MTL - Abyss Domination-v11 Chapter 31 Cracking artifacts!

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In the depths of Narathi.

Sauron saw a bunch of strange lichs, the most obvious feature is that they look almost exactly the same.

There is no doubt about it.

These lichs are artificially created, and their purpose is to protect Natal. Sauron took a look at the dark golden lich, and immediately felt a control circle. Okas created these lichs and controlled their souls. They could control these witches as long as they mastered their lives. Demon. However, the price of doing this is to make these lichs lose their ability to advance. They are not the lichs transformed by the legendary mage. After the life is controlled, it is impossible to advance to the demigod lich. In the long years, they They are guarding Narathai, and their strength and potential have been limited.

On the other side is a whole box of legendary soul spar.

Naratel is the site of the undead. The most common thing here is the soul spar. The undead is the creature that most easily drops the natural soul spar.

“It looks like a good harvest.”

There is a lot of material piled up on the other side of the treasure house. The undead does not care about gold and silver, so the most precious stones and rare minerals here. In the long years of running Narathai, the undead developed this plane thoroughly, and found a lot of valuable minerals. Sauron saw a lot of Mithril, Jingjin, Thorium, Star Stone, Aukin Ingot, etc. These are the materials that the Lich refines. On the edge of the Abyss, you can find some from the Astral. Rare material. The center of Naral is a huge fortress, and the interior of the fortress has a large control array.


Sauron set foot on the front of the array and immediately felt that the obelisks in all directions were under his control. Their role was special, because these obelisks could gather the power of death.

"Okas really wants to get to the death priest!"

The power of the obelisk is the power of death, and the key to Ocas is the king of immortality.


Soron quickly walked down and shook his head: "It's impossible to have the power of death without a priesthood and a believer. It is impossible to compare with the real death. But this gives the characteristics of Okas undead!"

These trophies are huge.

Some of them are left in the bottomless abyss, while others are sent to the city of Modo.

As for the most important group of legendary soul spar, Sauron only stayed for about one-fifth, and all others were sent to Modo City. After Modo City developed a diamond planet, most of the conditions for building a diamond golem have been met. The only thing missing is the high-order soul spar. These legendary soul spar is enough to create a large number of top diamond statues, and even consider creating an advanced version of the diamond golem, which is the life of the legendary structure of the Arcane Tower. They are weakened versions of Taling, without the auxiliary ability of Taling, and most of the functions are used in battle and killing.

The casualties of the Demon Legion are enormous.

Such a large casualty caused Sauron to suspend the plan to attack the ghoul king Doresen, and began to divide some sub-devil lords.

The territory that He now controls is already very large.

The vast territory from Sanatos to Narrat is enough for Sauron to seal more than a dozen sub-devil lords, but he did not do so, but picked seven out of many demon lords and promoted them first. For the secondary demon lord.

Every level of the bottomless abyss is big and small.

The area of ​​Sanatos on the 113th floor is relatively medium, enough for Sauron to seal a group of sub-devil lords. However, Sanatos can be sealed out, but Naratel is absolutely impossible. There are many secrets in this place, and the power of death here is very rich. Okas will almost turn this place into half. God country. The secrets of these obelisks must not be allowed to be mastered by other demons. Sauron is prepared to control this place himself, and at the same time study what Ocas is relying on to obtain the power of death. You must know that Ocas has the power of many deaths, such as the hand of death, the resurrection of the undead, etc., and the stick of the Okas can directly turn the target of killing into a dead soul. This kind of power is not a **** of death. easily.


The other side.

In the distant city of Modo, when Sauron broke the last fortress of Narathi, the body Sauron opened his eyes again.

A golden light burst out of his shackles!

"It’s finally time!"

Sauron’s figure stood up, and the glory of the divine power gathered on his body. It looked like a golden giant. He reached out and shook his hand toward the sky. All the temples on the island of Modo had a loud noise, and then countless The power of faith gathered toward the Great Shrine, and a majestic power was mobilized by Him.

- "Digital power shaping!"

- "Change the shape!"

Soren’s palm is the stick of Ocas, during which time he stayed in the temple to crack the secret of this artifact. When Natale was broken, some kind of power to hold the artifact was solved in a flash. It is.

The screams of screaming sounded!

When Sauron broke the protection of the stick of the Ocas, the mourning of countless souls suddenly sounded.

This is an evil artifact.

It is like the famous The essence of the stick of Orkas is to turn any killed creature into a dead soul, and at the same time to imprison many souls. In the long years, the artifacts here have banned too many souls, and the evil power it possesses is even worse than that of Okas himself, because every time you get it after the resurrection of Ocas, it is really alive. It is. Countless souls of blasphemy rushed to Sauron, this is the counter-attack of the artifact, and is the last resistance of Orkas. If the mortal face such an attack is almost mortal, if anyone accidentally uses the big crack The ruined artifacts will die almost immediately in the back. But Sauron is a true God after all, and is also a true **** close to powerful power. In the face of the black mist of the formation of countless grievances, He just raised his hand in the sky, and then a light door appeared. In front of you.

"Dust is dust, earth is back to earth."

Soren reached out and grabbed the void, and immediately tens of thousands of grievances were caught by him, and then he waved his hand at the light door, and a huge attraction broke out.

The scream of horror sounded.

The inexhaustible grievances were forcibly inhaled into the light gate, sent to the interior of the kingdom of Sauron, and then put into the reincarnation pool.


The stick of the Okas appeared in a crack, and a human soul that looked a little puffy appeared in the eyes of Sauron. This is the body of Ocas, and it is what He looks like when he is a mortal.

.................. (To be continued.).
