MTL - A World Worth Protecting-Chapter 1385 The note of horror (second more)

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  Twenty days of comprehension consumed nearly one hundred thousand incomplete scores. In exchange, the number of superimposed notes in Wang Baole's body reached 15,000.

  This level of superposition even changed the shape of the note.

  Originally, the note was floating in the dantian inside Wang Baole's body, but now, its shape has turned into a mist, and it is blurred. At first glance, you can't even see the characteristics of the note.

   But on the contrary, this is indeed the formation of notes.

   What’s even more terrifying is that this superimposed note has also escaped from Wang Baole’s dantian and appeared in his mind, as if it really didn’t exist anymore.

But as long as Wang Baole’s mind moves, this note will take shape in an instant, and this is not what Wang Baole feels incredible. What really makes him feel incredible is the note that turns into a mist and blends into his mind, even in the daytime, Wang Baole Around, there will be some distortions that outsiders can’t see.

  This distortion seems to be formed by the squeezing of different spaces. Even under Wang Baole's research, he has realized that this distortion is caused by the world of the law of hearing desire, which seems to form a point of intersection with him.

  In other words, if he wants to, he can enter the world of the law of desire during the day.

But he still restrained his impulse and did not try it lightly, but... he did an experiment, that is, when he spreads the power of the superimposed sound in the daytime, making the surroundings distort strongly, he seems to exist , But actually... in the eyes of others, he has disappeared.

Wang Baole tried this with the housekeeper, but the other party didn’t even notice it at all. Even Wang Baole went to the other two houses when he was moved. Then he was shocked to find that the monks in the two houses next door actually Never noticed the slightest.

  The significance of this scene is what shocked Wang Baole the most.

  Because...Once he really did this in the dark night, it was equal to that he was different from other cultivators of the Law of Appreciation, no longer could only perceive, but...can really walk in!

You must know that Wang Baole walked in the dark before. For the world of the law of hearing, all his gains were perception and hearing. In addition, he could not see it, as if always separated by a veil. So that he can only wander outside.

But now, the singularity of the superimposed notes has made Wang Baole’s heart beat faster after realizing these. He has deeply realized that if he can do this for himself in the dark night, then he will be able to do this to a certain extent. , Is no longer a monk.

  But...a weird thing in the world of the law of hearing desire.

"What kind of note is this? Can I really do this? It turned me into a weird incarnation..." Wang Baole felt incredible, because the three major monks he knew could disappear after reaching a certain level. , The existence of composing music.

  But that kind of existence is obviously different from the weird things of the law of desire.

The former is more of becoming a part of the sound, which can be seen as trying hard to blend with the law of hearing desire, but in the final analysis, it is an external force. It is to adapt to the law of hearing desire, slowly approaching, and constantly blending into it, so as to achieve The degree of use.

  And the latter... it becomes the law of listening desire in itself!

Because after entering the chord sect, as he understood, Wang Baole already knew that the world that the so-called law of hearing desire can be felt is transformed by the law of hearing desire itself. The three sects are embedded in the law. And all the weird things in that world, the reason why there is a chance that the monks will understand the notes when killed is because those weird things, each of them, are part of the law of hearing desire itself.

  The former is the integration of external forces, and the latter is the self-being.

  Wang Baole had realized at this moment that he did not know why, after cultivating, he was actually on the road of cultivating himself into the law of hearing desire...Although it can only be regarded as the initial stage, this direction obviously surpasses everyone.

  And once he finally succeeds, then...the law of listening desire is him, as for the life and death of the master of listening desire, it is also between his thoughts.

  This discovery shocked Wang Baole himself, so he raised his head and looked outside, waiting for the night to come to confirm his guess.

There has never been a time when Wang Baole looked forward to the arrival of night so fast. He felt that the day was passing too slowly. In his eager waiting, as the dusk faded, the night finally fell on the earth completely. After all the light was flooded, Wang Baoledi Excited for a while, did not transfer the jade slips, but in the dark night, the notes in his mind were activated.

   didn't let it make a sound, but didn't restrain the twisting power it radiated. So the next moment, Wang Baole's whole body was shocked, his eyes suddenly widened, and the whole person stayed there.

  Because the world in front of him has changed.

  The whole world has become lighter and lighter. Although the layout of the room has not changed, all the materials have turned into lines in Wang Baole's eyes.

  There are many gaps between these lines, and in those gaps, there seems to be a diaphragm, which seems to have a certain obstacle, but it does not affect the line of sight.

As he looked up, Wang Baole suddenly saw that outside the restaurant, the entire city was transformed into a line like this, and it was magnified innumerably, as if the scope of the city became the ultimate, and above the line of the city, there was a head. Strange existence.

  Wang Baole saw a figure with a body reaching hundreds of feet, carrying his head with long hair in his hand, and walking towards the distance between the heaven and the earth.

  He also saw a group of creatures that looked like centipedes, but were covered with human faces on their backs, climbing in groups outside and wandering quickly.

  Besides, there are ghost-like objects, in greater numbers, floating in all directions, sometimes floating outside some buildings, knocking on the windows, as if to break in, but they are blocked.

  There are so many weird things in front of Wang Baole, making him take a deep breath of excitement for a long while.

  Because he knew that his guess... is correct.

"Then the next step is the final layer of verification." In the muttering, Wang Baole shook his body, pushed open the window, and flew out directly. When he flew out, there was a ghostly existence outside the window, ignoring Wang Baole at this moment. I had to go down the window, but Wang Baole grabbed it and smashed it directly.

  As it shattered, other strange things around, turned a blind eye to all this.

  Wang Baole licked his lips, his eyes flashed, and his body galloped again. After flying into the air, his eyes suddenly lit up when he looked around.

  He saw that in the distance, there was a light group moving at high speed. In this world, the existence of this light group was extremely dazzling, attracting a lot of weird things around, vying to get closer.

"Monk?" Wang Baole squinted and moved closer. Wherever he passed, some of the weird things couldn't dodge and were directly smashed by him. In this approach, Wang Baole finally saw the light group clearly and saw it inside. ...It is exactly a monk.

  The clothes he wears belong to the Hengqin school.