MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 121

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Zhen Zhen and Xi Junjie had a discussion when they first got married. They should work hard in their career while they are young, and it will not be too late to have children when they are twenty-five or six years old. Xi Changbo and Ling Xiulan are not the kind of traditional in-laws who can't do without grandchildren. In their eyes, whether or not the young couple will have children and when they will have children is their own business, and their parents have no right to interfere too much. Even in order to make Zhen Zhen feel more at ease, Ling Xiulan made an excuse for Zhen Zhen in front of Mrs. Xi, saying that it would be safer to have a child for two more years.

Since the elders have passed the bright road, Zhen Zhen has been using contraception since she got married. Just now, Mrs. Li suddenly asked about the child, Zhen Zhen felt a sudden feeling when she touched her belly, it seems that as long as she wants a child, it doesn't matter whether she wants to have one or twins, triplets, whether it's a boy or a child Girls can do it. This feeling is very strange, Zhen Zhen looked at her hand tangled, and then tried to put it on Wang Sufen's stomach, the strange feeling just now came again, it seemed that as long as she had a thought, Wang Sufen would be able to conceive a pearl. It doesn't matter if you have a few, it doesn't matter if you want a boy or a girl.

Seeing Zhen Zhen's strange behavior, Mrs. Li's eyes flashed with excitement: "Are you pregnant?"

"No!" Zhen Zhen shook her head with horror on her face, Madam Li angrily stretched out her hand and stabbed her in the forehead: "What kind of expression do you have, you say you are a child, why are you pregnant with a child? Don't care either."

Zhen Zhensan smiled and hugged Mrs. Li's arm: "I am also a child, what kind of child do you want?" Seeing Mrs. Li's worried look, Zhen Zhen smiled and shook her His arm: "Nah, don't worry, I know this." Upon hearing this, Mrs. Li wanted to stare again, Zhen Zhen explained quickly: "I have discussed it with Junjie, and we will discuss it in a few years. I have told my parents and my mother-in-law about having children. My mother-in-law has said that for a few years, it is better to have a child at a young age than to have a child at home.”

Mr. Li was relieved when she heard that Ling Xiulan had nothing to say, and a smile appeared on her face: "Why don't you say that my family's Zhen Zhen is lucky, I can't wait to leave other mother-in-law this month. I got pregnant the next month after I got married, and I would show my face two or three months later. You are a good mother-in-law, you spend several years at a time, and she happily praises your idea. "

"The times are different now. Now the policy is so good, I don't think about the ways to make money, and I focus my energy on having children and raising children." Zhen Zhen took a bite of the apple and confidently said Said: "My mother-in-law is like a mirror in her heart. Her mind is not on her daughter-in-law to give birth to a child."

Mr. Li thought that Ling Xiulan had been busy lately and was not at home, thinking that she was not in the mood to bring children to Zhen Zhen, so she whispered in Zhen Zhen's ear: "Is your mother-in-law not free? Help you to take care of the child? Zhen Zhen, don't worry, milk likes you the most, when you want to have a child, just give birth to it, with me and your mother, we will help you."

Zhen Zhen looked at the noisy children in the room and couldn't help but ask with a smile, "It's all so noisy, you haven't brought enough yet."

"What do you know?" Mrs. Li gave her a white look: "I like this kind of liveliness at my age. If only me and your parents were at home, I wouldn't be too tired, and a little fresh. No energy at all."

Seeing the sweaty foreheads of dumplings and biscuits, Zhen Zhen nodded in agreement: "It's lively enough."

Several boys were crazy in the living room, and three girls were playing in Mrs. Li's house. Tang Bao and two little cousins ​​sat on Mrs. Li's bed and took He coaxed the two of them to play with a bunch of dolls that Zhen Zhen bought.

These two little girls are the last children of Mingxi and Mingbei respectively. They are both girls born on the front and back feet. Encountering such a lucky event, the brothers discussed giving the two girls nicknames that sounded like sisters, one called Dian Dian and the other Xin Xin. Although they sounded better than all kinds of steamed buns and dumplings, they didn't run out. Eating queue.

The two little girls are now three years old, and they are white and tender and soft, and it hurts to look at. Every time Mingbei heard his family call his father in a soft and glutinous voice, he would smile like a fool. If he had a tail on the back of his butt, he would be able to shake it to the sky.

Hearing the sweet and soft laughter of the great-granddaughter from inside the house, Mrs. Li couldn't sit still outside: "I have to look at those two little girls."

"Ouch, if you have a great-granddaughter, you don't want a granddaughter." Zhen Zhen deliberately made a jealous look and shook her head and sighed: "You said just now that you like me the most, but in a blink of an eye, you forgot already."

Once Mrs. Li heard this tone, she couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I like you the most. You are not afraid of being too embarrassed to compete with your little niece for such an old man." Mrs. Li He stretched out his hand and dragged Zhen Zhen into the house, and he kept mumbling: "My family's Zhen Zhen is fortunate enough to be old, and since we have Zhen Zhen, our family has changed the feng shui, otherwise, how could there be three girls in a generation like this? good thing."

After a while, it was time for lunch. Because I was going back to the old house in the evening, Xi Junjie came over to accompany Mrs. Li for dinner, and did not forget to give a few small gifts for the New Year. bring. The clothes, jewelry and supplements of Mrs. Li, Li Muwu and Wang Sufen have long been delivered, which are for the children. Xi Junjie took out a new bag of clothes and distributed them according to the names posted on it. In addition, the children who went to school each had a new schoolbag and a set of extracurricular books. Those who did not go to school were given toys and snacks. Diandian and Xinxin were holding a doll taller than themselves, and the happy one sent a wet kiss to Zhen Zhen's face.

After lunch, Ling Xiulan had already taken a nap when the young couple returned home, and the family planned to go to the Xi's old house at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Although there are still two days before the Chinese New Year, the old lady usually gives the babysitters a holiday at this time, and the work such as cooking and cleaning is done by her own family.

Although the Xi family's old house is big enough, Mrs. Xi has three sons and many grandchildren, so when she arrives at the New Year's old house, it is full. In fact, more people are not afraid of anything, as long as they don't have the best quality. Fortunately, in the past few years that Zhen Zhen and the Xi family have been in contact, the only relatives who are more excellent are the Xi Sumei family, and they are not seen during the Chinese New Year.

They must not be allowed to come on the big day. Usually they want to come, and Mrs. Xi also avoids Sunday or Saturday nights, and she doesn't want Xi Sumei to interfere with her family's reunion.

Xi Sumei's daughter Shang Qingran once had the idea of ​​becoming friends with Zhen Zhen and then making money from Zhen Zhen. I have to say that Shang Qingran's idea was very good, but Zhen Zhen didn't give her a chance to implement it. Zhen Zhen never liked people who had the words "I want to trick you" written on their faces, but she didn't have time to talk to them, how much more money she could make with that effort, why waste time on such a person.

So Zhen Zhen's method for Shang Qingran is to hide. With space and superpowers, as long as Zhen Zhen doesn't want to see a person, that person will not be able to find her even if they find her dead. As time goes by, Zhen Zhen's factory is getting bigger and bigger, and at this time Shang Qingran's plan to be Zhen Zhen's best friend is still in the egg and has never had a chance to hatch.

The young couple went back to their small courtyard hand in hand, Xi Junjie was still looking forward to the rare and leisurely afternoon, as soon as he entered the room, he wanted to drag Zhen Zhen to roll the sheets. Zhen Zhen smiled and pushed Xi Junjie onto the bed, then turned around and got up and ran: "A business partner brought me some good things from the south, I'll go get it first."

Xi Junjie just got up from the bed and was about to say something, but Zhen Zhen had already disappeared, so she could only tuck herself back into the bed.

Zhen Zhen watched her family take a nap in bed with her consciousness, so she went directly to the space to change into summer clothes and came to the southernmost island of China. Today, this small island does not have the prosperous appearance of later generations, but the green and clear waters and rows of wild coconut trees are much more beautiful than later generations.

A wooden boat was released from the space, Zhen Zhen sat firmly on it, there was no wind on the sea at this time, but the sea still pushed the boat towards the depths of the sea quickly. Zhen Zhen lay down on the boat with her eyes closed, her consciousness went deep to the bottom of the sea, and controlled the waves to accurately and accurately transfer seafood such as plum ginseng, abalone, sea urchin, jiwei shrimp, blue crab, flower crab, grouper, mango snail, and ivory mussel in the sea. They were placed in buckets one after another on the boat, the boat had only been out for 20 minutes, and the buckets under Zhen Zhen's feet were already full.

The seafood was squeezed in the bucket and they couldn't turn around, but due to Zhen Zhen's ability, they were all alive and kicking. With so much seafood, even one point for the two is enough to eat. Zhen Zhen was about to leave this place, when she suddenly saw a few very large lobsters swimming past the sponge under her feet, Zhen Zhen's saliva suddenly flooded. Moved these buckets of seafood into the space, Zhen Zhen took out another empty bucket, and soon ten big lobsters with their teeth and claws were sent into the bucket by the waves, smelling the unique fishy smell of seafood, Zhen Zhen's smiling eyes were crooked. .

Because she had to go to the old house in the afternoon and didn't have much time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea, Zhen Zhen waved her hand and took the boat and the lobster and disappeared into the sea. The buckets of seafood that disappeared were all obediently staying in Zhen Zhen's space at this time, Zhen Zhen took out a pair of cotton gloves from the foreign building, quickly divided the returned seafood into two, and put them in several wooden boxes inside.

Before coming out of the space, Zhen Zhen still did not forget to take a look at home, Xi Changbo and Ling Xiulan were quiet in the room and presumably hadn't woken up yet, Xi Junjie was sleeping soundly with Zhen Zhen's pillow in her arms. The babysitter had long been on vacation, and it was quiet in Nuoda's house at this time. I put my seafood in the front yard first, and I can put it directly in the car when I go to the old house later.

The remaining five boxes are for parents and milk for Chinese New Year, Zhen Zhen went to the next yard and called a few boys over and asked them to bring seafood, Mrs. Li was watching TV, Did you see Zhen Zhen being mysterious? She also put on clothes and followed to watch the fun.

No, it's a bit embarrassing to lift something so heavy."

Several boys know that their aunt is strong, so no one dares to say a word, until they put the things in the kitchen, they are relieved.

"What's this for?" Mrs. Li bent over and listened to the sound of prickling in the wooden box. She was very curious: "Why is there still movement?"

Zhen Zhen cut off the rope outside the box with the loudest sound, and a few lobsters that had been suffocated for a long time immediately climbed out, scaring the group of boys and running away.

Zhen Zhen smiled and picked up the lobster and threw it into the bucket aside, watching her nephews crying and urinating happily: "It's too useless, I won't let you eat it later."

Mingxi and Mingbei also came over when they heard the movement. When they saw this posture, they knew that they had gotten a lot of marine objects. Everything is packed out, and the province is broken.

However, when several boxes were opened, all of them were still alive except the grouper, which seemed to have just died, Mingbei asked Zhen Zhen in surprise, "How can I get it from the south so far? They're still alive, what's up with this?"

Zhen Zhen had an unfathomable expression on her face: "What do you know, people have sent them all the way for the sake of relationship, if they send dead fish and shrimp, it won't offend people, I guess it's all about bringing It was transported with sea water and oxygen, and it’s done before sending it to people. Okay, I won’t tell you, you hurry up and pack the things, and then put some clean water, and you will be blind when you die.”

Seeing Mingbei and Mingxi packing up tightly, Zhen Zhen and Mrs. Li said hello: "Honey, I'll go first, I guess my parents-in-law should wake up now, we I have to go to the old house."

Since Ling Xiulan and Zhen Zhen decided to open a beauty salon in partnership, there are only three regular partners. Ling Xiulan's eldest sister-in-law Chang Leqing was worried that her mother-in-law would not be home every day, but the old lady dragged her away in a blink of an eye. The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law played cards with Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen for two mornings. After eating together at noon, the two went back to the house that Ling Xiulan prepared for the old lady to rest for a while. They would sing in the afternoon and return to work earlier than Mayor Xi. busy.

Zhen Zhen heard that Mrs. Li was still thinking about playing mahjong, so she couldn't help but look black: "It's so good to sit on the sofa and watch TV in this cold weather, and play mahjong for two hours. Isn't it sour?"

"What do you know?" Mrs. Li said eloquently: "Your mother-in-law said that playing mahjong is good for your brain, and you will not be confused if you live to a hundred." Go to the grouper in the bucket: "It's good to eat fish. Steam two at night. If you eat more fish, you won't be confused when you get old."

Zhen Zhen smiled and shook her head, greeted her family and hurried back to the next door, Xi Junjie was already up, Zhen Zhen washed her hands and face and changed her clothes, When the young couple packed their suitcases to go to the old house, Ling Xiulan also came over to call someone.

The family carried the boxes and walked out. When they arrived at the gate, they were a little stunned when they saw five neat wooden boxes. Before Ling Xiulan asked, Zhen Zhen said with a smile : "Seafood from a business partner."

Zhen Zhen's business is doing very well now, I heard Xi Changshan say that this year the furniture factory has become the factory that pays the most tax among all the enterprises in the imperial capital. The original factory building of the furniture factory can no longer meet the production needs. Zhen Zhen has applied for a large piece of land in the suburbs of Beijing, and plans to build a new factory building after the new year. Such a person who is able to send seafood all the way for the new year is not a good idea. strange.

The family of four drove to the old house, the old lady Xi was talking to a group of grandchildren, she smiled when she saw Xi Junjie and Zhen Zhen coming: "You are here? Is it cold outside? Zhen Zhen, did your grandma say anything before you came?"

Zhen Zhen said with a smile: "My grandma asked me to say hello to her, and by the way, let me know when you are going to play mahjong in Chinese New Year."

Old Mrs. Xi was immediately happy: "Let's go after fifteen."

Although it's not yet New Year's Day, the whole family has gathered together, not to mention that Zhen Zhen brings so much fresh seafood, which is very rare in the cold winter.

Although Xi Junjie is the person with the best craftsmanship in the Xi family, the Xi family did not think that cooking for the New Year must be Xi Junjie's business, except for Mr. Xi and Xi Changshan drinking tea in the study room, Everyone else is crowded in the hot kitchen, some are cleaning the seafood and some are washing the vegetables. Everyone has to make their own specialty dish, and then ask the old lady Xi to try the dish and make it well.

The original taste is the best.

After the lively New Year, Ling Xiulan, Sun Rende, and Wang Xinzhi left Huaguo with their chosen people. The furniture factory was temporarily presided over by Sun Rende's deputy. This person was jointly recommended by Sun Rende and Wang Xinzhi. He was very capable and thoughtful about problems. If Sun Rende left him, he could fully support the factory, and he didn't need to worry too much about Zhen Zhen.

As for the garment factory, Si Yaren is in charge of the work. He has nothing to say except his acuity about the market. Zhen Zhen was worried that he was going to produce some antique clothes that could not be sold, so she simply designed several new spring clothes by herself and let him bring workers to produce first.

These two factories are well-organized enterprises, and a few people will not affect the normal operation of the enterprise in a short time. In contrast, the beauty salon made Zhen Zhen worry a lot. The beauty salon has only 30 beauticians who participated in the training. It is impossible for these people to take them abroad to participate in the training. Therefore, Ling Xiulan selected the best in the previous training, and a total of 6 people were selected to go abroad to visit the top beauty salons in France. Learning, as well as going to the equipment factory to learn how to use related beauty equipment, these people will not only be senior beauticians in beauty salons in the future, but also the most likely to be promoted to management.

The good employees are taken away, and the rest are not restrained. In order to prevent the loss of personnel, these 30 people have signed long-term contracts. Since they are paid as usual, it is impossible for Zhen Zhen to let them relax and forget what they have learned a while ago. Zhen Zhen brought people back to the beauty salon. In addition to the daily cleaning of the environment, she also made them familiar with the environment and what they learned from each other's faces.

The advantage of being a reporter is revealed at this time. According to Zhen Zhen's qualifications, she is definitely not able to keep up with news such as national affairs. She mainly runs social economy and people's livelihood. This kind of manuscript Because there are many places to be interviewed, and the timeliness is not very strong, Yu Shoujing generally gives Zhen Zhen three to five days or a week to complete the task of interviewing and publishing.

In addition to her normal work, Zhen Zhen spends her time in the beauty salon. Until a month later, Ling Xiulan brought new employees, more than a dozen beauty equipment and some big international brands. Zhen Zhen breathed a sigh of relief when she returned to China with her fashionable clothes.

After the hairdresser who came became familiar with his equipment, the beauty salon was finally ready to open.

During the pre-construction of the beauty salon, Zhen Zhen painted a beautiful advertising wall for the beauty salon with paint on the baffle, which attracted the attention of many people. The location of the beauty salon is less than 100 meters away from the most famous commercial street in the imperial capital. In the past few months, people in the imperial capital of Kung Fu basically knew that a beauty store was going to be opened here.

Even so, Zhen Zhen and Ling Xiulan still made a lot of preparations before the opening. Not only did they put up advertising banners, they also hired a lot of people to spread the flyers. In the previous campaign, when the Yiren beauty shop opened, there were not only dozens of people lining up for beauty treatments, but hundreds of people came to watch the excitement, and even reporters from TV stations and newspapers came. This is the first beauty shop in the imperial capital. Shop, the significance is no trivial matter.

As the firecrackers ignited, Ling Xiulan opened the door of the beauty salon, and the beauticians and hairdressers in light pink uniformly lined up from the inside, looking towards customers and onlookers uniformly as a whole The crowd bowed: "Welcome to Yiren Beauty Store." This attitude gave a boost to many people who were still hesitant, and the queue immediately became longer and longer.

The original positioning of Yiren Beauty Shop is high-end luxury, so even the beauty service open to ordinary people on the first floor is not cheap, a full set of beauty services is 28 yuan, the cheapest ordinary skin care massage It is ten yuan, and although the price of the hair salon on the other side is not so high, the price of the haircut is twice as expensive as that of the shaving salon outside. Celebrities have exactly the same curly hair, which is not comparable to those curled with hot irons outside.

There were too many people in line, and soon the beauty beds on the first floor were full, and the ten people behind entered the waiting area in advance, and the service staff with a sweet smile asked the customers softly After the taste, tea, juice and coffee were served, and biscuits, cakes, and fresh cut fruits were also provided.

This time, the customers who were annoyed that they were a step late all laughed this time. Although the cake was only one bite, the soft taste was enough to make them reminisce for a long time. Although it was inconvenient to deliver food to those waiting outside, the service staff also delivered hot tea one by one.

Nowadays, although you don’t have to look at the face of the service staff when you go to a restaurant to buy clothes today, but the service staff is so warm and thoughtful, pouring tea and water, and eating cakes and cookies for free, this is still a place first family.

The beauty shop of Yiren became a place that people talked about in just one day.