MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 716 Evaporate the Nile!

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It's not just the vicinity of Lake Victoria that has become "the abyss".

It was a big circle that Bai Ye gave Zhang Zhong, all the places that might be the source of the Nile River.

Under Bai Ye's palm, it was completely "bombed".

If you fly high enough, you can see that there is a huge palm print on the ground.

There is no doubt that the source of the Nile must have disappeared.

Not long after, there was news that the blood of the Nile River did not look as strong as it had at first.

However, looking at the weakened appearance, I am afraid it will take some time before it will really return to normal.

As for the source, whether there really is any specific strange existence, this will probably become a mystery.

Even Bai Ye himself couldn't tell.

At least he didn't perceive any strange existence.

In other words, the entire Nile River is weird.

The source is the key.

Now, the key points like "source and heart" were "bombed" by Bai Ye's relatively large-scale attack.

No matter how powerful this monster is, it will inevitably gradually enter death.

But "tenacious vitality" greatly delayed the process of death.

Death is inevitable, but it will take some time.

"Need a break?"

Bai Ye put away Bai Yu and returned to the helicopter, Zhang Zhong asked.

"No, go ahead at full speed and stop for a while in the middle reaches. All are ready, I will change planes later." Bai Ye said, "After I deal with the blood and flood, I will go to Cairo."

"it is good."

Zhang Zhong nodded.

Along the way, there are still relevant news.

Forget the blood and flood disaster, the new frog disaster has been confirmed, and those frogs are indeed strange!

With conventional means, it is simply impossible to kill effectively.

Throwing incendiary bombs, missiles, etc., just turned the empty city into ruins.

The damage to those frogs is directly zero.

Moreover, the biggest threat is not those large frogs.

It was the group of small frogs that spread out in groups in all directions.

The target of the big frog is obvious, although various modern weapons are ineffective.

But with a distance, such a blow can attract the attention of the big frog.

Delay their approach towards the surrounding area.

But the little frog is different.

It is densely packed, filling almost every corner, and it has not been affected by any long-range blows.

Spreading in all directions, apart from building high walls, there is no way to block the opponent's pace.

A nearby trainer has already appeared.

Put down the monsters on the plane and let them enter the group of frogs to fight.

However, far from being able to delay the spread of the frog disaster a little.

On the contrary, those strange Li died in the frog group.

One was directly crushed to death by a big frog.

The rest were jumped into the body by the little frog, and then burst out abruptly.

Even if Wei Li is a monster, it is scary in itself, and such a death is extremely miserable.

more important.

Now there are only hundreds of strange people in the world.

In just a few hours, more than a dozen were lost.

This is simply a price that cannot be lost!

The little frog is easy to catch, and you don't even need to fight, you can catch it directly by throwing a strange pokeball.

However, little frogs may be used against people, and indeed they can.

But for Wei Li, it was too weak, too weak.

Just a little frog, not—to be precise, as long as it doesn't accumulate to a certain amount.

A random monster can easily be trampled to death.

Wei Li wouldn't feel disgusting like frogs and toads, and stayed away from them.

Only those giant frogs are worth catching.

However, the difficulty of catching these frogs far exceeds the strangeness of their strength.

There is no other reason, these large frogs are in the "frog plague".

A large number of frogs were born out of thin air and spread out little by little.

I can only be stumped a little and slow down the progress.

time lapse.

The sky is already bright.

Bai Ye and others also came to the middle reaches of the Nile River without stopping.

Looking at the surging river of blood under his feet, Bai Ye raised his hand, the space around him was slightly distorted, and suddenly there was one more person.

Or rather, a humanoid creature.

As soon as he appeared, the temperature around him increased several degrees.

Then it dropped again in an instant.

"what is this?"

"Mr. Bai's weirdness?"

"Never seen it before."

A low voice of discussion sounded.

The "weili" in front of him was about two meters tall, human-shaped, with a face similar to that of a skeleton, with flames burning all over his body.

Slightly distorted the surrounding space.

Wei Lizhong's "handsome guy" can be said to be quite "handsome".

"Cough cough."

Zhang Zhong coughed twice, "He's not weird, don't talk nonsense."

"Isn't it weird?"

The crowd was confused.

To grow up like this, is it not weird?

Is it Chang Wei?

"In short, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Zhong emphasized.

He vaguely remembered that he once saw the figure of this flame man in the trading pavilion.

Although I don't know who it is, there is no doubt that he can't be weird.

It should be Bai Ye's subordinates.

Of course, this flame man is not weird.

But the flame giant, Surtur.

In the battle of Asgard, he was captured by Bai Ye and became a member of the BOSS team.

Bai Ye didn't explain Surter's identity to everyone, and said, "Lao Su, I'll leave it to you."

Surtur nodded silently.

Went to the cabin door, opened the cabin door, and jumped directly.

With a "pop", he fell into the "river of blood" that was still flowing.

Not even a ripple appeared.

It's like a group of weak flames fell into the big river.

disappear quickly.

"Let him solve the blood and flood, and let's go to Cairo."

Bai Ye said, without taking another look.

Seeing that Zhang Zhong had no objection, the driver immediately accelerated.

The words of the night are always absolute.

Only Zhang Zhong can make a different opinion.

"That one, won't you be in danger?"

Zhang Zhong asked.

It doesn't seem very humane to just throw people away and walk away like this.


Bai Ye pointed to his feet.

Zhang Zhong looked outside without knowing why, and was instantly horrified.

The river of blood under his feet is "disappearing" at a fast speed.

The white fog slowly emerged, and before the dense fog really formed, it "disappeared", and even the most smiling water droplets turned into nothingness.

Zhang Zhong saw it.

The scene beneath his feet was faintly distorted.

Although on the plane, there is no feeling.

But Zhang Zhong was sure that the temperature under his feet was absolutely terrifying.

It was just blocked and not leaked out.

"Burn something, Lao Su is more professional than me."

Said the night.

Yes, the solution to the blood and flood disaster completely and as quickly as possible is very simple.

That is to evaporate the entire Nile River.

For Bai Ye, it is not difficult.

However, he is not a professional, and this kind of thing is left to the flame giant Surtur.


The exclamation sounded, and everyone saw the blood-colored river in the distance, "receding" quickly at a speed that exceeded the flight speed of the plane.

A dry, cracked riverbed is exposed.

The original big river is turning into a "canyon" at an exaggerated speed.

The space above the river is slightly distorted.

No flames can be seen and no temperature rise can be felt.

But everyone has a hunch in their hearts that if they fall, there will only be a "dead without a whole corpse".

So powerful, to evaporate the entire Nile?

Are you saying it's not weird?

As soon as we looked up, we saw that Wei Li was evaporating the Nile!

"That's fine, it's fine."

Zhang Zhong whispered.

Evaporating the Nile can indeed break the **** flood.

Moreover, the impact is not as big as expected.

The Nile turned to blood, but not the many tributaries that flowed into the Nile.

Bai Ye obliterates the source.

Surtur's evaporation was partially finished by blood.

The rest can be recovered slowly over time.

Not irreparable damage.

Even, it is not as exaggerated as Bai Ye's "Boom".

Of course, Bai Ye's bombing is also skillful.

It didn't cause any chain reaction, just an extra large palm imprinted deep valley.

Outside the deep valley, there is no impact.