MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 17

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Chapter 017: Colonel Knox

St. Romia Military Academy residential area, room c017.

Irene took out a brand new black uniform from the closet and handed it to the man behind him. The expressionless Knox Lieutenant took the military uniform from his wife and changed his clothes. He whispered: "The situation of morning training." how is it?"

Irene smiled and said: "This year's commanding students, the overall quality is much better than in previous years. Two students are particularly prominent. When they entered the school, they scored full marks, one of which was beta."

The Knox button was slightly stunned and looked up at Irene. "What's the name?"

Irene replied: "Xize, and Lin Yuan."

"Oh, the headmaster said hello to me, Nishizawa is the four emperors. Those questions should be very simple for him. It is quite normal to test the perfect score, but Lin Yuan..." Knox paused thoughtfully. "Do you say he is a beta?"

Irene nodded. "The data is written in beta, the result of the blood pheromone check and the smell of him, and it's all beta."

Knox's brow wrinkled lightly.

Irene saw him frown and couldn't help but ask: "Are you... thinking of the general?"

Knox is silent.

Irene whispered: "When the general entered the school, it was also a full score, and it was also a beta. It was only after many years that everyone knew that he was injected with an inhibitor..."

"Inhibitors have long been completely banned." Knox whispered her. "The average person has money and can't buy inhibitors, and now all students enrolled in the school have to undergo serum tests, injection inhibitors." It’s impossible to mix into the military school, and the events of the year will not happen again.”

Thinking of that person, Knox’s eyes suddenly flashed a bit of pain.

In the past, if I could firmly stop Rosen and not let him enter the cell, would the ending be different? The general will not sneak into the constellation of the constellation of the constellation of the constellation of the constellation of Cepheus because he was not willing to be under house arrest. He was buried in the interstellar ruins.

If Rosen was stopped at the time, the general would torture himself to a collapse in the dark cell. Still using a strong will to survive the estrus period and then spent a lifetime in the military prison?

No matter which ending, it is too cruel to that person.

Knox only knew that as an adjutant, he did not complete the last military order issued by the general.

- He failed the trust of the general.

After the Dark Army was forced to disband, Rosen invited Knox to the Glory Legion, but Knox resolutely refused. He came to the military school with his wife, Irene, as an ordinary instructor, no longer asking about any military affairs.

The life of these years is too calm, Knox almost forgot the feeling of the bloody, intense and exciting feeling of going to the front line with the generals of the rain.

Knox took a deep breath and continued to buckle the last button on his military uniform neckline.

Irene was silent for a moment before he whispered: "Probably I think more, I always feel that Lin Yuan is a child who looks a little like him."

- The same white skin, black hair, clear eyes, and the firmness and confidence in the eyes.

The difference is that Lin Yuan’s face is always full of smiles. The optimistic and cheerful appearance is full of the vitality of the 18-year-old boy. The Lingyu of the year likes to be silent, always independent, not close to people. .

Although the personality is too far apart, Irene always feels that she can see the shadow of the general from Lin Yuan’s body. Probably because of the Asian ethnicity, they all have obvious yellow characteristics, and the black and clear eyes are like the purest obsidian in daylight.

Seeing that Knox turned and was about to leave, Irene had come back and quickly followed his footsteps.


Student residence in the a13 room.

Nishizawa took out the washed military uniform and gave it to Lin Yuan. Lin Yuandao thanked him and turned to change clothes. Carefully changed the military uniform, when I went out, I found that Nishizawa was standing at the door waiting for him.

Nishizawa looked at Lin Yuan and said, "Let's go, it's coming soon."

"..." In fact, you can go first.

Lin Yuanting hoped that Nishizawa would go first. As a result, Nishizawa was very loyal to his roommates.

Unlike Carl's gentle and kind, Lin Yuan always has a feeling of being uncomfortable when facing Nishizawa. He doesn't like to walk side by side with him. He doesn't like to look at him. Anyway, he doesn't like to stay alone with him.

Nishizawa gives a strange sense of oppression.

Every time I look at him, I feel that the heart is like being pinched.

Probably because of Nishizawa as a pure blood alpha, the strong, overbearing alpha atmosphere is too strong?

The two went out side by side, just happened to meet Karl, who came out of the a12 dormitory next door, and the guy with red-haired and red-eyed people, Gao Mada... Yes, he called Baker... Shell classmates.

Lin Yuan remembered the name of the guy who lacked the roots. He couldn’t help but smile at him. The shell classmates immediately blushed. Lin Yuan thought, this guy was originally black, and when he was blushing, it really looked like It is chocolate.

The shell student, who was imagined to be a large piece of chocolate, pulled his head and followed Lin Yuan’s body. Suddenly he regretted it: Lin Yuan’s temper was so good. It seemed stupid to be convinced to find him in trouble. How to remedy it?

The four people walked to the Central Hall together, and there were already many college students dressed in neat uniforms.

The 50 students in the command department quickly arrived, listening to Irene's instructions in the order from short to high, four rows, the first two rows of girls, the last two rows of boys. Lin Yuan is a relatively short boy, standing on the far left of the team, the left side of the front row is a beta girl who is ten centimeters shorter than him.

The girl looked back at him and smiled and said: "Lin Yuan, hello, my name is Bosha."

"...Hello." Almost all of the classmates knew his name, apparently the result of a loud provocation by the shell classmates this morning. The girl smiled very friendly, and there were two small dimples on her cheek. Lin Yuan also smiled at her and they knew each other.

The open-air venue, which is large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, is divided into a number of small areas. The freshmen of each class stand neatly in a square array, and the "righteous" and "right-to-right" one after another resound throughout the audience.

Soon it was two o'clock, and the scene suddenly quieted down. At this moment, I saw the air above the open-air venue, a row of black mechs suddenly and neatly flew in the direction of the podium, like a large group of flying eagle!

The armor queue stopped steadily above the podium. Then, the cockpit door was opened at the same time. A group of officers wearing pure black pens and uniforms landed on the ground in a handsome manner.

"..." The students were stunned.


The loud voice was uploaded from the station. The students who had returned to God immediately stood up and stood up to the chairman for a standard military ceremony. The neat blue military uniforms merge into a deep blue ocean, and the tens of thousands of students at the same time salute the picture, which looks like a huge wave suddenly rising from the sea.

The man standing in the middle of the queue of officers and having three gold stars on his shoulders returned to the military for a military ceremony. He said, "Good afternoon, good afternoon, I am your principal, Belfast."

Lieutenant General Belfas, who is almost two hundred years old, still looks very strong, wearing a uniform of military uniforms, and has the momentum of being angry and self-defeating.

“First of all, on behalf of all the instructors of the school, I welcome you to the Military Academy of San Romia. As the best military academy of the empire, all the students who can get here are very smart and excellent students. I think, you are also very annoying. My old man is here, then I will make a long story short-"

“The San Ramia Military Academy will provide you with the best learning environment. Therefore, I also hope that you can make good use of all the resources here and study hard. Give yourself a satisfactory answer in three years! Don’t let Your family, your friends, your instructors are disappointed!"

"The following is an oath ceremony. Please ask my classmates to follow me to read the oath of the army!"

Belfast raised his right hand cautiously, turned around and looked up, facing the flag of the Lacey Empire on the rostrum and the flag of the Emperor's Department, and read it seriously, seriously, and in one sentence: "From today, I will be the soldier of the Lacey Empire. I am here, solemnly swearing-"

The low and thick voice of the principal was echoed through the loudspeakers throughout the venue. All the students immediately learned the same as his right hand, looked up at the national flag and the military flag, and read the sacred oath.

"From today, I will be the soldier of the Lacey Empire. I am solemnly sworn here-"

"Absolutely obey the military command!"

"Strictly abide by military discipline!"

"Not afraid of sacrifice!"

"British battle!"


The crisp and loud voice of tens of thousands of teenagers suddenly resounded through the clouds, the best military academy of the Lacey Empire, and the 598th freshman of the San Ramia Military Academy. From this moment on, they finally officially opened their career as a soldier.


After the oath ceremony, each class returned to their training area.

The large playground of the San Ramia Military Academy is more than ten kilometers in diameter. The large playground is divided into many areas for training in various classes. The 50 people in the commanding department are assigned to the most central position, looking at it, different. The small square arrays listed in the class have started the simplest posture training such as running and saluting.

Irene walked to the front of the crowd with a serious officer, and said: "Classmates, this is Colonel Knox, and he is responsible for the military training in the next month."

Knox nodded blankly and said, "Who is the squad leader?"

Everyone: "..."

Irene coughed and coughed: "Cough, forget the squad leader in the morning, we are going to choose a squad leader!"

Everyone: "..."

It seems that the heroic and ruthless, iron-and-blooded, hand-knife-skilled students, Irene instructors actually have such a situation... When confused, the people looked at their class teacher quite silently.

Knox was very helpless to Eileen’s occasional confusion, but his face did not show up. He still looked back at the students in front of him with a blank expression. He whispered, “Is anyone self-recommended?”

Fifty people are silent.

"No one volunteers to be the squad leader?" Knox's cold eyes swept slowly in the queue of 50 people. "I will give you ten seconds. If you still can't choose the squad leader, then you will run around the playground." Circle back and think slowly!"

"10, 9..."

"Instructor!" Finally, a brave guy raised his hand.

Knox turned his head and looked at him. He was a tall red-haired boy. His eyes were dark red. On the eyes of Knox, the boys were embarrassed to blush. When the dark skin was blushing, it looked a little strange.

Knox asked: "What is your name?"

The boy sang: "Report the instructor, my name is Baker!"

Knox nodded. "Baker, do you want to be a self-recommended squad leader?"

Baker immediately shook his head and bravely said: "Instructor, can I recommend someone to be the monitor? I have a very suitable candidate in my mind!"

Knox Road: "Who do you want to recommend?"

The shell classmate glanced at the thin, dark-haired boy who stood in the little left corner of the last row and said, "Report the instructor! I recommend Lin Yuan!"

Lin Yuan: ".............................."

It’s really lying in the middle of the shot!

Knox's sharp eyes immediately swept over, and Lin Yuan almost wanted to cover his face with his hand.

Scorpio! Why is there such a single-celled animal in the command line? In the early morning, I ran to provoke and said, "Are you the Lin Yuan who has the perfect score?" Let the whole class know that they don't say it, and then push themselves to the limelight!

Lin Yuan really wants to ask: Shell classmates, me, follow, you, to, bottom, more, big, hatred? !

Knox looked at Lin Yuan and looked back at Baker. "What reason do you recommend Lin Yuan?"

Baker raised his head and said with pride: "Report the instructor! First of all, Lin Yuan’s entrance score is a perfect score. As a beta, the score is better than many alphas, enough to prove his ability!"

Lin Yuan: "..."

Alpha: "..."

"Secondly, when standing in the military position this morning, Lin Yuan students insisted for more than two hours, even more than a lot of alphas! This proves that he is not only high in IQ, but also very good in physical fitness!"

Lin Yuan: "..."

Alpha: "..."

Baker finally concluded: "So I think that Lin Yuan is qualified for the position of the squad leader! It is best for him to be our squad leader! The report is over!"

Shell classmate, I really offended you...

This hatred is too stable, pulling all the alpha hatred!

Feeling the hateful, disgusting, contemptuous, and disobedient eyes cast by the surrounding alpha, Lin Yuan really wanted to shrink himself into a hairball like Habib and buried it underground.

Knox nodded to Baker and turned back: "Lin Yuan, derailed!"

Named by the instructor, Lin Yuan had to sprint to the front of the queue with a serious look. He stood at the front end of Knox and placed his hand on the edge of the brim. He respected a standard military ceremony. The crisp voice decisively said a word: To!"

Knox suddenly glanced.

In an instant, he even had the illusion that it was time to go backwards and returned to twenty-eight years ago.

Twenty-eight years ago, when the 570th military command was in a class, the beta boy named Ling Yu was also in the moment of being listed, immediately attracting everyone’s attention.

The black-haired Asian teenager, the standard standing posture, the standard military ceremony, the crisp sound of the sound-changing period, although the body is thin, but the brilliance of the body is not lost to any tall alpha.

No wonder Eileen said she saw the shadow of the general from the child...

At this moment, even Knox Lieutenant Colonel Knox, who had been a deputy for many years in Lingyu, almost had an illusion.

Knox was silent for a moment before he said, "Lin Yuan, how come you are the squad leader?"

Lin Yuan immediately saluted: "Yes! Instructor!"

Knox looked at him deeply and asked: "You don't need to think about it?"

Lin Yuan looked up and said seriously and firmly: "As a soldier, I only know that I am obeying the superior order! Baker recommended me, the instructor asked me to be the monitor, I will do my best and never let everyone down!"

Knox looked at the boy in front of him silently.

Yes, as a soldier, the first reaction to the command of the superior should be obedience and absolute obedience.

Absolute obedience to the order, this is also a very important one from the military oath.

Especially on the battlefield, the orders given to you by superior officers should not be questioned and hesitated. Perhaps it is the one-second hesitation time, which is enough for the enemy to smash you and your comrades.

... Lin Yuan did this, even if he didn't want to be the squad leader.

The teenager in front of him has a pair of black and clear eyes. At this moment, there is no hesitation and unwillingness in those eyes. The rest is only full of confidence and determination.

——The students of the command department should have such a crisp and neat way!

Knox suddenly remembered: If General Ling Yu did not sneak away from the Rosen Apartment because of his stubborn personality, and was buried in the interstellar ruins, then he and Rosen’s children should be like Lin Yuan. It is the best age of 18 years old. 2k novel reading network