MTL - A Good Protagonist Bends When He Says-Chapter 64 Zhanshan is king [3]

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Zhang Shijin is not the kind of person who can lead troops to fight, and he has no leadership ability. She probably really found that she didn't have this talent, and she wasn't forcing it, but she still followed Yu Shisan to study, and it would be good to be able to defend herself in an accident in the future.

Several regimes were established in the south, and a group of people fought for power and profits. The current situation is a good time for development. Wulongzhai established itself as an army and recruited troops to buy horses. Yu Shisan put Zhang Shijin into the logistics group. The so-called logistics is not only about the military, but also about the economy and information. Yu Shisan was as busy as a top every day, and for a while she almost forgot her original intention of coming to this world. By the time she realized it, Zhang Shijin had started a caravan and had already raised the idea of ​​going to the south to do business. also rose to eighty.

"Sister Thirteen, I can't fight with you, but I can help a little. My grandfather's home is in the concession, where I can also open a factory and trade overseas..."

"You can be anywhere as long as you are safe. Your own safety is the first priority, and you should not touch those dangerous things." Yu Shisan glanced at her, the girl made money In the past, she has some talent. Now that three years have passed, she has grown a lot. She looks calm and measured, calm and cautious when encountering problems, and has a desperate energy. After teaching her some business things, she will be able to stand on her own after a few years of experience. .

"I see. There are no guns and guns. I know that the thirteenth sister's kung fu is the best, but no matter how good the kung fu is, it can't match the cannon fire. Just command the brothers, we are not at ease when we go out to take risks."

"I know, I'm so busy all day, where can I get a chance to do it myself." Yu Shisan did have a lot of things to deal with. If she was in ancient times, it would be an uprising and become king by herself. , In this era, it is considered a not-so-small warlord, but there are still many things to manage. There are not many people who can read and write nearby, but she wants to establish a complete system in all aspects, but there are no talents, they are all rough men who can't read a single big character. Now the few people who can get on the table in terms of logistics are the international students she robbed from the city. They are too busy to eat every day, and they are all overtime madmen.

Yu Shisan's eyes are red every day, and she has a strong desire for someone to share her work, so that she can live a straightforward life like the horned dragon. Qiulong is not a person who loves power. He knows how many pounds and taels he has, and his strength is decent, but he is completely stupid in terms of strategy. At the beginning, there were only a few hundred people in Wulongzhai, but now the scale is Yu Shisan. After working hard, he felt bad that the girl was too late, how could he make trouble for her, he brought some soldiers himself, and he was very brave on the battlefield.

When a group of students stepped into Jade Thirteen's territory with great ambitions, they were all taken aback by the soldiers, all of them were strong and strong, their eyes seemed to be glowing green, eager and enthusiastic, with big fans He slapped his slap behind his shoulder, "Little brother, we need talents like you here!"

"Look at the little brother, you have red lips and white teeth, you must be very knowledgeable!"

"Our handsome likes a girl like you, and it looks very capable..."

A group of students were asked to go up the mountain in a daze. When they woke up, they had already sat in the office, with a lot of things waiting for them to deal with, and the kind brothers and sisters to help guide. That handsome man has a lot of things to do every day. Sometimes when he goes to deliver documents, he can see her serious profile, with such a beautiful and focused expression that people can't take their eyes off her.

The devils suddenly started to intensify their aggression. Zhang Jiajun vowed to die and defended the northeast. Yu Shisan gave all his help, but he just brought back Zhang Shijin's father's body. The rest of the Zhang family were merged into her army. There has been a big difference in this life. There is not a lot of land in the three provinces that should be taken away. It’s just that General Zhang died earlier in the battle. There was some hope. Before leaving, he thought that his only daughter had been entrusted to Yu Shisan, and he felt at ease, feeling that he had no regrets, and his expression was very serene.

Yu Shisan is already the largest force in the Northeast, shouldering the heavy responsibility of guarding this place, and it is obligatory to protect the family and the country. With Zhang Shijin's economic assistance in the south, there is no pressure to expand the army, and other aspects have also been built, especially the most important aspect of education. The universities and girls' schools she organized and founded have taken the lead in the country, continuously supplying talents for the great cause.

It was originally a slightly bumpy romance and painting style, but it has been turned into a great cause of founding a country in recent years. When Lu Pingchuan first saw Yu Shisan, he was very excited. Looking at the slightly thin figure, he felt that nothing could destroy her, like a young bud in the harsh winter, exuding strong vitality. As long as she is there, the crisis will pass and everything will be fine.

"You are all General Zhang's subordinates. I welcome you to stay here. Those who want to return home can get some money." Yu Shisan looked at the leader Lu Pingchuan and said.

"Stay and fight the devils!" Several soldiers answered loudly.

"The land that the general guarded, we will continue to guard it!"

They still have new and old wounds, but they are not afraid.

Yu Shisan asked Lu Pingchuan to settle the disabled soldiers and handed over the remnants of the Zhang family to him for training. After a few big victories, they expanded into a division and changed their name to the Tiger and Wolf Division.

The devil built a gas chamber in the north, and the army suffered heavy casualties for a while, and the ordinary people were also greatly affected. Yu Shisan was so busy that she didn't sleep for a few days. She spent the whole day doing anti-virus stuff in the lab built in rough steps. At the same time, she also studied the same viruses and bacteria. You can't die in vain, even if you use some cruel means to take revenge and go back.