MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 67 Grand Banquet (Part 1)

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Zhao Xiaolan was shocked and stunned: "Best brother!"

It wasn't anyone else sitting on the windowsill, it was Zhu.

He came under an umbrella, and saw Zhao Xiaolan's hand in the jade, the umbrella rolled down on the ground, covering the bodies of the two.

With a click, the umbrella landed.

Zhao Xiaolan's eyes widened sharply, Zhu's hand bones were clear, and he pinched his neck fiercely.

The seemingly acquaintance caused Zhao Xiaolan to stretch out a sense of confusion for no reason. He choked his hands around his neck and made a difficult voice: "Wish you ... what are you doing to me?"

Zhu Yi did not start hard, but slowly gathered.

The man he came from was not good, and his expression was overcast, showing a bit of stubbornness.

"Even you lied to me?"

Zhao Xiaolan struggled hard and could not speak of fear, but felt inexplicable.

"Best brother! Have something to say! I lied to you!"

Zhu Xuan let go a little, Zhao Xiaolan got a gap, took a few breaths quickly, determined to store a little air, so as to prevent Zhu Xuan from pinching his neck again.

"I know! I know! I'm sorry! Last time, I finished eating the lotus cake with sister A! I forgot to bring you a copy!"

Zhu Xuan looked at him, Zhao Xiaolan quickly racked his brains, and thought about some **** things he had done before, some of them were all explained.

Zhu Yuan listened thoughtfully, and suddenly let go of his hand.

Zhao Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly, the other party was only relieved for a moment, and suddenly put on more strength, and suddenly held his dead point.

He made a short scream, grabbed Zhu's arm in vain with both hands, and seemed to want to pull his arm away. Anyway, with his little three-legged cat effort, it was a shock to the tree. I wish that this time, there is no peace in ordinary days, eyes are clear, indifferent, as if I could not wait to kill Zhao Xiaolan immediately, in order to resolve the hatred of my heart.

Zhao Xiaolan's breathing gradually weakened, and his struggling became slower. His face became pale with suffocation, tears in his eyes, and his teeth stared at Zhu Yuan.

At this time, the bell on his waist was slammed because of Zhao Xiaolan's struggle. Hearing the bell sound, Zhu Xun's mood was quite calm, his hands were slightly loose, and he calmly asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Zhao Xiaolan didn't know how to answer, but nodded honestly.

I wish you: "I'm sorry. Just now, it was my joke with you. You won't blame me."

As soon as the voice fell, the Barry Lantern suddenly appeared at the door. I wanted to pick up the book and just came back.

He had been very alert to Zhu Xi, and saw Zhao Xiaolan fell to the ground at the moment, looking embarrassed. Immediately, there were countless means by Zhu Li to murder Zhao Xiaolan, wondering for a moment, he couldn't help but immediately point out his sword.

Zhu Yi sideways avoided the knife splitting his head and covering his face.

Zhao Xiaolan stunned suddenly, and hurried to get up again.

"Wait! What are you fighting for! Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

Zhao Xiaolan wiped his forehead, and when he opened his mouth to speak, his throat was pierced and punctured like 10,000 long needles, and the pain was unbearable. He grabbed Zhu Xun's arm sharply and dragged him behind. Zhu Xun was dragged by him coldly, and suddenly he was surprised. Baili grasped this vacancy, and fell with a knife, straight to Zhu Xun's heart.

Zhao Xiaolan shouted, "One hundred miles! What do you do!"

Regardless of Zhao Xiaolan's posture, Zhu Yan took a few steps to take care of himself to hide the sword. Zhao Xiaolan was caught off guard by him, stumbled, couldn't control his body, and fell to the ground.

With this fall, he hurt so much that he bumped his head into the corner of the table and immediately saw blood.

He held his forehead and did not forget to stop in front of Zhu Xun: "Wait, wait! Baili lantern! Why don't you listen to me!"

When Barry saw him stop in front of Zhu Rong, he couldn't help anxious and spoiled: "Zhao Gongzi! You get out!"

Zhao Xiaolan was in pain all over, and hissed for a few breaths at this time, saying, "I said you misunderstood!"

Baili Dengdao said: "Gongzi, this person's whereabouts are unknown, it is obvious that he has made an attempt on you. If I did not arrive in time, I am afraid you will kill him!"

Zhao Xiaolan quickly waved his hand: "It's not like that! Hey, you saw that he was going to kill me! Besides, it's normal for a fight between friends to fight a fight! I hope my brother won't hurt me!"

Barry Lamp reluctantly said: "Gongzi! Fans of the authorities!"

Zhao Xiaolan repeatedly said: "It's true! This time, I lied to him last time, he was angry, okay okay, have you misunderstood him to hit me? Nothing happened! Everyone is a friend, you just don't Hit! Your knife is too dangerous, put it away. "

He turned to Zhu Zhuan: "Brother, I'm right!"

Zhu Yan laughed, his eyes were cold, and he explained, "Yes."

Hundreds of thousands of tangles, holding the knife in his hand, but because he took care of Zhao Xiaolan, did not do anything.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Zhao Xiaolan quickly grabbed an umbrella on the ground with one hand and Zhu Zhuan with one hand and ran towards the heavy rain.

Zhu Xun allowed him to pull for a long time, and Zhao Xiaolan ran out of breath before he stopped.

This umbrella is small, and it is difficult to cover two people. Zhu Yan and him were all steamed and wet by the rain, and were very embarrassed.

At the pavilion in the middle of the mountain, Zhao Xiaolan took up the umbrella and sighed: "Best brother, I will send you here!"

Zhu Yuan stared at him thoughtfully.

Zhao Xiaolan touched his neck with anxiety, as if he could still feel the suffocating pain just now.

He said, "Wish you brother, did I offend Brother Huaiyu?"

Zhu Yan laughed suddenly, and looked at Zhao Xiaolan gently: "How to say this?"

With this smile, with the shadow of Zhu Xi in the usual days, Zhao Xiaolan was relieved, and felt that the brothers who had wished in the past were back again.

"Brother Huaiyu said that my homework was too bad, and I will not let you play with me."

I wish you: "Is it?"

Zhao Xiaolan twisted the water on his clothes: "Isn't it? Not only did I let me meet you, but now I also won't let me meet Lili. He asked me to study in the Egret Academy, brother Huaiyu— — "

Speaking of this, he looked around mysteriously and mysteriously, and after confirming that there was no third person, Zhao Xiaolan complained: "He has a smoke sister himself, wouldn't he have thought about it from another place? Don't let me meet Lili, and be a role model for me! I'm not convinced! "

Zhu Yan casually asked: "Then I will help you kill him."

Zhao Xiaolan said with emotion: "No! Don't say that anymore. Brother Huaiyu is all for my good, but sometimes it's too cold. I'm a little afraid of him."

He shivered: "There are hundreds of miles ... he doesn't know what's going on. He seems to be prejudiced against people in the rivers and lakes, always thinking that you will hurt me by my side."

Zhu narrowed his eyes and said, "He said you believe, don't you believe me?"

Zhao Xiaolan waved his hand: "Don't say it, can I still believe you! If you want to kill me, I would have died a long time ago, maybe I can be your son even if I have a baby!"

Zhu Yi smiled and asked, "Where did you get the jade pendant?"

Zhao Xiaolan finally noticed this jade pendant, it wasn't long before he picked up the jade pendant, and Zhu Xi appeared. He picked up Yupei and answered honestly, "I picked it up on the ground."

I wish you the same look, but with a little eerie: "Pick it on the ground, you will pick it up."

Zhao Xiaolan's eyes brightened and he replied, "Yes! You also think I will pick it up, alas! I also think this piece of white jade is unusual. I don't know which classmate fell here."

Zhu Yi said: "You will find your nature, who cares where."

Zhao Xiaolan laughed and said, "It's not good. I will go to the circle to see who has fallen after school starts."

He put away the umbrella on the ground and handed it to Zhu Xi: "Brother, I can't come to play with you at this time. If you are free, you must come to me secretly. I want to eat Yuanhefang's glutinous rice cake When you come to see it next time, bring me a box. By the way, do n’t look through the window, take a path behind the Egret Academy, the one I used to skip class! That way, Mr. Liu will not be found! "

Zhao Xiaolan finished speaking, far away, and saw a little dove flying out of the rain and fog.

He quickly hurried a wish and said, "No, Mr. Liu must have sent a message to Brother Huaiyu. I promised them that they would not see you again, if they were caught, it would be over!"

Zhu Xun took the umbrella, Zhao Xiaolan said: "After this time, I will come to you, when we will go to the depths of Baihua together!"

He waved his hand until Zhao Xiao disappeared into the rain and fog, and Zhao Xiaolan nodded.

When returning, Liu Chuang frowned and asked, "Where have you been?"

Zhao Xiaolan gave a guilty glance at Baili, and Baili looked at him helplessly.

Liu Cang said: "You see what Baili is doing, I ask you, Su He, I will let you copy the book in the classroom, you're better, copy it out!"

Zhao Xiaolan rubbed her hands and sat at the table: "I will copy now! Copy now!"

Liu Chuang shook his head and said, "It doesn't bother me at all."

He turned, opened the curtains and went inside, intending to cook a bowl of hot water.

As soon as he went in, Zhao Xiaolan folded his hands and hurried toward the mile: "Thank you, thank you!"

Baili said: "Gongzi, what do you thank me for?"

Zhao Xiaolan Zhien Tubao: "Thank you for not telling Mr. Liu! Baili! You are really brother! Next time I invite you to drink deep in Baihua!"

Baili Deng said, "I do n’t know if I ’m helping you or hurting you. Zhao Gongzi, I reminded you last time that your brother-in-law is not a good person. It ’s good that you have less contact with him. . "

Zhao Xiaolan nodded erratically for a while, totally treating Baili's words as a breeze.

Liu Cang brought out hot **** tea, stared at Zhao Xiaolan, drank it, and found a clean dress for him. When changing clothes, a fat and fat pigeon suddenly fluttered outside the window, it was Xiao Ba.

It was raining outside today, and when Xiaoba sent the letter, a small bamboo umbrella was put on his head, exquisite workmanship, which appeared to be from the hand of Hua Yunshang. It seems that this pigeon was taken care of by her very well. Now it is raining and goes out with an umbrella.

Xiao Ba shook his wings, and the fat group murmured.

Liu Cang took off the letter from his feet, but it was written to him by Ming Changyan. There are a few words in the letter, only saying that after the rain stops, he will come to the Egret to be discharged from the hospital. Zhao Xiaolan must be watched here and he is not allowed to meet anyone.

Liu Chuang shook his head and complained, "These two men took turns to order me, did they really treat me like an old mother?"

Zhao Xiaolan heard the words, quickly raised his head and asked, "Mr. Liu, which couple are so bad?"

Liu Qian answered: "Don't ask children about adults."

Zhao Xiaolan gave a whisper, but his mind was not above the book, but floated outside the Egret Academy.

At this time, a monk in a small cold temple in a remote corner of Kyoto was violently slammed into the wall, which was immediately smashed into pieces.

The visitor was an enchanting woman in an alien costume. She didn't hit people enough. She stepped on the bald head of a monk in Xiaohan Temple, and her eyes were utterly indifferent. Hmm, that's not the case.

The other frowned, and said, "Is this group of bald donkeys still wanting to be the leader of the feast? It seems that there is no Ming feast in the Central Plains.

"Mr. Hai, don't waste your time here, just learn the lessons. There are still months for the feast to be closed. It's not good to provoke right and wrong."

Mr. Hai refers to the exotic woman stepping on the head of the monk in Xiaohan Temple. She clapped her hands and turned to leave.

"This Central Plains emperor is really confused. He killed Ming Changyan, and he can't sit there for a long time."

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for the mines! !! Xiaoming in the next chapter will open soon. . New door to 2k novel reading network