfeng was such a life. She really couldn't help her. Since this disease, her temperament has changed a lot, and she can still get the favor of her queen mother. It looks like the queen She is also very kind to her, and she can rescue her little girl from Sima Rui, she must have her own blessing. "I just suddenly felt sad for Fenger."

Murong Qingliang paused, swallowed back what she wanted to say, and turned around, seeing her eldest daughter Murong Hui froze, and following her daughter's blank eyes, Murong Qingliang saw that the emperor was wearing She smiled and talked with her young daughter Murong Xue with a happy expression and an ambiguous look. Murong Xue had a face of shame, her head was down, and she didn't say a word, but nodded occasionally. Murong Qing's conscience jumped abruptly, and an ominous feeling suddenly made him feel cold, although the sun was still shining warmly in the autumn at this time.

Murong Yu's heart was colder.

Just a word of Murong Feng when she left, like the same bucket of cold water poured her full of heart, she originally hoped that this family feast won Murong Xue a more special status, she meant to let her husband to The emperor proposed to recognize Murong Xue as the righteous sister of the eldest prince. In this way, Sima Rui could not always be charged with incest. Although it was a righteous girl, after all, she was called a sibling.

When she made this request to her husband at that time, she did not explain the real reason, but just said that Sima Rui had always liked Murong Xue. Although she married Murong Feng, she still couldn't give up. For Murong Feng's happiness, For the sake of Murong Xue's future, if her husband recognizes Murong Xue as a righteous girl, Sima Rui will surely be able to converge.

Sima Zhe did not object. Although the promise was not particularly straightforward, she finally agreed. Where would you think that Sima Zhe had not mentioned the matter to the emperor, and the emperor had already looked at Murong Xue with the eyes of a man, and the two The feeling of conversation is so unclear!

If the emperor really cares about Murong Xue and accepts Murong Xue as her concubine, then she must kneel and respectfully call her "mother" to her own sister!

Murong Ye felt scalp tingling.

The emperor is the third house and the sixth house. There are countless beauties. There is also a queen who is still beautiful and dignified, and she is almost 50 years old. The little girl is only fifteen. ,how can that be possible? !! However, looking at the emperor's eyes and the gentleness of her talk, Murong Feng's worry is by no means unfounded. What should I do? !!

A breeze of wind blows, somehow, after Murong Feng left, the atmosphere of the entire garden suddenly became strange, and the queen mother also said to her that she was going to go back to the palace. Respectfully sent the queen mother-in-law away, everyone suddenly I don't know what to say.

Murong glanced at Sima Zhe, hoping that he would come up with his suggestions quickly.

"Father Emperor." Sima Zhe saw his wife's eyes, hesitated, and then slowly spoke, still remembering the incident of Murong Feng and Sima Rui just now, his anxious eyes reminded him when he looked at him. To recognize Murong Xue as a righteous girl, this is the beginning.

"What's the matter?" Asked the Emperor with great interest.

"Zheer saw the emperor admired the younger sister's younger sister very much," Sima Zhe said with a smile, calmly, "Since this, the younger sister's younger sister is similar to the younger sister, Zheer wants to recognize--"

"Haha," the emperor suddenly smiled, interrupted his son, and said haha, "If you admire, I admire Ruier's concubine more, ice and snow are smart, Xiuwaihuizhong, Ruier is really blessed, I am afraid it is your consort , General Wu Meng's wife can't match it. Murong Aiqing, you are really blessed, even you have to envy you. Haha-"

Sima Zhe was surprised, she didn't understand why her father suddenly changed the subject, and suddenly saw the panic of his wife, and then looked at the emperor and his silent father-in-law, as if he suddenly understood something, and he looked at Murong Xue. , Murong Xue dressed up in the autumn sun is beautiful.

"Thank the Emperor for compliment." Murong Qingliang reluctantly maintained a smile. "How dare the minister bear this honor? How can a few vulgar children get into the eyes of the emperor. After a long harassment in the palace, the minister should return to the house, Xueer recovered from a long illness, and asked Emperor Xu Chen to take Cher back to rest earlier. "

"Oh, yes, Ai Qing said that Xueer felt cold in the wind some time ago and forgot to forget it," the emperor looked at Murong Xue and said without a doubt, "then you don't have to travel a lot, just stay in the palace. Stay here, live in 'Nuanyu Pavilion' for the time being, and not far from the Prince's House, Zhe'er's consort often takes care of it. If it is medical, or the palace's imperial doctor, I immediately declare Tai Zhang Get medical treatment for Cher and take a few days of rest. "

Murong Qingliang's face was stiff and she could hardly squeeze a smile. "The Emperor Xie Xie cares."

Murong Yue lowered her head and couldn't say anything.

Mrs. Murong only reacted at this time, but felt that she was wrong, but she couldn't oppose it. She was talking about the king of a country, Jinkou Yuyan, who wanted to change, and was sad, would the emperor want Murong Xue to be his consort? !! Is this Murong Xue's life? !!

Murong Yu really wanted to hit her head to death, counted everything, considered everything, but did not expect that the emperor would look at Murong Xue, just want to avoid the stubborn prince, but forgot that there is one more prince 'Badhead' father, and this father is still the emperor of the dynasty.