MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2017 Abyss Battlefield (22)

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Green and Millie seem to have devoted themselves to one game after another, never forgetting their own identity, forgetting their identity, forgetting the little eight, forgetting everything, forgetting the wizarding alliance and their mythological status. Only each other, swimming in that world after another.

These worlds have a variety of different regular material worlds, some of which are very mysterious, some have a long history, some are radical, some are detached from reality, and there are all kinds of absurd mysterious and illusory worlds, gradually deviating from the conventional balance rules. Knowing, tends to a world of high latitude phenomena, and other natural phenomena that are occasionally encountered in the vast endless void.

Today, Green and Millie have come to this seemingly vast and vast world after leaving the last illusory world full of dangers of the world's space that links the material energy.

Blue sky, white clouds, green hills, green water, everything looks so similar to the wizarding world. The two are set to compete with the strength of the three-level wizard. If it is not the cherry blossom rain that suddenly starts today, maybe the two really have a heavy weight. Back to the illusion of the ancient wizarding world.

The aroma is compelling.

"This is the grace of the **** of love Sawabinaye. Spring is here. In the season of love and reproduction of all things, the **** of love will drop the plum blossoms, allowing age-appropriate men and women to hold grand ceremonies in the temple to conclude friendship and enter. The hall of marriage."

The uncle sitting on the four-legged self-propelled mechanism annihilated the cigar **** with a robotic arm and patted a pet that looked like a combination of squirrels and rabbits. He said to the little couple, Green and Millie: "Why, Are there any cherry blossoms in the north where there is no **** of love?"

In the sky, a giant spacecraft that casts a triangular shadow slowly slid slowly. Although the speed is relatively slow, on the hull of more than 100 meters, there are vaguely visible male and female people who are crowded, and the number should be quite large. Young talent.

The ground is muddy. Although it has a certain mechanical foundation, it has hardly seen traces of artificially built roads. It seems that the world's humanoids have not found the wonders of the wheels.

"Now I have some doubts about myself. Is it really a step into the Promise?"

After Green’s muttering, he responded to the mechanically transformed big man: “We are the **** of warfare in the world, what about you?”

Hearing the words of the **** of war, the big man obviously stunned. Before Green talked about it, it seems that he completely looked at the face of Millie’s beauty, which is the reason of the beauty. It should be the belief between the two. different.

"God of war?"

Slightly hesitant, the big man slowly said: "Oh, let me bluntly, because there is not much contact with the teachings of the ancient gods, so take the liberty to ask, is there any special ritual of the **** of war? That is..."

Saying, the big man made a stroke and made an exaggerated gesture. He tentatively asked: "It is the kind of sacrifice of blood, soul, corpse corpse, and you know that the ancient gods like these things."

This time, Green is completely stunned, and the Promise God League seems to be really different from the information in its own intelligence!

"How come, I don't know how the gods of war in other factions, anyway, I have never had these things in the war shrine in the north. We believe in the battlefield and beat each other with the courage of righteousness!"

Millie’s strange speech made the big man relax a lot, then he laughed happily: “I’ll just say that you guys who believe in the ancient gods will walk like this, and modern people are more and more happy. Those ancient gods have gradually been abandoned by the new generation of people. Even the world’s and the starry two gods have fewer and fewer believers. Instead, the gods of the media are getting stronger and stronger, and people have spent their time on electromechanical equipment. Far more than praying for the beliefs of the ancient gods, these years have been forgotten and many ancient gods have been forgotten, even the **** of love has gradually been forgotten by young men and women..."

Although the discourse is a bit embarrassing, the big man is not so annoyed by it. Instead, he has some fun to enjoy. He continues to laugh: "Haha, but these young people use less time to spend on the Internet. After all, the real world is even more Good, isn't it, we have to be the masters of the robots, and it is a good choice to use them on us!"

Said, Dahan proudly stretched out his arm.

The **** of the media! ?

If it is not the most intuitive understanding of the other party's meaning, Green can't believe that there is a so-called **** of the media.

This is really far from Green's system of gods. Is it true that the biological system abandoned by the wizards also has its own way of evolution.

Green and Millie glanced at each other and saw the desire for knowledge from the other side.


After spending almost 50 years, Green and Millie traveled across the continent and became two of the world's most famous theological scholars.

The universe, that is, time and space, is also the infinite space-time meaning of the ancient continent. This gave birth to two gods of the highest **** time and the **** of the sky, to meet the ancient people's respect for infinite space and time, and to establish A system of sacred gods, and began a struggle between different gods.

At this point, everything is normal for the wizard. However, although the name of the rule system is infinite, it is always for the sake of faith, and its core theme is only related to people's emotions.

However, this world group civilization built on the core of the gods system seems to have undergone some new changes in the near future, which is beyond the scope of the wizard's cognition!

The Willin Institute of Research Institute, a research institute established in the name of the Greens, aims to study the ancient and modern gods system. After decades of development, it is also a small name in the academic world.

"Green Dean, I have found an ancient god's information, is a Nalbi jacket, meaning invincible sea snake in the Turkish language, has been at least 120,000 years old, is from the hard horses of the forest The inscription on the inscription should be also a kind of ancient god. The ontology seems to be an image of an incomparably huge octopus."

In her early thirties, this woman with amazing youthful vitality wore a black short skirt and stepped on the high-heeled shoes "噔", "噔", "噔", "噔" and went to Green, and submitted a paper-written document. .

"Well, it should have a high degree of authenticity."

After a little glance at Green, he nodded. His unique erudition temperament was very charming. He calmly said: "Before the ancient gods founded by the world and the **** of the stars, there was an ancient god. At the beginning, people of all tribes respected some of the unparalleled life that evolved in nature as worshippers. At that time, the gods of the mainland were really arrogant. They were the emergence of unaccompanied people, gradually letting the ancient gods disappear. history."

On the long corridor, the two walked and talked, and the sunset glowed on the two It seems to be a pair of years of friendship.

At the gate, Millie, who had become an old woman, "hmm", and the female professor around Green smiled and said goodbye to Green. Millie took Green's arm and blinked: "Don't forget that you are nearly eight now. The ten-year-old guy is still not dead."

What Green is about to say, Millie immediately added: "Why, do you dare say that you have no other ideas?"


Green also knows Millie's temper, no longer said anything. When she was about to close the entrance of the institute and go home to watch a movie, suddenly, a panting young man ran over with sweat and was very flustered, holding Green. The hand is anxious: "Are you the Greenmaster? I, I, I have something to ask you..."


Green helped the glasses, no hurry and said: "What?"

"I, I, I saw God, the real God, he is by my side, he is everywhere, I don't know what to do, I am just an insignificant little person, I never thought it would become This way, hehe."