MTL - A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family-Chapter 3186 At the end of the full text, Ji Yuanhong died

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 The end of Chapter 3186, Ji Yuanhong’s death

Having reached this point of belief, Mr. Feng stopped at the right time and took out a box of old secret reports and fake evidence of the Wei family's collaboration with the enemy to show to the people: "These are what Emperor Chu Jingyuan found back then. Dayong, Dongqing, Shijia The capable ministers and other enemy thieves worked together to create evidence of the Wei family's collaboration with the enemy... One of the incidents touched off Emperor Jing Yuan's inverse scale, causing Emperor Jing Yuan to lose control and kill the Wei family without scrutinizing the authenticity of the evidence."

What happened to make Emperor Jingyuan lose control?

 Could it be...that scandal?

 The people were so anxious that they rushed to sign up to see the evidence.

It is a pity that five literate people with some reputation in the capital were still selected to come in to read the letter.

As requested, the five people formed a semicircle with their hands behind their backs and looked at each piece of evidence unfolded by Wei Changling himself.

 “This is really evidence of collaboration with the enemy!”

Wei Changling said: "Wei Guogong and his son did not collaborate with the enemy. These evidences are perjury made by Evil Rong and Tie Qing using Wei Qi's hand to frame the Wei family's father and son... After all, Wei Qi is the only one in the Wei family who has treason." Enemy, fortunately, Wei Qi's family is dead, and the Qi thieves have also been expelled from the family by Your Majesty and are no longer part of the Wei family."

Wei Qi's collusion with the enemy to seek the title is a real thing. Everyone has no objection to this. They only hate that Wei Qi is so stupid that he was taken advantage of by the evil Rong and the thief Qing!

"The secret report actually said that...the fifth prince who was the direct descendant of Emperor Jingyuan was killed by the Wei family!"

"Oh my God, that is the prince that Emperor Jing Yuan and Queen Chu Wen have been waiting for for many years. They are the only legitimate son. Emperor Jing Yuan raised him as a heir as soon as he was born...Eirong used the death of the fifth prince to create false evidence. No wonder Emperor Jingyuan will go crazy and kill people without waiting for the case to be concluded!"

An imperial doctor said at the right time: "The reason why Emperor Jingyuan was so crazy was that, in addition to being stimulated by false evidence, there must be toxins at work..."

The imperial doctor looked at Rui Shuang and said: "Our Majesty was poisoned this time because he took Rui as his concubine and became a real couple with her... Emperor Jingyuan also had a Qingnu concubine, so he was afraid that he might also be infected. It’s just that the poison is different.”

"It's clear, it's clear." Zhou Juren exclaimed, suddenly enlightened: "Let me just say that an emperor, even if he is stimulated by the truth about the death of his beloved son, cannot be so crazy that he destroys several families without finding out the truth. The founder of our turns out that he was poisoned by Thief Qing and lost his mind!"

"Vicious, really extremely vicious!" The people were excited and wanted to eat the flesh of King Tuogude and Qing Xiao: "It is all because of the vicious tricks of these two old thieves that we have had so many disasters... Destroy If we have defeated these two countries, we must destroy them, otherwise we are not worthy of being human beings!"

The people knelt down together and shouted in the direction of the imperial city: "I beg your Majesty to send troops to attack the evil Rong and Qing Qing. We are willing to donate food and join the army to fight to the death with these two countries!"

The shouts reached the sky, and Wei Xiao heard them.

 But he was afraid that he might miss his job, so he urged: "Has Chu Jun come back? Go hurry up and urge me. I want to hear the people's reaction from his own words!"

"Yes." The guarding soldiers did not dare to delay and immediately rode their horses to meet Chu Jun.

Not long after, Chu Jun came back and said first: "Ji Yuanhong can no longer speak."

Then, he told the people's reaction after hearing the letter, and finally whispered in his ear: "Your Majesty, the people have believed it, and they have all come back. At this moment, the people are very excited, and they just want to join the army. Help Your Majesty eliminate these two countries."

 The people did not question it and completely believed it!

"Okay, okay~" Wei Xiao's voice was trembling, for fear that the people would not believe him.

  …In fact, Ji Nanpeng’s legacy letter was fake. It was created overnight after they reached a deal with Ji Yuanhong, just to completely settle the case of Wei Guogong and cover up the scandal of Emperor Jing Yuan being insulted.

 Before doing it, Wei Xiao was also afraid, but fortunately they succeeded!

Chu Jun knew what he was worried about, and was grateful for what he had done for Emperor Jingyuan. He said: "Your Majesty, what is in the Nine Turns Machine Box is solid evidence. After seeing the evidence, the people know the truth. They also understood who our enemy was, so they were convinced and asked to join the army to beat Rong and Qing."

The truth they showed to the people was 90% true, and the remaining 10% was adulterated for some people, which is understandable.

"You are right." Wei Xiao nodded and looked at Chu Jun: "Preach my decree to kill Ji Yuanhong, Wei Lin, Qin Gui, Ning family, Zong Zheng family and other traitors who collaborated with the enemy and ruined the country, to comfort the souls of those who died! "

"Yes!" Chu Jun took the new imperial edict, took Jun Tianwei with him, and dragged Qin Gui and other rebels to the middle of the Imperial City Avenue. He handed Wei Xiao's imperial edict to Mr. Feng: "Feng Shangshu, your Majesty's new edict." Mr. Feng took it and read the imperial edict on the spot.

After hearing this, the people applauded one after another: "Well done, these thieves who collaborated with the enemy and ruined the country deserve to die!"

Only then did the Ning family, Zongzheng family, and Qin Gui understand that they were being pulled out and beheaded, and they all screamed out of fear of death.

The one who screamed the loudest and most angrily was Ji Yuanhong: "Uh-huh, uh-huh!"

  You do not keep your word, and you kill the donkey by unloading the mill.

 All the people in the capital know that I, the Ji family, are the heroes who have eliminated thieves. If you kill me, you are killing the heroes, and the people will not agree.

However, Mr. Feng said: "Three generations of the Ji family have harmed the country several times. If we don't kill these collaborators and traitors, it will not be enough to establish the country's prestige!"

"As for the title promised to the Ji family by Your Majesty, it will be inherited by Ji Yuanhong's son Bao Fukang... This son was abandoned by Ji Yuanhong when he was young, and was picked up and adopted by Bao Qianhu and his wife under Qin Guogong. He has a pure nature and has never harmed Chu Wei. , when he was in the northwest, he fought against the enemy with his adoptive parents, so that his son could inherit the title of the Ji family and be worthy of the title of Zhongwu."

After hearing this, the people felt very happy and shouted: "Your Majesty is wise."

He also shouted: "Three generations of the Ji family have been traitors who have rebelled against the country. Ji Yuanhong is not innocent. Kill him to avenge the dead people!"

Wei Changling had already drawn his sword: "Feng Shangshu, please let me personally kill the Ji thief!"

After Mr. Feng agreed, Wei Changling raised his knife and walked towards Ji Yuanhong.

Ji Yuanhong’s eyes were so red that he shouted: “Uh-huh, uh-huh!”

 I am a hero who has helped you a lot, you cannot kill me!

 It’s a pity that he must die...Only when he dies can everyone feel at ease. Only if Ji Nanpeng’s legacy letter is false will it be buried forever.

"From the time your father helped the enemy to harm Chu, and from the time you helped Ning to harm Wei, you deserve to die!" Wei Changling ignored Ji Yuanhong's strange screams, stepped on his back, and raised his sword high.


His head was chopped off with a knife, and blood spurted out. Ji Yuanhong's head was in different places, and he was completely dead.

 “Kill well, collaborators and traitors deserve to die!” The people around were stunned for a moment, then they all cheered and pointed at the Zongzheng family and the Ning family: “They are also collaborators and traitors, kill them, kill them!”



Don't kill us, we know we are wrong... You can send us to mines or to the battlefield as targets. Anyway, please, let us live a few more days!

Unfortunately, Wei Xiao did not agree, and neither did the sufferers...Ning Ji's disaster caused many people to die in the capital, and the people were resentful. Therefore, a group of traitors must be killed to make the people feel bad, and then the capital can be completely stabilized.

 Therefore, Wei Changling and the others carried out the execution without stopping: "The execution has been carried out after the person has been found guilty!"

"Yes!" The soldiers stood behind the prisoners, holding up their swords... click, click, click, the harsh sound of broken bones kept ringing, and in the blink of an eye, a row of corpses with their heads dismembered were already lying on the Imperial City Avenue.

 (End of this chapter)