MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 64 Photographing flowers (20)

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"What !!!!?" Ming Changyan exclaimed, if it wasn't for the moment, he would bounce up immediately.

Huai Yu frowned.

The Ming banquet was over-shocked, and the first reaction was: "Huaiyu! Your kid really lied to me!"

Huai Yu said: "If you noisy again, I will click your dumb hole."

The Ming banquet did not take much care, and quickly asked Aunt Ganoderma: "Aunt, when was the fairy grass stolen?"

Aunt Ganoderma looked at Huaiyu, and Huaiyu nodded: "He said it when you asked."

Aunt Ganoderma said: "Three days ago, my mother-in-law got up to look at the fairy grass in Fengyin. It had disappeared, but after all, the mother-in-law did not check it every day. It was not clear which day the mother-in-law was stolen. This matter is very secretive. Except for me and my mother, there is no third person in Yongxian Palace who knows it, but I told the small country minister when I took the medicine today. "

Huaiyu pondered for a moment.

Ming Chang Yan shouted, "Huaiyu, untie my points!"

With this remark, Aunt Ganoderma's face became even stranger.

Huai Yu said, "Don't bother him. You tell the queen, I will come to her."

Aunt Ganoderma said "Oh", before leaving, she gave an unpredictable glance at the long feast.

Ming Shaoxia was stricken and angry at the Longyou Shoal at this time.

Huai Yu sat next to him, and thoughtfully, Ming Chang Yan opened his mouth: "You untie my acupuncture points, I won't leave, I want to tell you the business!"

Huai Yu gave him a slight glance.

Ming Chang Yan said: "You really have fairy grass, why lie to me?"

Huai Yu had a point on each of his left and right sides, and Ming Changyan was soft and fell to the bed. He sat up quickly and asked, "Why not talk?"

Huai Yu said: "The fairy grass has been stolen, and now I know what's the use."

Ming Chang feasted, "You're just ridiculous."

He walked to the window and Huaiyu grabbed him quickly: "What are you doing?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "What are you doing so tightly?"

Immediately, he suddenly realized: "I won't jump, you can rest assured. I've come here, naturally I'm too lazy to go back again. Of course, there is still such a serious matter as fairy grass, I just want to inform the girl Hua, that she doesn't Wait for me again. "

Huaiyu pondered for a moment and said, "I let you come to the 99th Palace because it is easy to heal. If there is something wrong with your body, I can know the first time."

Ming Chang Yan said: "So, I would also like to thank the small country minister for his thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness!"

Huai Yu snorted.

Ming Changyan bent his index finger, put it in his mouth, and made a whistle. After repeated blowing four or five times, finally, a fat pigeon was flying outside the ninety-ninth house.

It flew tremblingly. From this point of view, it should be Xiao Ba.

Xiao Ya probably never flew so high. When he stopped on the window frame, he could hardly lift it up, and a bird followed.

Ming Changyan took the paper and pen and wrote a note to inform Hua Yunshang that he has not returned recently and stayed in the 99th Palace for the time being.

Xiao Ba took over the mission and flew to Hua Yunshang's residence.

Ming Changyan said: "I thought that after I died, Tianqing messed up into a pot of porridge, Xiao Ba is also expected to be caught by people who do n’t know which martial art to eat. I did n’t expect it to mix well with the Chinese girl, than Before getting fattened two more times, my wives are gone. "

As soon as the words were finished, Ming Changyan looked back, but suddenly he saw the screen on the opposite side—a figure reflected.

He was unaware?

When did this person come in?

"Someone in the house."

Huai Yu said: "Of course there are people in the house."

Ming Changyan pulled him over: "It's not you and me."

He looked carefully behind the screen, and there was a man standing there. This person did not know when he entered the room, which made the Ming feast unnoticeable, showing the depth of his martial arts.

However, after looking at his appearance again, the Ming feast was not tense.

He was startled and stunned: "Master!"

The man standing there is Chang Shu.

"When did you come in?"

Chang Xu didn't look at him and said slowly: "I was here before you came."

There was a sudden guilty conscience in the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, so when he entered the conversation with Huaiyu, what did he do to rob the civilian girl and Mrs. Zhai?

Chang Xu was holding a book in his hands, and the ground behind the screen was a mess, as if looking for information. Seeing that Ming Changyan found him, he closed the book, sighed pretendingly, and said something that made Ming Chang Yan even more ashamed: "It seems that I will not be able to enter here casually, Master, this little apprentice will also grow up It's an adult, and it's private, hey. "

Huaiyu ignored it and asked, "Don't you go south, come back so soon?"

"I have no conscience, I am your master. Can't I come here in the ninety-ninth house? I used to go in and out of my house here. Why, when I grew up, I started to abandon Master with my brother?" Chang Xie was so righteous that he began to blame Huaiyu.

Huai Yu has no trace of apprenticeship at all, and is too lazy to talk about it.

Ming Changyan got used to the dog legs and quickly said, "Master, do you have anything to do with me?"

Chang Xu glanced at him and replied: "I'm fine with you, I'm looking for that little white-eyed wolf. Yun Qing, I ask you, what did you do to your little brother?"

Ming long feast secretly said: Huai Yu still has a little brother? Where is his little brother?

Later, I thought that there were only two apprentices in Chang Xu'an, that little brother, not who he was!

Ming Changyan responded, "What did he do to me?"

He looked a little dazed, and immediately, Ming Shaoxia's mind ran towards things that could not be described all the way.

To say that what he and Huaiyu have done "can't see anyone" can still be mentioned so seriously by Chang Xu, there is only a kiss like a kiss but not like a kiss.

Although he has always respected Chang Xu, knowing that this man is very mysterious, knows astronomy, knows geography, knows everything, but can't think of it, he can know even such things? ?

Isn't it?

Was Chang Xu even present at the time and was not noticed by him? What's all this?

It's a shame ...

It's really too shameful! !!

Ming Changyan's ears were red, nervous and guilty. Haha laughed and tried to justify a few words, but he stammered in his mouth: "No, no ... what am I, we actually, we didn't, no ..."

Chang Xu looked at him so nervous, very baffled, and didn't know what the Ming Changyan was stuttering.

"I didn't ask you, I asked him. Long feast, take a tattoo on your back, take it off and show me."

Huaiyu's eyes moved.

Ming Changyan reached out and touched his back: "Tattoo?"

The tattoo behind him is the one that Chang Xu wore for him in that year, which outlines the four states of full and lack of the moon, drawn by a string of ancient big moon characters, and finally ends at the waist.

Chang Xu approached the Ming feast, fanned out, and asked, "You don't know yet, do you have any strange smell on yourself?"

Ming Changyan rolled up his sleeves quickly and smelled: "Taste? No, Master, I take my bath very diligently."

Chang Xu said, "I didn't say you smell bad, I said fragrance!"

Ming Changyan wondered: "I don't rub powder, where does the fragrance come from?"

Chang Xu snorted, and said, "Of course you can't smell it. The fragrance on your body can only be distinguished by Yun Qing."

The Ming feast heard the clouds and fog.

Chang Xu has already asked Huaiyu: "When did you give him a needle, and I teach you kung fu, did you use it this way?"

Huaiyu turned his head, held up the tea cup on the table, and tried to drink, but covering half of his face, he answered, "It was his hand that moved first."

Ming Chang Yan said: "What?"

Chang Xu said: "What is‘ his first move ’? I have never taught him how to use this method. Can he ask you to use it for yourself?”

After listening to the long feast of the Ming dynasty, he said, "Master, you really have hidden one's hand! There is nothing else you wouldn't teach me!"

Chang Xu said: "It's not the problem now, I'm interrogating this little rabbit. Why not ask him why he can find you wherever you go."

Ming Chang Yan frowned slightly, looking towards Huaiyu.

Huaiyu's eyes moved from the left to the right unnaturally, and he hummed unconsciously.

Chang Xu said: "He refused to say, let me say it. I ask you, does Yun Qing have a subtle fragrance?"

Ming feast nodded.

Chang Xu said, "Is it something you can smell but no one else can detect?"

The long feast of Ming Dynasty was puzzled, only he could smell it?

Then I thought that when he first entered the palace, he had asked Poria and Shaoxing, whether they smelled that subtle fragrance, and their answer was no.

He quickly asked: "Why is this."

Chang Xu said: "This is because I found a method many years ago. This method first uses a special dye for tattooing. This dye penetrates the skin and can resist minor diseases and some toxins. It is actually made for medicine and is a very precious dye. . "

"I used this dye for your tattoos, including the one I applied to Yun Qing's body, and I also used this dye."

The Ming feast was very surprised.

"Only, light tattoos will only have anti-disease and anti-toxic effects. If acupuncture is applied to the acupoints and plant juice is poured, the Chinese and French people will have a strange fragrance in their tattoos. , No one else can smell this subtle fragrance. "

"This is the method I used to visit a remote tribe. The tribe used this method, mainly among tribal warriors, to install undercover in other countries, and this subtle fragrance can be used to distinguish the similar." He paused: " The second thing ... "Chang Xu glanced at them lightly." There are also some nobles who testify to the fact that the couple are tattooed. If the two have the same tattoo, they are willing to become husband and wife. "

He finished speaking and glanced at Huaiyu.

Ming Changyan was shocked and said, "So what ?!"

Chang Xu nodded.

Ming Changyan sighed: "It is a pity that if this method is improved, it will not be invincible in the world!"

The air freezes for a quarter of an hour.

Chang Xu said, "You have no other feelings?"

Ming Changyan said: "How to use this thing, you taught me that in less than a month, I can think of a better way to ensure that it is simpler than a tattoo!"

In short, after learning that Chang Xu didn't know what happened that day, the Ming Changyan gave a breath of relief.

Make him worry for a long time!

Chang Xu said, "So what are you shocking!"

Isn't it shocking to hear this couple?

Ming Changyan didn't notice it, and said, "I blame you, Master, if you told me that there would be so many wrongdoings in the martial arts, I would just change it and I would be able to chase people back thousands of miles! Just teach him not teach me? "

He spoke eloquently, and between the lines of his words, it seemed that he was vaguely guilty.

In fact, Chang Xu can only be regarded as the honorable master of the Long Banquet of the Ming Dynasty. He really didn't teach him anything, but it was only during the time of Da Yue that he often cheated and drank in the Da Yue Palace, and then mentioned it casually. Click it and you're all familiar with this little ghost. What really taught him was about his mother.

Chang Xu touched his beard and hummed, "It's really a bitch!"

The topic of the Ming Changyan turned around, and suddenly asked Huaiyu: "Is someone on the undercover, you put it on me? Xiao Huaiyu, I haven't done anything sorry for you."

Chang Xu said: "Excuse me, the matter of your brothers and brothers, will be described later. Yun Qing, you call me here, always give me a reason."

Ming banquet looks to Huaiyu.

Huai Yu sat down and said: "The emperor sent troops to the small country north of Nanping. In these days, he drafted a book and attacked another day."

Chang Xu sank his face: "Why does he have to fight again? Is it appropriate for the people to lose their lives at this time?" Now, due to the death of the Ming feast three years ago, the Central Plains martial arts continued to have cholera. It's the Central Plains.

Huaiyu didn't know when to play a small golden ball in his hands, and said, "You help me drag on for another half a year, and after half a year, nothing will happen again."

Chang Xu said, "How confident can you be?"

Huai Yu: "Nine points."

For a long while, thinking of a person, Chang Su sighed: "No more, I know. Is there anything else besides that?"

Huai Yu thought for a moment and shook his head.

After Chang Su left, Ming Changyan resumed the topic just now and said, "Hey, little country minister, when did you put a needle on me, why don't I know?"

Huaiyu's hands were loose, but his face was cold: "You asked for it." He seemed to add a little angrily: "You are drunk, you don't remember."

Ming Changyan's smile gradually disappeared: "I'm drunk? When have I been drunk? When did I start again?"

After finishing speaking, the long feast of the Ming suddenly had a meal and suddenly realized: "I know, it was that night."

Huai Yu said goodbye to Yue Yue Shan that night, he took a jar of wine from the cellar and said he was going to get drunk. Who knows, Huaiyu wasn't drunk, he was drunk.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty doesn't touch the wine, and I usually only drink tea, so I don't know what he looks like after being drunk.

At this moment, looking at Huaiyu's conviction, is this thing really asking for it?

But for nothing, why did Huaiyu put a needle on him?

Speaking of which, the subtle fragrance was planted so long ago, wouldn't it be that as soon as he arrived at the palace, Huaiyu knew him as soon as he smelled it?

Recalling the play he performed in front of Huaiyu when he first came to the palace ... The Ming Banquet was very ashamed. This little ancestor knew who he was, and saw how stupid he was, how he could not smile.

The Ming banquet became more and more confused, and the more and more out of control, the more the attention was focused on worrying whether Chang Xu knew what was kissed that day, and now he suddenly returned to God.

what? What other facts about husband and wife?

Although even with a needle, Huaiyu must have no meaning. However, the Ming Chang feast was a guilty conscience, and felt that he couldn't continue thinking about it, otherwise his brain would definitely be broken, so he immediately shifted: "Okay, okay, I can't remember anyway, anyway, this smells very good, haha. "

He returned to the original topic: "Xiao Huaiyu, where did this fairy grass come from? I asked you earlier, why didn't you explain to me?"

Thinking again, how precious is the fairy grass? Why did the other small country tell him the truth? He is not who he is. Moreover, Huaiyu has helped him so much and has done him kindly. It is normal for him not to tell him. He touched his nose again and said, "Forget it, I'm confused. I mean, why did the fairy grass stay with the queen again, and then it was stolen? Why should the queen tell you?"

"Fairy grass, was originally the queen's thing." Huaiyu took a sip of tea slowly: "However, the fairy grass at the queen is not real."

Ming Changyan was in a hurry. After hearing this, he suddenly said, "What do you mean?"

Huai Yu said, "I mean, the fairy grass that was stolen from Fengyin is fake."

The feast of the Ming Dynasty was in full color, and he calmed down and asked, "Who knows this fairy grass in the queen's phoenix? Who can find it and take it away?"

Huai Yu said: "This fake grass is a fake. I have naturally made hands and feet. Its taste is very different from the real one. As long as that person appears in front of me, I know who stole it."

The long feast of the Ming lingered slightly: "You did it on purpose!"

He suddenly laughed: "Xiao Huaiyu, you are so bad." After thinking about it, he asked, "Will he eat this grass?"

Huai Yu said, "The fairy grass can only be used for extremely weak people. If it is eaten by a healthy person and the medicine is too violent, he will bleed and die. If he steals the fairy grass, he will kill him There is no need to risk running to the queen to steal, just throw a poison at will. Therefore, the person who steals the drug must not be for killing. "

Ming Chang feasted: "So this is used to feed the weak, or to prevent a weak person from recovering."

In this way, the spearhead pointed at him again.

Who desperately needs immortal grass, who besides him?

Huai Yu said, "Who do you think is the person who stole the drugs?"

Ming Chang Yan shook his head, as if nothing was happening. Huai Yu gave him a meaningful look and turned his head.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was unaware, saying: "The fairy grass is the magic drug that exists in the legend. I entered the palace just to make life easier. Who knew I met you in the palace, but I walked a big Yun. "

He suddenly asked: "Huaiyu, how did you get the fairy grass?"

Huai Yu said, "You don't need to know that."

"Willn't it come to the queen's thief?"

Hearing this, Huaiyu stood up and gave him a very disdainful look.

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty also cheered up and rolled up its sleeves and said, "Why not. You don't want to say, I don't ask too much. Now we'll go to someone who steals drugs!"

Huai Yu suddenly held him down: "No. Don't worry, take medicine first, take a bath. The things are with me, I can't run."

Ming Changyan laughed, and quickly said, "The little country minister is right!"

Huai Yu said, "Don't you want to participate in the feast of the banquet, stay here for a while, and I can get you back to the level of attending."

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was pleasantly surprised: "Really?"

Huai Yu said, "What did I lie to you." After a while, he added: "Actually, no one can steal the fairy grass now, because it has been eaten by you."

Only now was he thinking that such precious things would not be given to him, and now he was informed that he had been almost eaten by him, and the Ming feast was shocked.

"I was eaten ?? When was it eaten by me? Why don't I know."

Huai Yu looked at him and hummed slightly.

The mind was able to understand, and the long feast of Ming was suddenly a little excited. In addition to being able to recover his body, there were other things. He lay on the bed and said, "That's good. I will live here today!"

Inside the house, it was quiet for a while.

Leng Buding, Huaiyu said: "I went to the depths of Baihua today to confirm one thing."

The Ming banquet just learned that he could recover better, and now he is very generous, saying, "Don't you just go to see the world's first beauty?"

As soon as the words came out, he secretly said badly, and his heart was ashamed: how to say these words lived like a deep lady complaining about it, it was inappropriate!

Ming Shaoxia quickly changed his mouth: "I mean, you give Lili medicine."

Huaiyu shook his head: "No."

After a long feast at the Ming dynasty, he couldn't help asking: "Why is that?"

Huai Yu said, "I'm going today to confirm the identity of Ugly Goddess of Mercy."

Ming Changyan's face changed.

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