MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 49

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Zhen Zhen observes social changes very sensitively, but I don't know if Beicha is too remote, except that the time spent singing popular songs and memorizing quotations during school has increased compared to before, other things are not too much. Many changes.

. Taking advantage of the sunny weather, Wang Sufen disassembled and washed all the quilts and mattresses at home, dried them dry and sewed them up again.

The bean bag was only a few months old, and it was when she was breastfeeding that Wang Sufen still wouldn't let the sweet-scented osmanthus touch the cold water, and only let her do piecemeal work, that is, before washing anything Let her boil a pot of hot water and use it, just in case she catches cold and falls ill, adults and children will suffer. The family has been busy for more than half a month, the front house and the back house are neatly tidy up, and all kinds of fresh vegetables are planted in the yard.

Zhen Zhen used her supernatural powers to help her family grow food. The rice and noodle jars in Lao Li’s house were always full. Zhen Zhen also likes to eat all kinds of fresh vegetables. Mrs. Li no longer grows corn in the front and back yards, but full of various fruits and vegetables. Anyway, as long as there are seeds, even if there are roots, they can take root and sprout in the vegetable garden of Lao Li's family, so Mrs. Li and Li Muwu have been rushing to the house.

Mingbei was busy reviewing her homework from morning to night after school started, and she didn't have time to dig wild vegetables in the mountains. Wang Sufen's family was too busy to take care of the pig. Zhen Zhen simply made the front and back of the pigsty covered with vegetables suitable for domestic pigs. When cooking the pig food, you can pick it at any time, and when this piece is plucked, the next piece will grow.

Osmanthus lived in the back room, and she couldn't help with the work next to her children, so she took over the daily work of cooking pig food, and then dig some wild vegetables from the vicinity of the pigsty. , just chop it up and cook it and pour it into the pig trough. This piece was dug out and the one next to it grew again. The happy Osmanthus said that this piece of land at home was fertile, and it would be good to grow anything.

Under the lifelong education of Mrs. Li, Li Muwu is also a person who can resist life and love cleanliness. He picks up the pigsty every three or five years. It was clean and had no smell.

When the first cabbage grows in Lao Li's home, the cherry tree that has been planted for three years at home finally bears fruit, and the sapling was brought back from Bingcheng by Mingdong. During his school days, Mingdong had to work on the school's farm every few months, from sowing and fertilizing to finally harvesting wheat and pulling radishes. There are several villages near the farm. There is a family with a cherry tree that has been growing for seven or eight years. Every May and June, the tree is full of red cherries. Cherry saplings, Mingdong took advantage of the holiday to exchange food stamps for two trees and take them home by train.

Ming Dong planted the saplings in the open space on the east side of the house, Mrs. Li was afraid that Zhen Zhen would make a towering tree in minutes, so she could only secretly instruct Zhen Zhen day and night to tell her She had to wait three years for the cherry tree to grow to bear fruit. Zhen Zhen is not really a child, she used to control the plants to grow at will when there was no one in the mountains, but there are neighbors living in front of and behind the house, and she didn't want to make a big noise to make her home become someone else's after dinner. topic.

After finally waiting for three years, Zhen Zhen was watching the sky in the yard when the cherry blossoms bloomed this year, Mrs. Li couldn't help but squeeze the sweat again, and told her to bear it again, anyway When the month comes, Zhen Zhen can only feel the consciousness of the cherry tree from time to time, water it and prune branches in time, and wait to eat the big red cherries.

Now that Zhen Zhen finally saw the first naturally ripe cherries, she was relieved and boldly ripened a little bit, Mrs. Li saw the red cherries full of trees and counted the days, and then He breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly shouted: "Zhen Zhen, hurry up and pick cherries."

Zhen Zhen found a vegetable basin from the stove, stood on the stool and picked the cherries that were just right, Mrs. Li looked at the real thing under the tree, some The cherries are obviously small and green, but the moment Zhen Zhen touched them, they turned red and big, and the red and bright colors were not to mention too attractive. Mrs. Li turned her head back quickly and saw that Osmanthus hadn't come out of the room, so she felt relieved, she tugged at the corner of Zhen Zhen's clothes and whispered, "Be careful, don't let your sister-in-law see it."

Zhen Zhen turned her head and nodded, and whispered: "I know."

Only after picking the small half pot, Zhen Zhen felt a little bored, she looked around with her consciousness, and saw Osmanthus in the house removing the clothes she had when she was a child, it looked like a half hour She couldn't get out, so she raised the pot with a smile, and in an instant, a rain of cherries fell on the tree, and the big and red cherries scrambled to fall into the pot that Zhen was holding.

Mr. Li hurriedly took over the pot of cherries in Zhen Zhen's hand, the heavy weight was so heavy that it didn't dangle her waist, she smashed her tongue, Mrs. Li looked at Zhen Zhen in surprise : "Why are you so energetic, how come this pot of cherries weighs ten pounds?"

Zhen Zhen jumped off the stool flexibly and took the basin from Mrs. Li's hand with a smile: "I don't know why I'm so strong, it seems that I get stronger every year, but I don't It's so big, I can't lift the big rock that pickled sauerkraut in our yard."

Mr. Li looked at the huge boulder in the yard and said with tears in her eyes, "That boulder weighs dozens of pounds. Uncle will lift it with him, if you can lift any stone, it will frighten your father to death."

Zhen Zhen took out a small pot of cherries and said without raising her head: "My dad can't be scared to death, he's used to it." Old lady Li thought about it too, and even watched helplessly from the seeds The crops that grew all over the ground in an instant were not scared to death, and it was surprising to move a stone.

The cherries grown by themselves are not sprayed with any pesticides, and the cherries can be eaten by scooping water from the water tank twice. Zhen Zhen picked up the biggest one and stuffed it into Mrs. Li's mouth, Mrs. Li took a bite, her mouth was full of sweet cherry water, she spat out the core, Mrs. Li nodded repeatedly: "This cherry tastes good, Lots of sweet water."

Zhen Zhen laughed: "It's the sapling that my brother brought back."

Send a pot of washed cherries to Wang Sufen, and to the backyard to send a pot to Sister-in-law Osmanthus. Meat Bun was sitting on the kang playing with the cloth head, when he saw Zhen Zhen came over with a pot of red fruits, he immediately climbed over from the kang, staring at the watery cherries, drooling: "Aunt, I want to eat it too."

Zhen Zhen reached out and carried him to the edge of the kang to help him put on his shoes: "I went to the yard to eat with my aunt, and I picked a pot."

It was the first time I saw a cherry when the meat bun was so big, Zhen Zhen pressed him on the small stool and instructed him: "This cherry has a pit in it, you must spit it out when you eat it. There will be a tree growing in the throat." Zhen Zhen stretched her fingers and scratched gently on the belly of Meat Bun.

The meat bun covered his stomach and was teased and laughed, when he was happy enough, Zhen Zhen handed him a cherry: "You must sit on the stool and eat honestly, if it contains Running with cherries, my aunt won't give it."

I even ate a few, but the meat buns seemed to be unpleasant to eat one by one. I opened my small hands and grabbed a handful of cherries from the basin and stuffed them into my mouth, with my cheeks bulging, and there was cherry water while biting. It flowed out from the mouth.

Zhen Zhen sat next to her and tasted the taste of cherries. Most of the cherries she ate in her later life were red and purple cherries. Although they were big, they had thicker skins. There is still some sourness in the sweetness, and if you eat more, you will have some acid reflux. The cherry tree of Lao Li's family is a local variety, with a thin skin and a little juicy water. You can take a bite of sweet water.

Mr. Li, Zhen Zhen and Roubao sat in the yard, basking in the sun while eating cherries, braised chicken nuggets also sticking out their heads to follow, Zhen Zhen took A cherry shook in front of its eyes: "Want to eat it?"

The soybean eyes of the braised chicken nuggets rolled, and flatteringly circled around Zhen Zhen twice: "Give me a taste."

"Your recipes are getting richer and richer." Zhen Zhen smiled and threw one to it, the braised chicken nuggets pecked at it, Zhen Zhen looked at it curiously: "Can you taste it? What does it smell like?"

The braised chicken nuggets looked up at Zhen Zhen, then lowered his head and pecked twice, but his mouth was big and responsive, and he quickly smashed the little cherry into pieces, and the braised chicken nuggets screamed angrily Twice, swallowed the cherry with the core of the belt.

Zhen Zhen laughed when she saw this, braised chicken nuggets flapped her wings and looked at her angrily: "I just don't know how to vomit, what's so funny. Besides, our chicken company Eat all the stones, what do cherries do? You might as well look at your tree if you have the time to laugh. I think many birds are pecking at your cherries."

Zhen Zhen didn't lift her eyelids when she heard this: "Eat it, it's not bad, as long as it's not bad."

When birds eat cherries, they always peck at the east and at the west. The ones bitten by them will turn black and can’t be wanted. Zhen Zhen naturally doesn’t care about the cherries. It's just that she can't tolerate people being spoiled, not even birds.

A leading bird sensed Zhen Zhen's consciousness, chirped and instructed the flock of birds, and took the lead with the flock of birds, took the cherries, and flew them to the ground to eat them. When you're done, fly up and peck one. Braised Chicken Nuggets looked red, and snorted proudly: "It's so hard to eat a fruit, no wonder it's so small."

Zhen Zhen looked at it funny: "If you are as fat as you, you don't need to fly, just throw it in the pot and stew."

The braised chicken nuggets are no longer afraid of being stewed. It **** its wings proudly: "The milk said, don't stew me, I am an old rooster, and the meat is not delicious."

"It's quite self-aware." Zhen Zhen looked at it happily, while the good bird quarreled and kept stuffing cherries into her mouth. Before she knew it, a pot of cherries was eaten up by several people, only then did Zhen Zhen realize that her stomach was bulging.

Hiccupped, took the enamel jar handed over by Mrs. Li, and sat arbitrarily on the small stool in the yard, drinking boiled water, she couldn't help sighing: " What a good day, I don't know what to do."

Although she is in her 60s, Mrs. Li is not deaf or blind. When she heard Zhen Zhen talking about being foolish, she quickly asked, "Who is fooling around?"

Zhen Zhen was stunned for a moment, and quickly added a sentence, and pointed forward: "It's the Zhang Defu's house that lives over there, and his house can be noisy all day long, I don't know. What a quarrel."

Mr. Li sneered when she heard it: "His family has never been a good bird since he was old, and he spends his whole day calculating to touch this from the owner and touch that from the west, the disaster is famine. When I almost died of starvation, I didn’t go to the mountains to open up wasteland, and all day long, I expected to benefit from other people’s homes. In the past, I was a rogue.”

Osmanthus finished the clothes and came out to move her arms, just when she heard what Mrs. Li said, she immediately said: "It's not that, that family is too shameless. I really like Zhang Defu, you He pretended to be inaudible whenever we killed pigs in our family. When the pigs were killed and the pork slices were stewed, he would come to the house to eat with him. And that time, a deer was dragged back from our family's red center. Back, he smelled the aroma of our barbecue, knocked on the door and asked his mother to give him a deer leg, his face was licked by the dog."

Zhen Zhen listened to Zhile: "The key is that his family can't get any money anywhere, and he will let the milk scold him as soon as he comes to the door. Why does he get more frustrated and brave?"

"His family is so shameless, you don't see that there is no one in our street who loves to communicate with his family. Daughter-in-law, when someone who has a girl in Beicha asks about his family's virtue, he doesn't like to marry his family, and I heard that his family wants to go to the ravine to marry a daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Li and Osmanthus were talking about their parents being short, Zhen Zhen had nothing to do and wanted to see Mingdong. After saying hello to Mrs. Li, Zhen Zhen went out the door and went straight to the mountain, where she found a towering tree, Zhen Zhen moved to a sturdy tree branch as soon as she moved. With the cover of branches and leaves, Zhen Zhen carefully concealed her body, and then she came to Anbei after leaving her body.

There is nothing unusual about coming from Mingdong to Anbei. One is that it is close to home, and the customs of eating and drinking are no different from Beicha, and four and a half years of college life have also made him used to the college. Life. When farming is currently in progress, Mingdong takes his students to the farm, partly for the self-sufficiency of the school, and on the other hand to combine the content of the book with practice. Agriculture can never be discussed on paper.

Seeing Mingdong wearing a straw hat, squatting in the ground and grabbing a handful of soil, he was excitedly explaining the composition of the soil to the students, and the students around him read more than a dozen He was admitted to the book in 2009. At this time, he still had the thought of respecting teachers and teaching. Seeing that Ming Dong was only a few years older than them, he was able to explain the knowledge in the textbook in a straightforward manner. All of them admired Ming Dong.

Seeing that it was noon, Mingdong threw the soil in his hand on the ground and was about to go to the cafeteria to eat. At this time, there were two large pots of vegetables in each window of the cafeteria, one was stewed with potatoes and beans. One pot is braised eggplant with sauce, next to it is a large bucket of porridge and a basket of large pancakes.

Ming Dong went back to the dormitory to wash his hands, and changed his clothes that were covered in soil. Then he took two rice jars to the cafeteria to make meals. The two dishes were the same as one tablespoon, with seven or eight large pancakes placed on top, and the other jar filled with porridge.

Ming Dong took a big pancake and took a big bite, then stuffed a mouthful of vegetables into his mouth, looking around with some doubts while chewing. A tall and thin man who looked a few years older than Mingdong sat down opposite Mingdong with a rice bowl. As soon as he sat down, he asked Mingdong, "Why don't you eat well?"

"It's nothing." Mingdong immediately turned his head: "I'll just see if all the students in our class are here?"

Zhen Zhen sees that Mingdong is not stupid when getting along with colleagues Report to colleagues and friends and family. Seeing that everything in An Bei was calm, Zhen Zhen felt relieved for a while.


Mingbei worked hard for a year and finally got the day to take the high school entrance exam. After the last subject, Mingbei ran home with a schoolbag. Wang Sufen was cooking in the kitchen, and Mingbei came in cheerfully. Before Wang Sufen could ask questions, he stuffed a book in the kitchen pit. Wang Sufen quickly pulled out two copies, and the others were swept in by the flames. An angry Wang Sufen chased Mingbei with a broom and started beating.

Mr. Li heard the voice and came out of the east room. Seeing Wang Sufen chasing Mingbei from the room to the outside, Mingbei didn't have the slightest sense of being beaten, and she ran two steps and looked back. Two eyes, for fear that Wang Sufen would not be able to catch up with him.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Li stepped on her feet: "Why did you get beat up as soon as you came back? Did you fail the test?" Before Wang Sufen could answer, Mrs. Li said He spoke on behalf of Ming Bei: "If it's really not about studying, it's fine. Yesterday, Mu Sen came to say that the hydrolysis plant will recruit workers in August, and asked him to go to the factory with Ming Nan."

How good will Zhen be in the future?"

Mingbei stood behind the cherry tree and showed his head: "You can pull it, my sister is only in the second grade, when she is in the third grade, my book will be yellow and can't see clearly. words."

The old lady Li also nodded: "Ming Bei is also right, don't get mad at Dongzi mother, just like his book Mai Tai, Zhen Zhen specified that he would not hesitate to touch it, just keep it. No one wants it."

"It's fine to put up a table and chair, or throw it and I can set it on fire. I don't know what he thinks." Listening to Mrs. Li's persuasion, Wang Sufen was not so angry anymore. , stretched out his broom and pointed at Mingbei: "I'll spare you this time, I'll wait for the next time."

"It's definitely not the next time." Mingbei said with a smile: "I have read those books many times this year for the exam. The books are all burnt, and it makes me happy."

Remembering that Mingbei had lost a lot of weight when he read books in the morning and night, Wang Sufen began to feel distressed for Mingbei again, and his tone softened: "It's okay, it's okay, look at you too It’s not for studying, so if you burn it, just burn it, hurry up and see if your sister is out of school, I’ll give you scrambled eggs at noon.”

Mingbei got out from behind the tree and went to greet Zhenzhen with Hongzhong and Tianhu. Tianhu followed Hongzhong for half a year, and slowly recognized the name Tianhu. Although his reaction was slow, he knew it was called it. Li Musen saw that Tianhu was making great progress, so he simply put it in Li Muwu's house. Anyway, he usually went to work and his children went to school and no one cared about it, and he also had a companion with Hongzhong.

Zhen Zhen School also took the exam today. As usual, Zhen Zhen turned in the test paper in ten minutes and went out. Ming Bei took Hong Zhong to the school and looked at the window of the classroom, and saw Zhen Zhen's seat It was empty, so he instructed Hongzhong clearly: "Go up the mountain and see where your sister is."

Zhen Zhen was walking around the tree on the mountain at this time, and now the Cultural and Revolutionary period has begun. The calligraphy, paintings, antiques, treasures, and treasures have been damaged a lot at this time. Zhen Zhen is now teleported. The distance is enough to leave the province, and she tried continuous teleportation, which did not have much effect on her body and spirit. She decided to take advantage of this period to collect more treasures and bury them in the mountains, and take them out or donate them after the reform and opening up. A country or a legacy left to future generations is a huge wealth.

But this thing can't be buried directly, it has to be put in a box, Zhen Zhen is thinking about how to turn the tree into a box. She can use her supernatural powers to knock down the tree, and it can also be cracked into pieces of equal size and thickness, but no matter how rough the tree is, the planks won't be too large. .

I found a tree and divided a few planks for a whole morning, but Zhen Zhen didn't have any clue, just when she was about to try again, suddenly two birds flew over, He landed on Zhen Zhen's shoulder and told it, "Hong Zhong is looking for you at the foot of the mountain."

These two birds were discovered by Zhen Zhen when they went to Lao Li's house to eat cherries, only seven or eighty birds could communicate with Zhen Zhen, and Zhen Zhen kept them By my side, I can always be an eyeliner for anything.

Shaking off the sawdust from her body, Zhen Zhen stood up and chose a location not far from Mingbei and moved over, Hong Zhong immediately smelled Zhen Zhen's breath sensitively, and moved towards Called twice from above, they happily greeted him.

Ming Bei followed behind Zhen Zhen, when she saw a lot of dirt on Zhen Zhen's face, she couldn't help laughing at her: "Are you skipping school and going up the rabbit hole?"

"No, I'm digging for treasures." Zhen Zhen replied in a false way, turned her head and asked him again: "Have you finished the test? How was the test?"

"Anyway, I've done what I need to do and worked hard for a year. If I can, I won't bother anymore." Mingbei scratched his head and was a little worried: " Are you saying that if I didn't get into high school, can I get into the hydrolysis factory with a junior high school degree?"

Thinking that the Cultural Revolution has begun, and education is less and less important. Although Mingbei is not a child of the hydrolysis factory, the chances are still relatively high because of his family background and Li Muwu's status as a worker in the grain depot.

Zhen Zhen nodded vaguely: "I should be able to pass the exam, but I heard what Sister Wanqiu said, her family plans to let her go to work after high school."

It is much easier for the children of the hydrolysis plant to enter the plant than the people outside.

Thinking of late autumn, Mingbei's face was a little worried and a little happy, and Zhen Zhen was stunned. She had been a single dog for twenty-four years in her previous life, and she passed through before she could understand. Zhen Zhen said that she really understood this kind of stupid secret love.

The plot is all right.

The tree, full of cherries, is really taken from a pot, sweet and juicy, so delicious~~~