MTL - A Rural Life in the 70s-Chapter 13

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Xiaoqiu is not really an eight-year-old child. His face has long been worn out. He put the chicken in the washbasin at the doorstep and walked briskly to the back door of the house. The curtain, looking into the head, smirked and said: "Mom, I know that I have to stop you, I just started! You don't feel a chicken, you just think about it, drink chicken soup. Your milk is good, your brother can be as strong as possible! Wait until my brother grows up to be a tall and strong man, don't say a chicken, how many chickens can filial you."

Speaking, he also made a face to Song Xiulian, and laughed at Song Xiulian with a bang. She just pulled out and smashed the water to the hot pot in the washbasin at the door...

Just the small autumn killing the chicken's neat force was really stimulated to Song Xiuju, she subconsciously walked to the edge of the edge, relying on there, did not immediately follow Xiaoqiu out.

Because it is facing Song Xiulian, Song Xiulian did not see her sister's look is wrong, still laughing and chanting there: "You talk about this child, I don't know who to learn with, when I was young, I said that don't follow me. The tongue, what made it, I learned a greaser when I was indifferent..." When I said it, I couldn’t help but sigh. "It’s too useless for me. I can’t protect my children. Instead, let the children protect me. Niang's... Hey, Xiuju, you don't know the night of the fourth night, I was born prematurely in the road ditch, it was cold in the cold, it was dark, and there was no personal shadow. I thought that our two girls would confess In that ditch, I didn't think about Xiaoqiu looking for it... Hey, I must be scary at that time, I don't know if I was scared by it. Xiaoqiu started from that day and grew up like that. ......I’ve seen it over the past few days. The children’s movements are more meticulous than the average adult...”

Song Xiuju, who still had some strange feelings in her heart, felt that she had understood and thought through it after listening to the big sister’s words. Yes, Xiaoqiu, although young, can experience more than many adults... Her aging mother, Zhong Yuqin, doesn’t always say ‘no experience is not a person’!

After Xiaoqiu experienced almost lost her mother's brother, she suddenly grew up and matured...just, this mature process, how do you think it makes people feel distressed and sad!

The hens that were sent for three years were just fat and thin, which is best for stewing.

Washed and stripped clean, Xiaoqiu took a kitchen knife and smashed it on a piece of bluestone at the door of the house. He tried the blade with his fingers and returned with satisfaction to take the board out of the house and leave the door and window. In the middle, swing the posture and prepare the chicken.

Song Xiuju just thought about Xiaoqiu’s growing up one night. The more she saw Xiaoqiu, the more distressed she was. She looked at her skinny little man holding a kitchen knife and preparing her chicken. It was really unbearable and forced herself to be bold and bold: Xiaoqiu, let me see you! I, how can I say more than you!"

Xiaoqiu looked back at Xiaoyan’s short and guilty look. She finally couldn’t hold back her smile, shook her head and pushed her into the house: “Small, you have a fire, porridge!”

Give her a job to do, and Xiaoxiao will not have to be so entangled. Let her lick the chicken, then how do she do it? She also wondered if the chicken could be 'replicated'!

Well, she gave the name of the wonderful skills that brought her rebirth - copy! The meaning is that it can only be increased in a simple amount, just like the basic functions of the most commonly used computers.

Song Xiuju was directly pressed in front of the stove, Xiaoqiu turned and went out, and the door was closed. The big stepping meteor came to the middle of the yard, and the hand fell, almost silently. A whole chicken was divided by her joints. Into a few large pieces, then, it is a few cracks, and the chunks of chicken become a uniform chicken!

Xiaoqiu took the chicken pieces into an enamel pot and squinted her eyes with a smug smile: she successfully put away a chicken leg and half of the chicken breast, if it could copy a pile of chicken breasts, a pile of chicken thighs... Haha, she won't think about one hand, eat one and throw one!

At noon, the medicine jar was vacant, and it was just taken by Xiaoqiu to serve as a jar of stew. She will wash the chicken pieces that have been washed in water, put them into the medicine jar, add the onion and **** water, and send them directly to the stove pit.

When she went to the chicken, she went to the yard and found her own dish according to her memory. She opened the sack and the wooden lid on the top cover, and put the old wooden ladder in the shack down the floor and shook it. Try it, this is only a basket, back on the ladder, step by step.

The mouth left in the cellar is very small, the light below is very dark, Xiaoqiu walked to the end and stood for a little while, the eyes were adapted to the light below, and the vagueness could see the outermost pile of cabbage, not too More onion and garlic, and then inside is a dry sand pile - buried in the sand is the autumn harvest of potatoes, green radish, carrots, sweet potatoes.

Seeing the Spring Festival, the stored winter vegetables have been eaten for more than half of the winter, and have already eaten more than half. Xiaoqiu pulled it in the mound for a while, only to find a green radish, three or four potatoes. At this time, there are not many kinds of potatoes. Even if they are planted, they are small, and most of them are not as big as eggs. . However, this thing is delicious, and Xiaoqiu has collected a potato. Then put the other potatoes and radishes into the basket, fill the open soil back, and then turned back and took three or four green onions, two garlic, and then turned and prepared.

A look up, Xiaoqiu music, a simple wooden board on the side wall of the cellar to put things, there is a big melon and a big one and two small pumpkins.

Winter melon is a good thing, stewed and stewed stewed pork stewed pork ribs, all good. However, the melon is not very well preserved, and it can be stored in the Spring Festival. Xiao Qiu reached out and the big winter melon was taken up by her.

Climbing out of the cellar along the ladder, she is still pondering: the first time I received such a large volume of melon, I wonder if I can copy it?

She didn't find out about herself. At this moment, she was actually like a child who had a new toy. She studied the temperament and the new gameplay!

Xiaoqiu’s house has only two rooms, one inside and one outside. Therefore, only one stove and one pot are placed.

When she returned to the house, Song Xiuju had already smashed the millet porridge, and smashed it. Xiaoqiu washed the radishes and potatoes, and Song Xiuju would smash it out and put it in the straw of the straw, porridge. It is contained in a thick porcelain basin, which is also covered and placed on the raft to maximize insulation.

Song Xiuju brushed the pot, Xiaoqiu also washed the green radish and potatoes, simply cut into a thick piece of more than one centimeter, and cut a little chopped green onion, Xiaoqiu began to stir-fry.

She had already seen it. The family touched about half a catty of soybean oil and half a can, about a pound of lard.

Xiaoqiu directly dig a spoon of lard to the pot, after the lard is turned on, the chopped green onion is scented, then the potato slices are slightly fried, and finally the green radish slices are put together, and the stir-fry is vigorously fried together... A radish and potatoes can be cooked out.

Chicken soup is not in the heat, Xiaoqiu did not brush the pot, by the bottom of the pot of oil, and then put a handful of chopped chopped green onion slightly fried, add a bowl of water, after the water is boiled, score an egg into the egg Flowers, blink of an eye, a bowl of green onion egg soup is ready.