MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 179 bad boy (twenty one)

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Wen Xusheng left the documents and left gracefully.

His queen is about to play, and he has to cheer for the queen, and he can't miss a second.

As for whether the family members will watch it or not, he doesn't care what they will feel after watching it. His queen hopes to have no contact with them. He only hopes that they can do this.

It is impossible for a broken mirror to return to the beginning, and the best ending is to stop disturbing each other.

But why wouldn't the Shi family watch it?

That document is likely to be about the truth they most want.

The third child of the Shi family opened the file silently, and the file was automatically converted into a video. Soon, Yan Zicheng's face appeared in front of the Shi family.

"...What did Xiaoge look like in the beginning? Maybe no one remembers it except me."

"I seem to have harmed such a person in my life, why can't I remember clearly?"

"The third child of the Shi family is not in good health, so Shi Jingge is worried. How can such an obvious weakness be used? Otherwise, how can we make him black."

"I told Shi Jingge that there is a famous doctor who is very powerful. If you can ask him, your brother's illness will definitely be cured."

"But I can't ask for it. People don't want it. What should I do? Then kneel down and beg people."

"A half-grown child knelt outside the door for a day and a night, and finally begged someone to come here. Guess what?"

"The Shi family doesn't let people in at all!"

"Is it funny?"

"It's kind of funny, but it's just the beginning."

Following Yan Zicheng's voice, they seemed to be able to see how the ignorant Shi Jingge was coaxed step by step onto the path designed by those people, who gave Shi Jingge hope, and then They destroyed it with their own hands.

Those people tried their best to destroy all the beauty of Shi Jingge, and then instilled arrogance, domineering, and viciousness into Shi Jingge one by one, so that the young sapling that should have thrived in the gentle spring breeze completely grew crooked.

In a corner that they couldn't see, Shi Jingge experienced so much confusion and hesitation. He expressed doubts about everything that Yan Zicheng had instilled in him countless times, and he wanted to ask them for help, but no one Will pay attention to him.

They just push Shi Jingge away, time and time again.

At that time, besides believing what Yan Zicheng said, who else could Jing Ge trust?

No one talks to him!

In the box, there are two light curtains, one with Yan Zicheng on it, and one with Jingge on it.

Yan Zicheng's voice was not loud, especially from the light curtain next to it, the shouts of the commentators would be heard, which made Yan Zicheng's voice small, but it was such a small voice that the few people in the Shi family In the ears, it was so deafening.

—"Shi Shi Shi Shi's reaction was too fast! He escaped the blow and was severely injured, and released a backhand explosive injury, which was a hit!"

—"Shi Jingge, there is no other shortcoming, just stupid, his brothers are almost engraving Mo Bei on their faces, and he still rushes over to spend more than half a month preparing birthday gifts for people , Don’t you think it’s funny? He doesn’t think the gift he prepared will be opened, does he?”

Different voices came from the two light curtains one after another, casting a mottled shadow on the Shi family's heart.

The time scene song in Yan Zicheng's mouth is the time scene song of the past, painful, hesitant, and at a loss;

What the narrators talk about is Shi Shi Shi Ten, which is the current time scene song, firm, self-confident, and possessing the future.

The youngest of the Shi family stared at the light curtain fixedly. There was the competition of Shi Jingge.

The duel between fighters and fighters is a competition of spears against spears and shields against shields. It is not the first time that the two sides have fought against each other, and they are familiar enough with their professions, so the fight is inseparable. Various skills collide with each other, forming a brilliant light. .

The voices of the commentators were raised from time to time, impassionedly introducing each other's wonderful operations, and there were various applause voices from the audience from time to time.

Unknowingly, the current Shi Jingge is already shining brightly.

They didn't take care of him when Shi Jingge was in the most painful, hesitant and confused time. They didn't take care of him when Shi Jingge was wandering between life and death. They didn't come to him until Jingge finally came out of the past. Try to tell him that they didn't do it on purpose, they were also deceived, and everyone is a victim, so let's shake hands and make peace.

We are all family, just get back together, and we will make it up to you in the future.

The third child of the Shi family didn't think there was anything wrong with these words before, but now he finds them ridiculous.

It's really ridiculous.

How can the indifference, disgust, contempt and rejection in the past end with a few simple words?

They were the ones who severed ties with Shi Jingge first.

The third child of the Shi family leaned back. He felt calm, but also cold, so cold that his hands trembled unconsciously.

"...Don't bother Xiao Ge."

"He doesn't need compensation from us either."

"He has grown up," the third child of the Shi family murmured softly, but the eldest and second child heard it clearly, "He has come out of the long night, he has seen the light and has a future."

"Let's not always show up in front of him and remind him how miserable his past was."

"Look at him silently behind his back, that's all."

"Think about how we treated him before."

"Although I don't know how he got out, I know that it must be very difficult."

"We haven't done anything for him. It's really ridiculous what this brother is doing. Let's meet his only request of us, okay?"

The eldest and second child of the Shi family didn't speak, but their expressions were exactly the same as those of the third child.

The third child of the Shi family knew, and they all agreed.

He subconsciously stretched out his hands to cover his face, and after a while, he felt his palms were wet.

...It's too hot today, why are you sweating so much?

he thought vaguely.

"—Congratulations to the player who won every time! Enter the final round of the game!"

"Let's congratulate him and give the applause to another contestant!"

On the light curtain, Shi Jingge smiled shyly and shook hands with another person.

The youngest of the Shi family was silent for a while, then clapped his hands, his voice seemed very unnatural in the box.

After a while, the eldest and second child of the Shi family also applauded, their movements somewhat stiff.

Soon, the host invited lucky viewers to the stage, and it was still Wen Xusheng.

That man can always be with Shi Jingge, whether it's on stage or off stage.

And all they can do is to applaud his outstanding performance twice when Shi Jingge can't see it.

At the final stage of the game, there are only three players left. The point system is adopted. One point is awarded for a win and one point is deducted for a loss. The player with the highest score wins the championship.

When the people from the Special Administration came up, Shi Jingge was discussing with Wen Xusheng not to show up tomorrow.

"I can feel that that thing is going to be unbearable. If it wasn't for worrying about you, he might have made a move a long time ago."

"Tomorrow is the best chance. As long as he can't see you, he will definitely attack me. This is a good time for us to eliminate it in one fell swoop."

"It will definitely be unbearable tomorrow."

"Why?" Wen Xusheng asked.

He didn't want to refute Shi Jingge's words, but when he thought that he wouldn't be able to show up in Shi Jingge's match tomorrow, he always felt like something was missing.

Shi Jingge blinked and laughed, "Because I will win the championship."

Wen Xusheng's heart became heavier. His partner won the championship, but he couldn't show up. Is there anything worse than this?

"Well, I'm not sure, but I think there's nothing more stimulating to that thing than winning a championship."

"So I'm going to win, I'm going to win."

I just don't know if I can win.

Shi Jingge paused, and changed the subject nonchalantly, "It seems that there are trophies, if so, how about inviting my partner to hold the trophy with me?"

"If not, there are bonuses," Shi Jingge said meaningfully, "Can you spend a honeymoon with these bonuses?"

Wen Xusheng's eyes lit up, but he was still a little unhappy.

"Fool," Shi Jingge sighed, "I just told you not to appear in front of people, and I didn't say you can't be invisible. As long as you don't let that thing find you, everything is fine."

Only then did Wen Xusheng show a slight smile, "Remember the honeymoon."

Time Scene Song: "?"

"Before the honeymoon," Wen Xusheng said slowly, "you have to get married first."

Time Scene Song: "??"

He seems to be... tricked?

It was at this time that the people from the Special Administration Bureau came. They expressed their intention to come to Shi Jingge and provided him with identification, and Shi Jingge accepted their protection.

Early the next morning, Wen Xusheng hid himself completely, without any breath, and no one could see it, including Shi Jingge.

Wen Xusheng looked at his partner, couldn't hold back, and poked Shi Jingge's finger.

Shi Jingge's fingertips trembled, he looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "Don't make trouble."

The sound is so small that people are afraid of hearing it.

It's just that the roots of the ears are red.

Wen Xusheng suddenly found the joy of invisibility.

Most of the time, he will not make any movements, only occasionally when there is no one around Shi Jingge, he will poke Shi Jingge's finger. Jing Ge's palm.

Shi Jingge's ears were quite red, and Wen Xusheng naturally didn't give in, but Shi Jingge couldn't see it.

This time, he went to poke Shi Jingge's finger again, and Shi Jingge's hand stretched out. Wen Xusheng didn't resist the temptation and went to poke his palm, but Shi Jingge grabbed his hand.

Now, it was Wen Xusheng's turn to dare not move.

"I'm going on stage," Shi Jingge chuckled, "Protect the others."

The voice was so low that only Wen Xusheng could hear it.

In the end, Shi Jingge followed his example and hooked his palm.

Wen Xusheng's entire face was burning red, but luckily no one could see it.

Three people, a total of three games, Shi Jingge is the second and third game.

He won the second game easily, and came to the third game in a blink of an eye.

Both of them beat the other, and this is the battle for the championship.

Wen Xusheng didn't know if Shi Jingge was nervous or not, but he was quite nervous.

But soon, he felt a familiar, cold breath.


Wen Xusheng cursed secretly, but had to take his attention away from the game, began to search for the traces of that thing, and then took precautions. This time, he would never let that thing escape!

Halfway through the game, the lights in the hall began to appear strange, flickering, if they were shaking in the wind and rain, they might go out at any time.

But now, where is the wind coming from?

The audience was puzzled and looked up. The Special Administration Bureau realized something and dispersed urgently. At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The author has something to say: Wen Xusheng: Find out about stealth play~

All cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-08?19:20:01~2021-08-09?21:26:18~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: Cinderella's insoles? 6 bottles; Xingci? 3 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!