MTL - A Sorcerer in the Detective World-Chapter 2206 Loli sad: There is nothing wrong with being a happy fat mansion ...

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"A motivation?"

Listening to Hattori Heiji's question, Sato Miwako and Takagi Shi looked at each other seriously, and then replied solemnly and seriously: "Judging from the current situation, the prisoner is a 'muff' who specializes in transporting narcotics, and he should have happened to be Nami sauce found her identity, so she wanted to kill someone ... "

"What? That's a" groom "?" Conan and Hattori were shocked when they heard the words.

In other words, although it is not comparable to Huaxia, in Japan, the sale of narcotics is also a felony!

Many people in this category are cruel and desperate. In order to cover up their identity, they can do a lot of killing ...

"That's right!" Takagi nodded and continued, "According to our known information, the man put Nami sauce in the refrigerator and adjusted the temperature to minus forty degrees. He wanted to freeze to death. Nami sauce, it just failed ... "

"Frozen to death?" Conan narrowed his eyes slightly while listening to Takagi's words. "Is he trying to create the illusion that Nami sauce slipped into the refrigerator and accidentally froze to death?"

"Uh ... we don't know about this, we have to ask the offenders to know. But as far as the current situation is concerned, this possibility is extremely ..." Takagi She replied with a smile and looked curiously at the factory police officer. "... Speaking of it, Officer Sergeant Bow, how are you with Mr. Maori?"

"Well, this ..." Sergeant Gong heard this, then replied, "... they happened to be a arson partner and were assisting the police investigation this morning ..."

"Uh ... is it?"

Takagi She, Misato Sato and Koko all laughed, remembering the comments made by Shu Yunwen and Megumi, and looked at Conan with strange expressions.

Ok! These plague gods are no longer limited to "plague" them, have they started the "plague" fire search section?

Takagi-san, Mito Sato and Koko whispered in the heart, Conan and Hattori could not stand Takagi-san's eyes, and after a slight cough, they switched to the topic and said, "So what ... are you sure Nami-chan's health is OK? I know that in the environment of minus forty degrees, it only takes five minutes for the body temperature to become hypothermia. It will damage the body after ten minutes, and it may be fatal in twenty minutes ... How long has she been frozen in Nami sauce? ? "

"Uh ... I heard it seemed like more than two hours ..."

Takagi Shigan replied with a smile, and Conan and Hattori both made a "ha" sound, and then timidly said, "What ?! More than two hours?"

Damn it! It has been frozen for so long at minus forty degrees, should it have been frozen into ice? !!

"Yes, it's more than two hours ..." Takagi nodded, "... but the staff here said that there might be a power outage in the cold room, and Nami sauce itself carried out some effective self-rescue measures. So after being rescued, it was just a little lower temperature, and the doctor said that it would soon return to normal ... "

Takagi was talking, and at this time, a staff member finally appeared at the front entrance, and opened the vehicle entrance. Sato Miwako said with a smile: "Okay, the door is open, let's go in quickly! The staff here said that students Yunwen are going to have lunch at the cafe in Ice and Snow Park. If you have any doubts, why not ask them in person? "

"Uh, that's what I said!" Conan and Hattori made a double look and nodded.


At one o'clock noon, in the cafe at Snow Park.

At the position near the window, with the sound of "slipping", Luoli shook the teacup in his hand slightly.

Ok! Have you finished drinking this cup of tea? This is already the third cup ...

Sure enough, the feeling of giving up weight loss and violent abandonment is really good, but this slightly bellied belly makes people feel a little heart-broken ...

Luoli muttered in sorrow, the delicate little hand left the bulging belly, picked up a small cream cake, stuffed it into his mouth, and then "snapped" a sound: "... cream with milk tea, it really tasted A little tired ... Well, waiter sister, I'll add another glass of ice here, thank you! "

"Okay, my little friend! ~"

The nearby waiter and sister nodded, and soon sent Luoli a glass of ice.

Bingkuo fell into his hand, and Luoli immediately sighed greatly, and couldn't help shouting "Cool", his face was beautiful.

In other words, the taste of Feizhai Happy Water is awesome! ~

It feels like ... I really don't want to fight anymore, there is nothing wrong with being a happy fat mansion ...

Luoli thought about this lazily, and lay lazily on the dining table. At this moment, Magic Fox suddenly jumped in front of her eyes, yelling at the outside while pointing at the window.

Listening to the sound of the magical fox, Luoli mourned for a moment, then turned to look out of the window, and saw Shu Yunwen, Tsukamoto Sumi, and Xiaolan walking through the window and into the cafe.

"Ahhh? They are the spiritual masters ?!"

Seeing Shu Yunwen coming in, Luoli sat down sadly with a brush.

Could it be that, except for the spiritual master and sister, they finally found that she was not there, and came all the way?

Humph! These abominable guys, unless very seriously apologizing, otherwise, she would not forgive these bad silver! ~

Luoli snorted in grief, then sat upright, posing in a cold attitude, watching Shu Yunwen and Tsukamoto Sumi, they entered the cafe, and then ... came to a large table in the middle of the cafe Sit down.

Seeing this scene, Luoli's sorrowful attitude could not be swallowed, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

mmp! Why didn't they come to me and sit down by themselves?

Could it be that they didn't come to me at all?

and many more! Since they didn't come to see me, why did they come here to eat?

These guys ... didn't even notice that we were gone during lunch, so we didn't have a sense of existence?

Woo ... Lun's is not alive ... 嘤 嘤 嘤 ...

Thinking of this, Luoli became a moan, and hugged his increasingly fat self ...

At the same time, in the room of Shichome, Chotomachi, a man in black, carefully looked at Zhujiao, who suffered a lot of injuries, and said, "President Mako, Mr. Zhujiao. The injuries that were beaten were covered by the door smashing, and I couldn't see them ... "

"Well, that's it!" Nozomi Asamiya nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and asked the subordinate next to him, "Have our helicopter arrived?"

"President Ma, the helicopter is parked on the roof of the hotel and is ready to go!"