MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 117 The little prince 6 of the beastly love

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"Gary, sorry, I..." Green didn't know what he could say. He seemed to be able to see through everything in Gary, only to feel that it was cold.

"You don't have to make this look, we are over." Gary said.

"No, Gary, I love you!" Green didn't want to say it.

Does he love Gary? Of course it is love, he will never forget the happy feeling that he once had with Gary.

Gary is not an orc, but he still fell in love with him madly, and even pursued it. At that time, he really thought that he would always be with Gary.

However, Gary is an orc after all.

When others sympathize with him and have no children, when others make fun of him and like the orcs, when there are beautiful sub-orcs showing him, he will always inevitably become dissatisfied with Gary.

However, every time I saw Gary, that dissatisfaction would vanish, after all, he really likes Gary.

Even so, as he grows older, he becomes more rational and more clearly aware that he and Gary are not suitable.

His parents will never agree that he is with an orc, and his promotion in the army may be affected by his preference for the orcs.

Why is Gary not an orc?

When Emil began to express his confession to him, he didn’t feel anything about the Emir. He even told him about Gary. But then he heard his men say that Emile was targeted by Gary and arranged for the lowest compartment. Inevitably there is some sympathy for the Emir.

Gary is an orc, how can he still target an orc?

He loved Gary in the end, didn't want to break up with Gary, and finally just quietly mobilized the job of Emir... As a result, it was this way that the Emir began to go all the way to him.

At that time, Gary was busy making mechs all day, and he didn't have time to reply to the news he sent. He felt bored. When he saw the communication of a "brother" sent by Emir on the contact, he often replied to the past, one to two. The more they talk, the more they like the Emir. The nature of the orcs makes him want to protect the Amir.

When the Emil was sick and said that he was very uncomfortable, he went to see the Emir, and then he did not know what was going on, he had already had a relationship with the Emir.

The temptation of the orcs to the orcs is really great. He was never so excited when he was with Gary...

He knows that Gary is a somewhat conservative person, and that Gary wants to do the above. Therefore, he used to be restrained with Gary. But with the Emir, he doesn't have to worry about anything, and he doesn't have to worry about anything.

He can vent his heart on the Emir.

In the following period of time, he and the Amir were very close, and all of this was naturally beyond his subordinates. Everyone persuaded him to break up with Gary and Emir, but he still hesitated. I didn't even dare to go to see Gary.

Until today, when he saw the conflict between Gary and Amir, he finally went forward, and everything that happened next was all beyond his expectation. Gary’s identity was completely beyond his expectations.

Gary naturally knows that Green should love himself. He also loves Green, but even if there is love, he can't do it.

Gary no longer went to see Green and walked directly into the spaceship. At this moment, Emil suddenly climbed up and brutally blocked a face with Gary.

Not long ago, he still felt that he was a winner and got Green, but now, Green shows love to Gary, but he completely forgot him.

Why? Gary is an orc. Why did he get Green's likes?

"Gary, you pushed me at the time, want to kill me, you will go to the military court!" Emir suddenly said. At that time, Gary saved the soldier around him, but he did not save him. He was worried. He was afraid that Gary would throw him down. When Gary stretched his hand, he was worried that Gary would throw him into the ant.

It was then that he saw Green returning... He took Calc's hand for granted and wanted Green to save him.

However, at that time, Green and others seemed to think that Gary pushed him...

When the Emir came out, the scene was quiet.

Then Green's voice immediately rang: "Emile, shut up! Green is not intentional, I apologize to him for you. If you have nothing, this is the case."

"Green!" Emile looked at Green in disbelief. Green thought Gary pushed him. Would he still apologize for Gary when he thought that Gary would harm him? Green really likes Gary so much, don't like him?

In order to be with Green, he paid a lot, Green to those

Amir was very sad, but Gary felt a little funny. He didn't do anything like this. Why did Green apologize for replacing him? Green thinks he is a person who will hurt an Asian orc because of his personal feelings?

How did he like such a person at the beginning?

"I want to tell you to tell, I am waiting!" Gary threw a word, and then reluctant to pay attention to the two people.

"How could Gary's brother go to harm such an orc? It's so funny!" Ludwig also threw a word and followed Gary. His Gary brother has always been a very proud person. How could he possibly harm such a sub-orc?

Gary was too emboldened, and everyone had seen Gary's strength before, but he did not believe in Emile's words.

If Gary really wants to harm him, can he still survive?

"At the time, Gary should have thrown you into the marching ants and leave you alone!" Will glanced at Emil and smiled and turned away.

He had been worried about Gary before, fearing that Gary would be very painful after Green betrayed him, even if he couldn't keep up with the Third Legion, but now he no longer has to worry about it.

Gary is a student of Master Meyer. Even if he left the Third Army, countless people rushed to ask him! What's more, Colonel Mond is obviously not ordinary to Gary.

Will's whole person relaxed, and the person with the maintenance department helped the first legion to do things. The armor divisions of the Third Legion, such as Green, were still sitting in the same place - they all suffered a lot. The blow.

"Green..." Emir looked at Green with concern.

"Garry didn't push you at the time, right?" Green suddenly looked at the Emir.

"How come you think so! You obviously see him push me!" Emir immediately said.

"But if he really wants to harm you, why are you okay?" Green looked at the Emir, and the teeth bite tighter. At that time, Gary was with this person. Why didn't he save Gary, but saved this person?

If he saved Gary from the time... for so many years of feelings, Gary would not be so indifferent to him.

"Do you doubt me?" Emile looked at Green with an angry look: "Yes, you like Gary to chase him! But Gary has Colonel Mond, but he won't necessarily like you!"

After the Emir finished, he turned and ran. Green subconsciously wanted to catch up, but stopped.

The marching ants who had previously besieged the First Corps have been killed almost. As for whether there are other marching ants in existence, it is necessary to wait for the big troops to come and then conduct a carpet search.

The creatures of the universe marching ants, after discovering it, must definitely try their best to kill them all, but this is not what a small unit can do.

These things, Gary knows, but he can't take care of him. He can't hold it anymore, and he is eager to find a place to rest.

"Brother Brother, you can live here." Ludwig took Gary to the door of a room and opened the door.

Gary walked in. After two steps, he felt that something was wrong... This room is full of Ludwig's taste, which is very very strong!

This is Ludwig's room... Gary slammed and frowned at Ludwig.

"The spacecraft is better on this spacecraft." Ludwig's face was red, and he didn't want to say it.

On a general military spaceship, I really can't prepare a room. In his case, whether it is going to sleep in other orc's room or going to sleep in the orc's room, it is not appropriate, and he can't go any further. It’s time to find another room. Gary entered the room and closed the door and closed Ludwig.

After doing all this, he couldn't support it anymore, and eventually fell to the ground slowly, then turned into a little hamster.

He never becomes a beast outside, after all, his small animal shape is very abnormal, and if it is discovered by others, it will cause a lot of trouble.

But now, he can't take too much.

The double physical and mental exhaustion made Gary unable to maintain the human form. He became a little hamster and slept on the ground for a long time. He woke up for a while, and turned and fell asleep.

Finally, he was awakened by the voice of the door.

Someone seems to be slamming the door. According to his experience as a maintenanceman, the door will soon be opened... Gary is thinking about it, and suddenly realizes that the situation is not right. - He is still a little hamster!

His animal shape must not be seen by others! Now that it becomes a human form, he will be slick again... In the second before the door opened, Gary jumped onto the bed and got into the quilt and changed back to the human form.

A loud bang, the door was opened, and at the same time, Ludwig rushed in from the outside: "Gary, are you okay?"

"What can I do?" Gary extended his head from the quilt and looked at Ludwig in a cold manner.

"I am worried that you have an accident, I..." Ludwig looked at Gary's calm eyes, and some did not know what to say. At this moment, he suddenly saw the pile of clothes under his feet...

That's Gary's clothes, and even the close-fitting clothes...

So, is Gary lying naked in his bed?

The nose is hot and the nosebleeds. Ludwig wanted to hold his nose, but it was too late, and he could only look at Gary with a red face: "Yes, sorry..."

While apologizing, he stepped back and then took the road and fled... but after a few steps, he came back again: "I am not good, I broke the door... I am outside to help you." Gary had slept for a day and a night. He gave Gary a message that Gary didn't reply. It was useless to ring the doorbell. The last one was anxious, but he didn't expect to see such a scene.

Although Gary's body was covered by the quilt, he just imagined the "window" underneath the quilt, and he...the nosebleed seems to be getting more and more.

"Colonel, the marshal will let you lead the team to the capital star, the marching ants will be responsible for the Lieutenant General Basque." Ludwig's hand went down to find Ludwig, just to see Ludwig 捂With the nose standing outside the broken door of his room, it was no problem, and blood ran down from Ludwig's hand and dyed his chest.

This... Is their colonel a domestic violence? A lot of nosebleeds, this is the nose is interrupted?

"Why don't you let me continue to deal with things here?" Ludwig was puzzled.

"Because there is a big event on the capital star." Chief of Staff Archie said.

"What big thing?" Ludwig frowned.

"Related to the royal family, His Majesty the Emperor suddenly announced his abdication." Archie said: "The Emperor’s Majesty suddenly announced his abdication. The crown ceremonies of the Crown Prince have already begun, and the Marshal will let you go back as soon as possible."

"We haven't killed enough army ants yet, how come back?" Someone muttered.

“Can you go back to the capital star?” Ludwig glared at the man and understood the situation at the moment.

Although he is the heir to the Duke, the new emperor does not have to be present, but he can not go, but Gary always wants to go.

The people below Gary’s identity did not know that the leaders of the military were very clear that they issued such an order, in fact, let him escorted Gary back.

The army ants who stayed to kill the army can indeed get the military, but it is obvious that Gary is more important... Ludwig immediately said: "Then we will leave immediately and go to the capital star."

Ludwig issued several orders in succession and finally said: "It's okay, let's go."

The people turned to leave, took a few steps, and looked at Ludwig again with concern: "Boss, are you okay?"

"What can I do?" Ludwig was puzzled.

Archie and others looked at Ludwig with a blank expression: "Boss, the big man's skill is very good..."

Ludwig remembered his own **** situation and realized that these people certainly didn't know where to go, and said: "Roll!"

When Ludwig lifted the people away, Gary finally got dressed and walked out from inside.

He had heard the conversations of these people just now, and he was not surprised at the fact that his father would abdicate at this time.

His father was thinking about retreating very early, and it was very good to be able to endure this time.

"Gary, we are going to the capital star. What are your plans for the future?" Ludwig took out a handkerchief and wiped his nose, watching Gary with concern. Before Gary went to the Third Legion for Green, later...

"I will accept some industries in my home." Gary Lane. His father gave him a lot of industries, including the largest producer of mechs and spaceships in the entire Orc Empire. He felt that he could become a researcher in his own company in the future. In that case, life is definitely better than living all day. There are countless times on the spacecraft.

"I... I will take over some of the home industry when I get there." Ludwig suddenly said, smiling at Gary, revealing white teeth.

"You don't like the army?" Gary asked curiously.

Ludwig, of course, likes the army. Although he joined the army for Gary, but after a long time, he slowly fell in love with the army, but he has missed Gary once, and now it is hard to wait for Gary and Green. Break up, if he does not accompany Gary at this time, who knows if there will be other orcs around Gary?

Thinking so, Ludwig stared at Gary with some stubbornness.

When Gary saw Ludwig's appearance, he couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

Ludwig is four years younger than him. He has always regarded this person as his younger brother, but now he can see him again... Unconsciously, Ludwig is already very mature, and now people who don’t know them see it. Most of them will think that Ludwig is bigger than him.

"Gary!" A familiar voice sounded, and Gary turned his head and saw Green.

Green was a lieutenant colonel, so the first legion did not limit his actions, but let him run to Canada.

In the night before that day, Gary had a good rest, but Green had never slept. Now it looks bungee: "Gary, you listen to me."

"You let it go." Ludwig stepped forward and stopped Green.

"Ludwig, this is my business with Gary, you don't need to intervene!" Green frowned at Ludwig and then looked at Gary: "Gary, I didn't accept it before, I apologize to you." ,you……"

Green's expression suddenly changed - he smelled Ludwig's taste on Gary.

What is the relationship between Gary and Ludwig?

If Gary and Ludwig are together, then he...

Green has always been very confident, and he is indeed better than many people, but it does not include Ludwig.

There was still a lot to say, but at this moment, he suddenly did not know what to say.

Gary did not go to Green, and soon left here. Ludwig was proud to see Green and then left behind Gary.

Gary didn't want to pay any attention to Green. After destroying the mech and smashing Green, he also decided not to look for Green's troubles.

Green and Emir are not worthy of his thoughts on them.

However, he did not intend to find them. On the way back to the capital star, the two men tried their best to block him.