MTL - A Rural Life in the 70s-Chapter 17

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"Moreover, Limin’s family doesn’t necessarily have no money. Maybe it’s time to come back to Limin and get it. It’s not good. I’m going to open the door to the lobby, why? I can’t delay Chenghai’s pro!”

When I heard this, Xiao Qiu was really sour, and the tears almost rolled down.

She sucked her nose and pressed her tears. It was also a sigh of relief for the people in the room. Then, she gave a cry: "Da Bo!" Lifting the foot and pushing the door open into the house.

"Ah, Xiaoqiu, are you coming?" Dabo's face flashed a trace of sorrow, and then he greeted him with concern. He reached out and held Xiaoqiu’s hand. "Oh, the handkerchief is so cool, come to the stove." Warm in the pit..."

Most of the women in the village are diligent, often get up when the sky is not bright, clean the courtyard, scrub the house, and then cook the fire.

I was disturbed several times in the night, and Dabo Niang didn't sleep well. It was earlier than usual. Xiaoqiu looked at it and the steamed steamed on the pot was ready to cook.

Xiaoqiu didn't struggle too much. She sat down in front of Shantou, and stretched her hand to the front of the stove. She shook her head and smiled and said: "Da Bo Niang, just said to me that Xiaoxia is sick, I went back and took the money. ......Oh, my mother was catching up with the earthquake rescue when she was in hospital. The medicines didn’t cost money. Even the food was eaten in the cafeteria, and I didn’t spend my own money. I just went back and brought the money, uncle. Da Bo Niang, can you see enough?"

As she spoke, she turned her hand and took a crumpled hand bag from her pocket. She opened it, and there was a small roll of banknotes inside. The inside was not clear, and the outermost layer was a big unity... How to say it has more than a dozen dollars.

At this time, the price is still very low, Xiaoxia is only a cold and fever, see a doctor to take medicine, at most a shot, up to two or three dollars, Xiaoqiu this money is definitely enough.

However, Xiaoqiu did not say anything about money. This said, Wang Lijun and Wei Aimei naturally knew that the words of the couple had just been heard by the little girl, and it was inevitable that they were a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, Xiao Qiu looked at the child, stretched out the uncle, and said urgently: "Da Bo, let's go?"

Wang Lijun turned back and touched Xiaoqiu’s head and groaned: "Xiao Qiuqiu, it’s cold, you are still guilty of being sinned, so you will stay with your mother at home, and the uncle will go by yourself, and I will bring you back with your sister soon." Up..."

"No, no, uncle, you listen to me, I am not afraid of cold. I still recognize the president and doctor of the hospital... Well, there are not many medicines in the hospital. If you don't recognize people, people may not give them. Use the medicine for the tube!" Xiaoqiu screamed at the corner of the uncle's clothes, and quickly turned his head, collecting the reasons for moving Wang Lijun.

"He said, if you want to bring this girl! She is a little squatting, I will go over it later, I will not let Xiu Lian anxious." Daboo probably regretted what he said just now. Help Xiaoqiu to talk.

Xiaoqiu’s reason is really reasonable. With his wife’s help to speak, Wang Lijun hesitated and agreed.

Xiaoqiu sighed and followed the uncle out of the door.

Wang Lijun also deliberately slowed down at the beginning, thinking about Xiaoqiu's calf shorts, but he didn't want to, the little girl was particularly anxious, almost trotting up, even rushing ahead in front of him, let him a big man. Have to speed up to catch up.

When I walked for more than half, Xiaoqiu had a sweat on his face, because he was anxious to hurry, tired and snoring, and his face was gradually white.

Wang Lijun himself felt that he couldn't afford it. He advised Xiaoqiu: "Autumn, don't worry too much. You have to take a small summer to see a doctor. We used to send money and settle accounts. It is a little slower and it can't be delayed." ”

Xiaoqiu was too tired to say anything. He turned back and smiled at the uncle, but he did not dare to stop at his feet. She was afraid that she would never climb again when she stopped.

Looking at the little girl's little face, it was still white, but he continued to move forward. Wang Lijun couldn't bear it. He walked a few steps and went to Xiaoqiu to squat down. He said: "Autumn, come, the uncle will take you back.... Your child is embarrassed to me, your mother is sitting on the moon, Xiao Xia is sick again, if you are sick again, you should come over!"

Listening to the uncle, Xiaoqiu also determined that he had reached the limit, and then hard to squat, it is really hard to say whether he will be ill, so he obediently fell on the back of the uncle.

Wang Lijun carried a small autumn and steadily stepped forward to the hospital. Xiao Qiufu was on the thick and strong back of the uncle, trying to slow down and adjust his breathing, while silently feeling that the uncle was very good, and she had to give back to her family.

Little half-stay did not sleep, and rushed to the road to support the physical strength, Xiaoqiu on the back of the uncle, slowed down the breath, and actually fell asleep unconsciously.

As if only a nap, Xiaoqiu was suddenly awakened by a burst of heartbreaking cry. She looked up and found that she had already entered the gate of the hospital. The sky is already bright, and the crying is coming from the treatment room of the hospital.

Xiaoqiu struggled for a moment, and Wang Lijun put her on the ground. As soon as the foot touched the ground, Xiaoqiu ran over and pushed the door of the treatment room and rushed in.

Sure enough, it was the sister Xiao Xia who was crying badly. Wang Limin was holding Xiao Xia and walked slowly in the house, trying to squat in the summer without crying. On the other side, through a small window on the wall, a nurse is holding a needle in a hot water.

At this time, the glass is used in the hospital, and the needles are not disposable. They are all used to boil hot water, even if they are poisoned. Before using it again, it is still hot with boiling water...

Xiaoqiu’s hand held the door and stood there, staring at his father and Xiao Xia, and was full of bitterness – was she still late? Xiao Xia was still injected with streptomycin... Can she escape the fate of deafness after all?

"Hey, Xiaoqiu, why don't you stand in the doorway?" The uncle Wang Lijun finally came over and asked Xiaoqiu with concern and concern.

This prostitute was in a hurry. This is finally seeing her sister and sister, happy and stupid?

The nurse in the inner room also came over and shouted with a mask: "You don't have a door open, you are a little hot and ran..."

Xiaoqiu didn't pay attention to the uncle and the nurse said, she looked up and saw the needle in the nurse's hand, and a piece of liquid in the needle tube, and instantly blinked, and reached out and grabbed the nurse's white coat: "Auntie Auntie, you are the needle for my sister... What medicine?"